Middle East Apocalypse: Israel Is Preparing For An “All-Out Confrontation With Hezbollah” In The Near Future
–Israel Nat’l News
–Jerusalem Post
–World Tribune
Both Russia and Israel now have armies which are swollen to sizes never seen before in this Generation …
How often will that happen over the next 50 years?
Our Generation: What Are The Odds?!!
The Time draws near …
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
–Zero Hedge
The BIBLE PROPHECIES listed above are NOT just “editorial opinions” …
These are GOD’S WORDS of final warnings to ALL Mankind.
“For I am God, and there is no other.
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times
Things that are not yet done …”
(Isaiah 46:9-10)
–Israel Nat’l News
Russia’s War in Ukraine and Israel’s War in Gaza (and soon Lebanon) are PROPHETICALLY linked …
And, will one day converge into a GIANT explosion which will rock the Earth …
–TASS (Russia)
–TASS (Russia)
–Zero Hedge
The ONLY WAY for Ukraine’s “Papal Princeling” Zelensky (who was convinced to run for president by Canada’s Roman Catholic empowered Trudeau) to now SURVIVE is to draw NATO (including America) into this War by baiting Russia into attacking NATO through the Kursk invasion, directly attacking Moscow civilian areas with drone attacks, and by launching (or threatening to launch) powerful NATO provided long-range weapons INTO Russia …
“ALL Roads lead to Rome” …
Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
Year 2025: The FINAL Jubilee?!?
–Russia News (Sputnik)
–Israel Nat’l News
–Jerusalem Post
Kamala Harris has based her WHOLE CAMPAIGN on promoting “Abortion” and “Homosexuality” …
God has warned He is re-gathering His people, the children of Israel, back in their land as a sign and for judgment.
He tells us why . . .
We are told through the prophet Ezekiel that God has not re-gathered the Jews in their Land because they deserve it, but because God’s name and His Word are at stake. This means He is doing it because He said He would do it. The Bible tells us Israel is being re-gathered for punishment and for judgment. God, however, says the rest of the world will not go unpunished (see the prophecies of Armageddon). God explains that while the Jews have been scattered and dispersed among the nations, they have profaned His Holy name and have rebelled against His laws . . .
“Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land,
they defiled it by their own ways and deeds;
to Me their way was like the uncleanness of a woman
in her customary impurity.
Therefore I poured out My fury on them
for the blood they had shed on the land,
and for their idols with which they had defiled it.
So I scattered them among the nations,
and they were dispersed throughout the countries;
I judged them according to their ways and their deeds.
[this prophecy was fulfilled around 70 A.D.]
When they came to the nations, wherever they went,
they profaned My Holy Name–
when they said of them, ‘These are the people of the LORD,
and yet they have gone out of His land.’
But I [God] had concern for My holy name,
which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations
wherever they went.”
“Therefore say to the house of Israel,
Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘I do not do this [re-gather Israel in the Land] for your sake,
O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake,
which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.
And I will sanctify [set aside] My great name,
which has been profaned among the nations,
which you have profaned in their midst . . .’”
[Strong warnings. God’s key word in these verses is “profane.”]
(Ezekiel 36:17-23)
Let’s look in the Bible at two activities that God Himself links to “profaning His Holy Name” . . .
“And you shall not let any of your descendants [children]
pass through the fire to Molech,
Nor shall you profane the name of your God: I am the LORD.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman.
It is an abomination.”
(Leviticus 18:21:22)
What are these activities God links to profaning His Holy Name?
1. Abortion. Passing descendants (babies) “through the fire.”
Also known and described as the worship of Molech . . .
Do a study of Molech and “passing children through the fire” in the Bible and you will find they refer to sacrificing babies for pleasure and convenience. Today we call this baby sacrifice “abortion.” In ancient days people would place a small statue in a fire until the arms of the statue turned red hot and started to glow. Then, an unwanted baby would “pass through the fire” by having the priest (doctor) place the small baby on the glowing arms in the fire in order to kill, or “offer” this unwanted baby to Molech, the “god” of pleasure (convenience is a form of pleasure). Although our methods and technology have changed, the result and the intent are the same – abortion is sacrificing a baby to a god of pleasure and convenience. If you study this abomination and profane activity of abortion – “passing children through the fire” (worshiping Molech) in the Bible, you will find it not only incites and angers God, but it also deeply affects and grieves Him . . .
“Were your acts of harlotry a small matter,
that you have slain My children
[notice God looks upon these little, slain, babies as His!]
and offered them up to them [to other gods]
by causing them to pass through the fire?” (Ezek 16:20-21)
[choosing to worship another god is the choice in “pro-choice”]
2. Homosexuality. Men lying with men as a woman.
The Bible is not ambiguous in its message concerning homosexuality. God never judges anybody or calls for capital punishment against anything that is simply “genetic.” God never calls anything “profane” or an “abomination” if it is a genetic defect. Homosexuality is not new. When we study the passages concerning Sodom and Gomorrah, it appears homosexuality, or sodomy, is symptomatic of a people who have willfully rejected and defiantly mock God’s laws in order to do “that which is right in their own eyes.” Sodom and Gomorrah are given as warnings.
Please remember, our God is a forgiving God who will forgive any and all who have sinned against Him. Any sinner, including those who have walked the path of homosexuality or have had an abortion, can be lovingly forgiven and washed clean through the blood of the Lamb. Jesus died for all sinners. And we are all sinners. God hates the sin, but He loves and cares for the sinner. He pleads with all of His lost sheep to stop and repent from doing those things that are wrong, and with tears of joy He will richly forgive and welcome all back with the open arms of a loving Father.
–Jerusalem Post
–War Zone
–American Military News
–American Military News
–Zero Hedge
–Pravda (Russia)
–Pravda (Russia)
Socialist Tactic of “Burning the Grass” …
Socialist Tactics & Doctrines of Evil
Manipulating public opinion by first accusing your enemies of those things YOU are guilty of (before the truth comes out) …
Is a VERY powerful and potent weapon in psychological warfare (and Socialists are very good at it!!)
–TASS (Russia)
–TASS (Russia)
Interesting …
This Headline along with the following two headlines ALL came from Russia’s 3 Top News Sites (TASS … Russia News (Sputnik) … Pravda), ALL on the same day.
The Time draws near …
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
–Zero Hedge
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
–Zero Hedge
–War Zone
–War Zone
–Jerusalem Post
–Zero Hedge
According to U.S. military experts, Russia war exercises include quickly launching a major ground offensive soon after a Tactical Nuclear Missile strike against an enemy.
Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
–Jerusalem Post
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
–TASS (Russia)
I don’t know if this is the case, but it is not unusual for nations to recall their ambassadors just before war breaks out …
Kind of like the water receding from a beach just before the Tidal Wave strikes.
Russia-Ukraine War: The 3-Eagle War … America (and/or England) In Prophecy?
–War Zone
–Zero Hedge
–Fox News
–Defense News
–Zero Hedge
Biden-Harris and the Democrats have been draining our strategic supply of weapons and ammunition which will hurt us while helping our enemies …
Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
–Pravda (Russia)
If this was to happen, then whatever their “victory plan” is will change the WHOLE WORLD in 2-3 months …
–Warrior Maven
–Russia News Agency (Sputnik)
–Jerusalem Post
–War Zone
Ukraine cannot possibly win this war …
From the article:
“A Ukrainian soldier operating in the Pokrovsk direction stated on August 15 that Russian forces have a 10-to-1 infantry advantage in the area and conduct infantry-led assaults from just before sunrise to just after sunset each day.”
Yet, Biden and the Democrats pour many, many, billions of dollars in cash, arms, and equipment (which the US Military sorely needs) into this conflict, while utterly ignoring the carnage in Myanmar and now Bangladesh which China, Russia, (and the Pope) have inflicted while forcibly wresting power over these once free and elected governments in Myanmar and Bangladesh (not including the continued slaughtering of thousands of Christians in Nigeria).
–Jerusalem Post
–War Zone
–TASS (Russia)
–Moscow Times
As a note, parts of Russia and parts of Ukraine are BOTH in the region of ancient Magog (Scythia).
–War Zone
–Jerusalem Post
–Russia News Agency
–RaptureReady/High North News
–War Zone
A possible broader global event beyond Israel and Iran?
Interesting excerpts from the article …
“Sergei Shoigu, the Secretary of Russia’s Security Council, visited Tehran with senior leaders.”
“U.S. Central Command leader Gen. Erik Kurilla arrived in Jerusalem to help Israel prepare.”
Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
–Jerusalem Post
–Times of Israel
You might note from the photograph, it appears that Russia’s Shoigu and his Iranian counterpart appear to be wearing the same uniform (with the exception of embellishments for rank).
I could be wrong, but, I don’t think Iran will launch anything while Russia’s Shoigu is still in Tehran (unless they decide to use him as a human shield) …
I also believe they may be coordinating the timing of their response which may be more powerful and effective than the previous one.
–Harbinger’s Daily
–Zero Hedge
–Jerusalem Post
–War Zone
–Russia News Agency
–Jerusalem Post
Biblically Significant Dates: 2024
Ninth of AV (Tisha B’Av) |
Fast of Tish’a B’Av – August 12-13
Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana) |
Modern Jewish: Begins sunset October 2 Modern Jewish: Ends nightfall October 4
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) |
Begins sunset of October 11 Ends nightfall of October 12 |
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) |
Begins sunset of October 16 Ends nightfall of October 23 |
Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) |
Begins sunset of December 25 Ends nightfall of January 2 |
Biblical Year 2025 Begins (Nisan 1) |
Evening March 29, 2025 (Modern Jewish Calendar) March 19, 2024 (Ancient Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar) |
–Jerusalem Post
–Jerusalem Post
Some interesting things to note as we watch the news …
– “Hamas” took control over Gaza soon after Gaza was “forsaken” by Israel. Hamas is directed,
trained, and equipped by Iran (study the prophecies of Russia and Iran).
– “As the days of Noah”…
Jesus warned the generation of the coming ‘Apocalypse’ would be filled with “violence.”
“But as the days of Noah were,
so also will the coming of the Son of Man be”
(Matthew 24:37)
To help us understand this prophecy God describes the generation of Noah as morally “corrupt” and “filled with violence.”
The actual Hebrew word translated “violence” in this passage is “hamas!”
“The Earth was corrupt before God,
(morally “corrupt”… like smelly, rotting meat)
and the Earth was filled
with violence.
(The Hebrew word for this violence was “hamas!”)
So God looked upon the Earth,
and indeed it was (morally) corrupt;
for all flesh had corrupted
their way on the Earth.
And God said to Noah,
“The end of all flesh
has come before Me,
for the Earth is filled
with violence (‘hamas’)
through them;
and behold,
I will destroy them
with the Earth.’”
(Genesis 6:11-13)
In the Bible, God says He has given these prophecies and warnings so people will return to Him before the great and terrible Day of the Lord (the coming Apocalypse) in order to escape all these things.
While testing and studying these Bible prophecies it may be a good time for many to start taking the Bible seriously.
For Jesus Christ warns …
“When you SEE
these things,
know that it is NEAR – –
At the DOOR!!”
(Mark 13:29)
Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
–Russia News Agency