
When we search all the World’s books and religions, we soon find the only place offering a promise of finding Hope is in God’s Wordand, it is lovingly offered to all who simply seek it as a free gift!

The early Church always called this coming Holiday the “Passover Feast and Holidays.” We are told the Feasts of Israel were all given as “foreshadows” of the coming Christ (Messiah in Hebrew), and the “Holy Days of Passover” foretold three major events which the coming Christ (“Son of God”) would fulfill …

  1. His Revealing: Which He fulfilled on the exact day (which we now call “Palm Sunday”), when the Passover Lamb was to be presented for inspection before being sacrificed
  2. His Sacrifice: Which He fulfilled on the exact day the Passover Lamb would be killed
  3. His Resurrection: Which He fulfilled on exact the day of the “Feast of First Fruits,” which always falls on the first Sunday after Passover (“first day after the Sabbath/Saturday, following Passover)

So, all these things which Jesus fulfilled (and we are supposed to know, remember, and celebrate) were written for us in order to prove Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) … and, the coming “Bridegroom!”

But, where in these passages do we find His “Betrothed”??!!  Where is the prophetic “Bride” we are told He so willingly, knowingly, and lovingly suffered and sacrificed Himself for … where is the one whom He is now preparing an abiding place for in His Royal Palace in the Kingdom of Heaven … where is His “Betrothed” whom we are told will one day be awesomely presented at the upcoming Feast of all feasts, the Celebration of all celebrations, the Party of all parties … the awaited “Wedding Supper of the Lamb” now being prepared in Heaven … during which His Bride will lovingly receive her Royal Crown to reign alongside with Him over the most beautiful and awesome Kingdom of Heaven … Forever, and ever!!!

She’s there … in all four Gospels!!!  She is the one God has used to poetically reflect ALL true believers (His “Church,” which is also called the “Bride of Christ”) … and her name is Mary Magdalene!

Huh??!!  Because, like her (who was once a prostitute), God views His “Betrothed” (His Church) being filled with sinners who have returned to Him, whom the World will shun, ridicule, and even despise.

For, according to Mark, she was the only one to actively “SEEK the Lord Jesus” after He was Crucified, and, she was the ONLY one of His followers (including the 11 Disciples) who showed the love, faith, and courage to face her fears (she was prepared to boldly face a platoon of Roman Legionnaires at His grave).

She never felt ashamed of Him (or of the words which He spoke and taught), and, because of this act of faith and love, the Lord revealed Himself to her first!!!   (Don’t worry … no ‘Rapture’ study here).

So, here we find it is Mary Magdalene, whose name “Mary” means “Beloved” in Egyptian, and “Myrrh” in Hebrew, (myrrh was the fragrant spice used in Israel for funerals and weddings), and “Magdalene,” which means “strong and high tower” built of many bricks (like us!), is the ‘model’ for those who will continue to cling to their love and faith in the “Bridegroom,” Jesus Christ … no matter what people think.

 Grace and Shalom

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