Roman Catholic Jesuit Magazine Praises Democrat Party’s Mass “Immigration Plan”


From the Jesuit Article …

“The Democrats have put forward a position on immigration that resonates with much of (Roman) Catholic social teaching,” the article contends. “The Republicans have not.”

Using Mass Immigration As A Weapon Of War Is Not New …

Rome Launched Its FIRST “Immigration” Attack Against America In 1847!!

One of the Pope’s greatest weapons is the One-Billion people he has under his control globally (and more if you count the Islamic allies he has nurtured over the years), for these people have been taught to believe he (the Pope) controls their eternal destinies (whether or not they will go to Heaven) and, because of this belief, most Roman Catholics will do whatever he tells them to do while they are under direct command of his Generals (Cardinals/Bishops) and Captains (Priests).

The very highest echelons of the Roman Church view each cathedral as a military outpost (just as Islamics view each mosque).

An excerpt from a book written over 120 years ago (in 1897) …

“It is clear that Rome is rapidly getting control of all the sources of power in the United States, both in civil and military affairs; and that she is doing so in pursuance of a well considered and wisely laid plan, and for the very purpose of subverting our government. Let us go back a little and review the menus suggested and considered for bringing the United States under the control of the Roman Papacy.

Father Chiniquy (a Roman Catholic Priest), in his book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” (written in 1886), gives an extended and minute account of the plans that were discussed by bishops and priests for the attainment of political control of the United States, and for the over-throw of our government.

About fifty years ago (around 1847) a council of bishops and priests was assembled in Buffalo, N. Y., for the purpose of determining this question.

The Bishop of Chicago thought to accomplish the desired end by colonizing emigrants from Canada, France, and Belgium in such numbers in the valley of the Mississippi, as would give to the Roman Catholic Church political control of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa.

It was thought that with the fast hold the church had gained in the Southern States, as also in Michigan and Wisconsin, that it would thus be able to hold a cordon of States extending from Florida along the Gulf of Mexico, and up the Mississippi, to our Northern limits, and thus, in time, give it complete political control of the United States.

Father Chiniquy had been engaged in this scheme by the Bishop of Chicago and had entered upon the work as an emigration agent, with enthusiasm, and was meeting with encouraging success. This plan of operations was being advocated earnestly by De Prey Magee, the editor, at that time, of the Freeman’s Journal. Promising as it appeared to its advocates, it was repudiated by a large majority of the members of the Buffalo Conference.

They argued that by this plan their forces would be scattered, and the power of the church dissipated, and that the true policy of the church for getting political control of the country (America), was to concentrate its forces in the cities and larger towns, and fill these up, as rapidly as possible, with their foreign emigrants.

It was argued that in this way the Roman Catholics vote could be so wielded, under the direction of the bishops and priests, as to be made a balance of power vote between the two political parties, and so, necessary to the success of either; and being so, it could make its own terms with the political party leaders, and thus get the control of the municipal offices in a very short time; and that it would, in a few years, become a majority vote, when it would have complete control in municipal governments; and ultimately in State politics. 

This plan had been carefully thought out and matured by the Jesuits, and its wisdom was made so apparent by their arguments in this conference that the plan of the Bishop of Chicago and his adherents received a very emphatic condemnation by the Buffalo Conference, and the wise plan of the Jesuits was adopted, and at once entered upon, as the true policy of the church for getting political control of our government.

The wisdom of this plan is seen in its results. A half a century has elapsed since its adoption.

The work of bringing Roman Catholic emigrants into our country and colonizing them in our cities, has been sedulously pursued from that day to this; and the results predicted by the most sanguine of its advocates have been realized. Quietly, stealthily, steadfastly, has this plan been pursued, under the direction of the most astute political managers that the world has ever seen, until the realization of its purpose seems to be almost within their grasp. And what was its avowed purpose? Political control of our country was its immediate purpose; but this control was to be used for the overthrow of our government.” 

(Excerpted from “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln” by Thomas Harris (

Around 30,000,000 Illegal Latin (Roman) “Immigrants” Are Now In America

The Roman Church, under the command of the Roman Pope, has well-orchestrated the infiltration of over 30,000,000 illegal Latin (Roman) “immigrants” into the U.S. who are almost all Biden’s fellow Roman Catholics (along with some Iranian-backed Islamics) who will mostly vote however their Roman Pope and Priests tell them to vote …

If only 1% of this massive number of Latin Americans are trained Roman Socialist-Marxist insurgents, then Rome (with their shadowy Socialist allies Russia and China) now have somewhere around 300,000 trained guerrillas deployed in the United States of America quietly awaiting orders.

And … they will be fully backed and supported by Rome’s “5th Column” now embedded within the American Democrat Party.

Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote to Ban Orthodox Church Suspected of Ties to Moscow

–Moscow Times

Note:  The “Orthodox Church” (non-Catholic) was the predominate religion in Ukraine until Zelensky (who was convinced to run for President by Canada’s Roman Catholic “princeling” Trudeau) gained power and has been methodically eliminating the Orthodox church …

The Russians claim their objective is to “De-Nazify” Ukraine … what might they mean by that?

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

From a Roman Catholic News Site: Archbishop Viganò Warns Roman Catholic Cardinal Cupich’s DNC Speech Confirms “Blood Pact” Between “Deep State” and “Deep Church”

–LifeSite News  (A Roman Catholic News Site)

From the Article (and Roman Catholic Archbishop Vigano) …

“The scandalous endorsements of Roman Cardinal Blase Cupich and the heretical ultra-progressive Jesuits in favor of Harris and Walz and the radical Left woke agenda confirm the blood pact between the globalist Deep State and the (Pope) Bergoglian Deep Church.”

Report: DNC Speakers Mention “TRUMP” 130 More Times than ‘Crime,’ ‘Inflation,’ and ‘Border’ Combined


Socialist Tactics To Gain and Retain Power:

Let’s look at some of the tactics Socialists are taught to use in order to gain and retain power over a people and a nation.

We will begin with a WWII post-wartime report by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (the OSS later became the CIA) which studied and researched the tactics used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi (National Socialist) political party in order to gain and maintain power.

The O.S.S. (now the CIA) Report on Socialist Strategies and Tactics to gain and retain power included …

“His (Adolf Hitler) and the National Socialist (NAZI) Party’s primary rules were:

– NEVER allow the public to “cool off”; (“Agitation” and “Propaganda”)

– NEVER admit a fault or wrong;

– NEVER concede that there may be some good in your enemy;

– NEVER say anything good about your enemy

– NEVER leave room for alternatives;

– NEVER accept blame;

– CONCENTRATE on ONE (political) enemy at a time (with the Democrats it’s “Trump”)

– BLAME your enemy for EVERYTHING that goes wrong;

– A BIG LIE will be believed by people sooner than a little one;

– REPEAT A LIE frequently enough and people will sooner or later believe it.”

(Note: This WWII O.S.S.wartime report was excerpted from an earlier article by WND/Rutz)

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

America In Bible Prophecy

Doctor Prosecuted For Biblical Beliefs: Australian Tribunal Hears Case With Far-Reaching Ramifications

–Harbinger’s Daily

From the article …

“George Orwell is credited with saying, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” Satan uses certain strategies when it comes to how he attacks truth. Most notably, he perverts it, he inverts it and he distorts it. Distortion, in both its defined form and the context here, involves the alteration of the natural, normal or original shape of something. His goal is to distort anything that points to God.”

“As David Horowitz said in Dark Agenda, “The (Roman-Marxist-Socialist) Left…has no conscience or restraint when it comes to destroying people who stand in its way.” Yet, stand we must.”

Socialism: “Use Democracy to Destroy Democracy”!!

Rome’s Victory Over Its Protestant Enemies Is Almost Complete …

  • Britain
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • America

Those Bible-believing “Protestant” nations which were once blessed by God with abounding freedom and prosperity will soon writhe and weep under the Roman Church’s Marxist-Jesuit-Socialism Godless “Dictatorial Totalitarianism” … the government of the coming Antichrist.

It’s not Political … it’s PROPHETIC!!!

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Jesuit Violence & Cruelty against Protestants: IRELAND

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

How To Prepare For What Lies Ahead

George Soros Prosecutors Must Promise Never To Enforce Laws Socialists (“Leftists”) Don’t Like


Note: George Soros … his real name is “György Schwartz” is an immensely powerful and shadowy Democrat Party leader and Socialist (Marxist-Communist) subversive who has been powerfully and aggressively aiding and abetting our enemies (for several decades) by methodically planting and funding many Socialist-Marxist (aka “Left-Wing” – “Liberal” – “Progressive”) Organizations in the US and around the world … he was born and educated in the USSR Soviet-Hungary and emigrated to New York in 1956 at the age of 26 … he also kept an office close to the Kremlin … and he has helped the global Socialist Party (Marxist-Communists) topple many economies, governments, and currencies. If you do a Google Search for George Soros English Pound you will see how he “broke” the Bank of England and the British Pound … read more about billionaire George Soros’ background)

Earlier Headline from RaptureReady/GeriUngurean  …

George Soros Is STILL The Most Dangerous Man On Earth


“Terrifying Development”: New U.S. Army Policy Spells Trouble For Christians


Sec’y of Defense Austin is an empowered Roman Catholic who serves a Pope who is committed to “exterminating” and “annihilating” ALL Bible-believing Christian “Protestants.”

From Wikipedia …

“Austin was raised by a devoutly Catholic mother and remains practicing himself.”  (Wikipedia)

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Jesuit Violence & Cruelty against Protestants: IRELAND

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes

“It’s Communism”: Kamala’s First Economic Plan Proposes Price Controls To “Combat Inflation”

–Zero Hedge

In 1959 Soviet-Russia Leader Nikita Khrushchev boasted …

“We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism,
but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism
UNTIL they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”
–Nikita Khrushchev 1959

“Useful Idiots”

Socialist’s called those people who are swayed by their powerful psychological warfare “Useful Idiots”…

“If you have never heard the term “useful idiot” it was the attitude held by Vladimir Lenin towards Socialist (communist) sympathizers in the West (America). While Lenin and the Soviets held them in utter contempt they also viewed them as tools for dispensing communist propaganda to other countries, thus infecting foreign cultures with their totalitarian tripe. After their mission was complete, they were no longer “useful.”  (

For over 50 years now the Socialist slogan has been “USE Democracy … to DESTROY Democracy.”

Now, simply study the global Socialist (“liberal”, “progressive”, “leftist”) tactics over the past 50 years.

Do your homework.  A nation and people under Socialist control will always lose their freedoms (and their children).

Please Remember:

– USSR  =  Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics

– NAZI  =  National SOCIALIST Party

– Socialist China Has Killed 76 Million Of Its Own Citizens

– Socialist Russia Has Killed 62 Million Of Its Own Citizens

– Socialist (NAZI) Germany Killed Over 11 Million Of Its Own Citizens

America In Bible Prophecy 


Literally Just One Day Later, We Got A Major Confirmation That Something Really Big Could Be Happening (Per The “Monkeypox” Headline Below)


From a Roman Catholic News Site: “IS FRANCIS THE POPE? The Argument From Public Heresy Suggests Not”

–LifeSite News  (A Roman Catholic News Site)

From the Article …

Public heretics (and a fortiori, apostates) are not members of the Church because they separate themselves from the unity of Catholic faith and from the external profession of that faith. Obviously, therefore, they lack one of the three factors – baptism, profession of the same faith, union with the hierarchy – pointed out by Pius XII as requisite for membership of the Church. The same pontiff has explicitly pointed out that, unlike other sins, heresy, schism and apostasy automatically sever a man from the Church. […]

By the term public heretics at this point we mean all who externally deny a truth (for example MARY’s Divine Maternity), or several truths of divine and Catholic faith, regardless of whether the one denying does so ignorantly and innocently (a merely material heretic), or willfully and guiltily (a formal heretic). It is certain that public, formal heretics, are severed from Church membership (and worthy of death).

Material Heretics: Someone who has been brought up in a Protestant chapel and, trusting the teaching of her parents and ministers, takes the Bible alone as her rule of faith, while never encountering the Catholic Church, may be a material heretic (worthy of death).

Rome vs. Bible: Three Doctrines

Rome vs. Bible: Who IS The Rock?

Rome vs. Bible: A Final Comparison

WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven?      

What DOES The Bible Say About ‘Hell’?

Only God Can Save Britain Now


Related Article from World Tribune …

London Police Chief Vows To Arrest People WORLDWIDE For Online Speech

George Orwell’s books, “1984” and “Animal Farm,” were written as warnings against the Roman Catholic Church (who invented Communism and Socialism as a way to control a nation and a people).

A couple of years ago a page on the George Orwell website still explained and reported this …

That page has since been “sanitized” and removed.

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Socialist (Roman) Tactics: Doctrines of Evil

Roman Jesuits: A Brief Overview

Espionage: The Jesuit Spymasters

The Jesuit Way: In Their Own Words

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

How To Prepare For What Lies Ahead

Pathetic Response A Week Too Late: Vatican (Not The Pope) Says It’s “Saddened By Certain Scenes” At Paris Olympics’ Opening

–LifeSite   (LifeSite is a Roman Catholic news site)

Comments repeated from an earlier headline concerning this prophetically significant matter …

I believe this event is a final wake-up call for all Mankind.  My heart trembles for those who just “yawn” and feel no righteous indignation and anger at such an abomination that only Satan himself could have prepared and scripted …

The “Last Supper” (Communion) represents the “body which was broken” and the innocent “blood that was shed,” and was given to always remind us of the terrible price of torment, pain, and death that Messiah (Jesus Christ … the Son of God) willingly and lovingly suffered in order to pay all OUR debt of sin and to wash away ALL of OUR many sins, which is the price HE paid to “Redeem/Ransom” us from our sins, death, and Hell, with the unbreakable promise of everlasting life in Heaven for ALL who will “believe” in faith and in love (with great thanksgiving).

The elements of the Last Supper represent Mankind’s Hope (and only hope) of entering into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

To mock this is to mock God … and is a slap in the face to the only one who loved us enough to suffer and die so that we might have the hope and promise of eternal life in His awesome Kingdom of Heaven, which will be filled with great joy, happiness, peace (and laughter) … forever!!!

WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven

The Alternative (‘Hell’)

Venezuela: Roman-Socialist Tyrant Maduro Announces Construction of Two Maximum-Security Detention Centers – Says His Goal Is to Turn Them Into “Reeducation Centers”

–RaptureReady/Gateway Pundit

They are already discussing “Re-Education Centers” in the U.S. and Canada …

Headline from June 2024:

New York Democrat Congressional Candidate
Suggests Republicans (Trump Supporters)
Go To “Re-Education Camp” (Fox News)

Earlier Headline from 2008:

Obama Ally (and Sponsor) Bill Ayers
Planned U.S. “Re-Education” Centers …
Wanted 25 Million American Citizens “Eliminated” (WND)

In this report, an FBI informant documented that the (Obama ally) Bill Ayers’ violent Marxist-Socialist revolutionary group the “Weather Underground” held discussions which included plans for “re-education” centers in the Southwest … to incarcerate 25 million Americans … and would allow socialist-communist nations such as Cuba, North Korea, China, and Russia to occupy parts of the US to help “police” and guard these “enemies of the state” (these are probably here now embedded in the 30,000,000 illegal immigrants who have infiltrated from Latin American socialist nations).

Note:  This same Bill Ayers is now a retired professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Education.

In Canada, according to the Toronto Sun (March 4, 1982), then Prime Minister of Canada, Roman Catholic Pierre Trudeau (father of the current Canadian Prime Minister) who surrounded himself with Jesuits was planning to setup “Civilian Internment Camps” which they would use to “re-educate” their religious and political opponents.

These news reports, seem to indicate their Plan to imprison millions of Americans is not just political rhetoric and hyperbole …

And, these millions of Roman Catholic, Chinese, and Islamic illegal immigrants who have infiltrated from Latin (Roman) America are an important part of these future plans.

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Did The Opening Ceremony For The Paris Olympics Foreshadow The Coming Of The Antichrist?


I believe this event is a final wake-up call for all Mankind.  My heart trembles for those who just “yawn” and feel no righteous indignation and anger at such an abomination that only Satan himself could have prepared and scripted …

The “Last Supper” (Communion) represents the “body which was broken” and the innocent “blood that was shed,” and was given to always remind us of the terrible price of torment, pain, and death that Messiah (Jesus Christ … the Son of God) willingly and lovingly suffered in order to pay all OUR debt of sin and to wash away ALL of OUR many sins, which is the price HE paid to “Redeem/Ransom” us from our sins, death, and Hell, with the unbreakable promise of everlasting life in Heaven for ALL who will “believe” in faith and in love (with great thanksgiving).

The elements of the Last Supper represent Mankind’s Hope (and only hope) of entering into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

To mock this is to mock God … and is a slap in the face to the only one who loved us enough to suffer and die so that we might have the hope and promise of eternal life in His awesome Kingdom of Heaven, which will be filled with great joy, happiness, peace (and laughter) … forever!!!

WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven

The Alternative (‘Hell’)

Kamala Harris’ Desires: Take Guns By Force, Legalize Illegal Aliens


Gun Control:

Joseph Stalin (and educated Jesuit) used “Gun Control” to crush, silence, and control the people.

Stalin spoke the following “directives” to his Socialist Party henchmen …

– “We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?”

– “We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.”

– “If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.”

(Joseph Stalin)

Our American Socialists (like busy termites destroying a home) have now been diligently following his instructions for over 50 years.

American Federation Of Teachers Leader Delivers “Unhinged” Speech Warning Of Societal Catastrophes If Trump Is Re-Elected

–Fox News

Statistically, the American Federation of Teachers should be roughly 50% DEMOCRAT and 50% REPUBLICAN

Have they purged all the Republicans out of our Education Associations? 

Earlier Headline …

National Education Association President Rages In “Totally Unhinged” Speech

The (Roman) Socialist’s War Against Our Children:

– “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future” (Hitler)

– “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” (Stalin)

– “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” (Lenin)

– “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” (Karl Marx)

 America In Bible Prophecy

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits


Significant: Roman Church To Erect 30-Foot Tall “Jesus” In Jerusalem

–Jerusalem Post

Roman Church vs. The Bible:

Graven (“Man-Made”) Images as Objects of Worship

“Thou shalt NOT make unto thee any graven image,
  or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
  or that is in the earth beneath,
  or that is in the water under the earth”
  (Exodus 20:4)

 “You shall make you NO idols nor graven image,
  neither rear you up a standing image,
  neither shall you set up ANY image of stone in your land,
  to bow down unto it:
  For I am the LORD your God.”
  (Leviticus 26:1)

“Being then God’s offspring,
  we ought NOT to think that the Divine Being
  is like gold or silver or stone,
  or an image (or painting) formed
  by the art and imagination of man.”
  (Acts 17:29)

 “Lest ye corrupt yourselves,
  and make you a graven (man-made) image,
  the likeness of ANY figure,
  the likeness of Male (Peter) or Female (Mary)”
 (Deuteronomy 4:16-19)

 Yet, we now find the Roman Vatican (and most Roman churches) filled with “graven” images, paintings, and statues.

The most famous sculptures (graven images) in the Vatican which families will see as they tour this regal Roman Catholic house of worship, include those of: Roman Emperors,  many fully naked men, the multi-breasted Goddess Artemis of Ephesus (with bull testicles), the Roman god Hercules, and “Antinoos” a homosexual lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian … (

Also, the famous statue of “Peter” in the Roman Vatican is actually older than the Apostle Peter, for (even as they admit) it was originally worshiped as the Roman Sun-god Jupiter, whom the Roman Church simply renamed “Peter.”

The Roman Church also did the same thing with the sculpture of “Mary” in the Vatican, which was originally worshiped as the Roman Goddess of Sex and Love Venus, whom the Roman Church simply renamed “Mary.”

“Vast DEI (Diversity Over Qualifications, Skills, & Strength) Bureaucracy” Hurting U.S. Armed Forces; ASU Study Finds

–Zero Hedge

By lowering our Military standards and replacing seasoned Officers trained for battle with politically indoctrinated Officers trained to politicize and weaken our Military, the (Socialist) Democrat Party is purposely leaving America UNGUARDED against our enemies whose Military Officers are trained for battle …

Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”

In-Depth: Gov’t Schools Vs. Christianity — Shaping The ‘Spirituality’ Of Children AGAINST Biblical Views

–Harbinger’s Daily

The Socialist’s War Against Our Children:

– “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future” (Hitler)

– “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” (Stalin)

– “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” (Lenin)

– “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” (Karl Marx)

America In Bible Prophecy

U.S. Army Briefing Labels PRO-LIFE Groups “Terrorist Organizations” (Picture of Slide Included)

–American Military News


Related Article from LifeSite News …

Biden (Democrat Party) HOMELAND SECURITY Advisors Smeared Trump Supporters, Military, and Religious People As “Terrorist” Threats

America In Bible Prophecy

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

NOTE:  One of the first things President Biden (Democrat) did after taking office in 2020 was to REMOVE the Iran-backed Islamic Houthis from the Terrorist List … while now ADDING Bible-believing Christians to his Regime’s Terrorist List!!

Roman Greek Orthodox and Roman Latin Catholic Churches May Be Ready To Bury the Hatchet

–RaptureReady/World Religion News

Not long after the Roman Emperor Constantine placed the Church under the wings of Rome, the Eastern Greek and the Western Latin churches fought for control …

A Roman Pope even launched a Crusade against the Greek Eastern church and slaughtered thousands around Constantinople.

Neither of the two churches reflect true Biblical Christianity.

The “halos” you always see in their paintings and sculptures (graven images) reflect the “Sun God” (Mithraism) which Constantine infected and corrupted the church with.

The current Roman Pope Francis has also been feverishly trying to bring the Russian Orthodox Church (which also represents the ancient Greek/Eastern Church) back under the wings of Rome.

The coming Antichrist’s “One World Religious System” will rise out of Rome

Media’s Plan To “Demonize” Christians Engaging In Politics

–Harbinger’s Daily

Related Article from LifeSite News …

Biden (Democrat Party) Homeland Security Advisors Smeared Trump Supporters, Military, and Religious People As “Terrorist” Threats

Prophecy:  Believing Christians will be Hated

Prophecy: Lying and BEING Deceived “In the last days”

ICJ (Highest Court of the UN) Rules ISRAEL’s Settlements In West Bank, East Jerusalem (Judea and Samaria) Are “ILLEGAL”

–Jerusalem Post

The Sec’y General of the UN (António Guterres) is an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose policies are in obedience to his Roman Pope.


Related Article from the Israel National News …

Netanyahu Responds To ICJ Decision: “Israel Is Not An Occupier In Its Own Country” 

Do We Have TIME to Make America Great Again?

–RaptureReady/Jan Markell

From today onward we have entered into the most perilous time in the history of America.

Prepare for an unexpected (but well-planned) “Crisis” to turn this nation (and world) upside down …

Whether it be days, weeks, months … before or after the coming election … only our enemies know for sure what will best suit their purposes.

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Solar Eclipse “Countdown” Page 

2023 – 2030: A ‘Rapture’ Launch Window?

How To Prepare For What Lies Ahead 


“Direct Assault On The Safety Of Children”: California Gov. Newsom Signs First Of It’s Kind “Anti-Parental” Notification Bill

–Harbinger’s Daily

The Socialist’s War Against Our Children:

– “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future” (Hitler)

– “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” (Stalin)

– “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” (Lenin)

– “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” (Karl Marx)

 America In Bible Prophecy

Losing Hope, Venezuelans Vow to Leave Their Country If Maduro (A Roman Socialist) Wins


The current Roman Jesuit General Arturo Sosa (Jesuit Generals are called the “Black Pope” because of their black robes and absolute power) was stationed in Venezuela and was instrumental in helping Marxist-Socialist Hugo Chavez (a Russian ally) gain and retain power over that nation (Venezuela is also shown as a “province” on the Roman Church global map).

They then selected Maduro after Hugo Chavez died of cancer.

Because of his success in bringing Venezuela under Marxist-Roman control Arturo Sosa was promoted into the Roman Jesuit’s highest ranking position, and is now cloaked in secrecy as the exceedingly powerful Jesuit “General” based in Rome while directing the consolidation of Roman power (with Russia and China’s help) over all the Americas.

He also oversaw Venezuela’s rising China alliance (with Chavez giving China strategic rights to their oil).

Roman-Jesuit General Arturo Sosa is probably the second (or first) most dangerous man in the World alongside his fellow Roman Jesuit commander, Pope Francis (a former bar room bouncer in Buenos Aires), who is now wielding great power along with him.

Report: Extreme Poverty Nears 90 Percent in Cuba


This is the future of America …

Fidel Castro (like Joseph Stalin) was an educated Roman Jesuit lifted into power by Rome.

Socialism only allows TWO Classes: 

  • The “Ruling” Class
  • The “Ruled Over” Class

Socialists’ first objectives are always to destroy the Middle-Class … and Biblical Christianity.

California Governor (Dictator) Newsom’s Roman-Socialist (Democrat Party) led California is now obediently following in the disastrous footsteps of Cuba, Venezuela, etc. …

Just look at once-thriving San Francisco with its world-class stores now shuttered (or wracked with uncontrolled theft and crime), with the “extremely impoverished” homeless now lining its streets (which is even worse than Cuba) …

America In Bible Prophecy

Roman (Catholic) Roberta Metsola Re-Elected President Of European Parliament

–TASS  (Russia)

Excerpted from the National Catholic Register …

ROME — Roberta Metsola, a Maltese Roman Catholic politician … was elected the youngest ever president of the European Parliament on Tuesday.”

… and Roman (Catholic) Joseph Biden is President of the United States of America, and Roman (Catholic) JD Vance has been chosen to run for VP of America, and 7 Roman (Catholic) Supreme Court Justices (one states “liberal” Catholic) now rule the US Supreme Court.

America In Bible Prophecy

Roman (Catholic) Tony Blair Says Little Work Still Needed To Implement “Essential” Digital IDs In The UK

–RaptureReady/Expose News

The Prophetic “End Game” for Mandatory Digital IDs:

The Mark of the Beast (Antichrist) …

“He causes (requires) ALL,
both small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave,
to receive a MARK 
on their right hand or on their foreheads,
and that NO ONE may buy or sell
except one who has the mark,
or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name.”
(Revelation 13:16-17)

The “mark,” the “name,” and the “number” may signify some kind of political or economic ranking system.

This prophecy is very crucial for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and will be alive when this law is enacted and enforced. This “mark” will signify a person’s allegiance to this coming world leader (and Satan). It may include some kind of tattoo, or implanted microchip with all of your credit card and banking information, we really don’t know right now.

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon


–Jerusalem Post

Notes on Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination:

From Roman Catholic Priest Father Chiniquy’s  Book
“50 Years In the Church” of Rome
(Published in 1886  … and still available)

Roman Catholic Father Chiniquy said,

“After 20 years of constant and most difficult researches, I come fearlessly today before the American people to say and prove that the President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits of Rome.” (Pg 309)

– John Wilkes Booth rode to Dr. Mudd’s home and was killed in a shootout.  He wore a medal of the Virgin Mary around his neck and in his diary were the words, “I can never repent; God made me the instrument of his (Lincoln’s) punishment.” (Pg 310)

– All eight conspirators convicted were Roman Catholics. Of the eight, four were hung …

  • Mary Surratt – Headquarters for this operation were in the house of Mrs. Mary Surratt. Roman Catholic priests were in the Surratt home day and night.* (Pg 310)
  • Lewis Payne – Stabbed Sec’y of State Seward
  • Davey Herold – Was to assassinate V.P. Johnson
  • George Atzerodt – Helped Booth to escape

– John Surratt – With the help of the priests and bishops of Rome, got out of the U.S. and ended up in the Pope’s personal bodyguards called the Zouaves.  He was discovered and brought back for trial.  Rome saw that 3 of the people on the jury were Roman Catholics.  They blocked the guilty verdict of the others and John Surratt had to be released.

*Also see Jack Chick’s “The Betrayal” pg 59.

Quotes from Lincoln:

Abraham Lincoln even warned of the JESUIT influence over the Civil War …

 “This war (the Civil War) would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.” – President Abraham Lincoln

Then President Lincoln went on to say:

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”


  • The history books portray John Wilkes Booth pretty much as a lone gunman filled with violence and hate, yet, they never reveal who planted the seeds and worked up the froth of that violence and hate through slander and lies against Lincoln, and impressed upon him that what he would do was honorable and good.
  • John Wilkes Booth (whose hatred had been “incited” by vicious and slanderous attacks against Lincoln), was also considered a “convert” to Roman Catholicism which allowed Rome a degree of false flag “deniability.”
  • These quotes can also be found in the “America In Prophecy:  The Prophetic Rise of Rome” book found above.

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
(First Published in the year 1848)

US Constitution Crisis: NON-Citizens Can Vote AND Serve As Election Workers In Washington D.C.

–World Tribune

From the Article …

An analysis of D.C. voter registration records made available to Judicial Watch shows that on June 13 the makeup of registered voters in D.C. was:

• Total Voters: 457,302
• U.S. Citizens: 456,719
• Foreign Nationals: 583
• Democrats: 353,048
• Republican: 23,482
• No Party Affiliation: 73,760
• Other: 7,012

“The fact that over 500 foreign nationals can vote in local elections in Washington, D.C., is a national scandal and an insult to every America citizen,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “Congress can and must stop this attack on the voting rights of citizens.”

UN Can No Longer Ignore Hashemite (Edomite) “Kingdom of Palestine” Solution

–Israel Nat’l News

Let’s look at Ancient Edom (Jordan) in MODERN Times!!

We are told in Bible Prophecy that modern day Jordan (which includes ancient Edom, Moab, and Ammon) will be “spared” by the Roman Antichrist when he invades …

“He (the coming Antichrist)
shall also enter the Glorious Land (Israel),
and many countries shall be overthrown;
But these shall “escape” from his hand:
Edom, Moab, and the prominent people of Ammon.”
(Edom, Moab, Ammon all comprise modern Jordan!)
(Daniel 11:41) 

Jordan’s prophetic role lies in its end-times relationship with Rome.  We are warned it will act treacherously against Israel and will be destroyed by God at the time of Armageddon.

But, isn’t Jordan (Edom) Islamic??

It seems Rome’s relationship to Islam may be much closer than one might think (Pope John Paul II’s most frequent visitor was Yasser Arafat and current Pope Francis is strongly promoting Islam’s mass immigration into Europe). 

 Here’s a list of JORDANIAN leaders who have been trained and educated by ROME (at JESUIT Georgetown University):

–  King of Jordan
    (Abdullah II bin al-Hussein)

–  Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan
    (Nasser Judeh)

–  Half-brother of King Abdullah II of Jordan
    (Prince Hashim bin Hussein)

–  Prince Talal bin Muhammad of Jordan
    (Younger Brother of King Hussein of Jordan)

–  Princess Ghida al-Talal of Jordan

–  Princess Iman bint Abdullah of Jordan

–  Jordanian Minister of Education and Research
    (Amin Mahmoud)

–  Jordanian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities
    (Lina Annab)

Also consider the fact that the Jordanian (Edomite) king now holds control over the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem!!

US House Democrats Fight AGAINST Bill Requiring Proof Of Citizenship From Voters

–RaptureReady/World Israel News

Yet, these SAME Democrats vote in favor of requiring legal US citizens to show National IDs to board an airplane (just like in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) …

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil … ‘Socialism’ (Roman-Marxism) IS a Religion

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Israel’s Liberman Calls On French Jews To Flee To Israel After Far-Left Victory In France

–Jerusalem Post

The flood of Roman Marxist-Socialism sweeps across the Earth …

Over the past few weeks we have now watched them (“Leftists”) seize control over:

  • France
  • England
  • Mexico

All-Out War (From All Sides)

–RaptureReady/Daymond Duck

Even though this article touches upon many flash-points across the Globe, one area of particular interest involves the Roman Church and the “civil war” that is brewing within it.

Excerpts from the Article …

Concerning a falling away in the Church and the coming one-world satanic religion: Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was summoned to appear at the Vatican on June 20 to face the beginning of a trial on charges that he has committed schism (promoted discord; caused dissent or conflict) and denied the legitimacy of Pope Francis.

Here is a link to an article on the announcement of his summons:

Here is a link to Vigano’s response to the charges:

His response is long, so here is a small part of what he said. Those who are interested can go to the link for his full response.

  • Bergoglio (Pope Francis) promotes uncontrolled immigration and calls for the integration of cultures and religions.  (Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR!)
  • Bergoglio authorizes the blessing of same-sex couples and imposes on the faithful the acceptance of homosexualism while covering up the scandals of his protégés and promoting them to the highest positions of responsibility.
  • Bergoglio… supports Agenda 2030 (the coming satanic world government) and attacks those who question the theory of man-made global warming.
  • He has mandated the use of experimental gene serums, which caused very serious damage, death and sterility, calling them “an act of love,” in exchange for funding from pharmaceutical companies and philanthropic foundations.
  • Bergoglio is to the Church what other world leaders are to their nations: traitors, subversives, and final liquidators of traditional society who are certain of impunity.
  • I am honored not to have – and indeed, I do not want – any ecclesial communion with them: theirs is a lobby that conceals its complicity with the masters of the world in order to deceive many souls and prevent any resistance against the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist.


Christian Student’s Diploma Withheld After Praising Jesus In His Graduation Speech In Kentucky

–Harbinger’s Daily

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