by The Prophecies | Nov 16, 2021
Pravda (Russia) Bible Prophecy: ARMENIA, Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel
“Now the Word of the LORD came to me, saying,
‘Son of man, set your face against Gog (a powerful leader),
of the land of Magog, (RUSSIA – The Hebrew word Magog is “Scythia” in Greek),
the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, (Meshech and Tubal are in and around TURKEY)
and prophesy against him (Gog … the force leading Russia), and say,
Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘Behold, I (God) am against you, O Gog
(The powerful human or the dark angelic-demonic leader behind Russia),
the prince of Rosh,
Meshech, and Tubal. (TURKEY!)
(We have waited many years to see Turkey turn from NATO toward Russia-Iran)
I (GOD) will turn you (RUSSIA) around,
(Israel’s huge “Leviathan” gas fields may be the “bait”)
and lead you out,
with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed,
a great company with bucklers and shields,
ALL of them handling swords (weapons). (Russia will form a powerful coalition)
IRAN (Persia), (Iran is listed first, meaning it will be the lead ally)
Sudan (“Cush”… often translated ‘Ethiopia’),
and Libya (northern Africa) are with them,
all of them with shield and helmet.
Gomer (GERMANY … or possibly “Galatia” Turkey)
and all its troops;
ARMENIA (the house of Togarmah)
from the far north and all its troops –
many people are with you.” (Not all … this is not the final Battle of Armageddon)
(Ezekiel 38:1-6)
by The Prophecies | Nov 16, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … The U.S. will be Neutralized Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Nov 16, 2021
–Israel365News Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … The U.S. will NOT help defend Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Nov 15, 2021
–Drudge/Reuters Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
These next 12 months while Russia, China, Rome (Pope), and Iran have their Democrat Party allies in control over the US Congress, Presidency, and Supreme Court will be the most dangerous 12 months in the history of the United States … America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone
by The Prophecies | Nov 14, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Nov 13, 2021
–Israel365News Bible Prophecy: The U.S. will be ‘Neutralized’ (and will no longer help defend Israel) … Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel
by The Prophecies | Nov 13, 2021
–Israel Nat’l News Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: The coming Rapture
If they would take time to study the Bible, the Iranian Leaders would soon find it will be the Iranian Armed Forces who are “Doomed to Disappear.”
by The Prophecies | Nov 10, 2021
–Debkafile Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Nov 7, 2021
–Debkafile Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
Afghanistan … Burma (Myanmar) … Sudan … Ethiopia … Libya … all since Biden to power.
Rome in the shadows of all … the time draws near.
by The Prophecies | Nov 4, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Nov 3, 2021
–War Zone Bible Prophecy: The U.S. will be ‘Neutralized’ (will NOT help defend Israel) … Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Nov 3, 2021
–Jerusaelm Post Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
by The Prophecies | Oct 28, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
by The Prophecies | Oct 27, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 26, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Oct 25, 2021
–Debkafile SUDAN, Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
The time draws near …
by The Prophecies | Oct 24, 2021
–Debkafile Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Oct 22, 2021
–Debkafile Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
by The Prophecies | Oct 21, 2021
–Debkafile Bible Prophecy: The U.S. will be ‘Neutralized’ (and will NOT help defend Israel) … Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Oct 20, 2021
–Times of Israel America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 20, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 19, 2021
–Times of Israel/MG Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
As of last month, Iran now has mutual defense treaties with Russia, China and other nations through the powerful SCO.
by The Prophecies | Oct 19, 2021
–Times of Israel Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Oct 16, 2021
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War … The US will NOT help defend Israel Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 14, 2021
–WND Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast Prophecy: The coming Antichrist Roman Church: An Unholy Alliance
by The Prophecies | Oct 14, 2021
–Jerusalem Post/MG Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
by The Prophecies | Oct 13, 2021
–Drudge/Sun Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: The coming Rapture
“Draw near, O nations, to hear,
and give attention, O peoples!
Let the Earth hear, and all that fills it;
the World, and all that comes from it.
For the Lord is enraged against all the nations,
and furious against all their host (armies);
He has devoted them to destruction,
has given them over for slaughter.
Their slain shall be cast out,
and the stench of their corpses shall rise;
the mountains shall flow with their blood.
All the host of heaven shall rot away,
and the skies roll up like a scroll.
All their host shall fall,
as leaves fall from the vine,
like leaves falling from the fig tree.”
(Isaiah 34:1-3) Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
by The Prophecies | Oct 13, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: The coming Antichrist Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
by The Prophecies | Oct 11, 2021
–Israel Nat’l News/Jack Engelhard Earlier Headlines: The War against our Children Socialist Tactics … The Doctrine of Evil
The Roman-Marxist-Socialist’s War Against Our Children:
– “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future” (Hitler)
– “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.” (Stalin)
– “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” (Lenin)
– “The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.” (Karl Marx)
by The Prophecies | Oct 9, 2021
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 7, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War
by The Prophecies | Oct 7, 2021
–Koenig/Fox News Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone
by The Prophecies | Oct 5, 2021
–Warrior Maven Prophecy: Russia, Iran, & allies WILL go to War … a War of the Ages Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
by The Prophecies | Oct 4, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 4, 2021
–WND Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 4, 2021
–WND Prophecy: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS” Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast Study: Number of Bible-Believing Protestants Killed By Roman Popes
Dr. Anthony Fauci (Faustus?) is an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose loyalties and obedience belongs to the Roman Pope who is now preparing the final (Un)Holy Roman Empire. Prophecy: An Unholy Roman Empire will Rise at the time of the End
by The Prophecies | Oct 2, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Oct 1, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
“Behold, the Lord will empty the Earth and make it desolate,
and he will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants.
The Earth mourns and withers;
the World languishes and withers;
the highest people of the Earth languish.
The Earth lies defiled
under its inhabitants;
For they have transgressed the laws,
violated the statutes,
broken the everlasting covenant.
Therefore a curse devours the Earth,
and its inhabitants suffer for their guilt;”
(Isaiah 24:1) The coming Apocalypse
“When you see these things,
Know that it is NEAR —
At the door!!!”
(Mark 13:29)
“It will be said on that Day,
“Behold, this is our God;
We have waited for Him, and
He will save us.
This is the Lord;
We have waited for him;
Let us be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”
(Isaiah 25:9) Prophecies: The coming Rapture
“You keep him in perfect peace (any who come to the Lord in love and faith)
whose mind is stayed (fixed) on You (our Lord God),
because he trusts in You.
Trust in the Lord forever,
For the Lord God
Is an everlasting rock.” (Jesus Christ is the Rock … NOT PETER (or any earthly “Pope”)!!!
(Isaiah 26:1-2) Finding Hope and Comfort
“Come, My people, enter your chambers,
and shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourselves for a little while
until the fury (Tribulation) has passed by.
For behold, the Lord is coming out from His place
to punish the inhabitants of the Earth for their iniquity,
and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it,
and will no more cover its slain.”
(Isaiah 26:20-21) Prophecies: Our Escape … The coming Rapture
“Therefore … walk in a manner worthy of the calling
to which you have been called,
With all humility and gentleness, with patience,
bearing with one another in love,
eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
There is one body and one Spirit —
just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call —
One Lord, One faith, One baptism, one God and Father of all,
who is over all and through all and in all.
But grace was given to each one of us
according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore it says,
“When He ascended on high He led a host of captives,
and He gave gifts to men.”
(Ephesians 4:1-2) Who Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven
by The Prophecies | Oct 1, 2021
–Drudge/Bloomberg Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Sep 30, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Gog and Magog … Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Sep 27, 2021
–Debkafile Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: The coming Rapture
The time draws near …
by The Prophecies | Sep 27, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
by The Prophecies | Sep 27, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
by The Prophecies | Sep 27, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”
by The Prophecies | Sep 26, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … The U.S. will be ‘Neutralized’ (and will no longer help defend Israel) … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Sep 21, 2021
–Warrior Maven Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Sep 21, 2021
–Warrior Maven Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Sep 12, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Iran Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
War council … America scheduled to pull out of Iraq by the first of the year.
by The Prophecies | Sep 12, 2021
–Fox News Prophecy: Iraq … the ancient “Medes” are the modern-day Kurds
by The Prophecies | Sep 11, 2021
–Warrior Maven Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Russia WILL go to War Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Sep 7, 2021
–Drudge/Sun Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Sep 1, 2021
–Israel365News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL invade Israel Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
by The Prophecies | Sep 1, 2021
–Pravda (Russia) Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
by The Prophecies | Aug 27, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Aug 27, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War … the irreversible Road to Armageddon
Now, take a moment to consider Russia’s recent military claim over the Arctic (and the North pole) and compare it to God’s prophetic description of the nation which will act as the lead aggressor against Israel in this terrible and upcoming prophetic war described in Ezekiel 38 & 39.
“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog,
Thus says the Lord God:
On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?
You will come from your place
you and many peoples with you,
all of them riding on horses,
a great host, a mighty army.
You will come up against My people Israel, (not a good idea)
like a cloud covering the Land.
In the latter days (A prophecy far in the future from Ezekiel’s time …)
I will bring you against My Land, (God tells us Israel is His Land which He gave to Israel)
that the nations may know Me,
when through you, O Gog,
I vindicate My Holiness before their eyes.” (When God Himself will intervene)
(Ezekiel 38:14-16)
“Thus says the Lord GOD:
Behold, I am against you, O Gog,
chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
And I will turn you about and drive you forward,
and bring you up from
and lead you against the mountains of Israel.”
(Ezekiel 39:1)
Check a Map: Russia, Moscow, the Arctic, and the North Pole (which Russia now claims) ARE the “Utter parts of the North” from Jerusalem!
by The Prophecies | Aug 26, 2021
–Koenig/WFB Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Aug 24, 2021
–Pravda (Russia) Bible Prophecy: The U.S. will be ‘Neutralized’ (and will/can no longer help defend Israel) … Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: The coming Rapture Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
by The Prophecies | Aug 24, 2021
–Israel Nat’l News Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
He’s right. First the “CoronaVirus” Panic/Lockdown, then the stolen Election, now giving our enemies Afghanistan (and our air bases and weapons in the heart of “Magog”), and then … “What’s next?” America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone Coronavirus, the Constitution, and Bible Prophecy Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
by The Prophecies | Aug 15, 2021
–Breitbart Prophecy: Gog and Magog … The US will be neutralized … Russia & Iran WILL go to War
Our enemies from both within and without wanted America in another Vietnam War in order to weaken and demoralize our military, our economy, and our nation.
George Bush helped them to attain it by creating an endless (and unwinnable) quagmire in Afghanistan and Iraq which shed much American blood …
I have to admit I was duped by George Bush.
But, under the “cowboy” and “God bless” smokescreen and veneer he powerfully and stealthily advanced the Socialist (Democrat Party) agenda like no other Republican president before him.
So, instead of remembering what he said, simply look at what he did …
– Transferred control of Iraq away from the Military to the State Department (who quickly allowed Iran-Russia-China to usurp and gain control)
– Note: Bush’s two Sec’y of States (Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice) both later supported the Democrat Party’s presidential nominee Barack Hussein Obama
– Created the Dept of “Homeland” Security … then gave it vast centralized Socialist powers unprecedented in our nation’s history
– “Nationalized” all private Airport Security … and then placed it (the TSA) under control of the new Dept of Homeland Security (DHS)
– Refused to rescind Clinton’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” homosexual policy which has weakened and divided our military
– Also (to our enemies delight) refused to rescind Clinton’s “Women In Battle” armed forces policy which has also weakened and divided our military
– Note: His mother … Barbara Bush … later called Bill Clinton her other “son”… and George Bush called Clinton his “brother”
– As a note, Bill Clinton attended (and was class president) of the Roman Jesuit University, Georgetown
– Bush pushed for mass amnesty to millions of Illegal Immigrants (from Roman Latin America) … which divided and defeated Republicans in the next election
– Followed Democrat Party policy by refusing to release two Border Patrol agents who were sent to prison for simply doing their job
– Replaced Donald Rumsfeld with Democrat Party friendly Robert Gates … who then (to our enemies delight) quickly dismantled several of our major weapons programs
– Note: Robert Gates also later forced the Boy Scouts to open their Leadership to homosexuals
– Bush applied forceful pressure upon Israel to “divide” her Biblical Land (including their forced withdrawal from Gaza in 2005)
– Bush sent elite US Special Forces into “Palestine” to train and equip Israel’s enemy, the Islamic Palestinian Authority (formerly PLO) forces
– Held several Islamic “Ramadan” dinners in the White House … told Americans (and commanded our military) to view Islam as a religion of “peace”…
– As Commander-In-Chief Bush stood small and silent when Military Chaplains were ordered to stop praying in the Name of Jesus Christ (in 2005) …
George Bush and the Roman Church
Rick Santorum, former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and a devout Roman Catholic (Member of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta), was the first to give George Bush the “Catholic President” label and said, “He (George Bush) is certainly much more Roman Catholic than Kennedy.”

George Bush folding his arms (turning himself into a skull and crossbones per the “Skull and Bones” secret society he belonged to at Yale) with his wife while receiving ashes on their heads in the shape of a cross for the “Ash Wednesday” Roman Church Ritual. Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church
We have been duped and deceived … but … believing Christians take heart … even though we are warned it’s going to get much worse … read the back of the Book (the Bible) … we win!!! Prophecy: “Lying & Deceiving by evil men (and women) … Will wax Worse and Worse” Prophecy: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS” Prophecies of Messiah’s Return
by The Prophecies | Aug 14, 2021
–Israel365News Bible Prophecy: “Gog and Magog” … Russia, Iran, Turkey and Allies WILL attack (and invade) Israel … A coming War of the Ages
From a Christian perspective, all we know for sure is “The Time Draws Near” … Prophecy: The coming Rapture
by The Prophecies | Aug 12, 2021
–Jerusalem Post Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War … A coming War of the Ages
by The Prophecies | Aug 12, 2021
–Fox News Socialist Tactics … The Doctrine of Evil Coronavirus, the Constitution, and Bible Prophecy
Remember: USSR = Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics . . . NAZI = National SOCIALIST Party
Yet, many today in America and around the World are being taught to LOVE and want to enforce Socialism … (WND/Walter Williams)
“SOCIALISM” allows only two classes … the “Ruling” Class and the “Ruled Over” Class.
Every city, state, nation or people who fall under their control will always writhe under under their evil, ruthless, violent, criminal, and Godless control … the only “freedom” in Socialism lies in THEIR freedom to destroy. Roman Church: An Unholy Alliance Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast
by The Prophecies | Aug 11, 2021
–Israel365News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War and attack Israel Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: The coming Rapture
by The Prophecies | Aug 7, 2021
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Aug 4, 2021
–HalLindsey/Israel Hayom Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
by The Prophecies | Aug 4, 2021
–Koenig/WFB Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
by The Prophecies | Aug 4, 2021
–Israel Nat’l News Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … an irreversible road to Armageddon Prophecy: The coming Rapture
In the past few weeks and months Israel has now had to attack Iranian-backed forces in Gaza, Syria, and now Lebanon … Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: GAZA!!
by The Prophecies | Aug 4, 2021
–Israel Nat’l News Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … an irreversible road to Armageddon Prophecy: The coming Rapture
by The Prophecies | Aug 3, 2021
–Debkafile Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … an irreversible road to Armageddon … A coming War of the Ages Prophecy: The coming Rapture
by The Prophecies | Aug 2, 2021
–War Zone Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”