The rising “Roman Axis” (who are all sworn enemies of individual freedoms and democracy) … RUSSIA (Putin) – CHINA (Xi) – ROME (Pope) … along with their web of violent and dictatorial allies will soon quickly accelerate their shadowy. stealthy, well hidden, and well-planned  …

Now, as a preface before we continue, the following commentary on the “Roman Axis” might sound strange to some, especially for those precious Roman Catholic church-goers who aren’t aware of their church’s deep history, documented-codified political doctrines, or any of the Roman Church’s troubling prophetic future as found in the Bible.

Since the Roman Church subtly (but strictly) limits the amount of Bible teaching given to the average church member, while teaching that only their priests, cardinals, bishops, and popes are enlightened enough to understand and interpret the Bible, then most of the Bible verses referred to in these studies will sound alien. 

As noted to one Roman Catholic recently, if a priest, cardinal, bishop or pope finds you are studying some these Bible verses (which are also all found in the Catholic Bible) they will become angry with you … very angry. 

For, if you do your homework, you will find all of those “Protestants” who were tortured and killed by the papacy were first of all Catholics (both Luther and Calvin were devout Catholic priests) who simply started reading and studying the Bible on their own, and were then brutally beaten or killed for doing so, because it doesn’t take long to see that many (not all) Roman Catholic dogmas and teachings contradict the Bible, and people (Catholics) all through Europe started leaving the church in droves. 

That is why it was illegal and punishable by death to be caught owning a Bible when the Popes still had the power to enforce such things … and we are now warning (from a Bible Prophecy perspective) that they will (and we think soon) once again gain and wield such lethal power.

It’s all in the history books … but it is becoming much more difficult to find as the history books (and web-sites) are being “sanitized.”

We are even finding the Jesuits are now being presented as pink-cheeked Boy Scouts, while no longer hearing about the 70+ times they have been expelled from many, many different nations (and they have even been expelled by Catholic Popes on a couple of occasions), or of the millions upon millions of Bible-believing Christians, Jews, and native Latin-Americans they have put to death over the years. 

I apologize if some of these studies or commentaries may sound a little too uncompromising or urgent, but, it’s only because it appears we are dealing with a major Bible prophecy which seems to be rising very quickly before our eyes and will affect the lives of millions and may very well be one of the last two major prophetic signs revealed before the coming Apocalypse, which by then, will be too late for many.

These Bible prophecy commentaries concerning the Roman Church are the result of a Bible study I have recently begun concerning the prophetic church (“woman riding the Beast”) revealed in Revelation 17, which most diligent Bible students agree is a coming global religious system which will be led by a church based out of Rome (“the City on Seven Hills”). 

As a note, it appears this coming One-World Religious System will also include most of today’s mainline Protestant churches who were “spawned” out of the Roman Church.  We are warned this “church” based in Rome will be closely intertwined with the coming world leader who has been given around 30 different prophetic titles throughout the Bible, one of which is the “Antichrist.”

This coming global Church-State relationship may be somewhat analogous to the relationship between Pope Leo III and Charlemagne, only this time God’s Word (the Bible) warns the coming world leader (the Antichrist) will be indwelt by Satan himself!!

So, with all that being said …

The rising “Roman Axis” (who are all sworn enemies of individual freedoms and democracy) … RUSSIA (Putin) – CHINA (Xi) – ROME (Pope) … along with their web of violent and dictatorial allies will soon quickly accelerate their shadowy. stealthy, hidden, and well-planned march towards global conquest now that they have secured their American friends and allies in the White House (Biden), and in Congress (Pelosi, et al), and on the Supreme Court (now a majority with 6 Roman Church judges) who by definition ALL owe their complete loyalties, allegiance, and blind obedience to the Roman Pope. (Which if this is true, then according to Roman Church doctrine, dogmas, and law, then it is now the Roman Pope who is now seated in power over the United States of America … and according to many historical writings over the past two centuries, this has always been the Papal goal, and it would appear to support rather than contradict the prophetic timeline).

Their powerful and well-orchestrated global media machine will also continue to hypnotize (indoctrinate) many into believing (through an endless flow and drone of lies, deceit, and slander) that “Good is evil, and Evil is good.”

Their slogan for many years has been, “USE Democracy to DESTROY Democracy!”

Their goal is to eliminate all that is good … and as with Russia (Stalin), China (Mao), Rome (Papal/Pope Inquisitions), they will once again lustfully imprison, torture, and kill millions upon millions of innocent men, women, boys, and girls … while greedily “confiscating” (stealing) all of their money and properties.

It is a very lucrative business they have devised and enacted over the years (while convincing many they are doing it all in the name of “good”). 

Lenin/Stalin called these ‘many’ (whom they are able to dupe, sway, and convince with lies and slander) their “useful idiots!”

And don’t forget the inseparable relationship and alliance between Nazi Germany (Hitler) and the Roman Church (Bishops/Pope) during their quest for the Third “Reich” (Holy Roman Empire) including their “Final Solution,” whose objective was to eliminate the Jews (and all those pesky Bible-believing Christians/Protestants) who keep getting in their way.

The time draws near as the Serpent silently coils around the world and this generation.  Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind      Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War       Socialism vs. The Word of God      Prophetic Rise of the Roman Church

Yet, although God has warned ALL Mankind of this terrible coming “Day” of “Great Tribulation” through His many specific Bible Prophecies, there are few who will listen and take heed.  Prophecy: The Apocalypse & Armageddon

May God provide an escape for all those precious men, women, boys, and girls from all around the World who will lovingly turn to Him in faith before it’s too late.    Prophecy: The coming Rapture      Prophecy: Satan’s coming Antichrist     Prophecy: Final countdown … 10 Nations (or Regions) of the vast Roman Empire will re-unite      Study: Number of Protestants Killed by Roman Popes

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