“When you SEE these things,
Know that it is NEAR —
(Mark 13:29)
Isaac Newton TWICE wrote the Year 2060 could mark the end of all Human History. We will show how the year 2060 could mean the year 2030 on our current Gregorian calendar.
This book will present the case that America does have a clear prophetic destiny. We will find America’s prophetic destiny is not only clear … but, it is imminent!!
Strap yourself in!!
This book will present the case that UFOs and Aliens are real and will one day be revealed as a deadly threat to Mankind … and ALL of this has been clearly foretold in Bible Prophecy!
This book is meant to be a soft pillow for a weary head. For the Bible warns we will all go through periods of troubles, difficulties, suffering, and pain during this mess called life …
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4.0 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Ohio
–HalLindsey/Weather.com Prophecy: Earthquakes
Winds Of Prophecy Breeze Across The Trump “Peace Plan”
–RaptureReady/B. Wilson Prophecy: A coming Peace Plan for Israel will change the world … FOREVER!
The Bible tells us the coming 7-Year “Apocalypse” (The “70th Week of Daniel”) will begin on the very day on which a coming world leader (the coming Antichrist) will ENFORCE a Peace Plan upon Israel. It doesn’t say he writes the Peace Plan, but that he will enforce a Peace Plan (“covenant”) upon Israel. It does not appear the coming Antichrist will rise from America, and Donald Trump is not globally popular enough to be the coming Antichrist.
One-Million NEW Sexually Transmitted Infections Spreading DAILY
–Drudge/Washington Examiner Prophecy: Deadly Diseases Will Spread
From Israel: “The War Of Gog and Magog”
–Israel Nat’l News Prophecy: Russia & Iran Prophecy: Israel
From Russia: Russia Closes Northern Sea Route To Foreign Warships … Actively Strengthening Its Arctic Defense
–Pravda (Russia) Prophecy: Russia WILL go to War Wars & Rumors of War Ezekiel 38:14-16 and Ezekiel 39:1 warn Magog (Russia) will come from “The utter parts of the North.”
Canada Criminalizing Christianity
–RaptureReady/Geri Ungurean Prophecy: The coming Antichrist
Putin (Russia), Merkel (Germany), and Macron (France) Confirm Continuing Further Trade With Iran
–Debkafile Prophecy: GERMANY, Russia & Iran will one day attack and invade Israel …
GERMAN CHANCELLOR Angela Merkel served as Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin after growing up and prospering in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination … and Russia’s Vladimir Putin was once the powerful KGB Commander of East German operations (while he lived there) and he still speaks fluent German.
The question is who actually won the Cold-War?
For at least four decades the global Marxist-Socialist slogan has been “USE Democracy to DESTROY Democracy.” Gorbachev tore down the Berlin Wall … then a generation of Russian-Marxist educated (indoctrinated) East Germans flooded the West German voter rolls. Pro-US German parties and politicians were quickly defeated, and Germany (our once strong ally) swiftly turned toward Russia and away from the U.S. on all major global issues.
Encyclopedias will tell you Germany’s ancient (and Biblical) name was “Gomer.”
IN BIBLE PROPHECY we find “Gomer” listed as one of the nations who will join the Russia-Iran led attack and invasion against Israel in Ezekiel 38. If you do a study of ancient Gomer you will find it was in the area which is now Germany and France.
Prophetically Interesting Events
–RaptureReady/D. Duck
From Israel: While U.S. Is Passing Tougher Laws Against Abortion – In ISRAEL Abortions Are Easily Accessible
–Jerusalem Post What DOES the Bible say about Abortion? STUDY the Bible (Old Testament/Tanakh … God became furious with the Children of Israel after warning and warning them and finally removed them from their Land for “Sacrificing their sons and daughters” and “shedding innocent blood.” He said “They refused to listen and had no fear of God.”
4.6 Magnitude Earthquake Reported In Israel
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Earthquakes
Powerful 7.5 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Papua New Guinea
–HalLindsey/Chicago Tribune Prophecy: Earthquakes
“That Day” Is Coming … Israel Defends Its Right To Exist Before The United Nations
–RaptureReady/D. Duck Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
THE BIBLE warns “at the time of the end” (around the time of the coming “Apocalypse” and Armageddon (also called the “Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble”- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL NATIONS (including the US) will unite (united nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 … Joel 3:1-2 … Revelation 16:13-16) … but, it is heart-wrenching to see it happening … it is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes. Remember … Armageddon is in Israel. Also remember … through the return of Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) … Israel WINS … and will rule over the nations in peace.
State Of The Nation: Liars Calling Others Liars
–RaptureReady/B. Wilson Prophecy: Lying & Deceiving will wax worse and worse
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