Chief Justice John Roberts Is Responsible For The High Court’s Self-Delegitimization


The Roman Catholic controlled Supreme Court
 will be walking a fine line trying to appear “conservative” while receiving instructions from their Pope (and king) out of Rome on their role in helping to direct America into its prophetic future …


George W. Bush: Rome’s Secret Catholic


Prophecies: Rome & The Roman Church will one-day rule the World


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits


America In Bible Prophecy



Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
shown shaking hands with Roman Archbishop Donald Wuerl
(AP Photo / Gerald Herbert)


The photo above shows Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts at the conclusion of the annual Roman Catholic “Red Mass” in Washington Sunday, Oct. 1, 2006.

The Red Mass
 is traditionally held on the Sunday just before the Supreme Court convenes for the start of its term.


“At the Roman Catholic “Red Mass” they pray to “Thomas More”
who was one of the most vicious and bloody inquisitors that ever lived
and was responsible for having Bible translator William Tyndale
burned at the stake alive for his work.

He had many other innocent victims burned at the stake as well
and held massive Bible burning events.”


The Calm Before The Storm


After 300 Years, Historic Jesuit St. Mary’s Chapel In St. Mary’s City Set On The Banks of the St. Mary’s River In Maryland Will Rise Again and Reopen After Being Ordered Closed In 1704

–Jerusalem Post

AI Description …

“The impressive St. Mary’s Chapel served as the focal point of the Catholic faith in Maryland until 1704, when the royal governor ordered the building locked and never again used for religious purposes. 

“The Jesuits then dismantled the building and used its bricks to construct a new manor house at the St. Inigoes mission.”

In 1816 John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson …

“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits … If ever there was a body of men who merited damnation on earth and in Hell, it is this society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum.”

This “reopening” may be a prophetically timely occurrence …

A Short Video from “Purely Catholic”:


Trump’s Cabinet: The Most Catholic Administration in U.S. History?


(Note:  More Roman Catholics have been added to the Trump Administration since this video was released in late November.)



Bible Prophecies: Rome & The Roman Church Will Rise Again
And Will One-Day Rule Over the World


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits


Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND


Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes


Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith


Roman Catholic Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines


Roman Catholic Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?


America In Bible Prophecy


The Calm Before The Storm


United Nations (UN) Chief Guterres “OUTRAGED” By Israeli Strikes Against Hamas In GAZA

–Israel Nat’l News


Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!

Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem

Related Article from the Jerusalem Post …


UN Judge Found Guilty Of Abuse
For Keeping Ugandan Woman
As A Slave While In the UK 


UN Leader Antonio Guterres is another empowered Roman (Catholic) leader
whose policies and opinions reflect those of his Roman Pope …


Prophecy:  Rome & the Roman Church will rise to Rule the World 

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


Jupiter’s “Tormented Moon” Just Unleashed The Most Powerful Volcanic Event Ever Seen

–RaptureReady/Live Science

A NASA spacecraft orbiting Jupiter
is just another good example of the prophetic sign “Knowledge and Travel Will Increase at The Time of the End” being fulfilled before our very eyes (as also are the recent photos and videos of a space craft launched to pick up the two stranded astronauts in outer space, jet airplanes, and self-driving vehicles) …

A large Statue of this same Roman god “Jupiter”
now stands prominently in the Roman Catholic Temple (the Vatican), and is the ancient Roman statue which they renamed “Peter” (to sound Christian), which was originally “sculpted” out of stone (and worshiped as a god) long before the Apostle Peter was ever born …


Roman Catholic Church vs. The Bible: 3 Examples


Roman Catholic Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?


Bible Prophecy:  Rome & The Roman Church will one day Rule the World


The Woman Who Rides The Beast
Revelation 17)


Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon


Evil Empire Summit: “It Could Go Very Dark, Very Fast,” Joel Rosenberg Says In “Drastic Warning” About Iran, China & Russia

–RaptureReady/All Israel News

This “Evil Empire Summit” also coincided
with the “Blood Moon” over America and the Jewish Purim feast …


Year 2025: The FINAL Jubilee?!?


Note:  With the Roman Vatican’s “Secret Treaty” with China, we must also add ROME to this “Evil Empire” …


From Wikipedia …
(China–Holy See relations – Wikipedia)


“On 22 September 2018, the Chinese government and the Vatican signed a historic agreement
concerning the appointment of bishops in China.
Described by the parties as a “provisional agreement”,
The agreement’s text has NOT been disclosed.”  (Wikipedia)

More recently (in 2024) from “Catholic World News” …


Vatican Renews Secret Agreement With China



Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits


Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies WILL attack and invade ISRAEL


Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind


Stunning!! A.I. Probability Study concerning Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38) Prophecy


America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone


The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


After Open Mockery Of Jesus, Mardis Gras In Australia Draws Ire Of (Believing) Christians

–Harbinger’s Daily


Jesus Christ is not unaware of these things …


“Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, (the first person “raptured” in the Bible)
also prophesied about these men (and women), saying,
‘Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands (millions) of His saints,
to execute judgment on all,
To convict all who are ungodly among them
of all their ungodly deeds
which they have committed in an ungodly way,
and of all the harsh things
which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.’”
(Jude 1:14-15)


He will destroy many with a global hurricane of fire …


“For behold, the LORD will come with fire and with His chariots,
like a whirlwind (a global hurricane of fire),
to render His anger with fury,
and His rebuke with flames of fire.
For by fire and by His sword
the LORD will judge all flesh;
And the slain of the LORD shall be many.”
(Isaiah 66:15-16)


The Earth will be violently broken …


“The Earth is violently broken,
(The Earth will reel under the power of His return)
The Earth is split open,
the Earth is shaken exceedingly.
The Earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard,
and shall totter like a hut;
Its transgression shall be heavy upon it,
and it will fall, and not rise again.”
(Isaiah 24:19-20)


Mardis Gras is another non-Biblical festival which is now part of the Roman Catholic church …


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Roman Church vs. The Bible: A Short Study

Rome vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?


The Woman Who Rides The Beast  (Revelation 17) 


Why Is It That Every Time They Topple A Government In The Middle East Things Get Worse For The Christians Living There?



Prophecy:  Believing Christians will be Hated

Islam (and Rome) Violence vs. The Word of God

Prophecy: False Prophets will Rise (with an interesting link to the Jesuits!!)

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND

Roman Catholic Church “VIRGIN MARY SCULPTURE” Standing Nearly 200 Feet Will Be TALLEST Religious Statue In The World

–Fox News


The Woman Who Rides The Beast
Revelation 17)


“Take careful heed to yourselves,
For you saw NO form when the Lord spoke to you at Horeb
Out of the midst of the fire,
Lest you act corruptly
And make for yourselves a carved image
In the form of ANY figure:
The likeness of Male OR Female”
(Deuteronomy 4:15-19)


“You shall NOT make for yourself a carved image—
ANY likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
or that is in the Earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth;
You shall NOT bow down to them nor serve them.
For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God”
(Deuteronomy 5:8-9)


“You shall NOT ADD TO THE WORD  (The Bible)
Which I command you,

That you may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God
Which I command you.”
(Deuteronomy 4:2)


The Roman Catholic Church vs. The Bible:  A Short Study

Also …

The Roman Catholic Church vs. The Bible: Who IS “The Rock?”

The Time draws near …


Biblical YEAR “2025” will begin on March 19th
ccording to the ancient Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar
AND, Year 2025 will be a “JUBILEE” Year …
(Perhaps even the FINAL Jubilee Year before the Apocalypse!!!)


The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

The coming Antichrist

The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon


How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead 



–Jewish News Syndicate

Related Article from Israel …


Rabbi Explains “WHY” (From BOTH The Old and New Testaments)
The Roman Catholic Church Should Recognize ISRAEL

As The Inheritance Of The Jewish People


The Roman Catholic Church (and many Protestant churches)
now teach they have REPLACED Israel in God’s Plans and Promises,
(which opposes what the Bible clearly teaches)

Rome Rising …


Prophetic Rise of a Roman Empire & The Roman Church

The Roman Church IS ALREADY the largest “Kingdom” in the history of Mankind

A Unified Warning From ALL Early Protestant Leaders

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

The Calm Before The Storm


Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!


European Union Launches An $840 Billion Military “Re-Arming” Program As Leaders Warn That Conscription Will Be Necessary “TO PREPARE FOR WAR” With Russia



Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War


Ukraine War: England & America in Prophecy?
(2nd Ezra’s obscure “3-Headed Eagle” Prophecy)


Prophecy: Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies WILL trigger a prophetic War of the Ages


Stunning!! A.I. Probability Study concerning Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38) Prophecy


An (Un)Holy Roman Empire Will Rise:
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church



Democrats Caught ALL Reading From Exact Same “Anti-Trump” Script In Videos Before Presidential Address

–LifeSite News  (LifeSite News is a Roman Catholic news site)

Related Article from Zero Hedge …


European Leaders and Globalists ALL Posted The EXACT SAME “X” MESSAGE
Supporting Zelensky (Ukraine) Against Trump (America)




Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil …
‘Socialism’ IS a Religion

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy


America vs. Europe (Rome) vs. Russia: European Leaders and Globalists ALL Post EXACT SAME “X” Message Supporting Zelensky (Ukraine) Against Trump (America)

–Zero Hedge


Ezra’s 3-Headed Eagle Prophecy


Ukraine War: England & America in Prophecy?
(2nd Ezra’s obscure “3-Headed Eagle” Prophecy)

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Russia, Iran, and allies WILL trigger a prophetic War of the Ages

Stunning!! A.I. Probability Study concerning Russia-Iran-Turkey (Ezekiel 38) Prophecy

America In Bible Prophecy

The Calm Before The Storm

Our Generation: What Are The Odds?!!

Modern “End Time” Forecasts: 2030 – 2037

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Wisconsin Governor (Democrat) Wants State Law To Replace The Word “Mother” With “Inseminated Person”


Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil …
‘Socialism’ IS a Religion

This single Headline accurately reflects the Democrat Party’s
insane Socialist Orwellian “newspeak” in under 15 words …


In his books “1984” and “Animal Farm,” George Orwell was warning against Roman Catholicism and the Jesuits …

Most references which are quickly being deleted and “sanitized” from the Internet
which reported that George Orwell’s warnings against “Big Brother” (1984) and “The Pigs” (Animal Farm) were not directed against Socialism/Communism, but WERE written to warn the World against Roman Catholicism whose JESUIT order spawned the evil of Socialism/Communism in their South American “Reductions” in Paraguay (and other nations) back in the 1600s …

The following is from the Orwell Foundation (and has since been “sanitized” and the
direct link removed from their Web-Site) …

Orwell and the Roman Catholic Church,opened%20the%20way%20to%20dictatorship

“As he (George Orwell) saw it, the (Roman) Catholic Inquisition provided the model for both fascist and communist (socialist) Totalitarianism.

“He equated the extremes of Roman Catholicism with those of Communism, and the bold attacks on Catholicism in which he took so much pleasure, demonstrated how focused and intense this antipathy had become.  Jon Kimche, who worked with him at the Booklover’s Corner bookshop in 1935, recalled that Orwell’s conversation at that time were little more than diatribes against Roman Catholicism.  This antipathy at time bordered on paranoia, and he told his flatmate, Rayner Heppenstall, that ‘Vatican spies are everywhere’. 

“This fear of being spied upon was later transferred to the Communists (Socialists) — with good cause, it transpired.”


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Espionage: The Jesuit Spymasters

Roman Catholic JD Vance “Runaway Frontrunner” For Republican 2028 Presidential Candidate In CPAC Straw Poll


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Related Article from Israel Nat’l News …


Watch: Steve Bannon Copies Elon Musk’s Nazi (Roman) Salute
At Republican CPAC Conference


Steve Bannon attended Roman Catholic JESUIT Georgetown University and obtained his master’s degree in “national security studies”.


Roman Catholic Priests Raising NAZI (Roman) Salute During World War II


Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany:
An Unholy Alliance


Espionage: The Jesuit Spymasters


America In Bible Prophecy


The Calm Before The Storm


Supreme Court Rules AGAINST Trump Administration’s Effort To Replace Head Of Whistleblower Protection Agency

–Fox News

The Roman Catholic controlled Supreme Court
will be walking a fine line trying to appear “conservative” while receiving instructions from their Pope (and king) out of Rome on their role in helping to direct America into its prophetic future …


America In Bible Prophecy

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts shown shaking hands with Roman Archbishop Donald Wuerl (AP Photo / Gerald Herbert)


The photo above shows Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts at the conclusion of the annual Roman Catholic “Red Mass” in Washington Sunday, Oct. 1., 2006.

The Red Mass is traditionally held on the Sunday just before the Supreme Court convenes for the start of its term.


“At the Roman Catholic “Red Mass” they pray to “Thomas More”
who was one of the most vicious and bloody inquisitors that ever lived
and was responsible for having Bible translator William Tyndale
burned at the stake alive for his work.

He had many other innocent victims burned at the stake as well
and held massive Bible burning events.”


According to an earlier article from Slate written during his confirmation hearings, Hampton Dellinger, the head of the Office of Special Counsel who was appointed by former President Joe Biden, was described as …

An “Outspoken progressive (Socialist-Marxist) …
who was ‘christened’ in the Roman Catholic Church.”


The Calm Before The Storm


V.P. JD Vance Joins In Calling For Prayers For The Roman Pope

–LifeSite News  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)


JD Vance is an empowered Roman (Catholic)
who is now one heartbeat away from becoming President of the United States.

As a Roman Catholic, he is commanded (and obligated) to loyally bow down before the Roman Pope as his king,
and as king over all nations (including America) …


The Pope’s 3-Tiered Crown Proclaims he Is King Over All Heaven, Earth, and Hell


Remember, as with the Roman Pope and Charlemagne, the Bible warns this coming (Un)Holy Roman Empire (a Rome-Based World Power) will be ruled by TWO “Beasts”:


  • ONE a Political World Leader
  • ONE a Religious Leader 



America In Bible Prophecy


 The Roman Church IS ALREADY the largest “Kingdom” in the history of Mankind


The Calm Before The Storm


Prophecies: The coming Antichrist


Roman Catholic Church Awaits Their “Great Monarch” To Rise (Prophesied In 1870 By “Our Lady’s Apparition”)

–LifeSiteNews  (Life Site is a devout Roman Catholic news site)


Prophecies: The coming Antichrist


The Woman Who Rides The Beast  (Revelation 17) 


Excerpt from Roman Catholic News site “Life Site News”

“I (Editor-In-Chief of Life Site News, John Henry Westen), began the episode by asking Ayral to explain these prophecies. He underscored that they go back to Our Lady’s apparitions at La Salette, when she told the seers that a “Great Monarch” who would be a direct descendant of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, would eventually rise to power in France.

Then Ayral (Marian apparition expert Xavier Reyes-Ayral) explained that many important details about this monarch come from the prophecies of stigmatist Marie-Julie Jahenny.

“[The Great Monarch] has been announced by heaven to come to the rescue not just of France in the moment in its history when it will be on its knees and out of bread, in its direst period of history. But rather who will come as well to restitute the glory of the Church,” he said.

A bit later, Ayral highlighted that many of Jahenny’s prophecies had already been fulfilled.

“All of her prophecies from 1870 until our days have taken place with the precision of a Swiss clock; it’s extraordinary,” Ayral said. “From [the] Franco-Prussian War, the First World War, the loss of Alsace and Lorraine, the recovery, World War II, the Franco-Algerian War. … The invasion of the European continent by millions of foreigners from North Africa, the Muslim invasion, and so on and so forth.”

“The disasters in the Catholic Church were all foretold by Marie-Julie Jahenny. Extraordinary!” he added.

Later in the episode, Ayral suggested the Great Monarch is not only alive right now but that he knows his name, which I asked him to clarify.

“His name was given to [Marie-Julie Jahenny] by first the Blessed Virgin Mary and second by St. Michael the Archangel … the name of the French king is Henry Cinq De La Croix, Henry V of the Cross,” Ayral said.

“This man was born in France, this man left and lives abroad … watching and waiting,” he added.”




Full Video of the interview discussing this Roman Church prophecy …


VIDEO:  “Prophecy of the Great Monarch: Alive TODAY?”


I strongly recommend viewing this video (if you are already familiar with the Bible Prophecies concerning the Antichrist).

For, in this video, you will find this respected Roman Catholic author and speaker even names names,
provides specific geopolitical events,  and specifies the probable year their “Great Monarch” should begin to be revealed (starting in 2025).


What makes this even MORE interesting (from a prophetic perspective) is it appears a futuristic VIDEO GAME called “No Time” (first released in 2019 and revised in late 2024) is based on this Roman Catholic prophecy, with a kingdom called “The Holy Roman Empire” rising out of France, which will have a “King Henry V of the Cross” being anointed by a pope sometime in the near future …




Please Remember:

BIBLE Prophecy warns the
“Antichrist” will not be revealed until AFTER the Rapture …


“For the mystery of Lawlessness
is already at work;
only He who now restrains (the Holy Spirit)
will do so UNTIL He is taken out of the way.  (The Rapture)
And THEN the Lawless One (Antichrist)
will be revealed,
whom the Lord will consume
with the breath of His mouth
and destroy with the brightness of His coming.
The coming of the Lawless One (Antichrist)
is according to the working of Satan,
with all power, signs (miracles),
and lying wonders”
(2 Thessalonians 2:7-9)



Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

The Calm Before The Storm

Modern “End Time” Forecasts: 2030 – 2037

How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead 

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist


From Catholic News Site: Jesus Made The Roman Catholic Church “The NEW Israel”

–LifeSite News  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)

This is called “Replacement Theology”
which has also infiltrated most mainline Protestant churches as well …


Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

A Remarkable Math Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem Back Again

A.I. Prophetic Probability Study of Israel & Jerusalem Reunited (Stunning!!)

The Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


The 2014 CIA Sponsored “Deagel Report” Warning Of A Planned Destruction of America In 2025 Appears To Be Right On Schedule



Year 2025: The FINAL Jubilee?!?

America In Bible Prophecy

Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Note:  As reported earlier, Catholic news sites are reporting the “historic” number of Roman Catholics in Trump’s Administration and government
(including their current control over the US Supreme Court).

So, the only thing standing in the way of this 2025 scenario IS Donald Trump
(who would somehow have to be “neutralized” in order for all this to take place) …


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Modern “End Time” Forecasts: 2030-2037

The Calm Before The Storm

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


Biblical Year 2025 Won’t Begin Until March 30 or March 19th


Trump V.P. JD Vance Exposed European Anti-Democratic (and Anti-Christian) Hypocrisy In His Bombshell Munich Speech

–LifeSite News   (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)

From the Article …

“And perhaps most concerningly, I look to our very dear friends, the United Kingdom, where the backslide away from conscience rights has placed the basic liberties of religious Britons, in particular, in the crosshairs. A little over two years ago, the British government charged Adam Smith Conner, a 51-year-old physiotherapist and an Army veteran, with the heinous crime of standing 50 metres from an abortion clinic and silently praying for three minutes, not obstructing anyone, not interacting with anyone, just silently praying on his own. After British law enforcement spotted him and demanded to know what he was praying for, Adam replied simply, it was on behalf of his unborn son he and his former girlfriend had aborted years before.

“Now the officers were not moved. Adam was found guilty of breaking the government’s new “buffer zones” law, which criminalizes silent prayer and other actions that could influence a person’s decision within 200 metres of an abortion facility. He was sentenced to pay thousands of pounds in legal costs to the prosecution …

“Now, I wish I could say that this was a fluke, a one-off, crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person. But no. This last October, just a few months ago, the Scottish government began distributing letters to citizens whose houses lay within so-called “safe access” zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes may amount to breaking the law.”

Related Article from the Christian Post (a Protestant-based news site) …


JD Vance Rebukes Anti-Free Speech, Anti-Christian Discrimination
In Munich Speech


Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil … ‘Socialism’ (Roman-Marxism) IS a Religion

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance


It’s interesting that even devout Roman Catholic websites such as Life Site News are now openly questioning the current Pope’s validity as pope, and even have video reports wondering if Pope Francis could possible be the “False Prophet” (the Second “Beast” of Revelation), but, they seemed to think he might be too old and look ahead to the one who might replace him …


The Woman Who Rides The Beast  (Revelation 17) 


Ukraine’s Zelensky Calls for Creation of “European (Roman) Armed Forces” at Munich Security Conference



Ukraine War: England & America in Prophecy?
(2nd Ezra’s obscure “3-Headed Eagle” Prophecy)

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

The Calm Before The Storm

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


Roman Pope Francis Plans Major Inter-Faith Event For “Fraternity” Between Roman Catholics and Islamics

–LifeSiteNews  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)


Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Prophecies: A coming “One-World Religion”:  The Antichrist

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Prophecy: False Prophets will Rise (with an interesting link to the Jesuits!!)

Islam (and Rome) Violence vs. The Word of God

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Prophecy:  Bible-Believing Christians will be Hated

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS “The Rock”?

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes


Roman Catholic (Jesuit) Georgetown University To Host Convicted Palestinian Terrorist At Campus Event

–Ynet News (Israel)

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes


This is the Jesuit (Roman Catholic) way of signalling their Islamic allies not to worry about all the Roman Catholics now embedded in Trump’s Government  …


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

The Calm Before The Storm


Now consider a few others who have “Graduated” from this Roman Catholic (Jesuit) incubator …

JORDANIAN Alumni of Rome’s Jesuit (Catholic) Georgetown University:

  • King of Jordan – Abdullah II bin al-Hussein
  • Deputy Prime Minister of Jordan, 2015–2017 – Nasser Judeh
  • Half-brother of Reigning King Abdullah II of Jordan – Prince Hashim bin Hussein
  • Prince Talal bin Muhammad of Jordan – Younger Brother of King Hussein of Jordan
  • Princess Ghida al-Talal of Jordan
  • Princess Iman bint Abdullah of Jordan
  • Jordanian Minister of Education and Scientific Research – Amin Mahmoud
  • Jordanian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities – Lina Annab


The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

The Calm Before The Storm

How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead 


Did Arizona Republican Kari Lake REALLY Lose In November?


Prophecy: DECEIVING (Lying) and BEING DECEIVED “In the last days” 


Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil

Socialist Tactic:  “VOTE FRAUD”

Stalin’s Socialist-Marxist directives
on how to destroy Democracies included the following …


“The people who cast the votes decide nothing.
The people who COUNT the votes decide everything.”
(Joseph Stalin)


Note:  After Republican Congressman Dornan lost to Democrat Loretta Sanchez in 1996 he presented the House of Representatives with clear evidence of election and vote fraud but the House refused to consider action …

“An investigation by the Immigration and Naturalization Service
following Dornan’s 1996 defeat by Democrat Loretta Sanchez
found that 4,023 “non-citizens” may have cast ballots in that election.
Dornan lost by 984 votes.”
 (Boston Globe)


Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)

Earlier: Sec’y of Defense Hegseth Once Suggested New Temple COULD Be “Re-Established On Jerusalem’s Temple Mount!!

–Times of Israel

Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

The Calm Before The Storm

How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead 


In Bible prophecy we are told there will be TWO new Temples built on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem … the first new Temple will be built around the time of the Antichrist (a counterfeit-Messiah … Revelation 11:2 … 2 Thessalonians 2:4) and the final Temple (Ezekiel 40-48) when Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) returns …

In the book of Revelation a new Temple which will be built around the time of the coming Antichrist is mentioned …

“But leave out the court
which is outside the Temple,  (interesting … this is the area now controlled by Islamics)
and do not measure it,
for it has been given to the Gentiles (non-Jews).
And they will tread the Holy city (Jerusalem)
underfoot for forty-two months.”    (3 1/2 years … the 2nd half of the Apocalypse)
(Revelation 11:2)

Israel WILL Be “Divided” Around The Time of Armageddon

 “I (GOD) will also gather ALL nations,
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. (Same as Megiddo … ARMAGEDDON!!!)
And I (GOD) will enter into judgment with them there
on account of MY People, MY Heritage, ISRAEL,
whom they have scattered among the nations.
(Joel 3:2)

ALL Nations of the World WILL Turn Against Israel!!

The Bible also warns “at the time of the end” (around the time of the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon (also called the “Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble”- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL nations (including the US) will unite (United Nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 … Joel 3:1-2 … Revelation 16:13-16).

But, it is heart-wrenching to see it now actually happening. It is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes. Remember … Armageddon is in Israel!!!

“For I (GOD)
will gather ALL the nations
to battle against JERUSALEM”
(Zechariah 14:2)

“And I (God)
will be to her (Jerusalem)
a wall of fire all around …
He who touches you (Jerusalem)
touches the apple (pupil) of His eye …
(Woe to those who poke God in the eye)
Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord,
for He has roused Himself
from His holy dwelling”
(Zechariah 2:5,8,13)


Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Prophecies: The coming Rapture

Roman Pope Francis Slams ISRAEL’S Netanyahu During His Meeting With IRANIAN Muslim Cleric Responsible For Persecuting CHRISTIANS


Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church


Related Article from  the Jerusalem Post …


Hostages Held By IRAN-Backed Hamas In Gaza
Given Sedatives After Starvation, Cages, And Wet-Cloths-‘Showers’
During Their Captivity



Prophecies: The coming Antichrist


Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes


From Israel: Freed Female Hostage Was Held In U.N. (UNRWA) Facilities And Denied Medical Treatment

–Israel Nat’l News


UN Sec’y General Guterres with Roman Pope Francis 

Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!

United Nations (UN) Sec’y General Guterres is an empowered Roman (Catholic)
whose obedience and loyalty (and policies) all belong to his Roman Pope.

Israel WILL Be “Divided” Around The Time of Armageddon


 “I (GOD) will also gather ALL nations,
and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. (Same as Megiddo … ARMAGEDDON!!!)
And I (GOD) will enter into judgment with them there
on account of MY People, MY Heritage, ISRAEL,
whom they have scattered among the nations.
(Joel 3:2)

Nations of the World 
WILL Turn Against Israel!!

The Bible also warns “at the time of the end” (around the time of the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon (also called the “Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble”- Jeremiah 30:7) ALL nations (including the US) will unite (United Nations?) and turn against Israel (Zechariah 14:1-2 … Joel 3:1-2 … Revelation 16:13-16).

But, it is heart-wrenching to see it now actually happening. It is like watching the water receding from the beach just before a great and terrible tidal wave strikes. Remember … Armageddon is in Israel!!!


“For I (GOD)
will gather ALL the nations
to battle against JERUSALEM”
(Zechariah 14:2)


“And I (God)
will be to her (Jerusalem)
a wall of fire all around …
He who touches you (Jerusalem)
touches the apple (pupil) of His eye …
(Woe to those who poke God in the eye)
Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord,
for He has roused Himself
from His holy dwelling”
(Zechariah 2:5,8,13)


Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Prophecies: The coming Rapture

The Calm Before The Storm

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND
(Which stayed “neutral” in WWII and now stands against Israel)

Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Why Are Comedians Trending Toward Roman Catholicism? (Answer: “Mary”)

–Fox News

Iraq’s President Highlights “Historic” Ties With IRAN During Davos Address

–Jerusalem Post

Prophecy: Iraq

Prophecy: Iran

Who won the Iraq War? 

After spending American soldiers’ blood (and billions of American dollars)
in defeating Iran’s arch-enemy Iraq, Presidents Bush and Obama promptly handed it over to Iran (Russia and China) as a prize (China and Russia have now received many of the Iraqi oil contracts, and Iraq is now supporting most of their foreign policy directives).

I have to admit I was duped by George Bush.  But, under the “cowboy” and “God bless” smokescreen and veneer he powerfully and stealthily advanced the Democrat Party (and Clinton) agenda like no other Republican president before him.

So, instead of remembering what he said, simply look at what he did

–  Transferred control of Iraq away from the Military to the State Department (who quickly allowed Iran-Russia-China to usurp control)

–  Note:  Bush’s two Sec’y of States (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice) later supported Democrat candidate Barack Hussein Obama

–  Created the Dept of “Homeland” Security … then gave it vast powers unprecedented in our nation’s history

– “Nationalized” all private Airport Security … and then placed it (the TSA) under control of the new Dept of Homeland Security (DHS)

–  Refused to rescind Clinton’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” homosexual policy which has weakened and divided our military

–  Refused to rescind Clinton’s “Women In Battle” policy which has weakened and divided our military

–  Note:  His mother … Barbara Bush … later called Bill Clinton her other “son”… and George Bush called him his “brother”

–  Pushed for mass amnesty to millions of Illegal Immigrants … (which demoralized, divided, and defeated Republicans in the next election)

–  Followed Democrat Party policy by refusing to support two Border Patrol agents who were sent to prison for simply doing their job

–  Nominated (liberal and Democrat Party acceptable) Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court … weakening and dividing the Republican base

–  Replaced Donald Rumsfeld with Democrat Party friendly Robert Gates … who quickly began dismantling our major weapons programs

–  Initiated the “Democratization” policy (Islamic Revolutions) in North Africa which has now placed militant Islam in control

–  Applied forceful pressure upon Israel to “divide” her Biblical Land with Islamics

–  Sent elite US Special Forces into “Palestine” to train and equip the Palestinian Authority (formerly PLO) forces

–  Told Americans (and our military) to view Islam as a religion of “peace”… held several Islamic “Ramadan” dinners in the White House

–  Stood small and silent when Military Chaplains were ordered to stop praying in the Name of Jesus Christ (in 2005) …

As with “Republican” Senator McConnell (who just voted with the Democrats against Sec’y of Defense Hegseth)
, we have been duped and deceived … but … believing Christians take heart … even though we’re warned it’s going to get a lot worse … read the back of the Book … we win!!!

Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”

Prophecy: Deceiving (Lying) and BEING Deceived “In the last days”

Rick Santorum, former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and devout Catholic
(Member of Opus Dei AND the Knights of Malta), was the first to give Bush the “Catholic president” label …

“He’s certainly much more Catholic than Kennedy,” said Santorum.

George Bush, “The Secret Catholic”


George W Bush and Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts
Leave the annual Roman Catholic “Red Mass” in Washington, DC.

“At the Roman Catholic “Red Mass” they pray to “Thomas More”
who was one of the most vicious and bloody inquisitors that ever lived
and was responsible for having Bible translator William Tyndale
burned at the stake alive for his work.

He had many other innocent victims burned at the stake as well
and held massive Bible burning events.”


George Bush being “blessed”
with his secret “Skull & Crossbones” Pose


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

The Calm Before The Storm


The Socialist (and Democrat Party Fueled) “Monkey Wrench” SABOTAGE Of America Begs For An Authoritarian Response

–Zero Hedge

“Socialism” IS a Religion
(that thrives on hating Bible-believing Christians and Jews)

Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)

Socialism in not just a Political/Economic Doctrine,
it is a religion that opposes and despises God’s Word and Biblical Christianity.

Socialists writhe and hiss even at the mention of God, the Bible, or Jesus Christ.

Examples of this in America include the Democrat National Convention “Booing” God in 2016 and then forbidding any mention of God during the Democrat National Convention or the Democrat Party Platform in 2020.

Socialists in America (through the Democrat Party) have also been very successful in their relentless attacks to eliminate the Name of Jesus Christ from being mentioned in our public schools and during civic events (even Christmas programs).  Christians have had their businesses and livelihood taken away by the State for standing up for basic Biblical Christian beliefs.

Today in many nations around the World, including Canada, their Socialist (“Liberal”) Parties have now made just quoting Bible verses a punishable criminal offense and deemed a “hate crime.”  Socialist China is tearing down churches and arresting Bible-believing Christians while saying Christianity is “subversive.”


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

The Calm Before The Storm

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND

America In Bible Prophecy

Prophecy:  Believing Christians will be Hated

380 MILLION CHRISTIANS Now Facing (And Enduring) Death Camps, Hard Labor, Abductions, Executions And Burned Churches


Prophecy:  Believing Christians will be Hated

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil
(‘Socialism’ (Roman-Marxism) IS a Religion)

Beware: Conversions By The (Islamic & Roman) Sword

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes

Prophecy: False Prophets will Rise
(with an interesting link to the Roman Jesuits!!)


Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all … ”
Psalm 34:19


God’s Promise

Finding Hope & Comfort

Facing Our Fears


Please remember . . .

God loves you more than words can say. He knows the pain and heartbreak we feel … for He has felt it, too.

The Bible says our spirit will someday groan to leave this earthly body.

Our real life, in His Kingdom of Heaven, is yet future . . .


“The Spirit Himself
bears witness with our spirit
that we are children of God,
and if children, then heirs —
Heirs of God and joint heirs with Messiah (Christ),
IF indeed we suffer with Him”
(Romans 8:16)


Jesus Christ is our Hope . . .

Although there are times we may feel alone and abandoned, He will never forsake you or leave you.

The Bible says the true child of God will find suffering in this life.

Each of us will have our faith tested.

Jesus waits for us to ask Him into our lives to help, to strengthen, to comfort, and to heal.

He lovingly wraps His arms around the the lonely, the hurting, and the brokenhearted.

Jesus will never cast away or turn away any man or woman that willingly comes to Him, regardless of how young or how old, or how good or how bad.

Any and all who come to Him with a sincere and humbled heart are welcomed with open arms. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31).

Jesus IS God.

He now prepares our place in Heaven where there will be no fear, no worries, no pain, no heartbreak, and no tears …FOREVER!!!


WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven



Vilifying The Jewish State, The Roman (Jesuit) Pope Proves Once Again He Has NO Understanding Of God’s Word

–Harbinger’s Daily

Jesus Christ IS The Word of God …


“In the Beginning was the Word
and the Word was WITH God,
and the Word WAS God.

And the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us,
and we beheld His glory,
the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father …
full of grace and truth.

He was in the world,
the World was made through Him,
and the World did not know Him.

He came to His own,
and His own did not receive Him”

(Excerpted from John 1:1-14)


Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

Unholy Quotes From the Vatican

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Example of Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil … ‘Socialism’ (Marxism) IS a Religion

Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)

The Roman Church IS ALREADY the largest “Kingdom” in the history of Mankind

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist


Please Remember …

The Kingdom of Heaven is available to every man, woman, boy, and girl in this world, no matter who they are, where they live, or what they have done. It is freely offered to any and all who will receive it.

Jesus died rejected and alone on the Cross. The Bible, God’s Word, tells us that it was not the nails which were driven through His hands and feet that kept Jesus on the Cross, it was His love for you. He willingly and lovingly took the penalty and punishment for all of your sins. Each and every one of them, regardless how big or how small. Your debt, paid in full, by Him.

Through God’s grace, you simply need to accept it and believe it. It is free to everybody. It is available to everybody. But, God has given each of us the free will to make our own choice. We must choose to accept it. We must choose to believe it.

If you sincerely believe Jesus (Yeshua) lovingly suffered and died on the Cross for all of your sins, and was buried and Resurrected on the third day and then ask Him to come into your life as Lord while honestly trying to turn away from all those things God says are wrong, you will go to Heaven.

With open arms and with tears of joy He will receive all who will come to Him in faith and in love … it’s God’s Promise!!!


The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead

Trump’s New Sec’y of Transportation (Sean Duffy) Seen Praying To The Roman “Mary” (“Venus/Ishtar/Isis”) With Family Ahead of Confirmation hearing

–Christian Post  (which makes it sound like this is a normal Christian thing to do)

Revelation 17 Prophecy:
The Woman (“Mary, Ishtar, Venus, Isis”) Who Rides The Beast

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?

Roman Church vs. The Bible: A Final Comparison

Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith


From the Article …

“Unlike Duffy (a Roman Catholic), Hegseth’s (a Protestant’s) path to confirmation
looks like it will receive little to no support from Democrats.”


America In Bible Prophecy

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes

Roman Catholic Dominated (and Controlled) Supreme Court Denies Trump Effort to Stay His Sentencing Hearing in New York


True Story:  Roman Church Judicial Control over New York City

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy


From Wikipedia …


John Roberts (Chief Justice):  Catholicism
Clarence Thomas:  Catholicism
Samuel Alito:  Catholicism
Sonia Sotomayor:  Catholicism
Brett Kavanaugh:  Catholicism
Amy Coney Barrett: Catholicism
Neil Gorsuch:  Catholicism/Anglicanism
Elena Kagan: Judaism
Ketanji Brown Jackson: Protestantism * (?)

From AP News:
*If (Supreme Court Justice) Kentanji Brown Jackson has a specific church affiliation,
it could not be readily found in standard Google searches,
Nor through a keyword search of the roughly 2,000 pages of documents
released by the Judiciary Committee …
The record gives no hint
of whether she ever belonged to a specific congregation
or whether she attends services regularly.”


Yet, Roman Catholics only represent 20%-22% of this nation’s Population …


A.I. Probability Study of having 7 Roman Catholic Justices sitting on the U.S. Supreme Court …


C  (That’s me)

Currently Roman Catholics represent 22% of the population in the USA, what is the probability of having 7 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices being Roman Catholic?



“Let me solve this step by step.

  1. First, let’s identify what we’re calculating:
    • We want the probability of having 7 Catholic justices out of 9 total
    • The probability of randomly selecting a Catholic person is 0.22 (22%)
    • This is a binomial probability problem
  2. We’ll use the binomial probability formula: P(X = k) = C(n,k) × p^k × (1-p)^(n-k) where:
    • n = 9 (total justices)
    • k = 7 (Catholic justices)
    • p = 0.22 (probability of being Catholic)
  1. Let’s calculate each part:
    • C(9,7) = 36 (number of ways to choose 7 from 9)
    • 0.22^7 = 1.29 × 10^-4
    • (1-0.22)^(9-7) = 0.78^2 = 0.6084
  1. Multiply all parts: 36 × (1.29 × 10^-4) × 0.6084 = 2.83 × 10^-3


“Therefore, the probability is approximately 2.83 × 10^-3, or about 0.283%     (FAR LESS than 1%)

“This extremely low probability suggests that having 7 out of 9 Supreme Court Justices being Catholic is highly unlikely to occur by random chance, given the proportion of Catholics in the US population.



Thank you.  What would be the probability against this occurring?



Let me help you find the probability against this occurring.

The probability against something occurring is known as the “odds against” and can be calculated by: (1 – probability) / probability

Using our previous result:

  • Probability of occurring = 2.83 × 10^-3
  • Probability of not occurring = 1 – 2.83 × 10^-3 = 0.99717

“Therefore: Odds against = 0.99717 / (2.83 × 10^-3) = 352.4

“This means the odds against this happening by random chance are about 352 to 1.

“To express this in scientific notation: 3.524 × 10^2 to 1

“This high ratio further emphasizes how statistically unlikely this composition would be if selection were purely random based on US demographic representation.



True Story:  Roman Church Judicial Control over New York

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy


Roman Pope Appoints Trump Critic As Washington’s Archbishop

–Jerusalem Post

Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)


Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance


Related Article from LifeSite News (Life Site News is a Roman Catholic News Site) …


BREAKING: Roman Pope Francis Names Pro-Homosexual Cardinal
As New Archbishop For Washington, DC


What DOES the Bible say about Homosexuality? 

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits
(Pope Francis IS a Jesuit!)

America In Bible Prophecy

Roman Pope Francis (a Jesuit) has just issued a stern and powerful reminder to EVERY Roman Catholic in Trump’s new Administration and on the Supreme Court BEFORE the scheduled Inauguration that THIS appointment reflects ROME’S Policies and ALL Roman Catholics are COMMANDED to follow their “Pope’s” commands and policies (whether openly or in other ways) …




Trump’s Current Roman Catholic “Roster”:

– Vance

Cabinet Members:
– Kennedy
– Rubio
– Stefanik
– Ratcliffe
– Duffy

Press Secretary:
– Leavitt

All 5 Supreme Court Justices Nominated by Republican Presidents Bush and Trump are Roman Catholic:

– Neil Gorsuch (2017)
– Brett Kavanaugh (2018)
– Amy Coney Barrett (2020)

– John Roberts (2005)
– Samuel Alito (2006)

Top Military Commanders:
   –  ?????

Yet, Roman Catholics only represent around 22% of the American population …

Donald Trump IS a smart Politician,
And the Roman Catholic Church IS a powerful political force
(while the few remaining Bible-Teaching “Protestant” churches are very weak),
And Trump may not even be aware of the Roman Church’s 500-Year War
against Bible-Believing “Protestants.”


Trump Seated With Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan
At Catholic Charities Al Smith Dinner



Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?

If anything happens to Donald Trump,
 the Roman Church will now be in a strong position to take control over America (just as Bible Prophecy warns).

The Calm Before The Storm

Sorry, fellow Bible-Believing Christians …

Our “Blessed Hope” is not in any “man,”
but, in our Lord Jesus Christ who will one day
Return to lovingly take us safely Home …


Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


Roman Catholic Archbishop (San Antonio) Blames New Year’s Terrorist Attack On “TYRANT” Trump

–LifeSite News  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic News Site)


Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

The Calm Before The Storm

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


In San Antonio,  the Roman Church ALSO remembers the Alamo …


Report Reveals How RUTHLESSLY The Biden Administration Persecuted Christian Education

–Harbinger’s Daily

Prophecy:  Believing Christians will be Hated

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil
(‘Socialism’ (Marxism) IS a Religion)

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Joe Biden is an empowered Roman (Catholic)
whose obedience belongs to the Roman Pope (and NOT to the Constitution or Rule of Law of the United States) …

And “WHY” (and on what mission) will he be traveling to meet with the Pope just a few days before Trump is scheduled to take office?!?


America In Bible Prophecy

The Calm Before The Storm  Study: 

The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes



Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan To Give OPENING Prayer At Trump’s Inauguration

–LifeSite News  (Life Site News is a Roman Catholic news site)

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

America In Bible Prophecy

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits


Trump’s Current Roman Catholic “Roster”:


– Vance

Cabinet Members:
– Kennedy
– Rubio
– Stefanik
– Ratcliffe
– Duffy

Press Secretary:
– Leavitt

All 5 Supreme Court Justices Nominated by Republican Presidents Bush and Trump are Roman Catholic:

– Neil Gorsuch (2017)
– Brett Kavanaugh (2018)
– Amy Coney Barrett (2020)

– John Roberts (2005)
– Samuel Alito (2006)

Top Military Commanders:
   –  ?????

Yet, Roman Catholics only represent around 22% of the American population …

Donald Trump IS a smart Politician,
And the Roman Catholic Church IS a powerful political force
(while the few remaining Bible-Teaching “Protestant” churches are very weak),
And Trump may not even be aware of the Roman Church’s 500-Year War
against Bible-Believing “Protestants.”

Trump Seated With Roman Catholic Cardinal Dolan
At Catholic Charities Al Smith Dinner

If anything happens to Donald Trump,
 the Roman Church will now be in a strong position to take control over America (just as Bible Prophecy warns).

The Calm Before The Storm

Sorry, fellow Bible-Believing Christians …

Our “Blessed Hope” is not in any “man,”
but, in our Lord Jesus Christ who will one day
Return to lovingly take us safely Home …

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Irish Catholic Archbishop: ISRAEL’S Response To Hamas In Gaza “Merciless” and “Disproportionate”

–Jerusalem Post

IRELAND: Bloody example of JESUIT Extreme Violence & Cruelty

Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Revelation 17 Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance


This is why Roman Catholic Ireland stayed “NEUTRAL” during World War II.

“Rotten To The Core!”: UN’s Francesca Albanese Deflects “Blood Libel”, As She Implies Most Israelis Are Pro-Genocide

–Jerusalem Post

The UN’s Francesca P. Albanese is a Roman JESUIT!!

From Wikipedia …

“Francesca P. Albanese is an Italian (Roman) international lawyer and academic.
On 1 May 2022, she was appointed United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories for a three-year term.

She is an Affiliate Scholar at (Jesuit) Georgetown University.”

Related Article from Israel’s Ynet News …


Roman Pope Says Israel “Machine-Gunning Children” In GAZA


Prophecy: LYING and BEING DECEIVED “In the last days”

The Bible Warns SATAN is the “Father” of ALL Lies

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Calling ANY Religious Leader “Father”

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Sam Altman (OpenAI/ChatGPT) Celebrates “12 Days of OpenAI” As His Company Pursues Advent Of “Digital god”

–RaptureReady/All Israel News

As a Note:  Sam Altman is Jewish, and as a cryptic question for those advanced students of Bible prophecy … could he be from the Tribe of “Dan”? 

Origin of the “Twelve Days of Christmas” Song:

From the Catholic News Service …

“The song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is an English Christmas carol. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of the Roman Catholic Church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.”


Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

America In Bible Prophecy

Shrouded Plan of the Jesuits (NEW!)

Jesuit Cruelty: IRELAND

The Roman Church & Nazi Germany

Dark History Of Roman Popes

Roman Church Is ALREADY a Kingdom

Rome vs. Bible: Three Doctrines

Rome vs. Bible: Who IS The Rock?

Rome vs. Bible: A Final Comparison

The TWO “Beasts”: Antichrist

The “Woman” Who RIDES The Beast

Unholy Quotes From The Vatican

Roman Jesuits: A Brief Overview

Espionage: The Jesuit Spymasters

The Jesuit Way: In Their Own Words

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)


Subway Fire Horror: Watch Illegal Immigrant Set Woman Ablaze And Watch Her Burn To Death (Graphic Video)


The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by its:
“Lawlessness, VIOLENCE, & Immorality”


Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)


The Roman Catholic Church Launched Its FIRST “Immigration” Attack Against America In 1847!!

An excerpt from a book written in 1897 … over 125 years ago!!

“It is clear that Rome is rapidly getting control of all the sources of power in the United States, both in civil and military affairs; and that she is doing so in pursuance of a well considered and wisely laid plan, and for the very purpose of subverting our government. Let us go back a little and review the menus suggested and considered for bringing the United States under the control of the Roman Papacy.

“Father Chiniquy (a Roman Catholic Priest), in his book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” (written in 1886), gives an extended and minute account of the plans that were discussed by bishops and priests for the attainment of political control of the United States, and for the over-throw of our government.

“About fifty years ago (around 1847) a council of bishops and priests was assembled in Buffalo, N. Y., for the purpose of determining this question.

“The Bishop of Chicago thought to accomplish the desired end by colonizing emigrants from Canada, France, and Belgium in such numbers in the valley of the Mississippi, as would give to the Roman Catholic Church political control of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa.

“It was thought that with the fast hold the church had gained in the Southern States, as also in Michigan and Wisconsin, that it would thus be able to hold a cordon of States extending from Florida along the Gulf of Mexico, and up the Mississippi, to our Northern limits, and thus, in time, give it complete political control of the United States.

“Father Chiniquy had been engaged in this scheme by the Bishop of Chicago and had entered upon the work as an emigration agent, with enthusiasm, and was meeting with encouraging success. This plan of operations was being advocated earnestly by De Prey Magee, the editor, at that time, of the Freeman’s Journal. Promising as it appeared to its advocates, it was repudiated by a large majority of the members of the Buffalo Conference.

“They argued that by this plan their forces would be scattered, and the power of the church dissipated, and that the true policy of the church for getting political control of the country (America), was to concentrate its forces in the cities and larger towns, and fill these up, as rapidly as possible, with their foreign emigrants.

“It was argued that in this way the Roman Catholics vote could be so wielded, under the direction of the bishops and priests, as to be made a balance of power vote between the two political parties, and so, necessary to the success of either; and being so, it could make its own terms with the political party leaders, and thus get the control of the municipal offices in a very short time; and that it would, in a few years, become a majority vote, when it would have complete control in municipal governments; and ultimately in State politics. 

“This plan had been carefully thought out and matured by the Jesuits, and its wisdom was made so apparent by their arguments in this conference that the plan of the Bishop of Chicago and his adherents received a very emphatic condemnation by the Buffalo Conference, and the wise plan of the Jesuits was adopted, and at once entered upon, as the true policy of the church for getting political control of our government.

“The wisdom of this plan is seen in its results. A half a century has elapsed since its adoption.

“The work of bringing Roman Catholic emigrants into our country and colonizing them in our cities, has been sedulously pursued from that day to this; and the results predicted by the most sanguine of its advocates have been realized. Quietly, stealthily, steadfastly, has this plan been pursued, under the direction of the most astute political managers that the world has ever seen, until the realization of its purpose seems to be almost within their grasp. And what was its avowed purpose? Political control of our country was its immediate purpose; but this control was to be used for the overthrow of our government.” 

(Excerpted from “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln” by Thomas Harris (


Jesuit Warnings from Abraham Lincoln …

Abraham Lincoln warned of the JESUIT influence over the Civil War (Pope Francis is the first JESUIT Pope):

“This war (the Civil War) would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery (the Pope) that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.” – President Abraham Lincoln

Then President Lincoln went on to say:

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”


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Jesuit UN Special Rapporteur (and Georgetown University Affiliate) Francesca Albanese Suggests Supporting ISRAEL Is “Destroying The Planet”

–Israel Nat’l News

From Wikipedia …


“Francesca P. Albanese is an Italian (Roman) international lawyer and academic.
On 1 May 2022, she was appointed United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories for a three-year term.

She is an Affiliate Scholar at (Jesuit) Georgetown University.”


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Roman Jesuit Extreme Violence & Cruelty: IRELAND (The pope is a Jesuit)

Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes


DR. FAUCI IS A JESUIT!! Fauci Holds “Distinguished Professor” Role At Jesuit Georgetown University But Hasn’t Taught One Class

–Fox News

From Jesuit Georgetown University …

“How Jesuit Education Influenced Dr. Fauci
“Fauci’s Catholic upbringing and Jesuit education left an imprint on his career trajectory and approach to medicine and public service. He graduated from Regis High School in New York City in 1958 and the College of the Holy Cross in 1962 — two Jesuit institutions that cultivated intellectual rigor and service to others, he said.”

“A Special Connection to Georgetown
“This June, Fauci and his wife, Christine Grady (N’74, G’93), stood in Georgetown’s Dahlgren Chapel in the same spot they were married 38 years earlier.”


Related article from Breitbart …


Joe Biden To Meet Jesuit Pope Francis In Rome (Italy)
Just Days BEFORE The January


The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits 

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Calm Before The Storm  Prophecies:

The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”

 America In Bible Prophecy   


The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead 


Jesuit Pope Francis Accuses ISRAEL of “Cruelty” in Gaza


Yet, not a word of “righteous condemnation” for those Islamics who murdered, raped, and burned babies alive on October 7, 2023 …


ISRAELI (Jewish) Gov’t Minister Loudly Says, “Jesus Lived and Died As A Jew!!” As He Slams the Roman Pope For Vatican Display Portraying Jesus As a “Palestinian”

–Jerusalem Post

Genealogy of Jesus Christ

Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Roman Church vs. The Bible: A Short Study

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

Unholy Quotes From the Vatican

Revelation 17 Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Roman Church and NAZI (Socialist) Germany: An Unholy Alliance

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist


A high-ranking Jewish-Israeli official acknowledging that “Jesus (Christ) Lived and Died As A Jew!!” IS prophetically significant and should not be ignored. 

The Time draws near …


The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The Return of Jesus Christ

“7th Day” Prophecy:  The End of All Human History


Here It Comes: Newsom’s California Has Declared A “State Of Emergency” Due To The Bird Flu


California Governor Newsom is an empowered Roman (Catholic)
whose obedience lies with the Roman Pope …

“States of Emergency” ALWAYS reduce individual freedoms and increase Government Power and Control.

Governor Newsom has also met with China’s leader Xi on at least two occasions.


America In Bible Prophecy

The Shrouded Plan of the Jesuits

Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil

Roman Vatican Quietly Returns Homosexual Jubilee “Pilgrimage” To Official Calendar

–LifeSite News  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)

What DOES the Bible say about Homosexuality?

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Roman Vatican St. Peter’s Basilica


On May 9, 2024
 Roman Pope Francis “declared” 2025 to be a coming Jubilee Year (starting on December 24, 2024).

What Global changes does HE see coming (and even now helping to arrange)?!?!?

WHAT Spiritual Force directed this Roman Pope to proclaim this coming year 2025 … which only a small handful of Bible-believing Christians (whom he wants to eliminate) who have diligently studied the Scriptures, the ancient Hebrew writings, and the Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar … now believe may, in fact, BE the LAST Jubilee, during which ALL the events surrounding the coming Apocalypse) must be completed, before the FINAL Jubilee proclaiming the coming Kingdom Millennial Age (when Jesus Christ will return to Reign)?!?!?!

One note:  Donald Trump does NOT fit in with the Roman Pope’s view of the future …

America In Bible Prophecy

“The Chosen” Sparks Controversy As Critics Label Scene Between Jesus, Judas “Unbiblical”

–Christian Post


Earlier article from Catholic News Service …


Pope Francis Meets ROMAN CATHOLIC Actor Who Plays Jesus In “The Chosen”


Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

From the Jerusalem Post: “Pope Can’t Rewrite Bible – Jesus Was A Jew From Judea, Not Palestinian”

–Jerusalem Post

Genealogy of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ: Prophecies Fulfilled!

Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Related Article from Harbinger’s Daily …

The Vatican’s Palestinian Nativity Scene Demonstrates
Just How Far The Pope Will Go To Demonize Israel


“I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel)
And will curse those who curse you”
(Genesis 12:3)


The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

Unholy Quotes From the Vatican

Revelation 17 Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Citing the “Gospel”, Roman Pope Francis Says (Illegal) Migrants “Must Be Welcomed” And “Integrated”

–Fox News

Roman Church “Gospel” vs. The Biblical “Gospel”

Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR
(Which Rome FIRST Launched against America in the 1800s)

The Roman Catholic Church Launched Its FIRST “Immigration” Attack Against America In 1847!!

An excerpt from a book written in 1897 … over 125 years ago!!

“It is clear that Rome is rapidly getting control of all the sources of power in the United States, both in civil and military affairs; and that she is doing so in pursuance of a well considered and wisely laid plan, and for the very purpose of subverting our government. Let us go back a little and review the menus suggested and considered for bringing the United States under the control of the Roman Papacy.

“Father Chiniquy (a Roman Catholic Priest), in his book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome” (written in 1886), gives an extended and minute account of the plans that were discussed by bishops and priests for the attainment of political control of the United States, and for the over-throw of our government.

“About fifty years ago (around 1847) a council of bishops and priests was assembled in Buffalo, N. Y., for the purpose of determining this question.

“The Bishop of Chicago thought to accomplish the desired end by colonizing emigrants from Canada, France, and Belgium in such numbers in the valley of the Mississippi, as would give to the Roman Catholic Church political control of the States of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa.

“It was thought that with the fast hold the church had gained in the Southern States, as also in Michigan and Wisconsin, that it would thus be able to hold a cordon of States extending from Florida along the Gulf of Mexico, and up the Mississippi, to our Northern limits, and thus, in time, give it complete political control of the United States.

“Father Chiniquy had been engaged in this scheme by the Bishop of Chicago and had entered upon the work as an emigration agent, with enthusiasm, and was meeting with encouraging success. This plan of operations was being advocated earnestly by De Prey Magee, the editor, at that time, of the Freeman’s Journal. Promising as it appeared to its advocates, it was repudiated by a large majority of the members of the Buffalo Conference.

“They argued that by this plan their forces would be scattered, and the power of the church dissipated, and that the true policy of the church for getting political control of the country (America), was to concentrate its forces in the cities and larger towns, and fill these up, as rapidly as possible, with their foreign emigrants.

“It was argued that in this way the Roman Catholics vote could be so wielded, under the direction of the bishops and priests, as to be made a balance of power vote between the two political parties, and so, necessary to the success of either; and being so, it could make its own terms with the political party leaders, and thus get the control of the municipal offices in a very short time; and that it would, in a few years, become a majority vote, when it would have complete control in municipal governments; and ultimately in State politics. 

“This plan had been carefully thought out and matured by the Jesuits, and its wisdom was made so apparent by their arguments in this conference that the plan of the Bishop of Chicago and his adherents received a very emphatic condemnation by the Buffalo Conference, and the wise plan of the Jesuits was adopted, and at once entered upon, as the true policy of the church for getting political control of our government.

“The wisdom of this plan is seen in its results. A half a century has elapsed since its adoption.

“The work of bringing Roman Catholic emigrants into our country and colonizing them in our cities, has been sedulously pursued from that day to this; and the results predicted by the most sanguine of its advocates have been realized. Quietly, stealthily, steadfastly, has this plan been pursued, under the direction of the most astute political managers that the world has ever seen, until the realization of its purpose seems to be almost within their grasp. And what was its avowed purpose? Political control of our country was its immediate purpose; but this control was to be used for the overthrow of our government.” 

(Excerpted from “Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln” by Thomas Harris (


Warnings from Abraham Lincoln …

Abraham Lincoln warned of the JESUIT influence over the Civil War (Pope Francis is the first JESUIT Pope):

“This war (the Civil War) would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to popery (the Pope) that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and the North on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor anyone of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promises of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholic, even the arms of France were at their disposal, if they would attack us. I pity the priests, the bishops and monks of Rome in the United States, when the people realize that they are, in great part, responsible for the tears and the blood shed in this war. I conceal what I know, on that subject, from the knowledge of the nation; for if the people knew the whole truth, this war would turn into a religious war, and it would at once, take a tenfold more savage and bloody character. It would become merciless as all religious wars are. It would become a war of extermination on both sides. The Protestants of both the North and the South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could hear what Professor Morse has said to me of the plots made in the very city of Rome to destroy this Republic, and if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion, instructing the people in their schools, taking care of the sick in the hospitals, are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.” – President Abraham Lincoln

Then President Lincoln went on to say:

“Is it not an absurdity to give to a man a thing which he is sworn to hate, curse, and destroy? And does not the Church of Rome hate, curse and destroy liberty of conscience whenever she can do it safely? I am for liberty of conscience in its noblest, broadest, highest sense. But I cannot give liberty of conscience to the Pope and to his followers, the Papists, so long as they tell me, through all their councils, theologians, and canon laws, that their conscience orders them to burn my wife, strangle my children, and cut my throat when they find their opportunity! This does not seem to be understood by the people today. But sooner or later, the light of common sense will make it clear to everyone that no liberty of conscience can be granted to men who are sworn to obey a Pope, who pretends to have the right to put to death those who differ from him in religion.”


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Roman Pope Francis Inaugurates Nativity Scene In Vatican Showing Baby Jesus Lying On A “Keffiyeh” (Traditional Islamic-Palestinian Headdress Scarf)

–Times of Israel

The inscription found on Islam’s (whom Pope Francis now embraces) “Dome of the Rock” which sits on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem reads …

“God does not beget nor is he begotten,”

… which reflects Islam’s complete rejection and direct attack against God’s Word and Christianity.

Yet, Pope Francis claimed (in 2015 while in the Central African Republic), that Christians and Muslims are all “brothers and sisters” and “children of God” (whereas the Bible clearly teaches only those who believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God who died on the Cross for the sins of the whole world, was buried and rose again on the third day, and now sits at the right hand of God are “born again” … and can only then be called “children of God”).

The Bible warns all those who reject these things are children of Satan.

According to the National Catholic Register, at that same time, Pope Francis stood in the Islamic Grand Mosque with several Imams …

“Before the pope spoke, the Muslims offered a prayer in Arabic.
The pontiff bowed his head during the moment.

“The pope also asked an imam at the end of the meeting to show him the Mirab,
the small decoration inside mosques that shows Muslims the direction of Mecca.

“Francis and the imam stood ‘silently’ (in reverence)
before the Mirab for several moments.” 


Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Islam (and Rome) vs. The Word of God

Study:  The Number of Bible-Believing Christians Killed By Roman Popes

WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven

What DOES The Bible Say About ‘Hell’

Roman Pope Francis Approves Homosexual-Lesbian “Pilgrimage” Into The Vatican For 2025 Jubilee

–LifeSite News  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)

What DOES the Bible say about Homosexuality?

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

On May 9, 2024 Roman Pope Francis “declared” 2025 to be a coming Jubilee Year (starting on December 24, 2024).

What Global changes does HE see coming (and even now helping to arrange)?!?!?

WHAT Spiritual Force directed this Roman Pope to proclaim this coming year 2025 … which only a small handful of Bible-believing Christians (whom he wants to eliminate) who have diligently studied the Scriptures, the ancient Hebrew writings, and the Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar … now believe may, in fact, BE the LAST Jubilee, during which ALL the events surrounding the coming Apocalypse) must be completed, before the FINAL Jubilee proclaiming the coming Kingdom Millennial Age (when Jesus Christ will return to Reign)?!?!?!

One note:  Donald Trump does NOT fit in with the Roman Pope’s view of the future …


Year 2025: The LAST Jubilee before Christ’s Return?!?

The Secret (Shrouded) Plan of the Roman Jesuits

America In Bible Prophecy

Why Did Isaac Newton Choose 2060?

Newton’s Surprise: Could 2060 = 2030?

Prophecies: Messiah’s Return

1000 Year Millennium

Italian Police Arrest Roman Catholic Nun Over Links To Mafia


The Roman Church connection to the Mafia is not new news in Italy …

Mafia tactics reflect the documented tactics Roman Jesuits have used and fine-tuned for hundreds of years.

The Italian (Roman Mafia) is a very effective tool in “persuading” politicians and industrialists
to do almost anything through fear, lust, and greed.

Even Sir Conan Doyle mentioned them in a Sherlock Holmes mystery back in the late 1800s as a shadowy, violent, Italian (Roman) “political” group found in London, even way back then …


Roman Jesuits: A Brief Overview

Espionage: The Jesuit Spymasters

The Jesuit Way: In Their Own Words

America In Bible Prophecy

Homosexual Jesuit Priest Leads Mass With Dancing Women Waving Rainbow Flags At New York City Roman Catholic Church

–Life Site News  (Life Site is a Roman Catholic news site)

Not since the deepest depravity of the ancient Roman Empire has the world seen or ever accepted (except in the Roman Catholic Church) such moral depravity as we are now seeing in America and ALL around the World …


What DOES the Bible say about Homosexuality? 

The Dark and Frightful History Of Roman Popes

Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon … “Violent” & Morally “Corrupt”

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Three Major Doctrines

Roman Church vs. The Bible: Who IS The Rock?

Roman Church vs. The Bible: A Final Comparison

Revelation 17 Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Prophecies: The coming Antichrist

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

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