What Will The New Iran-Russia Partnership Mean For The World?
–Moscow Times
Russia, Iran, and allies WILL invade ISRAEL … America will be “Neutralized”
–Moscow Times
Russia, Iran, and allies WILL invade ISRAEL … America will be “Neutralized”
–Christian Post
Ukraine War: England & America in Prophecy?
(2nd Ezra’s obscure “3-Headed Eagle” Prophecy)
Prophecy: Russia, Iran, and allies WILL trigger a prophetic War of the Ages
Remarkable A.I. Probability Study: Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38)
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
Prophecy: Sights & Signs From Heaven
According to the ancient Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar, the BIBLICAL NEW YEAR and JUBILEE YEAR will then start on March 19 (Evening of March 18) …
–Fox News/DB
–Israel Nat’l News/Jack Engelhard
Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem
Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!
Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)
Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance
Related Article from LifeSite News (Life Site News is a Roman Catholic News Site) …
BREAKING: Roman Pope Francis Names Pro-Homosexual Cardinal
As New Archbishop For Washington, DC
What DOES the Bible say about Homosexuality?
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
(Pope Francis IS a Jesuit!)
Roman Pope Francis (a Jesuit) has just issued a stern and powerful reminder to EVERY Roman Catholic in Trump’s new Administration and on the Supreme Court BEFORE the scheduled Inauguration that THIS appointment reflects ROME’S Policies and ALL Roman Catholics are COMMANDED to follow their “Pope’s” commands and policies (whether openly or in other ways) …
Trump’s Current Roman Catholic “Roster”:
– Vance
Cabinet Members:
– Kennedy
– Rubio
– Stefanik
– Ratcliffe
– Duffy
Press Secretary:
– Leavitt
All 5 Supreme Court Justices Nominated by Republican Presidents Bush and Trump are Roman Catholic:
– Neil Gorsuch (2017)
– Brett Kavanaugh (2018)
– Amy Coney Barrett (2020)
– John Roberts (2005)
– Samuel Alito (2006)
Top Military Commanders:
– ?????
Yet, Roman Catholics only represent around 22% of the American population …
Donald Trump IS a smart Politician,
And the Roman Catholic Church IS a powerful political force
(while the few remaining Bible-Teaching “Protestant” churches are very weak),
And Trump may not even be aware of the Roman Church’s 500-Year War
against Bible-Believing “Protestants.”
Trump Seated With Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan
At Catholic Charities Al Smith Dinner
Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines
Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?
If anything happens to Donald Trump, the Roman Church will now be in a strong position to take control over America (just as Bible Prophecy warns).
Sorry, fellow Bible-Believing Christians …
Our “Blessed Hope” is not in any “man,”
but, in our Lord Jesus Christ who will one day
Return to lovingly take us safely Home …
Prophecies: The coming Antichrist
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
–LifeSite News (Life Site is a Roman Catholic News Site)
Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
Prophecies: The coming Antichrist
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
In San Antonio, the Roman Church ALSO remembers the Alamo …
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
Iran, Russia, Turkey, and allies WILL invade ISRAEL
(America will be “Neutralized”)
Remarkable A.I. Probability Study: Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38)
–RaptureReady/All Israel News
Iran, Russia, Turkey, and allies WILL invade ISRAEL
(America will be “Neutralized”)
Remarkable A.I. Probability Study: Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38)
Don’t forget: Russia & Iran are to sign a MAJOR Mutual Defense Treaty this month.
–Jerusalem Post
TURKEY, Russia, Iran, and allies WILL invade ISRAEL
(America will be “Neutralized”)
Remarkable A.I. Probability Study: Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38)
Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem
Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!
Prophecy: Believing Christians will be Hated
Prophecies: The coming Antichrist
Who Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
–Harbinger’s Daily
Prophecy: Believing Christians will be Hated
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil
(‘Socialism’ (Marxism) IS a Religion)
The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
Joe Biden is an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose obedience belongs to the Roman Pope (and NOT to the Constitution or Rule of Law of the United States) …
And “WHY” (and on what mission) will he be traveling to meet with the Pope just a few days before Trump is scheduled to take office?!?
The Calm Before The Storm Study:
The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes
Related Article from TheMostImportantNews …
As noted earlier (around 12 Headlines below including the “Mathematical Probability” of these events) …
I can’t offer an opinion one way or another on this (however, you will find two VERY INTERESTING prophecy videos below), but, around 12 Headlines below this one, I will provide you with the Mathematical Probability of such an occurrence (generated by Claude.AI) …
(Spoiler: “This event would theoretically occur once every 36.5 Billion years”)
ALSO, I ran across a couple of VERY INTERESTING Bible Prophecy videos presented around 2021 which REMARKABLY review all these things, including …
As mentioned, these were recorded around 2021 when a book concerning ALL these things was first released (and Thomas Horn died in 2023).
Tom Horn and Josh Peck: “2025 – The Coming Zeitgeist”
Prophecy Watchers program
What Is Coming In 2025?
Thomas Horn
Note: Much more details concerning Washington DC, history, our Founders, the Washington Monument and Capitol Building … good graphics, history, and details
If you’re not familiar with him, Tom Horn was a popular and well-respected Christian pastor (Assemblies of God), Author, Prophecy Conference Speaker, and guest of Christian TV shows.
Each video is around 28 minutes.
You will ALSO find an A.I. Probability Study concerning the Probability of these events all happening on the same day presented around 12 HEADLINES BELOW THIS ONE ...
Other A.I. Probability Studies to note …
A.I. Probability Study: Israel & Jerusalem Reunited
A.I. Probability Study: Russia & Iran (Ezekiel 38)
–Jerusalem Post
Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
From today’s (January 4) Daily Bible Reading (Old Testament – Tanakh) …
“Now the whole earth had one language and the same words.
And as people migrated from the east,
they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.
And they said to one another,
“Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.”
And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar.
Then they said,
“Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens,
and let us make a name for ourselves,
lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole Earth.”
And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower,
which the children of man had built.
And the Lord said,
“Behold, they are one people,
and they have all one language,
and this is only the beginning of what they will do.
And nothing that they (Mankind) propose to do will now be impossible for them.”
(Genesis 11:1-6)
–Jerusalem Post
Jesus Christ: Prophecies Fulfilled!!!
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
Prophecies: The Return of Jesus Christ
From today’s (January 4) Daily Bible Reading (New Testament) …
“Now when He (Jesus) heard that John had been arrested,
He withdrew into Galilee.
And leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum by the sea,
in the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali,
So that what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled:
“The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,
the people dwelling in darkness
have seen a great Light,
and for those dwelling in the region and shadow of death,
on them a Light has dawned.”
From that time Jesus began to preach, saying,
“Repent (turn back to God),
For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”
(Matthew 4:12-17)
Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines
Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
Trump’s Current Roman Catholic “Roster”:
– Vance
Cabinet Members:
– Kennedy
– Rubio
– Stefanik
– Ratcliffe
– Duffy
Press Secretary:
– Leavitt
All 5 Supreme Court Justices Nominated by Republican Presidents Bush and Trump are Roman Catholic:
– Neil Gorsuch (2017)
– Brett Kavanaugh (2018)
– Amy Coney Barrett (2020)
– John Roberts (2005)
– Samuel Alito (2006)
Top Military Commanders:
– ?????
Yet, Roman Catholics only represent around 22% of the American population …
Donald Trump IS a smart Politician,
And the Roman Catholic Church IS a powerful political force
(while the few remaining Bible-Teaching “Protestant” churches are very weak),
And Trump may not even be aware of the Roman Church’s 500-Year War
against Bible-Believing “Protestants.”
Trump Seated With Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan
At Catholic Charities Al Smith Dinner
If anything happens to Donald Trump, the Roman Church will now be in a strong position to take control over America (just as Bible Prophecy warns).
Sorry, fellow Bible-Believing Christians …
Our “Blessed Hope” is not in any “man,”
but, in our Lord Jesus Christ who will one day
Return to lovingly take us safely Home …
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
Prophecies: The coming Antichrist
–RaptureReady/All Israel News
Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming TRIBULATION!!
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
Prophecies: The coming Antichrist
The “GOSPEL” (which means “Very Good News”)
–Israel Nat’l News
Turkey, Russia, Iran, and allies WILL invade ISRAEL … America will be ‘Neutralized”
Ezekiel 38 (Turkey-Russia-Iran): A.I. Probability Study
Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem
Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!
–Fox News/GT
Prophecy: Believing Christians will be Hated
Prophecy: False Prophets will Rise (with an interesting link to the Jesuits!!)
Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon
Prophecies: Lawlessness, Violence, & Immorality
Prophecies: The coming Antichrist
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
–Jerusalem Post
IRELAND: Bloody example of JESUIT Extreme Violence & Cruelty
Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
Revelation 17 Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast
Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance
This is why Roman Catholic Ireland stayed “NEUTRAL” during World War II.
–Koenig/Times of Israel
God warns the Gog-Magog Army will come out of the “Utter parts of the North”…
“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog (leader of Magog),
Thus says the Lord God:
On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?
You will come from your place
(Russia now claims the Arctic and North Pole and is massing forces to defend them)
you and many peoples with you,
all of them riding on horses,
a great host, a mighty army.
You will come up against My people Israel, (not a good idea)
like a cloud covering the Land.
In the latter days
(Far future from Ezekiel’s time …”the last days”… which we are in now)
I will bring you (Magog) against My Land (Israel),
(God says Israel is His Land … He gave it to Israel)
that the nations may know Me,
when through you, O Gog,
I vindicate My Holiness before their eyes.”
(For God will utterly destroy this invading army)
(Ezekiel 38:11-17)
Prophecy: Russia, Iran, and allies WILL trigger a prophetic War of the Ages
Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
–American Military News / Live Science
A.I. Probability Study of Lightning Striking ALL Four of these sites on New Year’s Eve (or on any single day):
Mathematical Probability of such an occurrence (generated by Claude.AI) …
(Spoiler: “This event would theoretically occur once every 36.5 Billion years”)
C (That’s me)
What are the odds (or is the probability) of the US Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, the New World Trade Center (NY), and the Empire State Builiding (NY), ALL being struck by lightning on same New Year’s Eve 2024, and on the same eve of a new year during which a new President of the United States will be taking office?
Let me break this down step by step to estimate this highly specific probability.
Making a rough calculation:
The final probability would be astronomically small – approximately 1 in 36.5 billion, though this is a simplified estimation.
This is such a specific scenario that I’d call it effectively impossible in practical terms, though not technically impossible. The required coincidence of winter storms in both cities, plus strikes on all four buildings, on this exact date, makes it an extremely unlikely event.
Would you like me to explain any part of this probability estimation in more detail?
Yes, please do.
Let me expand on each component of the probability calculation in more detail.
The resulting probability is minuscule because we’re dealing with what statisticians call a “conjunction” – multiple independent events all needing to occur simultaneously. Each additional requirement multiplies the improbability.
A useful analogy might be: this would be like throwing four dice and getting all sixes (1/1296), but only on a specific day of the year, and only during a specific type of weather event in two specific cities. The compound nature of these requirements makes it astronomically unlikely.
Would you like me to elaborate on any particular aspect of these calculations or the weather patterns involved?
Would it be possible to convert your answer into a “once in how many years” answer or probability?
Let me convert this to a “once in X years” format.
Starting with our rough probability of 1 in 36.5 billion for this happening on a single New Year’s Eve:
To put this in perspective:
Another way to think about it: If we started counting from the formation of the Earth, and this hadn’t happened yet, we would still need to wait another 32 billion years (about 7 times the current age of the Earth) before we might expect to see this combination of events occur once.
This illustrates why we would consider this practically impossible, even though it’s technically not impossible. The time scales involved are so vast that they exceed the age of our planet and approach three times the age of the universe itself.
A.I. Probability Study: Israel & Jerusalem Reunited
A.I. Probability Study: Russia & Iran (Ezekiel 38)
A.I. Probability Study: Messiah Revealed (Palm Sunday)
Remarkable A.I. Probability Study: Evolution vs. Creation