This is not a lawful “impeachment” by any means, this is a well orchestrated, planned, and executed Roman Inquisition.
Don’t ever forget the Roman Pope holds ABSOLUTE power over all Catholics. According to Roman Church law, refusing to obey a directive of the Pope is considered “heresy” which will strike sheer terror into the heart of any practicing Catholic who has any knowledge of the Jesuits power to “enforce” the Pope’s will and dictates.
As with all Roman Church Inquisitions against Protestants this Pope will not be satisfied until his enemy is utterly destroyed or ruined (and not just punished).
Pelosi, Biden, and six of the Supreme Court Justices are all members the Roman Church and are all bound by Roman Law to serve and obey the Pope (and not the Constitution of the United States).
As with Roman Inquisitions, they will twist, slander, and pervert both truth and justice to insure their enemy (especially a Protestant World Leader) will be “neutralized”.
We will soon find the level of control they hold over the Senate.
The attacks against Trump are only the beginning now that the Roman Pope is gaining power over our three branches of Government. At least for the next 2-4 years the political, economic, and military course of this nation will be directed from the Vatican (together with the Kremlin) … and not from Washington D.C. Socialism and Roman Catholicism go hand in hand. Socialists vs. The Word of God
ALL Bible-Believing “Protestant” (non-Catholic) Christians are considered sworn enemies according to Roman Church Law and are considered “rapacious wolves” (that must be eliminated) according to the late Roman Pope John Paul II.
As a note, the term “Protestant” was given to those Christian men and women who were arrested, imprisoned, tortured, and violently put to death for their opposition and “protesting” against the Roman Catholic church (and Popes) for adding, teaching, and enforcing unbiblical doctrines and rules that were/are not found in the Bible. At that time, the Popes and Roman Catholic church also ruled it was illegal and punishable by death for a “common” person to even own a Bible for personal study.
The Roman Church attacked the Jews just as viscously.
Remember, the U.S. Bill of Rights was written and given specifically to protect the citizens of the United States of America against the unspeakable cruelties and carnage of the Roman Church Inquisitions and the concentration of absolute power in one man (the Pope). Our Constitutional laws and freedoms have also provided the children of Israel with a safe harbor for over 200 years.
In Bible Prophecy we are warned the Roman Church WILL rise in great and terrible power “in the last days” and will slaughter millions of innocent men, women, and children (Christian and Jew) just as ruthlessly as they have in the past (but with better technology to locate and track their victims down). University Study: Number of Bible-Believing Protestants Tortured and Executed By Roman Popes
The Roman Inquisition now rising against Donald Trump is carefully (yet subtly and quietly) led by the Pope through his loyal “princelings” like Pelosi, Biden, and Supreme Court Justice Roberts is just the beginning … Prophecy: The coming Antichrist Prophecy: Believing Christians will be Hated
Nancy Pelosi kissing the ring of the Pope