USS Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Now in Strait of Hormuz

–Warrior Maven

I believe this now makes 3 of America’s Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups in the Middle-East, and in relatively confined spaces, which could make them vulnerable to an enemy attack.  Joe Biden is an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose obedience belongs to the Pope (and not to the American Constitution or Military).

Even Abraham Lincoln warned of the Roman Church threat to America.

Read Fifty (50) Years in the Church of Rome” written by Charles Chiniquy, who was a Catholic Priest and friend of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s … this Roman Catholic priest also warned Lincoln the Roman Church and Jesuits would have him assassinated.  (Note:  I think you can also search and download a free PDF copy of this book if still available.)

Irish Leader Denounces Police Chief Who Blamed The Riots On “Right Wing” Extremists And Not On The Islamic “Migrants” Who Have Brought Bloodshed To Ireland


This is interesting because Ireland is a militantly Roman Church nation (it even stayed neutral during World War II in obedience to the Pope) … Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

The Roman Popes have close ties to Islam, and Pope Francis has been strongly supporting and promoting the flood of Islamic “immigrants” into Europe where they have now gained great political power … Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR

The Irish leader Conor McGregor’s words (if not just empty words to please the people for a short while) would place him in opposition to the Roman Pope and the Roman Church.

A Rule:  Do NOT believe what politicians SAY … but, WATCH what they DO!!

Roman Pope Says Conflict Between Israel and Hamas Has Gone Beyond War To “Terrorism”

–Jerusalem Post/Reuters

As you study the article you will find the Roman Pope’s remarks fan the fire on BOTH sides of this conflict.  Using Bible Prophecy as a light into a dark place, we are warned his true allegiance is against Israel and Rome’s involvement in this conflict is much deeper (and more sinister) than meets the eye.  Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

New B-21 War-Jet (‘One of the Most Destructive Flying Machines Ever Created’) Takes Its First Flight

–War Zone

It’s other “special name” adorned on it’s gear door is “Cerberus” which is the mythological hound of Hades that guards the gates of the underworld …

Will our enemies (including Rome who provides our enemies with hidden eyes and ears along with a powerful 5th Column inside America) wait for this powerful new weapon (which could help restrain them) to be deployed before acting against this nation in order to stop (or gain control) over such an advanced weapon?

Roman Pope Francis Says “Trans” People Can Be Godparents, Homosexual “Parents” Can Have Children Baptized

–RaptureReady/Lifesite News

Report From Israel: Egypt’s Al Sisi and Jordan’s Abdullah Are Behind The Hamas Attack


Jordanian Graduates from Roman Catholic Jesuit Georgetown University …

  • King of Jordan – Abdullah II bin al-Hussein
  • Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan, 2015–2017 – Nasser Judeh
  • Half-brother of Reigning King Abdullah II of Jordan – Prince Hashim bin Hussein
  • Prince Talal bin Muhammad of Jordan – Younger Brother of King Hussein of Jordan
  • Princess Ghida al-Talal of Jordan
  • Princess Iman bint Abdullah of Jordan
  • Jordanian Minister of Education and Scientific Research – Amin Mahmoud
  • Jordanian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities – Lina Annab

IF this report is true it would be interesting in light of Psalm 83 …

“Do not keep silent, O God!
Do not hold Your peace,
And do not be still, O God!
For behold, Your enemies make a tumult;
And those who hate You have lifted up their head.
They have taken crafty counsel against Your people,
And consulted together against Your sheltered ones.
They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation,
That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”

For they have consulted together with one consent;
They form a confederacy against You:
The tents of Edom (Jordan) and the Ishmaelites (Arabs);
Moab (Jordan) and the Hagrites;
Gebal, Ammon (Jordan), and Amalek;
Philistia (Palestine) with the inhabitants of Tyre (Lebanon);
Assyria (Syria and Iraq) also has joined with them;
They have helped the children of Lot (Moab and Ammon = Jordan). Selah”
(Psalm 83:1-8)

Israel Demands UN Chief Guterres Resign After He Says Hamas Attacks “Did Not Occur In Vacuum”

–Times of Israel

UN Sec’y General Guterres is an empowered Roman (Catholic), who like Biden, Pelosi, Fauci, Trudeau, Macron, and most Latin American Socialist Leaders, owes his absolute obedience and allegiance to the Roman Pope and reflects the Roman Church’s dislike of Israel on this matter.

Pope Francis to Roman Clergy: Decide For Yourselves Whether To “Bless” Homosexual Unions



Roman Pope Francis Says Europe Is NOT Facing A Migrant Emergency


For many years now the Roman Catholic Church and Islam have formed a complicated but real alliance (Yasser Arafat visited the Vatican more than any other during Pope John Paul II’s reign according to reports).

The Roman Catholic Church and Islam both view Bible-believing “Protestant” Christians as their common enemy which must be destroyed.

On This Day In History, September 22, 1862, Abraham Lincoln Proclaims Slaves Will Soon Be “Forever Free”

–Fox News

Abraham Lincoln was a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christian Republican … and around 600,000 White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christian Republicans sacrificed their lives to FREE the Black Slaves.

Yet, the Democrat Party (who who was backed by the Pope and fought FOR slavery) has convinced the youth of today that White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, Christian Republicans are “Racist.” “Haters,” and “Extremists”…l

In the 1860’s, President Abraham Lincoln also said …

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”

Israel’s AI Revolution: “I’ve Never Seen A Technology Get Adopted This Fast”

–Jerusalem Post

The “Image” of the Beast

“He (the Second Beast) was granted power
to give breath (life) to the image of the Beast,
that the image of the Beast (the Antichrist)
should both speak and
  cause as many as would NOT worship
the image of the Beast to be KILLED.”
  (Revelation 13:15)

This coming religious leader who will be based in Rome will create some sort of an “image” of the Antichrist. It may be something very miraculous, or it may be two-thousand year old vocabulary trying to describe some future technology such as robotics, animatronics, or virtual reality all controlled by an “AI” system that will simply ask questions to determine whether or not a person will worship “the Beast” or will still worship Jesus Christ.

The time draws near …

With a professional background in Robotics, AI, Virtual-Augmented Reality, and stereoscopic 3D video imaging (where I founded and ran a company for over 20 years), I feel a working prototype for a system such as this could now be developed within just a matter of months, rather than years.

“Who Is Biden Working For?” Admin Under Fire For ‘Illegal, Reckless’ Cancellation Of Alaska Oil Leases

–RaptureReady/Zero Hedge

As an empowered Roman (Catholic) Biden works for the Roman Pope, and the Roman Pope is a Socialist who hates America and it’s Democratic freedoms.

Unfortunately, the Bible warns Rome will bring America (and all nations except Israel) under its rule …

Roman Catholic Brazilian Archbishop Gives Communion To Muslim Sheikh

–RaptureReady/Crux (RCC)

In Roman Catholic Law (per Vatican II), a Muslim/Islamic can go to Heaven, but, Bible-believing Christians (“Protestants”) are accursed … Prophecies: The coming Antichrist     Prophecies: The coming Rapture

West Coast Collapse: America’s Most Affluent Regions Are Dying Under Democrat Control

–RaptureReady/Zero Hedge

Socialists Are NOT The Friend of the Poor and Middle-Classes

Socialists always portray themselves as the “friend” of the poor and middle-classes, but Socialist controlled nations always end up with only TWO classes … the “Ruling” Class and the “Ruled Over” Class … the “Patron – Peon” type pattern … with a weak or eliminated Middle-Class (which is the backbone of a free nation).


The “Ruling” Class and the “Ruled Over” Class.

Every city, state, nation or people who fall under their control will always writhe under their evil, ruthless, violent, criminal, and Godless control … the only “freedom” in Socialism lies in THEIR freedom to destroy.

Socialists have NO loyalty to God or to the Constitution of the United States (our “Rule of Law” which was given to protect our rights and freedoms).

In fact they are now calling it a “living document” that should be adapted to their views of law, order, and freedom.

Their views of law, order, and freedom are reflected by allowing (and even promoting) unrestricted rioting and lawlessness which now even includes their calling to remove the policemen (who are there to protect our families and our children from the lawless and violent elements of this world).  Early last century Socialist was synonymous with Anarchist and the term Social Anarchist was not uncommon.

Harvard Physicist Searching For UFO Evidence Says Humanity Will View Alien Intelligence Like “God”

–Fox News

In a new study I am currently working on there is a whole section on the Vatican’s “Obsession” with UFOs and “Aliens” whom they consider “Space Brothers” who will Evangelize (teach a new Gospel) to us!!

Canadian Parents Demand End To LGBT Curriculum In Schools

–Israel National News

Three of the most powerful leaders in North America who are now trying to FORCE Homosexual Indoctrination upon our CHILDREN include:

  • Canadian Prime-Minister TRUDEAU
  • California Governor NEWSOM
  • United States President BIDEN

ALL three of these men are empowered Roman (Catholics) whose obedience and loyalties belong to the Roman Pope … AND … all of these men (including the Pope) are “Socialists.”

Jesus Christ warns …

“Then Jesus (Yeshua) called a little child to him …
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believes in Me to sin,     
(There are many Christian children in our public schools)
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck
and he were drowned in the depths of the sea.
Woe to the world because of offenses, for offenses must come,

but, woe to that man (or woman) by whom the offense comes!”
(Matthew 18:2,3-7)  
    (“Woe” is a terrible, terrible, terrible curse … in this life … or the next.)

Rome Holds Homosexual Pride Parade


Roman Popes have a long history of homosexuality in the Vatican …

Here we find Sodom and Gomorrah were given as examples and warnings

“As Sodom and Gomorrah,
and the cities around them
in a similar manner to these, (5 cities were destroyed)
having given themselves over to sexual immorality
and gone after strange flesh, (homosexuality)
are set forth as an example,
suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
(Jude 1:7)

“And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes,
condemned them (Sodom and Gomorrah) to destruction,
making them an example
to those who afterward
would live ungodly”
(2 Peter 2:6)

Christian Preacher ARRESTED For Quoting Bible Verses At Pennsylvania “Homosexual Pride” Event

–Drudge/Daily Mail

During the Roman Inquisitions, the Roman Popes would have people arrested, tortured, roasted alive, and beheaded just for owning a Bible (because the Bible proves how unbiblical/anti-biblical the Roman Church actually is).

Proposed California Law Would Brand Parents “Abusive” If They Refuse To Let Their Young Children “Change” Genders – New Law Would Let “Social Workers” Take Youngsters Away From Parents

–Drudge/Daily Mail

California Democrat Governor Newsom is an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose obedience and loyalties belong to the Roman Pope …

This new law uses the exact same evil power of the “State” as the Roman Popes used during the Inquisitions.

This is a perfect example of the open rebellion against the Bible and God’s Word by this Generation …

Here is What THE BIBLE Says …

“So GOD created man in his own image,
in the image of God He created him;
Male and Female He (God) created them.”
(Genesis 1:27

“He (GOD) created them Male and Female,
and blessed them and called them Mankind
in the day they were created.”
(Genesis 5:2)

And He (JESUS) answered and said to them,
“Have you not read
that He who made them at the beginning
“Made them Male and Female
(Matthew 19:4)

The TWO GREATEST Prophecies:

“What happens AFTER this life??!!”  

George Soros Hands Control Of His Evil Empire Over To His Son


This young Soros is now one of the most dangerous enemies against Biblical Christianity, Biblical Judaism, and Freedom on Earth (along with the Roman Pope, the Roman Jesuit General, and Roman (Catholic) President Biden) …

Note on George Soros: 

George Soros … his real name is “György Schwartz” … is an immensely powerful and shadowy Democrat Party leader and Socialist (Marxist-Communist) subversive who has been powerfully and aggressively aiding and abetting our enemies (for several decades) by methodically planting and funding many Socialist-Marxist (aka “Left-Wing” – “Liberal” – “Progressive”) Organizations in the US and around the world.

He was born and educated in Marxist-Socialist Hungary and then moved to New York in 1956 at the age of 26 … and he has helped the global Socialist Party (Marxist-Communists) topple many economies, governments, and currencies.

Over the past few years the Internet has been carefully “sanitized” as the once historic (and documented) truth concerning George Soros has been overwhelmed by the many loud (and predictable) voices now powerfully and vociferously re-writing past history … read more about billionaire George Soros’ background)

An Earlier Article (written by a Jewish woman, Geri Ungurean) …

George Soros Is STILL The Most Dangerous Man On Earth

Earlier:  His eldest son, Alexander Soros, may soon be revealed as one of the most (if not the most) powerful men on Earth, just beneath the Roman Pope and Jesuit General.

A Recent Headline from Fox News …

George Soros’ Son Alexander Has Visited White House More Than A Dozen Times Since Biden Took Office

US Embassy To Vatican Flies Homosexual Rainbow Flag In Rome

–Fox News

The homosexual rainbow flag mocks God and His Holy Covenant with Mankind after He destroyed all of Mankind (except 8 persons) in the Flood …

God warns He WILL destroy the World once again with “fire” for its arrogant disobedience to His Word … Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse

US President Biden (as an empowered Roman Catholic) must be obedient to the Roman Pope in all things or cannot go to Heaven, per the many un-biblical Roman Church Doctrines they consider to be on an equal basis with the Holy Scriptures as found in the Bible

Biden would NEVER allow this if it had not been approved by the Roman Pope Francis …

The Roman Vatican is NOT a “church” it is already a Kingdom!! 
(What other “church” on Earth has any foreign embassies assigned to it or has an observer seat in the UN?)

Biden demonstrates he is an agent loyal to Rome and the Pope while being an arrogant enemy to America and our Biblical Christian Heritage.

The Bible warns America will fall to Rome “in the last days”… (our Roman Catholic President and Supreme Court are both already under Roman Pope rule)

Final Note:  This is NOT “Politics” … but … It IS “Bible Prophecy”!!!

Roman Catholic School Board Encourages Staff To Honor “Homosexual Pride Month” In Classrooms


The War against our Children …

Roman Pope Leo X    

“Pope Leo X (who reigned at the time of Martin Luther) enjoyed having naked boys leap out of cakeand even painted a boy gold to celebrate his election as Pope … the little boy died the next day.”

 From, “Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance . Medici . Private Lives” …
( › empires › medici › medici › private)

“Pope Leo X had more exotic tastes. Famed for his extravagant lifestyle, he was entertained by young boys leaping naked from cakes. When the new Pope …”

“Pope Leo X enjoyed having naked boys leap out of cake” …
From ( › todayilearned › comments › til_pop…)

Stanford Professor Warns: Aliens “Have Been On Earth A Long Time”

–Fox News

“Men’s hearts will fail them from fear

and the expectations of those things
which are coming upon the Earth;
For the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.”
(Luke 21:26)

Some interesting video links …


Less Than Half Of US Adults Believe In God Without A Doubt

–Christian Post

Jesus foretold …

“When the Son of Man comes,
will He find faith on earth?”
(Luke 18:8)

Jesus warns …

“Because NARROW is the gate
and DIFFICULT is the way which leads to life in Heaven,
and there are FEW who find it.”
(Matthew 7:14)

WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven      

What DOES The Bible Say About ‘Hell’

Roman Catholic Ireland’s Radical Hate Speech Law: You Are Presumed Guilty Until You Can Prove Yourself Innocent

–RaptureReady/Expose News

Please note:

  • Ireland is a Roman Catholic led Nation whose obedience is with the Roman Pope
  • ROMAN Law says a person is guilty until proven innocent
  • AMERICAN Law says a person is innocent until proven guilty
  • Our Founders gave us the Constitution and Bill of Rights to PROTECT us from Roman Inquisition Laws
  • Ireland reflects the Roman Pope and the Roman Vatican
  • Ireland stayed neutral during World War II
  • Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

High-Ranking US Roman Catholic Bishop Says: Illegal Immigrants Are “Our Lost Brothers and Sisters”


A Warning From 1897:  An excerpt from a book written over 120 years ago

“It is clear that Rome is rapidly getting control of all the sources of power in the United States, both in civil and military affairs; and that she is doing so in pursuance of a well considered and wisely laid plan, and for the very purpose of subverting our government. Let us go back a little and review the menus suggested and considered for bringing the United States under the control of the Roman Papacy.

Father Chiniquy (a Roman Catholic Priest), in his book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” (written in 1886), gives an extended and minute account of the plans that were discussed by bishops and priests for the attainment of political control of the United States, and for the over-throw of our government.

About fifty years ago (around 1847) a council of bishops and priests was assembled in Buffalo, N. Y., for the purpose of determining this question.

The Bishop of Chicago thought to accomplish the desired end by colonizing emigrants from Canada, France, and Belgium in such numbers in the valley of the Mississippi, as would give to the Roman Catholic Church political control of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa.

It was thought that with the fast hold the church had gained in the Southern States, as also in Michigan and Wisconsin, that it would thus be able to hold a cordon of States extending from Florida along the Gulf of Mexico, and up the Mississippi, to our Northern limits, and thus, in time, give it complete political control of the United States.

Father Chiniquy had been engaged in this scheme by the Bishop of Chicago and had entered upon the work as an emigration agent, with enthusiasm, and was meeting with encouraging success. This plan of operations was being advocated earnestly by De Prey Magee, the editor, at that time, of the Freeman’s Journal. Promising as it appeared to its advocates, it was repudiated by a large majority of the members of the Buffalo Conference.

They argued that by this plan their forces would be scattered, and the power of the church dissipated, and that the true policy of the church for getting political control of the country (America), was to concentrate its forces in the cities and larger towns, and fill these up, as rapidly as possible, with their foreign emigrants.

It was argued that in this way the Roman Catholics vote could be so wielded, under the direction of the bishops and priests, as to be made a balance of power vote between the two political parties, and so, necessary to the success of either; and being so, it could make its own terms with the political party leaders, and thus get the control of the municipal offices in a very short time; and that it would, in a few years, become a majority vote, when it would have complete control in municipal governments; and ultimately in State politics. 

This plan had been carefully thought out and matured by the Jesuits, and its wisdom was made so apparent by their arguments in this conference that the plan of the Bishop of Chicago and his adherents received a very emphatic condemnation by the Buffalo Conference, and the wise plan of the Jesuits was adopted, and at once entered upon, as the true policy of the church for getting political control of our government.

The wisdom of this plan is seen in its results. A half a century has elapsed since its adoption.

The work of bringing Roman Catholic emigrants into our country and colonizing them in our cities, has been sedulously pursued from that day to this; and the results predicted by the most sanguine of its advocates have been realized. Quietly, stealthily, steadfastly, has this plan been pursued, under the direction of the most astute political managers that the world has ever seen, until the realization of its purpose seems to be almost within their grasp. And what was its avowed purpose? Political control of our country was its immediate purpose; but this control was to be used for the overthrow of our government.” 

(Excerpted from “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln” by Thomas Harris (

Roman Catholic Church Displays Blasphemous “God is Trans” Exhibit

–Fox News

Prophetic Rise of Rome

Rupert Murdoch Held “Unreported Call” With Ukraine’s Zelensky Weeks Before Firing Tucker Carlson


Roman (Catholic) empowered world leaders such as Trudeau, Biden, and Macron have all embraced Zelensky and have developed close personal relations with him …

From Canada’s Toronto Star:

Zelenskyy posted: “@JustinTrudeau was one of those leaders who inspired me to join politics.”

Earlier Headline from the Irish Times …

Rupert Murdoch Honored By The Pope With Roman Papal Knighthood

As a note, companies controlled by Rupert Murdoch (currently a Roman Catholic Papal “Knight”) now control most of the major Protestant Christian Book Publishers who own the rights to major Bible translations such as the New King James and NIV versions of the Bible.

The only reason for noting such things is because Bible Prophecy warns we would see a Roman-led Coalition of Global Nations rise just before the coming Apocalypse …  Bible Prophecy: A coming Unholy Roman Kingdom/Empire

The World Economic Forum Says It Will “Accelerate” Implementation of Globalist Agenda 2030


The United Nations’ “2030 Globalist Agenda” is already preparing for a “One-World Government” by the year 2030 …

From the United Nations website …

Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Democrat Party Lawmakers Caught MOCKING PARENTAL RIGHTS As ‘Garbage,’ ‘Stupid’

–Fox News

The Roman-Marxist Socialist’s War Against Our Children:

STALIN, HITLER, LENIN, MAO, and MARX were the “Fathers” of modern (and American) Socialism, and they carefully taught their Socialist followers how to gain and retain control over a people and a nation …

– “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future” (Hitler)

– “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” (Stalin)

– “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” (Lenin)

– “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” (Karl Marx)

Brief History

If you do your homework (which is more difficult over the recent years because much of the historical information and studies have been deleted or “sanitized” from the Internet), you will discover the Roman-Latin Church (Rome) spawned Socialism and Communism, which were modeled after the early Roman Catholic Jesuit “Reductions” in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina … Marx and Engels merely “textualized” the doctrines in their books.

On This Day In History John Wilkes Booth Was Executed For Assassinating Abraham Lincoln

–Fox News

The (long) Article below presents the documented evidence and details of why many in the late 1800’s believed the Roman Catholic Jesuits ordered the assassination of Abraham Lincoln … 

The Roman Catholic Jesuit Connection to the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln himself warned of the JESUIT influence over the Civil War:

“This war (the Civil War) would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery (the Pope) that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.” – President Abraham Lincoln

Then President Lincoln went on to say:

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”

In 1816 John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson …

“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits … If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum.”

Biden Administration Is Quietly Planning For A Future Where You Don’t Own Money

–Fox News

A Coming One-World Monetary System …

The Mark of the Beast

“He causes ALL,
both small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave,
to receive a MARK
on their right hand or on their foreheads,
and that NO ONE may buy or sell
except one who has the mark,
or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name.”
(Revelation 13:16-17)

The “mark,” the “name,” and the “number” may signify some kind of political or economic ranking system.

This prophecy is very crucial for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and will be alive when this law is enacted and enforced. This “mark” will signify a person’s allegiance to this coming world leader (and Satan). It may include some kind of tattoo, or implanted microchip with all of your credit card and banking information, we really don’t know right now.

It will not be easy to refuse this mark, whatever it is, for many of you will have families and children that will need to be fed. But, by taking this mark, you will have sealed your eternal fate and doom. Study this passage … people will receive a mark with his (the Antichrist’s) name or his number … this way people are identifying themselves and placing their loyalties with him. One of the early church fathers believed and wrote that the coming Antichrist will be such a liar and deceiver that even after taking this mark, most of the average people and families will NOT get the food or things promised.

There will be no turning back for any who take the “mark, the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” In God’s eyes it is as though you have become betrothed to Satan and his Antichrist and will be irreversible. This mark will be a spiritual death sentence for all who take it.

The GREATEST Bible Prophecies:


–Pravda  (Russia)

A coming Roman-led World Leader WILL one day rule over America …

“And authority was given him (the coming Antichrist)
over EVERY tribe, tongue, and nation.”
(Revelation 13:7)

Many powerful American Leaders such as Biden (Executive Branch), Pelosi (Legislative Branch), and Roberts + 6 Justices (Supreme Court) … plus, California Governor Newsom, Covid “Czar” Fauci, and many in the Military … are now ALL empowered Roman (Catholics) whose loyalty and obedience belong to the Roman Pope and NOT to our Constitution or Rule of Law …

As a note, you can ALSO add World Leaders such as Canada’s Trudeau, France’s Macron, and the leaders of Ireland, Spain, most of South America, and the Head of the United Nations to those whose “commanding officer” is the Roman Pope (and the Roman Jesuit General).  The Roman Vatican IS ALREADY a (global) “Kingdom”

The Time draws near …

Fox News Suddenly Parts With Tucker Carlson


For some who are new to this site, these “commentaries” may seem political.

However, this site in NOT “political,” but it is solely intended to view National and World News through the lens of Bible Prophecy.

The Bible warns of a Generation which would rise soon after Israel became a nation (in 1948) and Jerusalem would be re-united as Israel’s Capital (1967), and the prophetic “characteristics,” “doctrines,” and “views” of those who seem to be rising in power (as reflected in the news) is CRITICAL in determining whether or not the generation alive today IS “the generation” which will draw the World down into the horrific darkness of the coming “Apocalypse” …

We are simply trying to present the “signs” which the Bible warns we would see just before the coming “Apocalypse” in order to help warn and prepare people for what the prophecies in the Bible say now lies ahead, while reminding them of the “Escape” which God offers for ALL who will simply place their love, faith, and trust in His Word …

From a purely “prophetic” (not political) point of view this separation of Tucker Carlson from Fox News (Rupert Murdoch) was somewhat expected …


For many the following prophetic connect-the-dots “logic” may seem a little obscure and difficult to follow without more detailed explanation (which I don’t have time to add now), but this “separation” may be an indicator of how close we are now to the final prophetic Roman Kingdom and Empire prophesied in the books of Daniel and Revelation:

  • Tucker Carlson was just about the last remaining television network news commentator who is extremely effective at documenting and exposing the lies of the Socialist “left” (politicians and media)
  • Tucker Carlson is NOT a Roman Catholic, so his obedience does NOT lie with the Roman Pope

The link to an Article concerning Rupert Murdoch following these prophecy links may help to clear up some of the confusion as to why this site feels this announcement MAY be prophetically significant …

Earlier Headline from the Irish Times …

Rupert Murdoch Honored By The Pope With Roman Papal Knighthood

As a note, companies controlled by Rupert Murdoch (currently a Roman Catholic Papal “Knight”) now control most of the major Protestant Christian Book Publishers who own the rights to major Bible translations such as the New King James and NIV versions of the Bible.

Residents Erupt As Democrats In Michigan Approve Funding For Chinese-Backed Project

–Fox News

Socialist Totalitarianism vs. Constitutional Democracy:

For over 50 years the American Socialist slogan has been:

“USE Democracy to DESTROY Democracy!!”

  • China is Socialist …
  • Democrat Party is now Socialist …
  • Russia is Socialist …
  • Roman Vatican is Socialist

They are all ALLIES!

It’s NOT “Politics”

It’s the beginning of the fulfillment of a most terrible (and final) Bible Prophecy … 

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