From Russia: China’s Xi Prepares For War By Building New Military Headquarters Larger Than Pentagon

–Pravda  (Russia)

Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind

Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone


As a note, I have not yet updated the prophecy study below to reflect the “3-Headed Eagle” prophecy may simply be referring to a great coming war between the “East” (Russia-China and allies) and the “West” (NATO-England-America and allies) which will leave a great global power vacuum into which “Rome” will once again prophetically rise as the final World Empire (the “4th Beast” of Daniel and the “Great Red Dragon” of Revelation) …


Ukraine War: England & America in Prophecy? (2nd Ezra’s obscure “3-Headed Eagle” Prophecy)


In almost all of Russia’s official threats and announcements, they almost always refer to their enemies as the “West” (West of what was once the division between East & West Germany, which was the power base of the “Holy Roman Empire”).

The ancients called the “Great Wall” of China the “Wall of Magog” … 


Russia (Magog), Iran (Persia), and allies WILL go to WAR …
will be ‘Neutralized”

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church 

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

China Tries to Spook U.S. with Army of Dancing Robots


China’s Military has rapidly been integrating an “Army” of deadly Robot Dogs into its massive war preparations (which we paid for
and provided the technology) …




“Highly Unusual Move”: U.S. Army Withholds Name Of Female Helicopter Pilot In D.C. Crash, While 2 Others Identified


Related Article from Russia’s Pravda News …


Black Hawk “Transgender” Pilot Crashed Helicopter Protesting Trump

(Note: Click on “Show More” below the article’s photo to read more, per the excerpt below)


Pravda quoted the “Santa Monica Observer” publication as its news source …


“The pilot of the Black Hawk has been identified as Chief Warrant Officer 2 (CW2) Jo Ellis,
a transgender woman with 15 years of service in the Virginia National Guard,”
‘the Santa Monica Observer publication said’.”


However, if the Pravda report is later proven false, this article will be removed.


From Israel: Freed Female Hostage Was Held In U.N. (UNRWA) Facilities And Denied Medical Treatment

–Israel Nat’l News


UN Sec’y General Guterres with Roman Pope Francis 

Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!

United Nations (UN) Sec’y General Guterres is an empowered Roman (Catholic)
whose obedience and loyalty (and policies) all belong to his Roman Pope.

Israel WILL Be “Divided” Around The Time of Armageddon


 “I (GOD) will also gather ALL nations,
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. (Same as Megiddo … ARMAGEDDON!!!)
And I (GOD) will enter into judgment with them there
on account of MY People, MY Heritage, ISRAEL,
whom they have scattered among the nations.
(Joel 3:2)

Nations of the World 
WILL Turn Against Israel!!

The Bible also warns “at the time of the end” (around the time of the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon (also called the “Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble”- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL nations (including the US) will unite (United Nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 … Joel 3:1-2 … Revelation 16:13-16).

But, it is heart-wrenching to see it now actually happening. It is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes. Remember … Armageddon is in Israel!!!


“For I (GOD)
will gather ALL the nations
to battle against JERUSALEM”
(Zechariah 14:2)


“And I (God)
will be to her (Jerusalem)
a wall of fire all around …
He who touches you (Jerusalem)
touches the apple (pupil) of His eye …
(Woe to those who poke God in the eye)
Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord,
for He has roused Himself
from His holy dwelling”
(Zechariah 2:5,8,13)


Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Prophecies: The coming Rapture

The Calm Before The Storm

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND
(Which stayed “neutral” in WWII and now stands against Israel)

Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance

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