A.I. Probability Study of Lightning Striking ALL Four of these siteson New Year’s Eve (or on any single day):
Mathematical Probability of such an occurrence (generated by Claude.AI) …
(Spoiler: “This event would theoretically occur once every 36.5 Billion years”)
C (That’s me)
What are the odds (or is the probability) of the US Capitol Building, the Washington Monument, the New World Trade Center (NY), and the Empire State Builiding (NY), ALL being struck by lightning on same New Year’s Eve 2024, and on the same eve of a new year during which a new President of the United States will be taking office?
Let me break this down step by step to estimate this highly specific probability.
Lightning strike probabilities:
Tall buildings are more likely to be struck by lightning due to their height
The Empire State Building is struck by lightning around 25 times per year on average
Other similar tall structures get struck roughly 10-20 times per year
Timing factors:
New Year’s Eve is just one day out of 365
Lightning is less common in winter months in these locations
Storms would need to be present in both DC and NYC simultaneously
Joint probability calculation:
We need ALL buildings to be struck on the same specific day
Two different cities need storm conditions (DC and NYC)
Winter lightning is less frequent
The strikes need to happen on a presidential transition year
Making a rough calculation:
Probability of strike per building on a winter day: ~1/100
Probability of storms in both cities on same winter day: ~1/50
Four buildings all being struck: (1/100)^4 = 1/100,000,000
Specific day (NYE): 1/365
Presidential transition year: This part is fixed as given
The final probability would be astronomically small – approximately 1 in 36.5 billion, though this is a simplified estimation.
This is such a specific scenario that I’d call it effectively impossible in practical terms, though not technically impossible. The required coincidence of winter storms in both cities, plus strikes on all four buildings, on this exact date, makes it an extremely unlikely event.
Would you like me to explain any part of this probability estimation in more detail?
Yes, please do.
Let me expand on each component of the probability calculation in more detail.
Individual Building Strike Probabilities:
The Empire State Building’s 25 strikes/year means roughly 0.068 probability on any given day (25/365)
However, lightning strikes follow seasonal patterns:
Summer months see about 70% of annual strikes
Winter months (like December) see only about 5-10% of annual strikes
This reduces our daily winter probability to about 0.01 (1%)
Geographic and Weather Considerations:
DC and NYC are about 225 miles apart
Winter thunderstorms typically occur in these areas due to:
Strong cold fronts
Coastal systems
The probability of simultaneous thunderstorm activity:
Normal thunderstorm probability in December: ~2-3 days per month
Simultaneous storms in both cities: even rarer
Estimated at about 2% chance on any winter day
Timing Factor:
New Year’s Eve gives us exactly one chance
This is equivalent to a 1/365 multiplier
The presidential transition year is already set, so it doesn’t affect our probability
Combined Building Strikes:
For all four buildings to be struck, we multiply their individual probabilities:
Each building ≈ 0.01 probability
Combined: (0.01)⁴ = 0.00000001
Then multiply by:
Simultaneous storm probability (0.02)
Specific day probability (1/365)
The resulting probability is minuscule because we’re dealing with what statisticians call a “conjunction” – multiple independent events all needing to occur simultaneously. Each additional requirement multiplies the improbability.
A useful analogy might be: this would be like throwing four dice and getting all sixes (1/1296), but only on a specific day of the year, and only during a specific type of weather event in two specific cities. The compound nature of these requirements makes it astronomically unlikely.
Would you like me to elaborate on any particular aspect of these calculations or the weather patterns involved?
Would it be possible to convert your answer into a “once in how many years” answer or probability?
Let me convert this to a “once in X years” format.
Starting with our rough probability of 1 in 36.5 billion for this happening on a single New Year’s Eve:
To find how often this might occur, we need to consider that New Year’s Eve happens once per year
Therefore, this event would theoretically occur once every 36.5 Billion years!! (Exclamation points are mine for emphasis)
To put this in perspective:
The universe is about 13.8 billion years old (according to modern textbooks, but NOT the Bible)
The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old (according to modern textbooks, but NOT the Bible)
This event would theoretically happen once every ~2.6 universes
Another way to think about it: If we started counting from the formation of the Earth, and this hadn’t happened yet, we would still need to wait another 32 billion years (about 7 times the current age of the Earth) before we might expect to see this combination of events occur once.
This illustrates why we would consider this practically impossible, even though it’s technically not impossible. The time scales involved are so vast that they exceed the age of our planet and approach three times the age of the universe itself.
“In the beginning God Created The heavens and the Earth” (Genesis 1:1)
In Summary …
Probability of Mankind rising Randomly from “Evolution” = 0%
What you will find in this precise, detailed (and neutral by design) study using observable, objective, and quantifiable data is the Probability of Mankind arising through the random process called “Evolution” is the mathematical equivalent of 0%.
Probability of Mankind Designed by a “Creator” = 100%
Which then leaves the probability of Mankind having been Created through the specific thought, energy, and design of a Designer (called GOD in the Bible) at the mathematical equivalent of 100%.
“For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words, Of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when He comes in His glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels” (Luke 9:26)
If Jesus Christ was born on September 29, 2 BC then the date on which God’s Light (Messiah) actually entered into the World would be on the day of His Conception when God conceived His Son in the virgin Mary’s womb. This would have been 280 days (40 Weeks) prior to September 29, 2 BC. September 29, 2 BC minus 280 days = December 23, 3 BC (Add or Subtract Date Calendar Calculator ).
December 23 was the Winter Solstice in 3 BC (http://www.cgsf.org/dbeattie/calendar/?roman=-2).
The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year.
If this is indeed the case, then the Light of God entered into the World on the Darkest Day (and longest night) of the Year, which would be both significant and prophetic.
So, celebrating the Birth (and Conception) of God’s Son, our Savior, sometime around December 25 (close to the dark night of the Winter Solstice) with beautiful lights and joy is a very good thing as we remember and receive with great thanksgiving God’s Gift of Light and Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven for ALL who receive His Gift (His Son) with a heart filled with sincere thanksgiving, faith, and love.
“It is interesting to note that according to Mongolian tradition, their nation was descended from Magog.The Mongolian Empire included sections of Russia, China, and North Korea. The Chinese and all the minority groups living in China are of the Mongoloid race, which stems from Noah’s son Japheth. Etymologists have conjectured that the name Mongol is derived from the name Magog.”
I’m not implying there is ANY CONNECTION to this mystery, but, I thought I’d throw this list of prophecies from “Alien Threat: Real or Imagined” here anyway …
Isaac was Abraham’s only begotten “son of promise” whom he loved
For 3 days after God’s command to sacrifice Isaac, Isaac was “dead” in Abraham’s eyes
Isaac was saved (raised from the dead) on the third day
Isaac then disappears from Scripture …
UNTIL Abraham sends Eliezer (which means “Comforter” just like the Holy Spirit) to find and return with a “Bride” for his son
Isaac’s bride “Rebecca” (Rebekah) means “to tie or to bind” just as the Bride of Christ (the Church) is described as a “bond” servant which means each believer has willingly chosen to be “bound” to his or her Master forever out of love and thanksgiving …
“When I (God) bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, When he sees the sword coming upon the land, IF he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning, his blood shall be upon himself …
BUT, if the watchman sees the sword coming And does NOT blow the trumpet, and the people are NOT warned, And the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity (sin); BUT, his blood I will require at the WATCHMAN’S hand.” (Ezekiel 33:2-9)
In the New Testament we are told we’re ALL Watchmen!
It’s not my job (or our job) to tell anybody what to believe …
Our job (and my job) is to simply present the Bible prophecies (which the Bible warns the World will see at “The time of the end”) along with the World News Headlines we are now seeing in order to help warn others …
And, then let them decide whether to take these Biblical warnings seriously.
By simply sharing a link to this website with family and friends via email, text, or social media can be your way of faithfully fulfilling your “Watchman’s duties”!
The Time draws near …
“When you SEE these things, Know that it is NEAR — AT THE DOOR!!!” (Mark 13:29)
“I (God) will BLESS those who bless you (Israel) And will CURSE those who curse you” (Genesis 12:3)
“Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And let not your heart be glad when he stumbles, Lest the LORD see it and be displeased, and turn away his anger from him.” (Proverbs 24:17-18)
We, as Christians, must remember Nasrallah’s SINS were no worse than ours …
And Nasrallah’s RIGHTEOUSNESS was no less than ours.
For, sinners are MADE RIGHTEOUS and CLEANSED from all their sins through Faith and Love for Messiah, Jesus Christ …
Who lovingly (and prophetically) suffered and died for the sins of the WORLD.
The only DIFFERENCE between us and Nasrallah is that WE have willingly RECEIVED the Gift of forgiveness and life in Heaven through Jesus Christ …
For, ALL who ACCEPT Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior will die “IN Christ” and be saved through HIS Righteousness and HIS Sinlessness.
While Nasrallah (and ALL who REJECT the Savior whom God sent to save Israel and the whole World) …
Will die “IN their sins” …
With NO hope of being cleansed and entering into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.
“For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, (as a gift) that whoever BELIEVES in Him should NOT perish (in Hell) But have everlasting life (in Heaven). For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (into Heaven). He (or she) who believes in Him is not condemned (to Hell); But he (or she) who does NOT believe IS condemned already.” (John 3:16-18)
“IF you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, You WILL be saved!” (Romans 10:9)
“No eye has seen, Nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of Man The things which God has prepared (in Heaven) For those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
By simply sharing a link to this website with family and friends via email, text, or social media can be your way of faithfully fulfilling your “Watchman’s duties”!
“When I (God) bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from their territory and make him their watchman, When he sees the sword coming upon the land, IF he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning, his blood shall be upon himself …
BUT, if the watchman sees the sword coming And does NOT blow the trumpet, and the people are NOT warned, And the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity (sin); BUT, his blood I will require at the WATCHMAN’S hand.” (Ezekiel 33:2-9)
NOTE: In the New Testament we are told we’re ALL Watchmen!
It’s not my job (or our job) to tell anybody what to believe …
Our job (and my job) is to simply present the Bible prophecies (which the Bible warns the World will see at “The time of the end”) paired with World News in order to help warn others … and to let them decide whether to take these Biblical warnings seriously.
This site even provides a way (using Math and Science) for them to easily TEST these things to PROVE if they are true or not!!
“It is commanded by the holy ones, So that everyone may know That the Most High God rules over all the kingdoms of the World. He gives them (the kingdoms) to anyone He chooses— Even to the lowliest (basest) of people.” (Daniel 4:17)
When we search all the World’s books and religions, we soon find the only place offering a promise of finding Hope is in God’s Word … and, it is lovingly offered to all who simply seek it as a free gift!
The early Church always called this coming Holiday the “Passover Feast and Holidays.” We are told the Feasts of Israel were all given as “foreshadows” of the coming Christ (Messiah in Hebrew), and the “Holy Days of Passover” foretold three major events which the coming Christ (“Son of God”) would fulfill …
His Revealing: Which He fulfilled on the exact day (which we now call “Palm Sunday”), when the Passover Lamb was to be presented for inspection before being sacrificed
His Sacrifice: Which He fulfilled on the exact day the Passover Lamb would be killed
His Resurrection: Which He fulfilled on exact the day of the “Feast of First Fruits,” which always falls on the first Sunday after Passover (“first day after the Sabbath/Saturday, following Passover)
So, all these things which Jesus fulfilled (and we are supposed to know, remember, and celebrate) were written for us in order to prove Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) … and, the coming “Bridegroom!”
But, where in these passages do we find His “Betrothed”??!! Where is the prophetic “Bride” we are told He so willingly, knowingly, and lovingly suffered and sacrificed Himself for … where is the one whom He is now preparing an abiding place for in His Royal Palace in the Kingdom of Heaven … where is His “Betrothed” whom we are told will one day be awesomely presented at the upcoming Feast of all feasts, the Celebration of all celebrations, the Party of all parties … the awaited “Wedding Supper of the Lamb” now being prepared in Heaven … during which His Bride will lovingly receive her Royal Crown to reign alongside with Him over the most beautiful and awesome Kingdom of Heaven … Forever, and ever!!!
She’s there … in all four Gospels!!!She is the one God has used to poetically reflect ALL true believers (His “Church,” which is also called the “Bride of Christ”) …and her name is Mary Magdalene!
Huh??!! Because, like her (who was once a prostitute), God views His “Betrothed” (His Church) being filled with sinners who have returned to Him, whom the World will shun, ridicule, and even despise.
For, according to Mark, she was the only one to actively “SEEK the Lord Jesus” after He was Crucified,and, she was the ONLY one of His followers (including the 11 Disciples) who showed the love, faith, and courage to face her fears (she was prepared to boldly face a platoon of Roman Legionnaires at His grave).
She never felt ashamed of Him (or of the words which He spoke and taught), and, because of this act of faith and love, the Lord revealed Himself to her first!!! (Don’t worry … no ‘Rapture’ study here).
So, here we find it is Mary Magdalene,whose name “Mary” means “Beloved” in Egyptian, and “Myrrh” in Hebrew, (myrrh was the fragrant spice used in Israel for funerals and weddings), and “Magdalene,” which means “strong and high tower” built of many bricks (like us!), is the ‘model’ for those who will continue to cling to their love and faith in the “Bridegroom,” Jesus Christ … no matter what people think.
Let Him shine in your life so that those who are in darkness can be transported to His kingdom of Light through you!
Let His Light so shine on you and in your soul exposing every sin and making you Holy and Whole. Being perfect in Yeshua through His Word which is a lamp for your feet and light to your path through His Blood …
May the miracle of Hanukkah- the multiplication of the oil happen in your life not only in this season but year round continually flowing in the oil of The Holy Spirit!
Without the oil of your amazing friend, Holy Spirit, you won’t be able to spread the light!
May you be washed by the Blood of the Lamb, the Son of the Most Almighty God and given a fresh pouring out of the new oil upon your head coming down to your toes, making your flame go higher and higher in this dark age.
When and where there is Christ’s light, there is no darkness!”
“Men’s hearts will fail them from fear and the expectations of those things which are coming upon the Earth; For the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26)
Jesus said, “Search the Scriptures, for they testify of Me.”
The ancient Holy Scriptures, sometimes called the Tanakh or “Old Testament,” from which the following prophecies are taken, were written 400 to 1,400 years before Jesus Christ was born.
So, these following prophecies of the Messiah (Christ) from the ancient Hebrew Scriptures were being copied, read, and distributed to synagogues around the world hundreds of years before Jesus was even born!
What prophetic details DID God carefully weave into the ancient Holy Scriptures concerning the coming Messiah (Jesus Christ)?
He would be born in Bethlehem . . . (AFTER leaving His place in Eternity)
“But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are little
among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth have been from of old, (eternal) from EVERLASTING.”
(“Everlasting to everlasting” is a title of God)
(Micah 5:2)
He would be born of a virgin
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel”
(Immanuel literally means “God with us”)
(Isaiah 7:14)
He would ride triumphantly into Jerusalem, yet meek and lowly … riding on a donkey
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Israel)! Behold, your King is coming to you;
He is just and having salvation, yet He is lowly and riding on a donkey.”
(Zechariah 9:9)
He would be betrayed by a friend
“Even my own familiar friend
in whom I trusted,
who ate My bread,
has lifted up his heel against Me.”
(Psalm 41:9)
They would set a price on Him of 30 pieces of silver … which would then be thrown into the potter’s field
“So they weighed out for my wages thirty pieces of silver.
And the LORD said to me, ‘Throw it to the potter’ –
that princely price they set on Me.”
(Zechariah 11:12-13)
He would suffer … and be brutally beaten
“So His appearance
was marred more than any man”
(Isaiah 52:14)
He would be beaten and bloodied … He would die for our sins
“But He was wounded
for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement (punishment)
for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes (whip lashes) we are healed. And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity (sin) of us all.”
(Isaiah 53:5-7)
He would remain silent during His ordeal
“He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.”
(Isaiah 53:7)
He would be Crucified … a torturous and agonizing death
“All My bones are out of joint …
My tongue clings to My jaws; They pierced My hands and My feet, They look and stare at Me.”
(Psalm 22:14, 15, 16, 17)
He would have stakes (nails) driven through His hands
“And someone will say to Him, ‘What are these wounds in your hands?’
Then He will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’”
(Zechariah 13:6)
He would be mocked during His time of suffering and death
“A reproach of men and despised of the people,
They shoot out the lip,
they shake the head, saying ‘He trusted in the Lord, let Him rescue Him;’”
(Psalm 22:7-8)
They would cast lots for His clothes
“They divide my garments among them,
and for My garments they cast lots.”
(Psalm 22:18)
He would SUFFER terribly on the Cross
“My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?”
(Psalm 22:1 … Matthew 27:46)
With these words from the Cross, Jesus was pointing the Jewish leaders to Psalm 22 …
The Jewish leaders who were gathered around the Cross knew the Scriptures well. Psalm 22 is a detailed prophecy foretelling the death of Jesus, the Messiah, on the Cross, written a thousand years before the Cross and written centuries before this form of execution was even invented – written when the Jewish form of execution was stoning.
His side would be pierced
“Then they will look upon Me whom they have pierced;
they will mourn for Him
as one mourns for his only son,
and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.”
(Zechariah 12:10 – a prophecy of His Return)
The Sun would go down at noon and darken the Earth in broad daylight
“And on that Day,” declares the Lord God, “I will make the Sun go down at noon and darken the Earth in broad daylight …
I will make it like the mourning for an only Son
and the end of it like a bitter day.”
(Amos 8:9,10)
He would be buried in a rich man’s grave
“He was buried like a criminal
in a rich man’s grave;” (Joseph of Arimathea)
(Isaiah 53:9)
He was innocent … without sin
“But He had done no wrong,
and He had never spoken an evil word.”
(Isaiah 53:9)
He would be Resurrected before His body would start to decompose
“For You will not leave
my soul in Sheol (Hell), NOR will You allow Your Holy One (Messiah) to see corruption (decompose).”
(Psalm 16:10) (The body starts to decompose on the 4th day)
We would despise Him and reject Him … He would feel the pain of rejection
“He is despised
and rejected by men, (Mankind … men and women) A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.”
(Isaiah 53:3)
We would turn our backs on Him … and look the other way as He went by
“And we hid, as it were,
our faces from Him;
He was despised,
and we did not esteem Him.”
(Isaiah 53:3)
He would be rejected by Israel
“The Redeemer of Israel,
their Holy One,
To Him whom man despises,
To Him whom the nation abhors.”
(Isaiah 49:7)
He would be the Son of God
“For unto us a Child is born,
unto us a Son is given, and His Name will be called Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
(Isaiah 9:6)
He would be a Savior to ALL Mankind … Thus fulfilling the Abrahamic Covenant
“I will also give You
as a light to the Gentiles,
That You should be My Salvation
to the ends of the Earth.”
(Isaiah 49:6)
He would be The Sacrifice for ALL of OUR sins (past, present, and future!!!)
“And He bore the sin of many …”
(Isaiah 53:12)
The Cross was part of God’s Plan … so we might be “saved” from our sins
“Yet it was the Lord’s good plan
to bruise Him; put Him to grief, make His soul an offering for sin …”
(Isaiah 53:10, KJV paraphrased)
He would then return to His place in Heaven, until …
“I (the LORD) will return again to My place until they (Israel) acknowledge their offense.
Then they will seek My face;
in their affliction (the Tribulation)
they will diligently seek Me”…
(Hosea 5:15)
For the LORD to return to His place means that He had to have left His place. One requirement that must be met before He can return to Earth is for the people of Israel to “acknowledge their offense.” (Notice that the word offense is singular, not plural, and it is specific.) This means that Israel must acknowledge their rejection of the Messiah and pray, as a nation, for His return. We are told this will be fulfilled at the very end of the Tribulation.
When the Word and prophecies became flesh …
“Now when they had fulfilled all that was written concerning Him,
they took Him down from the tree
and laid Him in a tomb. But God raised Him from the dead. He was seen for many days
by those who came up with Him
from Galilee to Jerusalem,
who are His witnesses to the people.”
(Acts 13:29-31)
Then He (Jesus) said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.”
And He opened their understanding,
that they might comprehend the Scriptures.
Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ (Messiah) to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”
(Luke 24:44-47)
The Scriptures tell us there are TWO roles Messiah must fulfill:
– First: As the Sacrificial “Lamb of God” who suffered and bore the punishment for all our sins on the Cross, and whose Resurrection opened the way to everlasting life in Heaven.
– Second: As the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” who will return to save Israel from the armies of the world (Armageddon). He will then fully restore the Earth and rule over all nations … in peace.
The Scriptures also tell us the Messiah will return … TWICE:
– First: “As a thief in the night” FOR all believers
– Second: “Every eye shall see” WITH all believers
Remember …
Followers of Christ, are to be a separate people – a people of honor, strength, and courage. To obey Him, we must take the heart of a servant and be meek, humble, patient, kind, willing to forgive, willing to help and serve others, even our enemies. This requires much strength. This is strength. We must pray for His strength.
If there was any other way into Heaven …
Jesus knew what was about to happen when He prayed, “If there is any other way” three times in the garden the night before He was crucified. If there was, or is, any other way to gain entrance into Heaven other than believing in the One who paid our debt, then Jesus suffered and died needlessly and in vain, on the Cross. He lovingly laid down His life for you and for me.
“The Lord is my Shepherd …”
(Psalm 23:1)
And Jesus graciously tells us,
“I am the good Shepherd.
The good shepherd gives his life
for the sheep.”
(John 10:11)
This Bible study eliminates the possibility that ANY other Religion (or any other book) on Earth is from God … the only God who created the Heavens and the Earth … AND … the One who is now preparing a home in Heaven filled with eternal happiness and joy for ALL who will simply place their love, faith, and trust in Him and in His Word to see us (and carry us) through this mess called life on Earth.
This Bible study also eliminates any desire to ever feel ashamed or embarrassed for calling Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior.
ALL THE ANCIENT BIBLE PROPHECIES that still yet remain unfulfilled WILL be fulfilled just as “exactly,” “literally,” “precisely,” and “powerfully” as all these remarkable prophecies (and it should take your breath away!!!) …
“For I am God, and there is no other. I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the End from the Beginning, and from ancient times things that are NOT yet done” (Isaiah 46:9-10)
It has long been known the the “OUIJA” Board can be a Demonic “entrance” (an invitation for a Satanic demon to enter and start taking control) … Stay AWAY from ALL things “occult” like the Ouija Board (and astrology, and “new-age channeling,” etc.)
However, the Bible promises that all “born again” believers who have placed their love, faith, and trust in Lord Jesus Christ to save them from Satan and spiritual death (in Hell) are “filled” with the Holy Spirit and are then immediately fully protected and shielded from “demonic” (Satanic) oppression and possession (yet, Satan will still continue to attack us from without to try and get us to walk away from our love and faith in God and our Savior Jesus Christ).
HOW does one become “Born Again” and saved into Heaven (and from Satan) …
“The introduction of Clean Energy Charging by Apple is in keeping with the company’s pledge to lessen its carbon footprint and become carbon neutral by 2030.“
A Link to the United Nations (UN) website concerning their now active Global “2030 Agenda” …
“Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda” .. https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda
As you might note, this “2030” One-World regulatory agenda which will place MANY areas of our lives under “Global” control and enforcement is compatible with several of the prophetic forecasts found in our 2023: Beginning of Prophetic Chaos? study.
The UN’s “2030 Agenda” will also require that the United States of Americano longerbe a free, independent, democratic Republic (with Constitutional protections for its citizens) by the year 2030.
ALSO, a Bible Prophecy written over 2,500 years ago provides an accurate Environmental forecast for planet Earth around the time of the coming Apocalypse (and there is nothing Apple, the United Nations, the Democrat Party, or the Roman Pope can do about it other than to USE it to place America and every nation of the World under the chains of bondage of an iron-fisted, deadly, and ruthless Totalitarian global government which will imprison and slaughter millions upon millions under a coming World Leader (a very popular “man of peace”), the coming “Antichrist …
“The Earth will wear out (grow old) like a garment,
And those who dwell in it will die in like manner;
But My (God’s) salvation will be forever,
And My righteousness will not be abolished.”
(Isaiah 51:6)
However, the Bible ALSO promises the Earth will be fully restored to its original beauty at the time of the Garden of Eden AFTER Jesus Christ returns to save a remnant of Israel at the end of the coming 7-year Apocalypse which will utterly destroy (and “cleanse”) the Earth and all that is living on the Earth at that time with fire.
Some are noting a coincidence between this train crash in Ohio with its airborne toxic event and the movie “White Noise” concerning a train crash in Ohio with an airborne toxic event which was released in August of 2022 … 31 second “White Noise” YouTube/TikTok video clip
– We are told sometime soon after Israel would once again become a nation (1948) a generation would rise which would not fear God, love God, or submit to His Law and their minds would embrace many lies as well as unstable and demonic teachings.
– We are warned during the coming 7 Years of the coming Apocalypse (“The Time of Israel’s/Jacob’s Trouble”) that Mankind will see a great rise in demonic activity on Earth
– We are told that Hell was first prepared for Satan and his angels/demons
– We are told angels (both good and bad) inhabit the heavens like stars and are not (yet) confined to Earth, however, we find in Revelation the angels who have rebelled against G-d and follow Satan WILL one day be cast down to Earth and will also try to mingle with and destroy Mankind
– We are warned at that time demons will cause great torment upon Mankind
THIRD, another observation from the Bible:
– We are told that all those who place their love, faith, and trust in the Messiah of Israel, the Son of God (study Psalm 2) will be protected and sheltered from the dark angels and demons who are to come
– We are also simply told to “examine” ourselves to see if we sincerely love, fear, and trust in G-d and G-d’s Word and will be protected in the coming Day of the Lord (the coming “Apocalypse”)
– The very first question on our examination will be, “Do we truly believe the first words found in the Bible (God’s Word) … “In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the Earth”? (Genesis 1:1)
FIRST (from TheProphecies.com), an observation concerning their appearance:
– From the size and color of their eyes it appears they come from a very DARK place
– From their lack of hair or fur it appears they must come from a very HOT place
SECOND, an observation from Bible Prophecy:
– We are told sometime soon after Israel would once again become a nation (1948) a generation would rise which would not fear God, love God, or submit to His Law
– We are warned during the coming 7 Years of the coming Apocalypse (“The Time of Israel’s/Jacob’s Trouble”) that Mankind will see a great rise in demonic activity on Earth
– We are told that Hell was first prepared for Satan and his angels/demons
– Hell is described as very “HOT” … and … very “DARK”
– Hell is also called the “bottomless pit” (Sheol) and the “outer darkness” (Gahenna … deep space?)
– The Bible tells us Mankind was created and designed only for planet Earth where we are given a “free will” to make our own choices and then tested to determine whether we will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven or the torments of Hell after our earthly bodies die (it’s our choice!)
– We are told angels (both good and bad) inhabit the heavens like stars and are not (yet) confined to Earth, however, we find in Revelation the angels who have rebelled against G-d and follow Satan WILL one day be cast down to Earth and will also try to mingle with and destroy Mankind
– We are warned at that time demons will cause great torment upon Mankind
THIRD, another observation from the Bible:
– We are told that all those who place their love, faith, and trust in the Messiah of Israel, the Son of God (study Psalm 2) will be protected and sheltered from the dark angels and demons who are to come
– We are also simply told to “examine” ourselves to see if we sincerely love, fear, and trust in G-d and G-d’s Word and will be protected in the coming Day of the Lord (see Joel, Zephaniah, etc.)
– The very first question on our examination will be, “Do we truly believe the first words found in the Bible (God’s Word) … “In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the Earth”? (Genesis 1:1)
We are warned Jesus Christ WILL execute judgment on the ungodly …
“Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands (millions) of His saints, To execute judgment on all, To convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.’”
(Jude 1:14-15)
“And as it is APPOINTED for men to die once, (“Mankind”… both men and women)
but, AFTER this the Judgment“ (No reincarnation … no ‘Purgatory’ … no “It’s all over”… the Bible warns this life is the beginning)
(Hebrews 9:27)
After reading this article revealing the “Future/Present/Past” meaning of “YHVH” then note the following from the book of Revelation (The Revealing/Apocalypse) of the Lord Jesus Christ …
“1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2 Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. 4 John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; 5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, 6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. 8 I AM the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, The One who IS, who WAS, and who IS TO COME, the Almighty. 9 I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. 10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet, 11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. 12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength. 17 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. 19 Write therefore the things that you have seen, those that are and those that are to take place after this.” (Revelation 1:1-19) Read The Book of Revelation – With Helpful Notes
You will find the message found in the Bible is not trivial … It is staggering!!!
Did You Know …
Bible prophecy allows (and invites) everyone in the world, both the skeptical, the sympathetic, the Christian, and the Non-Christian alike to test God’s Word.
Prophecy is God’s way of warning ALL Mankind of the grave danger that now lies ahead.
Almost 30% of the Bible is prophetic (telling of future events), and has so far been 100% accurate.
There is no other book in the world like it.
It contains the History of the World … Written in Advance!!!