“When you SEE these things,
Know that it is NEAR —
(Mark 13:29)
From the Editor
This site is “Non-Denominational”
And simply uses God’s Word
As found in the Bible
As the standard.
“It’s not my job to tell anybody what to believe.
My job is to simply present News Headlines along with Bible Prophecies,
And let YOU decide what to believe.”
Books To Give …
That will have
a lasting impact.
Isaac Newton TWICE wrote the Year 2060 could mark the end of all Human History. We will show how the year 2060 could mean the year 2030 on our current Gregorian calendar.
This book shows how America does have a clear prophetic destiny. We will find America’s prophetic destiny is not only clear … but, it is now imminent!!
Strap yourself in!!
This book will present the case that UFOs and Aliens are real and will one day be revealed as a deadly threat to Mankind … and ALL of this has been clearly foretold in Bible Prophecy!
This book is meant to be a soft pillow for a weary head. For the Bible warns we will all go through periods of troubles, difficulties, suffering, and pain during this mess called life …
7 People Rescued From The Sea Of Galilee (Kinneret)
–Israel Nat’l News
Antiques Road Show: The Real State Of The US Military
–Drudge/Atlantic Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War If you study the News Archives on this site you will find both Clinton (Democrat) and Obama (Democrat) cancelled or reduced new military and missile designs while dramatically reducing the size of our defense forces by around half (by the time Obama left office our US military was smaller than before WWII and a high percentage of our fighter-jets were unable to fly and our troops were short on ammunition for training). While this was being done to our military, Russia and China have been racing ahead while greatly expanding and growing their armies, air forces, and navies with new advanced weapons, fighter-jets, and space technologies. Prophecy: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by “TRAITORS”
Two Philippines Earthquakes … Magnitudes 5.9 and 5.4 … Kill At Least 8
–Drudge/BBC Prophecy: Earthquakes People in Israel can now hear of earthquakes around the world within hours of when they occur. This Bible prophecy is REMARKABLE because just after revealing a startling prophecy concerning the Jewish Temple which was then still standing in Jerusalem (yet destroyed 38 years after the Cross exactly as Jesus prophesied) … Jesus (Yeshua) gave this prophecy concerning the hearing of “earthquakes in diverse places” which could only be fulfilled far in the future when there would be global communications technology capable of detecting and reporting worldwide earthquakes as they happen … Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
Top US Admiral In Pacific Command Sends A Chilling Assessment Of China’s Rising Military Power
–WFB Prophecy: China will one day destroy 1/3 of all Mankind
China’s rise in power has been powered through illegal (given to China by Clinton-Gore Admin) and stolen US military secrets and designs, and by educating and offering research facilities throughout our University and College system. China’s meteoric growth has been funded and made possible by our Tech Giants providing them with the capital, intellectual property, and manufacturing capabilities to quickly arm and field such a deadly army with such powerful new weapons. Also, please remember, as we now watch the news that Russia and China are dictating and directing every word and action we see and hear from both Iran and North Korea.
The Lie Of “Man-Made Global Warming”
–RaptureReady/GeriUngurean Prophecy: Lying & Deceiving will wax worse and worse
From Israel: “Same Fight For Survival – USA and Israel”
–Israel Nat’l News/Jack Engelhard Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes San Francisco
–Drudge/SF Gate Prophecy: Earthquakes
“Soon and Very Soon”
–RaptureReady/D. Duck Prophecy: The coming Rapture Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
7.3 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Indonesia
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Earthquakes
4.6 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Seattle
–Drudge/Seattle Times Prophecy: Earthquakes
2020: Biblically Significant Dates
Biblical Year 2019 will END on March 25, 2020 (Adar 29) with the Biblical New Year 2020 BEGINNING on March 26th (Nisan 1 on the Jewish Calendar).
We find this “New Years Day” given in Exodus 12:2 where God tells Moses, “This month (Nisan – The month of Passover) shall be for you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year for you.”
This year could also be a prophetically significant year, but we will have to wait and see …
Russia’s Recent Military Claims Over The Arctic & North Pole
Many of you might (or might not) be aware that Russia is now claiming ownership over the Arctic and the North Pole.
This claim is to secure the vast oil and gas reserves under that area.
To back up their claim, Russia has been pouring military forces and weapons into the area over the past couple of years, and have now warned all of the nations who border the Arctic to stay away. They have also announced plans of denying Arctic access to our (America’s) naval and submarine forces.
The timing of Russia’s military claim over the North Pole gets even more interesting when you consider Russia’s close military alliance with Iran.
Now, consider these two seemingly separate events in light of some specific details which God has provided for us concerning the upcoming (and prophetic) Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies attack and invasion against nation Israel.
From a Bible Prophecy perspective, this coming war will mark the “Point of No Return” along the World’s march towards the Apocalypse and Armageddon …
A Coming One-World Religious System
The Bible warns the coming Antichrist (the “Beast”) will have a RELIGIOUS partner. We are warned a “SECOND Beast” will form a coming “One-World” Religious System …
Prophetic Rise of Rome
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