“When I (God) bring the sword upon a land,
   and the people of the land take a man from their territory
   and make him their watchman,
   When he sees the sword coming upon the land,
   IF he blows the trumpet and warns the people,
   then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet
   and does not take warning,
   if the sword comes and takes him away,
   his blood shall be on his own head.
   He heard the sound of the trumpet,
   but did not take warning,
   his blood shall be upon himself …
   BUT, if the watchman sees the sword coming
   And does NOT blow the trumpet, 
   and the people are NOT warned,
   And the sword comes and takes any person from among them,
   he is taken away in his iniquity (sin);
   BUT, his blood I will require at the WATCHMAN’S hand.”
   (Ezekiel 33:2-9)


NOTE:  In the New Testament we are told we’re ALL Watchmen!

It’s not my job (or our job) to tell anybody what to believe …

Our job (and my job) is to simply present the Bible prophecies (which the Bible warns the World will see at “The time of the end”) along with the News in order to help warn others, and to let them decide whether or not to heed or take these Biblical warnings seriously.

This site even provides a way (using Math and Science) for them to easily TEST these things to PROVE if they are true or not!!  

GETTING STARTED (How to TEST These Things)

Sharing a link to this website with family and friends via email, text, or social media can be your way of fulfilling your “Watchman’s duties”!

The time draws near …

“When you SEE these things,
Know that it is NEAR —
(Mark 13:29)


Grace and Shalom

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