

Published In 1848





The book “Secret Plan of the Jesuits,” also called “The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order” by Abbot (‘Father’) Jacopo Leone, was originally written sometime around the mid-to-late 1820s, and later translated from French into English and published in England in the year 1848.


It was written to shine a light upon the dark and shrouded world of the Jesuits and the Secret Plan they devised many years ago to infiltrate Governments, Schools, and Religions in order to topple Democracies and destroy Christian Protestantism by funding, fomenting, and directing “revolutions” against free democratic nations in order to use Democracy to destroy Democracy, so they could one day subjugate the whole world under a Roman Pope and his secret army (the Jesuits – also known as “The Company”).


The book also includes an extensive preface written by M. Victor Considérant, who was a member of the National Assembly Of France and a witness to Jesuit intrigues in France and Switzerland during his time in the 1800s.


The author, Abbot (‘Father’) Leone, was a devout Roman Catholic immersed in Jesuit training at the time he was providentially placed in a position to overhear a conference of high-ranking Jesuit leaders gathered together from several nations to prepare their strategic long-term Plan to conquer the World.


The objective here is to allow you to listen to the Jesuits themselves, in their own words, by providing a few excerpts directly from their conference as recorded in the book.


It takes on added weight and significance as we find the Jesuits were still following this exact same plan (later called “Catholic Action”) to conquer America as written by another Jesuit, Dr. Boyd Barrett, in his book “Rome Stoops To Conquer (America)” written in 1935 (for excerpts see “America In Prophecy”) … and now today, we find their strategic Plan to destroy America (and all democracies) is almost complete.


Abraham Lincoln even warned of the JESUIT influence over the Civil War …


“This war (the Civil War) would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.” – President Abraham Lincoln


Then President Lincoln went on to say:


“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”


In 1816 John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson


“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits … If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum.”


From the “Secret Plan of the Jesuits” book …

“A very dangerous society, and one which would never have been admitted on the soil of the British Empire, is that of the Jesuits.
Its doctrines are subversive of all monarchical principles. The General of the Jesuits insists on being sovereign master, sovereign over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted, they will be masters, cost what it may.

Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority.

Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if it is committed for the interest of the Society of Jesus, or by order of the general of the Jesuits.”   
(Intro. pg. LIV)


Now, in the Jesuits’ own words …


The Jesuit Conspiracy:

The Secret Plan of the Order

by Abbot Jacopo Leone

(Published in 1848)







” Let our first care, therefore, be to change, altogether,
the nature of our (Jesuit) tactics,
and to give a new varnish to religion,
by appearing to make large concessions.
This is the only means to assure our influence
over these moderns, half men, half children.


“We will first take a review of the arsenal of our forces.
The present meeting shall be the pregnant mother
of our future proceedings (séance mère),
wherein we will concentrate all the ideas
we have formed upon the epoch,
so as to turn them to the aggrandizement of the church. 
Pg 25


“In this manner we shall become more and more enlightened
on the grand design of our order,
and on the course which will most promptly
and most surely accomplish it.


“Bear ever in mind that our great object, in the first place,
is to study deeply and bring to perfection the art of
rendering ourselves both necessary and formidable
to the powers that be.”
Pg 25


 “I should wish,” said he, “that nothing should be lost
of what we are about to say and desire exceedingly that
all our ideas may be committed to writing, so that others
may have opportunity to criticize, develop, or improve them.
Let us, therefore, deliver them clearly and deliberately,
in order that our friend the secretary (l’amico nostro, il secretario) may lose nothing of what is said.”
Pg 26


“Where is the revolutionist who,
as soon as he becomes engaged in any plot,
is not obliged to risk his fortune and his life?
As for us, we have nothing of the kind to fear.
On the contrary, those who load us with favors,
to whom we owe these spacious mansions
where we hold our meetings in perfect safety,
not only confide to us their subordinates and their families (through confessionals),but put themselves into our hands.”


“Every day the Jesuit General receives a number of reports
which severally check each other.
There are in the central house, at Rome, huge registers,
wherein are inscribed the names of all the Jesuits
and of all the important persons, friends, or enemies,
with whom they have any connection.
“In those registers are recorded,
without alteration, hate, or passion,
facts relating to the lives of each individual.


“It is the most gigantic biographical collection
that has ever been formed.
The conduct of a light woman,
the hidden failings of a statesman,
are recounted in these books with cold impartiality;
written with an aim to usefulness,
these biographies are necessarily genuine.
When it is required to act in any way upon an individual,
They open the book and become immediately acquainted
with his life, his character, his qualities, his defects,
his projects, his family, his friends,
his most secret acquaintances.
Can you not conceive, sir,
what paramount practical advantages
a society must enjoy that possesses
this immense police register
which embraces the whole world?”
Pg 32






Note: These Jesuit leaders were drawn from several different countries ….


“Let us enter at last upon the conference.
When all were seated, and silence established,
the President began to speak as follows: –


“Dear brethren, our weapons are of a quite different
temper from those of the Cæsars of all ages;
and it will not be difficult for us so to maneuver
as to render ourselves masters of all the powers
already so much weakened.


“We need fear no lack of soldiers,
only let us apply ourselves to recruiting them
from all ranks, and from all nations,
and drilling them into punctual service.
(the Gestapo and KGB were both modeled after the Jesuits)
But let us, at the same time,
be vigilant, that no one suspect our designs.


“You well know that what we aim at
is the Empire of the World;
(as prophesied in Daniel & Revelation)
But how are we to succeed, unless we have everywhere
adepts who understand our language,
which must yet remain unknown to others.


“Doubtless, you have not forgotten our ancient PARAGUAY.”

 (NOTE: THIS INCLUSION OF PARAGUAY IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!  It was the Jesuits, and not Karl Marx (who went to a Jesuit high school) who first developed “Socialism” (also called “Communism”) for controlling large populations and nations in what they then called “Reductions,” which they first formed and tested in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and other Latin American countries over native peoples in the 1600s – 1700s.  They then used a seemingly independent front-man, Karl Marx, to “codify” in writing their Communist/Socialist Political-Economic System in his “Manifesto” released in 1848, which was the same year the English translation of this book warning against the dark Jesuit force behind “Socialism/Communism” was published) …


“It (the Jesuit ‘Reduction’ in Paraguay) was but a very limited trial
of our (Socialism/Communism) system,
in a small corner of the globe.”


“In these latter days,
we need a new code
(which was then written down by Karl Marx in 1848),
We who have undertaken to work so mighty a change –
to make everything bend beneath the irresistible
hammer (and sickle) of our doctrines”
Pg 81


“Let every individual, therefore,
yield up an entire obedience (to the Pope).
Let him plight inviolable vows in one sole convent;
And let the Pope – but a Pope of our own forming
– be its perpetual abbot! (Francis is the first Jesuit Pope)


“Catholicism must no longer remain a mutilated power
has it not, within itself, means innumerable
to overthrow and to raise up?
Can it not re-erect itself, conquer,
destroy, rebuild, and so Machiavellise itself,
that the World can by no means escape it?


“Yes; let us incessantly and unweariedly
propagate our doctrines amongst the people;
Warmed by the fire of these doctrines,
they will become changed for us into thunderbolts
to strike down these haughty kings (and democratic governments)
Pp 80-82


 (Concerning Protestants and Martin Luther)


 “For you are not ignorant that during
the space of three hundred years
(when the Reformation began with Luther, a Roman priest)
A frightful monster, the revolutionary hydra
(of freedom and democracy),has been unchained,
and ceases not to threaten to devour them (monarchies).”
Pg 84


“I will repeat to you a conversation
which I had once the satisfaction to overhear.
A penitent of ours said to his comrade –
“John, it is only the Jesuit fathers who are men;
all the others are stupid fools.”
Pg 89


“Still, it is upon the great (upon the ‘rich and powerful’)
that we ought particularly to exert our influence.
We ought to bring them to believe that
in a period stormy as this
is there is no safety for them but through us.
Let us never relax in our efforts to penetrate
them with the idea that they can only hope to obtain
any great results by subjecting to us
the consciences of their subordinates,
and those of the common people, so that we,
or those, at least, who follow our counsels,
may wholly direct them.
If they are satisfied with the service it is in our power
to render them, by the discovery of secrets
which our peculiar position enables us alone to penetrate,
(more in the “Jesuit Espionage” chapter)
then in return, for their own sakes be it clearly understood, and if they desire a time to arrive when there shall be
no more democratic revolutions to trouble them,
let them not be sparing in such praises of us
as are likely to make an impression
on powerful members of the Protestant body,
and to lead them to conclude that we alone possess
the art of consolidating governments,
since it is our mission to correct
whatever remained imperfect
and unfinished in the Middle Ages,
in consequence of the fatal disputes
between church and state.


“But since they may object certain acts of ours
which are not free from a seditious appearance
(the imprisonment, torture, and painful death of millions),
We must do all in our power to color and disguise these acts,
so that they may not be too glaring.
We must give them to understand that if we act thus
it is because we are intimately persuaded
that the cause of evil, the bad leaven,
will remain in the world as long as Protestantism shall exist;
That Protestantism must therefore be utterly abolished,
since inquiry in religious matters creates and propagates inquiry in other matters.


“If some keen and penetrating spirit,
drawing aside the corner of the veil,
should point out the corrosive side of our doctrines,
we must then make every effort to cover
this audacious wretch with infamy,
or denounce him as a dangerous conspirator,
deserving of exemplary chastisement.
(viciously attack and slander enemies to ruin them)


“In order to render Catholicism attractive,
let us strive to enlist in her cause the historical writers
of our own times (to ‘sanitize’ our history books).
Let us employ them (writers) to deck the past in golden hues;
To sweeten, for us, the bitter waters of the middle ages;
and help us to captivate mankind by the most alluring promises (with scripts portraying them as “good”).
Pp 93-94


“They are far from dreaming (d’aver sentore,)
that we alone know how to prepare a revolution.


They little think that these Jesuits have in store for them
the censorship, gags, and flames, and
will one day be the masters of their masters!”
Pg 94


“Our chief concern must be
to mold the people to our purposes.


“Yes, the people are the vast domain we have to conquer.”
Pg 97


Here, they even acknowledge the Bible is their Enemy


“Then the Bible, that serpent which, with head erect
and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom
whilst it trails along the ground,
shall be changed again into a (lifeless) rod
as soon as we are able to seize it (as Moses did)”


“For you know but too well that, for three centuries past
(when the Protestant Reformation began)
This cruel asp (the Bible) has left us no repose;
You well know with what folds it entwines us,
and with what fangs it gnaws us!”
Pg 97


 “My brethren, as to the Bible, be advised by me.
For our greater good let us avoid –
Let us carefully avoid this ground.
If I may tell you, openly, what I think of this book (the Bible),
It is not at all for us; it is against us.”


“I do not at all wonder at the invincible obstinacy
it engenders in all those who regard its verses as inspired.


“When once entered upon theological studies, we must
of necessity make some acquaintance with the Bible.”


The Jesuit leader goes on to explain …


“In the simplicity of youth
I fully expected, on opening the New Testament,
to find there laid down, (totidem literis in lettere cubitali),
The authority of a superior chief (a Pope) in the church,
and the worship of the Virgin,
the source of all grace for mankind.

I sought with the same eagerness for the Mass,
for Purgatory, for relics, etc.

“But in every page (of the Bible)
I found my expectations disappointed;
From every reflection that I made resulted doubt.
At last, after having read, at least six times over,
that little book which set all my calculations at naught,
I was forced to acknowledge to myself that it (the Bible)
actually sets forth a system of religion altogether different
from that taught in the (Roman Catholic) schools,
and thus all my ideas were thrown into confusion.”
Pg 99


“I expected to find in the New Testament
each of our different dogmas fully developed
and dwelt upon in accordance with the value and importance
which we are accustomed to attribute to them.
What is my surprise to find there nothing at all
like what we deem the most essential in our doctrines.”


“Like the heretics (Protestants), a book (the Bible)
unfortunately abounds in arms against us, not for us.


“Consequently, let us lay down this principle:
In public to act as if we had nothing to fear
from such a book,
but rather as if it were favorable for us;


In private, to describe it as dangerous and hurtful,
or, where this would not be prudent,
to declare that it (the Bible) is just the germ,
of which Catholicism is the complete
and majestic development.”
Pg 101


“Should certain of our practices or doctrines be questioned,
why then let us heap miracle on miracle,
let us repeat the old ones and make new,
so as to throw a glittering veil over the Pope,
the Virgin, Purgatory, Mass, our ecclesiastical vestments,
our medals, our chaplets;


“Let the heretics and the philosophers
cry out against us as they may,
we will take no pains to silence them, we will make no reply;
So they will tire themselves out,
and in the end they will let us alone.


“At the same time, I am quite of opinion that we ought,
by every possible means,
to secure the aid of modern thinkers,
whatever be the nature of their opinions.
If they can be induced to write at all in our favor,
let us pay them well,
either in money or in laudation.”
Pg 102


“The Catholic people is successor
to the people of God (teaching they replaced Israel);
Consequently heretics (Protestants) and philosophers
are the enemies we are bound to exterminate.”


“As, under the Old Testament,
The voice of the tabernacle was the voice of God,
So, in like manner, the voice of the Pope
is the voice of God, under the New Covenant.”
Pg 104


“The most fatal thing that could befall us
at the present moment would be the change
from a gay, glittering, scenic religion,
to an argumentative Christianity,
opposed to pomp and show;


“You all know that these are the powerful shield
which covers our plans.”
“But if the poetic charm (of their pomp and ceremony)
should ever be broken,
if people should begin to seek inspiration
in the Apostles (as found in the Bible),
or in the primitive apologists, then our bark (boat),
beaten by impetuous winds, would run great risk of sinking,
with all the immensity of its treasures.
Revolt (against the Roman church) would become general.”
Pg 110


“That scarcely three hundred years have passed
since the first effervescence, and Protestantism
is already wearing out and sinking into decay.


“Yes, we are destined to insult its last agonies,
to march over its broken skeleton and its scattered bones!
Oh! Let us hasten this dissolution
by our strong and united efforts!”
Pg 111


“Let us, meanwhile, carefully avoid entering into
An open and serious strife with the Protestants.


“We could not but lose ground by it,
and it would call too much attention to the subject.


“Let us prefer a secret war,
which though less brilliant,
is more sure to bring us the advantage.
Let us shun too much light.


“Let us pour contempt upon this inglorious,
naked, cadaverous religion (Bible-believing Protestantism);
And let us exalt the antiquity, the harmonies,
and the wonderful perfectibility of our own.
(Just watch movies and TV over the past 60 years)
Pg 112


“We cherish at the bottom of our hearts this principle,
that whatever does not unite with us,
must be annihilated”


“And we hold ourselves ready to make,
as soon as we shall have the means,
an energetic application of this principle”
(to annihilate and exterminate Bible-believing Protestants).


“Protestantism, on the contrary, completely disarmed itself
when first it preached the Doctrine of Toleration,
and declared that to persecute for the sake of religion,
is a violation of the gospel. (See the Quote by John Adams)
Pg 113


“Provided we can obtain that
the Catholic from his very childhood
shall abhor the breath even of a heretic (Protestant),
and shall firmly resist all insinuations, all books,
and all discourse of a religious cast coming from them;
Carefully preserving towards them, at the same time,
a polite and gracious manner.


“In other words, he must make a show
of much sociability towards the Protestants,
but he must avoid all intellectual contact
or communion with them.”
Pg 114


“The confessional must be our field of action,
wherein we must undeceive all who are in danger
of being taken by so perfidious a bait.”
Pg 115


“In this sacred spot (the Confessional),
where we occupy the place of God himself”


“Yes, the Catholic’s exterior may be sociable,
but let him not the less cherish within him
concentrated rage and unconquerable antipathy.”
Pg 117


“What must we do to recruit such an army,
organize and discipline it so as to make it
exclusively subservient to the triumph of our ideas?


“To certain men, we must offer bribes of earthly good;
to others, we must promise crowns of eternal life;
Some may be incited by the progress of the general welfare;
Nevertheless, we have incontestable means of influencing all classes.”


“In fact, what system has ever existed, in any age,
so powerful as the Roman church
to multiply or change means of action?”
Pg 118


“Confession!  What scope for genius
beneath its impenetrable mystery!
Gentleness and terror there play their part by turns.
It ought to become in our hands the miraculous rod”
Pg 119


“Adopt confessors.
Let your youths submit their thoughts,
from their earliest years,
to a director of their conscience.


“If the Roman church lives we shall all live with her;
If she perishes, none of the grandeurs
which have hitherto, in fact, been supported by Catholicism
will survive the downfall of that infinite grandeur,
the foremost of all, and before which
the Universe has so long prostrated itself.


“But if, on the contrary …
(Protestant leaders) make common cause (ally) with us,
in the endeavor to rally the people  
around the ancient banner,
if your arms, whilst they yet may,
drive them back to their forsaken ways;
then, in the place of infinite disorders,
we shall have the union of the two powers,
which shall go on daily increasing
until it become perfectly consolidated.


“Give us, then, your (Protestant leaders) sympathies;
Turn your faces towards us;
Throw discredit on Protestantism;
And let Catholicism, enthroned by your (Protestants) aid,
lift up her head, spread her dominion over the whole world,
and completely subdue it.


“And this will inevitably take place,
if men of high station will fearlessly
declare themselves converted;
(As England’s Prime Minister Tony Blair later did)
Provided that their change
can in no way be attributed to motives of interest
(such as large bribes from the Roman Church).


“The first thing, therefore, to be done
is to bring them (Protestants)
back from the Bible,
to Roman Catholic authority,
which retrenches (deletes or censors)
from this book (the Bible)
only what is hurtful (to their Roman teachings or “Dogma”),
allowing free circulation to those portions of it
alone which ensure good order.”
(Leaving no room to question their “Catholic Authority”)
Pp 122-123


“Lend us then, we implore you,
your (non-Catholic leaders) aid
to put down every obstacle to the mutual understanding
of the two authorities — The Church and the Throne (combined in like-mindedness)”


(Our Constitution keeps the Church and State SEPARATE!)


Ed. Note:  This explains why we find in Bible Prophecy there will be TWO “Antichrists” ruling the World …


– One a POLITICAL Leader 

– One a RELIGIOUS Leader


“It is only when these two authorities (church and state)
shall be regarded as divine dogmas,
and when they mutually sustain each other,
that they will have sufficient power
to sweep away all this chaos of dangerous questions
which converts society into a tumultuous sea.


“What glorious results will follow, on the other hand,
from this happy union, this fraternal alliance!


“The Church and the State,
rendered valorous by this union,
shall trample under foot the two hydras,
mother and daughter (Protestantism and free Democracies);
The fire shall consume them,
and their ashes shall be
scattered to the four winds!”
Pg 124


“We must, on recruiting them (non-Catholics in power),
gain them over to our doctrines by whatever
is most flattering to their desires.


“This is the surest way of making zealous
and prudent propagators.


“Let all Courts (local, state, and federal),
and particularly those of heretic princes
(like America, England, and Canada),
be provided (secretly)
with some of our most vigilant sentinels,
who must be wholly ours
(to render judgments favorable to Rome),
although belonging, in appearance, to the Protestant sect”


”We must hesitate at no cost
when it imports us to gain possession of a secret.  
(CIA Director Leon Panetta graduated from a Jesuit college)


“Nevertheless, we can fashion men to what form we will”
(Using their Mafia tactics of fear, intimidation, lust, and greed to gain control over (“fashion”) men and women)


“Our business is to contrive …


First: That the Catholics be imbued with hatred for the heretics (Protestants), whoever they may be, and that this hatred shall constantly increase.


Second: That it be, nevertheless, dissembled, (kept secret) so as not to transpire until the day when it shall be appointed to break forth.


Third: That this secret hate be combined with great activity in endeavoring to detach the faithful from every government inimical to us, and employ them, when they shall form a detached body, to strike deadly blows at heresy (Bible-believing “Protestants”).



Note:  Once they DO gain control (which they will), they will quickly move to use “hate crimes” to marginalize, imprison, and ultimately kill all Bible-believing Christian “Protestants” who won’t convert, which is exactly what Bible Prophecies warn they will do in every nation.)


“Let us bring all our skill to bear
upon the development of this part of our plan.
For myself, it is my intention to devote myself especially to it.


“It is fortunate for us that the catechism
of each (Roman Catholic) diocese contains
the precious element upon which our dogma is founded …
That “God” is to be obeyed rather than men.
These simple words contain all that we require
for the Papacy.


“If we teach (and who shall prevent us from doing so?)
that the Pope IS the vicar of God,
it follows that the Pope speaks absolutely
in the place of God. (Greek: ἀντί + Χριστός/anti+Christos)


“It is the POPE, then, who is to be obeyed
rather than men.”
Pp 127-128


“I, too, am of opinion that it is advisable
to make frequent use of the Bible.
Does not a prism reflect all existing colors,
and can our system fail to reflect one single idea
of all those which pass through men’s imaginations?

“No; to set aside the Bible would be
to tarnish our beautiful prism.


“We may say that God designs for extermination
(enemies), like the Canaanites,
all the nations that obstinately refuse
to enter into the unity of the Roman church,
and that the vicar of Jesus Christ (the Roman Pope)
is appointed to execute these judgments in due time.”
(Roman Inquisitions will soon cause the Earth to tremble)
Pp 130-131


“There is no reason why we should take
too desponding a view of our position
with respect to the Protestant States.


“Trust me, the Age will have to pay dear
for its much-loved liberty.”
(Liberty and freedom have NO place in the Roman Church)


“Let us, however, claim our just share in it.”
(USE Democracy to DESTROY Democracy and freedom)


“That many-headed monster named
Civil and Political Equality, Liberty of the Press, Liberty of Conscience,”
(which are all included in our Bill of Rights)


“Who can doubt that its aim (the U.S. Constitution),
its ultimate aim at least,
is the destruction of the (Roman) church?
But never shall this proud divinity
(a democratic Government with rights for the people)
fulfill the vows of its enthusiastic adorers!”


“Never shall it be able to arrest our (Roman) march!”


“Firstly, we will strive to obtain the same rights
as those enjoyed by the Protestants: An easy conquest!


“We have only to awaken the good sense
of the Catholics on this point
(while flooding the nation with Roman Catholic voters)
and to repeat to them (Roman Catholics)
without intermission:
“What tyranny! Are you not as slaves?
Attack their (citizens of free nations) privileges,
Overthrow them!
It is the will of God (the Pope)!”


(Note:  Every so called Marxist-Socialist Revolution against once-free nations over the past 200 years has been secretly fomented, funded, and controlled by the Roman Jesuits … they ALWAYS then remove God from public discourse and quickly destroy the Middle-Class, while placing the once-free people into to the iron-fisted hands of a ruthless dictator).


“Secondly, When this equilibrium
(with Roman Catholics added to the electorate)
shall have been obtained —
since not to go forward is to go backward –
Let us push up the (Roman Catholic) faithful
higher and higher, over the shoulders, over the heads,
of these heretic (Protestant) dogs (di questi cani d’eretici).


Note: Even though only around 23% of the population, empowered Roman Catholics now control the US Supreme Court and many other strategic offices)


“Thirdly, by new efforts, by an irresistible energy,
the faithful shall at length come forth conquerors,
and place in their mother’s crown
that brightest and richest gem, THEOCRACY!
(No longer a free democratic Constitutional Republic)
Pg 132


“It will also be very profitable to our cause
if we augment the number of those who comprehend us,
and if we can succeed in enrolling in our ranks the compilers of the briefs and decrees which issue from Rome.


“But I positively declare, that we have no chance of success,
except by means of associations, powerfully combined,
which shall have their chiefs an active and well organized correspondence,
and all sorts of stirring writings”
(Textbooks, movies, songs, novels, newspapers).


“For these purposes,
it is not enough to have at our disposal
men of talent and men of action –
we must have GOLD (lots of money)
to keep them fast to their work.


“Aye, give me GOLD – plenty of gold!!
and then, with such able heads
and such resources as the church commands,
I will undertake not only to master the WHOLE world,
but to reconstruct it entirely.

(Note: By having placed a “toll booth” across the Way to Heaven (through the Pope, Purgatory, and Indulgences), then looting most of western Europe (through ferocious Papal Inquisitions), usurping vast amounts of wealth from Latin America through the forceful and brutal means of the Jesuits and their “Conquistadors,” and for many years (since the Inquisitions) holding a high-level of influence over many banks in the world (the Rothschilds were once called the “Vatican’s Bankers” and most of the banks who control America’s “Federal Reserve” have some European Rothschild DNA in their lineage), and then continually receiving tithes from over a billion church loyalists (whom they consider Roman ‘citizens’) around the world, the Roman Church has become (and now is) the wealthiest entity ever to rise in the History of Mankind. So, to secretly and steadily acquire controlling interest in major global corporations through proxies (maybe even as large as AT&T, IBM, Intel, Apple, Disney, Warner Bros., CNN, NY Times, Boeing, etc.) in order to place Roman and Jesuit sympathizers at the highest levels of management while also gaining access to all the priceless intellectual property at their disposal (the Jesuits are also the world’s largest merchants of “secrets”) would be (and likely has been) a strategic objective for Rome to pursue.)


“Yet nothing would be more dangerous
than to explain too clearly what the church is,
and what it would have.”


“Their feeble vision could not bear
the full blaze of the mighty reality
which is hidden under so many folds of the religious veil.


“The moment they (sympathetic world leaders)
discovered the political element (of the Roman Church)
their arms would sink powerless,
their eager zeal would vanish,
and these athletic combatants, so prompt to serve us,
would suddenly turn their weapons against us.”
Pp 133-134


“The experience of some years has also taught me
that sounding words (slogans) go much further with
vulgar minds than the best supported arguments (reason).”
Pg 135


“Permit me, reverend fathers, to give you
a summary of the maxims which I have
laid down for my own guidance.
I say to the Catholics who live in mixed (Protestant/Catholic) countries :—
To despise the vicar of Jesus Christ (the Pope)
is to despise your Savior”


“Does it not follow from these declarations,
that … the Pope alone is divinely preserved from all error?”
Pg 136


“Be this as it may, it is the Pope, and the Pope only,
who, by the will of God, possesses the secret
of pacifying and uniting all men.


“As regards the Bible,
I am quite prepared to maintain the happy idea
of representing it only as a primitive and unfinished sketch;”
Pg 137


“What if we organized a special committee to watch over
the tendencies of the history and literature of the age?
(To infiltrate Education, Literature, and Entertainment)
“Encouragement (money) might be
adroitly given to any writer (of books, songs, movies)
who would place a few flowers on the bust
of one or other of our Popes, or who might be disposed
to defend certain parts of our institutions,
or our calumniated religious practices.


“In time, we should see a great increase
in the number of these apologies (in books, songs, movies);
and there is no doubt that if a few writers of note
were to open the way in this direction,
others would soon follow in their track,
without requiring either pay or prompting from us.


“If we could but operate a change in public opinion
with respect to the history of the church,
its dogmas and ceremonies, (by re-writing history books)
so as to bring the people to regard these things
with less repugnance,
how many obstacles would be thereby removed!


“Why should we regret a few sums expended
for a purpose so eminently useful?


“How many ruins might be repaired
through the instrumentality of the multitude
of young poetic enthusiasts, or of those literary men
whose presumption or itch for novelty
keeps them perpetually scribbling.”
(Look at the “revolution” through music, books, movies, and television that exploded in the 1960s and 1970s)
Pg 142


“I am sure we shall all admit the necessity
of involving the people in the thickest
and most inextricable network of devotional practices,
so that they may become docile
in proportion to their stupidity.”
(Lenin, the Marxist-Socialist who overthrew the Pope’s enemy and nemesis, the Czar, called them “useful idiots”)
Pg 163


“From the moment I beheld heretical governments
stretch forth a hand to aid
in the re-establishment of the Holy See,
I believed the time was coming when
they would at last swallow the bait,
and begin to Catholicize their states;”
Pg 164


“We (the Jesuits) have, then, a herculean task to accomplish:
To renovate a triple sphere,
as well as the chief who governs it;
and when a considerable mass (of people)
shall have undergone a complete transformation,
it is then that a Pope who shall bear within him our idea,
already ripened and developed,
may employ the means and resources which shall have
been accumulated by our strenuous exertions
during a century, perhaps, or even more.
(The Third “Reich” was to be the 3rd “Holy Roman Empire”)


“Again (at that time) he (a Pope)
may launch forth his Inquisitions (“Anathemas”),
his interdictions, and his omnipotent decrees,
to shake thrones, and to humble for ever
the pride and insolence of monarchs.”
(Study the prophecies of the coming Antichrist)
Pg 166


“Heresy (Protestantism) having been the cause
of all the complications which arose precisely
when Church and State were on the point
of entering into a happy alliance,
(as with Charlemagne and the Pope)
the results of which could not but have been
solid and most satisfactory,
it is of the highest importance that we
should at length realize what three centuries of anarchy
(the Protestant Reformation and democracy) have postponed.”


Note:  The following was capitalized in the book …




(Which included beheading and roasting alive millions of Christian “Protestant” men, women, boys, and girls)
Pg 173


“It will not be difficult to contrive that the spiritual power,
the omnipotent divinity of the Holy See,
shall entirely absorb the temporal (political) power.
Only let them (political leaders)
give up to us the souls of the people,
let kings second us with their encouragement
and their wealth.


“We must have the art to accustom the mass of the people
to look up to none but our men”


“Would that we might be certain –
but at least we can hope that when that crisis comes,
(a coming ‘crisis’ will change the face of America)
a considerable portion of the hierachy
will have undergone a radical and complete change;


“And finally, that, after so many sacrifices,
we may have to glory in a man embodying,
in his own person,
the most enterprising Popes of past times”
(see the prophecies of the coming Antichrist)
Pg 174


“Let us so take care to be well provided with implements.
When the ebullition (a boiling over of the masses)
which we are secretly fomenting
shall have reached a sufficient point,
the cover shall be suddenly removed,
and we (the Jesuits) will pour our liquid fire
upon those political meddlers,
who are ignorant and unreflecting enough
to serve as tools in our hands,
and our efforts will result in a revolution,
worthy of the name,
which shall combine in one universal conquest
all the conquests that have yet been made.


“And let us so preach that deathbeds  
may be the fruitful source of donations, riches, jewels,
and all sorts of legacies”
(People on deathbeds signing over their wealth to the Roman church to reduce time in “Purgatory”)


“Let nothing resist us;
Whilst, enveloped in mystery from head to foot,
we ourselves (Jesuits) remain impenetrable.
Friends, we must conquer or die!
The higher classes are always
very inaccessible to the lower ones;
Let us nourish their mutual antipathy (class warfare).
Let us accustom the mob,
(they use lawless ‘mobs’ to help overturn democracies)
which (the mob) is, in fact, an implement of power,
to look upon us (Socialist-romans) as its warmest advocates;
favoring its (the mobs’) desires,
Let us feed the fire of its wrath,
and open to its view a golden age;
Yes, brethren! We also are kings!”
(This is a Roman ‘Marxist-Socialist’ revolution in a nutshell)
Pp 175-176


“We can prove ourselves stronger than them all”


“In case of need, poison would deliver us from
a short-sighted Pope (il veleno ci liberebbe d’un papa a corta veduta )  (Jesuits are called the ‘Vatican’s Assassins’)


“Then, brethren, will the world behold a strange spectacle.
Having failed in our endeavor to avenge ourselves on kings
by slowly and artfully exhausting their strength,
We will take vengeance on them in a manner
equally sudden and terrible.”
(America and the World … BEWARE!!)
Pg 178


“What a source of agitation in times like ours!”
(Note: Marxist-Socialist Universities in places like East Germany had “Agitation and Propaganda” Departments teaching students how to divide and conquer democracies)


“An informer may one day
escape from our ranks and ruin us.
The precautions which we have already taken
against such a contingency do not appear to me sufficient,
for the wretch who would desert from our body
might find means to hide himself from our vengeance.


“Let us lay down this rule: 
That no one shall be initiated (into the Jesuits)
unless he have previously consented
that a certain number of our members
shall concert together to attribute to him a correspondence
either politically criminal or monstrously obscene;
and this correspondence the candidate
shall transcribe and faithfully sign,
in order that our Company may, in case of treason,
have the means of invalidating his testimony
by the production of these precious manuscripts.


 “Such documents would, you will easily understand,
be of eminent service to us,
should other means of vengeance fail us.”
(The Jesuits have been called the world’s most efficient assassins.)
Pp 179-180


“To make ourselves master of the strong man,
his house and his goods, we must first bind him.”


“Let us, therefore, become perfect in the art of
Loading the proud and the powerful with chains.
Let us lay to heart this maxim as the rule of all our efforts: 


“One sole Authority – that of Rome,

And one sole Order – that of the Jesuits”

(NOT Franciscans, Benedictines, or Dominicans)


“Finally to prevail over kings and nations,
let it, at least, be synonymous with
the loftiest reach of greatness and daring
which the world has ever seen or ever will see.”
Pp 181-182


Note:  The author added a side note here …


“It will be equally clear that it is their project to Jesuitize, besides all the other (Catholic) orders, the papacy itself; and to Jesuitize the whole world.”
Pp 181-182






“THE Jesuits have always spoken of themselves
in terms of the most unmeasured pride.


“They call themselves “The Company of the Perfect.”


“The contents of the volume accord (agree)
with the arrogance of its emblems.
They proclaim themselves “The masters of the world,
the most learned of mortal men, the doctors of the nations ,
the Apollos, the Alexanders of theology,
prophets descended from heaven,
who deliver the oracles in the ecumenical councils.”


The epitaph which they composed for Loyola …


“Whoever thou art who conceivest in thy mind
the image of Pompey the Great, of Cæsar, and of Alexander,
open thine eyes to the truth, and thou wilt learn from this marble
that Ignatius was the greatest of conquerors.”

The epitaph of Saint Francis Xavier


“Saint Francis Borgia, one of the earliest generals
of the order, had before this acknowledged
that poison was in its veins.  


It is impossible to deny that the doctrines,
everywhere to be found in their writings,
authorize theft, rape, perjury, debauchery,
and even murder; that, when they have judged it expedient to get rid of a king, they have not shrunk from making the apology of ‘regicide.’”


The university of Paris, in 1643, in its Verites Académiques (Academical Truths), thus expresses itself:


“All that the malice of Hell can conceive of most horrible;
things unknown even to the most depraved of pagans,
all the abominations which could call up a blush
on the face of effrontery itself,
are epitomized in the book of a Jesuit.
The different casuists of this society teach secrets of
Impurity unknown even to the most dissolute.”


In 1692, Clement VIII presided at a chapter of the Jesuits;


“Curiosity,” said this Pope,
“induces them to intrude everywhere,
and principally into the confessionals,
that they may learn, from their penitent,
all that passes in his home …”


“The assertion of Pope Clement VIII, in terms so precise,


“Would be sufficient to command belief;
but there are numerous and striking historical facts,
Which prove that, under pretense of religion,
this Company has constantly carried on a plot
against nations and their governments.”





Using Nature as an analogy, the Jesuits would be the spiritual equivalent of …


  • Termites (they work slowly and can’t be seen)
  • Bed Bugs (you can’t get rid of them)
  • Black Widow Spiders (they are the deadliest body of men in the history of all Mankind)





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