Berkeley LAW SCHOOL Dean: U.S. Constitution “Outdated,” “Threatens the United States”

–Zero Hedge

The “Socialist Left” Wants To Destroy Our Freedoms, Constitutional Rule of Law, and Democracy …

Just as our early Biblical founders tried to establish a freedom from Rome for all our churches to freely teach the Bible, so did our early Government founders try to establish freedom and protection for all our citizens to escape the threat of falling under the horrific Roman Inquisitions that engulfed and decimated much of Europe under Roman Law and Roman Rule.

So, America’s early founders constructed a Government which DID provide America with a “King” … a good king … our king is the “Constitution and Rule of Law.”

The Executive Branch (President), Legislative Branch (Congress), and Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) were designed as royal guards to protect America’s “king” by defending the Constitutional Rule of Law, all given to justly rule as one nation under God … “Offor, and bv” the people.

Many of our founders such as George Washington and Paul Revere were descendants of the French Huguenots who had been ruthlessly, savagely, and helplessly slaughtered during the carnage of the Roman Inquisitions for simply refusing to bow down to the Pope (as Rome’s proclaimed ‘god on Earth’), which the Bible forbids.

So, the “Bill of Rights” were given to protect us from ROME.

These included:

  • Freedom of Religion
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Freedom of the Press
  • Freedom of Assembly
  • Freedom and Right to keep and Bear Arms
  • Protection against Unreasonable search and seizure
  • Protection against being tried twice for same crime
  • Protection against the seizure of property
  • Rights to a speedy Trial, with a Jury, and a Lawyer

This is the legacy of the rights and freedoms upon which America was originally founded, and which the Bible clearly warns will one day be lost … to Rome!

These attacks by secular Socialist-Leftist Jews against our Judeo-Christian-based Constitution and Rule of Law (who are also attacking the Jewish Government and Rule of Law in Israel) …

Should NOT come as a surprise as we find the attacks to destroy Christians and the Christian Church in the days of Jesus and the Apostles (who were all Jewish) came from a powerful ALLIANCE between Rome and the Leftist Jewish (‘Sadducee-Pharisaical’) Political leaders and agitators of their day … whom Jesus Christ called sons of Satan.

America (and the whole Free World) In Bible Prophecy

Prophecies of Jesus Christ

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes

Sinwar’s ISRAELI (Socialist-Left) Accomplices

–Koenig/Jewish News/Caroline Glick

Divide and Conquer:  Use Democracy to Destroy Democracy

Jesus Christ (“The Word of God” John 1) warns …

“If a kingdom (or nation) is divided against itself,
That kingdom cannot stand”
(Mark 3:24)


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America (and The Free World) In Bible Prophecy

Israel’s Unhinged (Socialist) Political Left: A Deadly Delusion


Divide and Conquer:  Use Democracy to Destroy Democracy

Jesus Christ (“The Word of God” John 1) warns …

“If a kingdom (or nation) is divided against itself,
That kingdom cannot stand”
(Mark 3:24)

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America (and The Free World) In Bible Prophecy

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