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Another Ancient (But Timely) Prophecy of Syria?

The ancient book called The Apocalypse of Ezra or 2 Esdras (Ezra) includes some very interesting and specific (and possibly timely) prophecies concerning Syria, Russia, and Iran in the last days, or the end times.

The Apocalypse of Ezra, which is also sometimes called the Jewish Apocalypse of Ezra, is said to have been written by the same author who wrote the book of Ezra found in the Bible which historically documents the time around the end of the Jewish 70 Year captivity in Babylon and the rebuilding of the Second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.

The Apocalypse of Ezra contains many fascinating prophecies including a sweeping prophecy concerning the past, present, and future role and identity of the ancient Roman Empire, as prophesied by the prophet Daniel in his “Fourth Beast” prophecy.

However, we are going to focus on the future “end time” prophecies which appear to speak of Syria, Russia, Iran, and Arabia, which may now be in the process of being fulfilled …

Netanyahu Should Be Cautious …

If the report concerning Netanyahu travelling to Russia this week is true, let’s hope he will be cautious.

BEWARE!! For the last time Putin invited the Leader of a nation he was not pleased with (the leader of Poland), he arranged for an accidental plane crash which “decapitated” that nation.

The Kremlin is a poisonous spider web of danger and deceit. It is a serpent’s nest filled with a brood of vipers …

Earthquakes …

Most people don’t realize the key element to this prophecy concerning earthquakes is not just that Earthquakes will be intensifying, but the remarkable thing about this prophecy is when Jesus Christ gave this prophecy concerning the hearing of “earthquakes in diverse places” 2000 years ago, it could only be fulfilled far in the future when there would be global communication technologies such as satellite television, cell phones, and the internet capable of reporting these worldwide events as they happen …

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Timely New Books

Isaac Newton TWICE wrote the Year 2060 could mark the end of all Human History. We will show how the year 2060 could mean the year 2030 on our current Gregorian calendar.

This book will present the case that America does have a clear prophetic destiny. We will find America’s prophetic destiny is not only clear … but, it is imminent!!

Strap yourself in!!
This book will present the case that UFOs and Aliens are real and will one day be revealed as a deadly threat to Mankind … and ALL of this has been clearly foretold in Bible Prophecy!

This book is meant to be a soft pillow for a weary head. For the Bible warns we will all go through periods of troubles, difficulties, suffering, and pain during this mess called life …

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