by The Prophecies | Feb 5, 2023
–Drudge/The Atlantic Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon
God has warned us through prophecy …
“Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord GOD,
That I will send a FAMINE on the land,
NOT a famine of bread,
NOR a thirst for water,
But of HEARING the words of the LORD.”
(Amos 8:11)
This prophecy could be somewhat analogous to a monstrous tidal wave. If we’re standing on a beach and see the water rapidly start to recede from the shore we know it signifies a tidal wave is rapidly approaching which will at some point devastate and destroy everything in its path.
In our scenario, the receding water represents the teaching (and hearing) of God’s Word, the shore represents our churches and synagogues, and the Tidal Wave represents the coming Apocalypse which will one day devastate and destroy almost every living thing on planet Earth.
The coming Apocalypse IS the fierce and terrible “Day of the Lord” which prophet after prophet has cried out and warned us to watch for and to escape from by drawing near to God who will lovingly hide and shelter all who will draw near to Him before “that Day.”
Russia’s Joseph Stalin gave his political activists (and community organizers) the following “road map” for the long-term Socialist destruction of America …
“America is like a HEALTHY body
and its RESISTANCE (to Socialism-Communism) is threefold:
Its Patriotism,
its Morality,
and its Spiritual life.”
“If we (Socialist-Marxists) can undermine these three areas,
America will collapse from within.”
(Joseph Stalin – Leader of United Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR)
Our Socialists in America (through our educational institutions, media, courts, and Democrat party) have now been diligently following his instructions for over 60 years.
For more information see our Page … Socialist Tactics & Doctrines … ‘Socialism’ (Roman-Marxism) IS a Religion
by The Prophecies | Feb 5, 2023
–Drudge/NY Post
China might use this well-planned “spy balloon” mission to start justifying shooting down our (or Taiwan and her allies) reconnaissance aircraft flying over those islands and areas in the South China Sea which China is now illegally claiming as theirs.
China IS feverishly preparing for war, so it will be interesting to see where this might fit in with their (and Russia’s and the Roman Pope’s) war plans. Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
by The Prophecies | Feb 5, 2023
–Fox News
The rising “Roman Axis” (who are ALL sworn enemies of individual freedoms and democracy) …
RUSSIA (Putin) – CHINA (Xi) – ROME (Pope) – AMERICA (Biden & the Democrat Party)… along with their web of violent and dictatorial allies will soon quickly accelerate their shadowy. stealthy, well hidden, and well-planned defeat of America as a Bible-believing Christian-based Free and Democratic Republic …
by The Prophecies | Feb 4, 2023
–Jerusalem Post
This coming war of Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies will trigger IRREVERSIBLE events which will soon lead the World into the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon … Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
An interesting resemblance between Russia’s Medvedev and the last reigning Russian Tsar (“Caesar”) Nicholas II … (could this have any relationship to the 2 Esdras (Ezra) “Three-Headed Eagle” prophecy?)

Russia’s Medvedev & Tsar Nicholas II
by The Prophecies | Feb 4, 2023
–Jerusalem Post
As we study Bible Prophecy it easy (and predictable) to now see why Turkey has blocked Sweden and Finland from joining NATO (which is good for Russia and bad for Europe) … because Bible Prophecy warns Turkey would become and ALLY with Russia just before this terrible prophetic war takes place.
by The Prophecies | Feb 2, 2023
–Moscow Times
Putin and many top Russian officials have recently warned Russia believes the Ukraine War now includes NATO and America … and that all weapons and “all means of victory” are now open to Russia to decisively defeat their powerful enemies.
by The Prophecies | Feb 2, 2023
–Drudge/Sun (UK)
Military analysts have stated that Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapon War Doctrine includes the launch of tactical nuclear weapons closely followed by a major ground assault (radiation following an “air burst” tactical nuclear weapon can dissipate within 48 – 96 hours leaving the battlefield at safe levels to then pour in massed infantry forces to quickly overwhelm a stunned enemy).
by The Prophecies | Feb 2, 2023
–War Zone
I don’t think China and Russia will let the time left with their friend Joe Biden reigning as President and Commander In Chief of America’s armed forces go to waste … Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”
by The Prophecies | Feb 2, 2023
–RaptureReady/LifeSite News
“Evolution” – (“Mankind, Animals, and Plants ALL accidentally rose out of the same little mud pond after a big thunder and lightning storm!!”)
“Global Warming” – (“The SKY is falling … and the OCEAN is soon going to cover Cincinnati!!”)
“Transgenderism” – (“The decision to be Male or Female is SELECTABLE like a cool fashion trend (such as 20″ wide bell bottoms and green paisley shirts with white collars or something else that seems cool today which of course will NEVER go out of style) … and it’s now your little boy and your little girl’s CHOICE (without parental consent) to get their bodies irreversibly and permanently mutilated while thinking it will somehow make them more popular at school!!”
ALL FAIL scientific observation and testing (using the Scientific Method)!!
AND ALL THESE THINGS DEFY GOD’S WORD as found in the Bible … and, PLEASE don’t forget the Bible clearly says we are saved into Heaven (and saved out of Hell) through our FAITH in God’s Word (and our love FOR God’s Word)!!!
by The Prophecies | Feb 2, 2023
Christians are warned to FLEE from churches like the Church of England (Episcopalian) and Roman Catholic churches who have corrupted the Word of God and are now teaching unsuspecting (and Biblically under-educated) church members “Anti-Bible” Doctrines … Prophecies: The coming Anti-Christ
by The Prophecies | Feb 1, 2023
–Jerusalem Post
From Bible Prophecy:
– We are told sometime soon after Israel would once again become a nation (1948) a generation would rise which would not fear God, love God, or submit to His Law and their minds would embrace many lies as well as unstable and demonic teachings.
– We are warned during the coming 7 Years of the coming Apocalypse (“The Time of Israel’s/Jacob’s Trouble”) that Mankind will see a great rise in demonic activity on Earth
– We are told that Hell was first prepared for Satan and his angels/demons
– We are told angels (both good and bad) inhabit the heavens like stars and are not (yet) confined to Earth, however, we find in Revelation the angels who have rebelled against G-d and follow Satan WILL one day be cast down to Earth and will also try to mingle with and destroy Mankind
– We are warned at that time demons will cause great torment upon Mankind
THIRD, another observation from the Bible:
– We are told that all those who place their love, faith, and trust in the Messiah of Israel, the Son of God (study Psalm 2) will be protected and sheltered from the dark angels and demons who are to come
– We are also simply told to “examine” ourselves to see if we sincerely love, fear, and trust in G-d and G-d’s Word and will be protected in the coming Day of the Lord (the coming “Apocalypse”)
– The very first question on our examination will be, “Do we truly believe the first words found in the Bible (God’s Word) … “In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the Earth”? (Genesis 1:1)