At Least 42 Reported Dead After Monster Tornadoes Causing Widespread Damage Erupted On Friday, March 14

–Fox News


Global Weather Extremes: Record Heat, Cold, & Historic Storms
“At the Time of the End”


This major event also coincided with the “Blood Moon” over America and the Jewish Purim feast …

It is interesting
that all these things happened beginning on the day of a “Blood Moon” over America (which coincided with Israel’s celebration of “Purim”), as we see rampant “anti-Semitism” now raging across our country’s cities and campuses, while the United Nations (housed on American soil) continues its unceasing rulings condemning ISRAEL for protecting and defending itself from its enemies …

Is it just a coincidence
that this event and those listed in the Headlines above ALL took place on the 1st Day of Purim (which celebrates the time when God delivered the children of Israel from “Anti-Semitism”) and the “Blood Moon” which rose over America???


There will be Sights and Signs given from Heaven
“At the time of the End”


Prophecy: GAZA is prophetically LINKED to the coming Apocalypse!!


3M Corporation Pledges Big Emissions Cuts By Year “2030”

–American Military News

This is to comply with the United Nation’s (UN’s) “2030 Agenda” which will be enforced upon ALL nations (President Biden approves of it).

The UN’s “2030 Agenda” objectives read like a Manifesto (and campaign platform) for the coming prophetic World Leader (sometimes called the “Antichrist”).

“Global Warming” is a “Godly Warning”!!!

Our just released new book “Isaac Newton: 2060 … Observations on the End Times” has a WHOLE CHAPTER dedicated to the Year “2030” …

Click on Photo to Learn More
(Note:  I had Sir Isaac Newton write the Introduction to this book)

The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)

Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead 

Two Days With Over 80 Tornadoes, Hail, Driving Winds, And Floods Rampaging Across Heart of America


Interestingly, these severe weather events fell during Passover Week Holy Days.

They also ravaged the heart of America within the body of the ancient “Aleph” letter formed by the recent Eclipse paths ...

Significant … or … just another Spring Storm?

Solar Eclipse “Countdown” Page 

Israel: Historic 105.3 (F) Degree April/Nisan Temp In Tel Aviv


Tel Aviv was named after the prophetic Tel Abib in Babylon where the prophet Ezekiel wrote his prophecies warning of Israel’s apostasy against the Lord and the future Iran-Russia war against Israel which will ultimately set the stage for Israel’s (and the World’s) final day of battle and war … The Battle of Armageddon.

How To Disable Apple iPhone’s New “Save The Planet” Slow Charging Feature


From the Article:

“The introduction of Clean Energy Charging by Apple is in keeping with the company’s pledge to lessen its carbon footprint and become carbon neutral by 2030.

A Link to the United Nations (UN) website concerning their now active Global “2030 Agenda” …

“Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda” ..

As you might note, this “2030” One-World regulatory agenda which will place MANY areas of our lives under “Global” control and enforcement is compatible with several of the prophetic forecasts found in our 2023: Beginning of Prophetic Chaos? study.

The UN’s “2030 Agenda” will also require that the United States of America no longer be a free, independent, democratic Republic (with Constitutional protections for its citizens) by the year 2030.

ALSO, a Bible Prophecy written over 2,500 years ago provides an accurate Environmental forecast for planet Earth around the time of the coming Apocalypse (and there is nothing Apple, the United Nations, the Democrat Party, or the Roman Pope can do about it other than to USE it to place America and every nation of the World under the chains of bondage of an iron-fisted, deadly, and ruthless Totalitarian global government which will imprison and slaughter millions upon millions under a coming World Leader (a very popular “man of peace”), the coming “Antichrist …

The Earth will wear out (grow old) like a garment,
And those who dwell in it will die in like manner;
But My (God’s) salvation will be forever,
And My righteousness will not be abolished.”
(Isaiah 51:6)

However, the Bible ALSO promises the Earth will be fully restored to its original beauty at the time of the Garden of Eden AFTER Jesus Christ returns to save a remnant of Israel at the end of the coming 7-year Apocalypse which will utterly destroy (and “cleanse”) the Earth and all that is living on the Earth at that time with fire.  

Global Warming Scientists (And Activists) Can’t Explain Why Antarctica Has NOT Warmed Any In 70 Years

–RaptureReady/LifeSite News

“Evolution” – (“Mankind, Animals, and Plants ALL accidentally rose out of the same little mud pond after a big thunder and lightning storm!!”)

“Global Warming” –  (“The SKY is falling … and the OCEAN is soon going to cover Cincinnati!!”)

“Transgenderism” – (“The decision to be Male or Female is SELECTABLE like a cool fashion trend (such as 20″ wide bell bottoms and green paisley shirts with white collars or something else that seems cool today which of course will NEVER go out of style) … and it’s now your little boy and your little girl’s CHOICE (without parental consent) to get their bodies irreversibly and permanently mutilated while thinking it will somehow make them more popular at school!!”


ALL FAIL scientific observation and testing (using the Scientific Method)!!

AND ALL THESE THINGS DEFY GOD’S WORD as found in the Bible … and, PLEASE don’t forget the Bible clearly says we are saved into Heaven (and saved out of Hell) through our FAITH in God’s Word (and our love FOR God’s Word)!!!


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