This may or may not fit the Bible prophecy predictions, but SOMETHING or SOME THINGS will one day be seen in the sky and heavens that will be so frightening that it or they will “cause men’s hearts to fail” …
Our US Tech firms moved billions of dollars of high-tech manufacturing and Intellectual Property directly into China (and out of the U.S.) while also providing them with the most advanced manufacturing and design techniques and capabilities
Our Universities and Colleges employ Chinese nationals at the highest levels of Engineering and other Departments giving China free access to billions of dollars of American research … AND an open window to steal our future technologies
Our Democrat Party Administrations did nothing to stop Chinese espionage at the highest levels of our Defense Department and Military which has quickly allowed China to produce and deploy our latest designs before we can (because of our bureaucratic delays in introducing our next-generation weapons, missiles, and aircraft)
Basically, we gave them all the money, manufacturing capabilities, and designs they needed to overtake and defeat us
The US will develop (in the future) “Super Hypersonic Missiles)
The US will quickly rebuild its now weakened Military
The US will retake the strategic Panama Canal (away from China)
The US will be a global Economic Superpower again
NATO (Anti-Russia) countries must increase their military and defense spending
America will soon enforce Tariffs and new Sanctions against China and Russia (if they do not submit to America’s demands)
Russia and China do currently have a military advantage over America with their advanced (and deadly) new Space Weapons and Hypersonic Ballistic Missiles (for which America (and NATO) forces currently have no defense against)
Trump (and America) will now act rapidly to achieve all of these goals.
What would you do if you were Russia or China (and currently have the military means to hinder or destroy Trump’s stated goals for America)?
After spending American soldiers’ blood (and billions of American dollars) in defeating Iran’s arch-enemy Iraq, Presidents Bush and Obama promptly handed it over to Iran (Russia and China) as a prize (China and Russia have now received many of the Iraqi oil contracts, and Iraq is now supporting most of their foreign policy directives).
I have to admit I was duped by George Bush. But, under the “cowboy” and “God bless” smokescreen and veneer he powerfully and stealthily advanced the Democrat Party (and Clinton) agenda like no other Republican president before him.
So, instead of remembering what he said, simply look at what he did …
– Transferred control of Iraq away from the Military to the State Department (who quickly allowed Iran-Russia-China to usurp control)
– Note: Bush’s two Sec’y of States (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice) later supported Democrat candidate Barack Hussein Obama
– Created the Dept of “Homeland” Security … then gave it vast powers unprecedented in our nation’s history
– “Nationalized” all private Airport Security … and then placed it (the TSA) under control of the new Dept of Homeland Security (DHS)
– Refused to rescind Clinton’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” homosexual policy which has weakened and divided our military
– Refused to rescind Clinton’s “Women In Battle” policy which has weakened and divided our military
– Note: His mother … Barbara Bush … later called Bill Clinton her other “son”… and George Bush called him his “brother”
– Pushed for mass amnesty to millions of Illegal Immigrants … (which demoralized, divided, and defeated Republicans in the next election)
– Followed Democrat Party policy by refusing to support two Border Patrol agents who were sent to prison for simply doing their job
– Nominated (liberal and Democrat Party acceptable) Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court … weakening and dividing the Republican base
– Replaced Donald Rumsfeld with Democrat Party friendly Robert Gates … who quickly began dismantling our major weapons programs
– Initiated the “Democratization” policy (Islamic Revolutions) in North Africa which has now placed militant Islam in control
– Applied forceful pressure upon Israel to “divide” her Biblical Land with Islamics
– Sent elite US Special Forces into “Palestine” to train and equip the Palestinian Authority (formerly PLO) forces
– Told Americans (and our military) to view Islam as a religion of “peace”… held several Islamic “Ramadan” dinners in the White House
– Stood small and silent when Military Chaplains were ordered to stop praying in the Name of Jesus Christ (in 2005) …
As with “Republican” Senator McConnell (who just voted with the Democrats against Sec’y of Defense Hegseth), we have been duped and deceived … but … believing Christians take heart … even though we’re warned it’s going to get a lot worse … read the back of the Book … we win!!!
Rick Santorum, former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and devout Catholic (Member of Opus Dei AND the Knights of Malta), was the first to give Bush the “Catholic president” label …
“He’s certainly much more Catholic than Kennedy,” said Santorum.
George W Bush and Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts Leave the annual Roman Catholic “Red Mass” in Washington, DC.
“At the Roman Catholic “Red Mass” they pray to “Thomas More” who was one of the most vicious and bloody inquisitors that ever lived and was responsible for having Bible translator William Tyndale
burned at the stake alive for his work. He had many other innocent victims burned at the stake as well
and held massive Bible burning events.”
George Bush being “blessed” with his secret “Skull & Crossbones” Pose
In the following passage we find the Bible clearly warns that God’s Law also applies to those who simply “approve of” these things (including homosexuality-lesbianism) …
“For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men … For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature (lesbianism). Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burning in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful (homosexuality) … that those who practice these things are worthy of death
(“Thanatos” demonic power leading into death (hell) in the afterlife), And not only those who do the same But ALSO those who APPROVE OF those who practice them!” (Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32) (Other offenses were included which are not listed here.)
Here, God clearly warns all those who simply “approve of” these things will be held just as accountable as those who actually do them. This is God’s Word and Law in the Bible. We have all been given a free will to either accept it or reject God’s Word. It’s our choice.
We find in the Bible this also applies to churches and church leaders as well when we read those Bible prophecies which reveal many churches will “fall away” from God’s Word and “will depart from the faith” and “will no longer endure sound doctrine” around the time of the Apocalypse (1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:3-5, Jude 1:3-6).
Taken from both the Old and New Testaments, these verses have been given because they represent a portion of God’s Law as found in the Bible.
The verses we have just read also reveal God’s Law is not ambiguous concerning homosexuality. We soon discover that Homosexuality is nothing new.
At the time the Apostle Paul wrote the verses above homosexuality was rampant throughout the ancient Roman Empire. Roman Emperor Nero once married a man who was dressed as the bride, and on another occasion, Emperor Nero dressed as the bride as he married another man.
However, the generation alive today is the first generation since the fall of the ancient Roman Empire to embrace and promote homosexuality in such an overt manner.
“Is it just a coincidence that there will be a major planetary alignment on January 21st? Just as Donald Trump returns to the White House, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will be aligning in the sky. This planetary alignment of 6 planets will occur the day after the 60th presidential inauguration in our history takes place. Of course there are many people out there that believe that the positioning of celestial objects is completely coincidental and could never possibly mean anything …”
42 Days (INCLUDING January 19, 2025 as Day 1) = March 1, 2025
(“In like a Lamb and out like a Lion??”)
This rare heavenly event will also take place the day before the MONTH of the Final Jubilee begins which will mark the LAST Jubilee before the GREAT Jubilee on Year 6000 (which will mark the beginning of Messiah’s Millennial Reign over Israel and all the Earth) …
Israel’s King (and Messiah) prophesied 2000 years ago …
“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and He said to them: “EVERY nation (and kingdom) divided against itself Is brought to desolation, And every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” (Matthew 12:25)
Socialism in not just a Political/Economic Doctrine, it is a religion that opposes and despises God’s Word and Biblical Christianity.
Socialists writhe and hiss even at the mention of God, the Bible, or Jesus Christ.
Examples of this in America include the Democrat National Convention “Booing” God in 2016 and then forbidding any mention of God during the Democrat National Convention or the Democrat Party Platform in 2020.
Socialists in America (through the Democrat Party) have also been very successful in their relentless attacks to eliminate the Name of Jesus Christ from being mentioned in our public schools and during civic events (even Christmas programs). Christians have had their businesses and livelihood taken away by the State for standing up for basic Biblical Christian beliefs.
Today in many nations around the World, including Canada, their Socialist (“Liberal”) Parties have now made just quoting Bible verses a punishable criminal offense and deemed a “hate crime.” Socialist China is tearing down churches and arresting Bible-believing Christians while saying Christianity is “subversive.”
God loves you more than words can say. He knows the pain and heartbreak we feel … for He has felt it, too.
The Bible says our spirit will someday groan to leave this earthly body.
Our real life, in His Kingdom of Heaven, is yet future . . .
“The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs — Heirs of God and joint heirs with Messiah (Christ), IF indeed we suffer with Him” (Romans 8:16)
Jesus Christ is our Hope . . .
Although there are times we may feel alone and abandoned, He will never forsake you or leave you.
The Bible says the true child of God will find suffering in this life.
Each of us will have our faith tested.
Jesus waits for us to ask Him into our lives to help, to strengthen, to comfort, and to heal.
He lovingly wraps His arms around the the lonely, the hurting, and the brokenhearted.
Jesus will never cast away or turn away any man or woman that willingly comes to Him, regardless of how young or how old, or how good or how bad.
Any and all who come to Him with a sincere and humbled heart are welcomed with open arms. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).
Jesus IS God.
He now prepares our place in Heaven where there will be no fear, no worries, no pain, no heartbreak, and no tears …FOREVER!!!
The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done. It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.
Jesus died rejected and alone on the Cross. The Bible, God’s Word, tells us that it was not the nails which were driven through His hands and feet that kept Jesus on the Cross, it was His love for you. He willingly and lovingly took the penalty and punishment for all of your sins. Each and every one of them, regardless how big or how small. Your debt, paid in full, by Him.
Through God’s grace, you simply need to accept it and believe it. It is free to everybody. It is available to everybody. But, God has given each of us the free will to make our own choice. We must choose to accept it. We must choose to believe it.
If you sincerely believe Jesus (Yeshua) lovingly suffered and died on the Cross for all of your sins, and was buried and Resurrected on the third day and then ask Him to come into your life as Lord while honestly trying to turn away from all those things God says are wrong, you will go to Heaven.
With open arms and with tears of joy He will receive all who will come to Him in faith and in love … it’s God’s Promise!!!
Note: This Cease Fire is NOT the coming Peace Treaty (enforcing the covenant), but, it DOES show how Israel can be pressured into signing a “distasteful” agreement …
“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and He said to them: “EVERY nation (and kingdom) divided against itself Is brought to desolation, And every city or house divided against itself will not stand.” (Matthew 12:25)
Biblical New Year 2025 will not begin until March 19, 2025 (on the ancient Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar) or on March 30, 2025 on the Modern Jewish Calendar …
I received a text asking if this might be prophetic.
Below is the reply …
I’m not sure, but, there are 3 things that COULD be prophetically significant (perhaps even VERY significant) …
1. They didn’t get ALL of the captives back
2. On January 17 (this coming Friday), Russia and Iran will sign a “Strategic Partnership” (Mutual Defense Pact) which may change the Middle East (and GAZA) equation, FOREVER!
Because, anytime after this “pact” is signed, if Israel (or America) bombs Iran’s nuke sites it will be the same as if they had bombed Moscow (and Iran and Hamas are inseparable).
3. Per #1, (this might be stretching the bungee cord a bit), but read the last line of part 3 in the Gaza Prophecy link above …
“The Lord their GOD will intervene for them, AND return their captives.” (Zephaniah 2:1-7)
Might this be referring to these REMAINING captives?
It’s a stretch and low probability … but, it’s not a “NO” probability.
If so, some prophetic event(s) could happen within the 42 days after final signing (Phase 2).
The Rules were also changed to allow PARAMEDICS (which these women are) with NO firefighting skills or training to be allowed to become “Fire Chiefs.”
In the following passage we find the Bible clearly warns that God’s Law also applies to those who simply “approve of” these things (including homosexuality-lesbianism) …
“For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men … For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature (lesbianism). Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burning in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful (homosexuality) … that those who practice these things are worthy of death
(“Thanatos” demonic power leading into death (hell) in the afterlife), And not only those who do the same But ALSO those who APPROVE OF those who practice them!” (Romans 1:18, 26, 27, 32) (Other offenses were included which are not listed here.)
Here, God clearly warns all those who simply “approve of” these things will be held just as accountable as those who actually do them. This is God’s Word and Law in the Bible. We have all been given a free will to either accept it or reject God’s Word. It’s our choice.
We find in the Bible this also applies to churches and church leaders as well when we read those Bible prophecies which reveal many churches will “fall away” from God’s Word and “will depart from the faith” and “will no longer endure sound doctrine” around the time of the Apocalypse (1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 4:3-5, Jude 1:3-6).
Taken from both the Old and New Testaments, these verses have been given because they represent a portion of God’s Law as found in the Bible.
The verses we have just read also reveal God’s Law is not ambiguous concerning homosexuality. We soon discover that Homosexuality is nothing new.
At the time the Apostle Paul wrote the verses above homosexuality was rampant throughout the ancient Roman Empire. Roman Emperor Nero once married a man who was dressed as the bride, and on another occasion, Emperor Nero dressed as the bride as he married another man.
However, the generation alive today is the first generation since the fall of the ancient Roman Empire to embrace and promote homosexuality in such an overt manner.
“Now the whole earth had one language (AI) and the same words. And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar (Babylon) and settled there. And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole Earth.” And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they (Mankind) propose to do will now be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:1-6)
Biblical New Year 2025 will not begin until March 19, 2025 (on the ancient Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar) or on March 30, 2025 on the Modern Jewish Calendar …
Yet, the “Christian” West has poured Billions and Billions of dollars trying to save Ukraine (with its Roman Vatican backed leader) while not diverting ONE PENNY to help and save our brothers and sisters in Christ in Nigeria, Myanmar, and many other places all around the World!!!
Now, do a quick study of the number of major nations that are currently internally “divided” and are now experiencing Political Chaos (or “wars and rumors of war”) as political Leaders are now toppling (or in the midst of divisive turmoil).
“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and He said to them: “EVERY nation (and kingdom) divided against itself
Is brought to desolation,
And everycity or house divided against itself will not stand.”
(Matthew 12:25)
God’s Word promises all those who still “believe” and are “dressed and ready” while “eagerly awaiting” Jesus Christ’s Return to EVACUATE His Betrothed are NOT “appointed” to the coming Day of Wrath …
“And to wait for His Son from Heaven,
whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus (Yeshua), who delivers us FROM the wrath to come.”
(1 Thessalonians 1:10)
“For God did NOT appoint us (believing Christians) to wrath,
but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah),
who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep,
we should live together with Him (in Heaven).
Therefore comfort each other and edify one another,
just as you also are doing.” (The Rapture is called our “Blessed hope!”)
(1 Thessalonians 5:9-11)
“The prudent (man or woman) sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.” (Proverbs 22:3 & 27:12)
Note the word “hide” or “hidden” is used four times in the Rapture verses found in the “Rapture” study linked above.
From Wikipedia …
John Roberts (Chief Justice): Catholicism Clarence Thomas: Catholicism Samuel Alito: Catholicism Sonia Sotomayor: Catholicism Brett Kavanaugh: Catholicism Amy Coney Barrett: Catholicism
Neil Gorsuch: Catholicism/Anglicanism
Elena Kagan: Judaism Ketanji Brown Jackson: Protestantism * (?)
From AP News: * “If (Supreme Court Justice) Kentanji Brown Jackson has a specific church affiliation,
it could not be readily found in standard Google searches,
Nor through a keyword search of the roughly 2,000 pages of documents
released by the Judiciary Committee …
The record gives no hint
of whether she ever belonged to a specific congregation
or whether she attends services regularly.” (
Yet, Roman Catholics only represent 20%-22% of this nation’s Population …
A.I. Probability Study of having 7 Roman Catholic Justices sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court …
C (That’s me)
Currently Roman Catholics represent 22% of the population in the USA, what is the probability of having 7 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices being Roman Catholic?
“Let me solve this step by step.
First, let’s identify what we’re calculating:
We want the probability of having 7 Catholic justices out of 9 total
The probability of randomly selecting a Catholic person is 0.22 (22%)
This is a binomial probability problem
We’ll use the binomial probability formula: P(X = k) = C(n,k) × p^k × (1-p)^(n-k) where:
“Therefore, the probability is approximately 2.83 × 10^-3, or about 0.283% (FAR LESS than 1%)
“This extremely low probability suggests that having 7 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices being Catholic is highly unlikely to occur by random chance, given the proportion of Catholics in the US population.
Thank you. What would be the probability against this occurring?
Let me help you find the probability against this occurring.
The probability against something occurring is known as the “odds against” and can be calculated by: (1 – probability) / probability
Using our previous result:
Probability of occurring = 2.83 × 10^-3
Probability of not occurring = 1 – 2.83 × 10^-3 = 0.99717
“This means the odds against this happening by random chance are about 352 to 1.
“To express this in scientific notation: 3.524 × 10^2 to 1
“This high ratio further emphasizes how statistically unlikely this composition would be if selection were purely random based on US demographic representation.
You will find the message found in the Bible is not trivial … It is staggering!!!
Did You Know …
Bible prophecy allows (and invites) everyone in the world, both the skeptical, the sympathetic, the Christian, and the Non-Christian alike to test God’s Word.
Prophecy is God’s way of warning ALL Mankind of the grave danger that now lies ahead.
Almost 30% of the Bible is prophetic (telling of future events), and has so far been 100% accurate.
There is no other book in the world like it.
It contains the History of the World … Written in Advance!!!