Dow Tumbles Again As It Drops More Than 900 Points

–Drudge/CNBC      This site warned the day Biden (and the Democrat Party) took office that their highest priorities over the first two years would be to destroy our Economy and our Military (look at the weapon systems designed to help defend us from China and Russia that they have killed, defunded, or shut down while “down-sizing” our Military in a time of great national threat).    Prophecy: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

Moscow Warns Threat Of A Nuclear Conflict “Should NOT Be Underestimated”

–Times of Israel      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages      Prophecy: The Apocalypse & Armageddon

An horrific nuclear exchange between Russia and Britain/America at some point is not inconsistent with the Ezekiel 38-39 Prophecy.

In fact this interchange would be (or will be) the Roman Pope’s “best-case scenario” and will lead to the final Rise of the Roman Kingdom of nations over the World.

This coming War will change the World and will trigger irreversible events which will lead the whole World into the Apocalypse and Armageddon.

Russia Using Weapons Supplied By “FRANCE & GERMANY” Against Ukraine

–Jerusalem Post      Prophecy: GERMANY/FRANCE (“Gomer”), RUSSIA, IRAN, and allies WILL one day attack and invade ISRAEL

In the Ezekiel Prophecy “GOMER” is listed as one of the nations who will be allied with Russia against Israel:

From “Ancient Post-Flood History” by Dr. Ken Johnson:

Gomer founded those whom the Greeks now call Galatians (Gauls), but were then called Gomerites.”
(Josephus Antiquities 1.6.1)

And the sons of Gomer:Ashkenaz, …”  (“Ashkenaz” was an area around Germany)
(Genesis 10:3 KJV)


Gomer/Gaul  =  The area around France
Ashkenaz (son of Gomer)  =  The area around Germany (ie; Ashkenazi Jews)

Note:  Part of an ancient army of Gauls/Gomerites migrated to an area in the central part of Turkey (the Bible calls that area inside Turkey “Galatia”).

From Russia: Establishing Full Control Over Crimea Is One Aim Of The “Second Stage” Of Russia’s Special Operation In Ukraine

–Pravda  (Russia)      Prophecy: Russia WILL go to War      Wars & Rumors of War

“This conflict mirrors an end of days prediction made in the 18th Century. The prophecy was originally made by Rabbi Elijah of Vilna (also known as the Vilna Gaon), a Jewish scholar from the 18th century who is well known for his contributions in understanding the Messianic process. The prophecy was handed down from father to son and was revealed just a few years ago by Rabbi Shturnbuch, the great-grandson of the Vilna Gaon.

The announcement of the Messianic revelation, originally publicized by Rabbi Lazer Brody, stated, “When you hear that the Russians have captured the city of Crimea, you should know that the times of the Messiah have started, that his steps are being heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached the city of Constantinople [today’s Istanbul], you should put on your Shabbat clothes and don’t take them off, because it means that the Messiah is about to come any minute.”   Prophecy: The coming Rapture       Prophecies of Messiah’s Return

From Russia: “Dreading US Tomahawks, B-2’s and F-35’s …”

–Pravda  (Russia)      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages

Their Headlines will one day read, “They left us with no other choice!”

Russia is preparing an excuse for its next strike … the real plan is yet to unfold as Putin and Biden read their scripts and play their roles to draw America into grave danger.

The Time Draws Near …

WATCH therefore,
and pray ALWAYS
that you MAY be counted
worthy to ESCAPE  Prophecy: The coming Rapture
all these things
that WILL come to pass.”  Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
(Luke 21:36)   Who Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven

We are not worthy … it is all through our faith and trust in HIS (Jesus Christ’s) worthiness!!!

Israel Ready To Export Gas To Europe Via Egypt In September

–Jerusalem Post      Prophecy: Russia, Iran, and allies WILL go to War

Bible Prophecy tells us God will “Place hooks in the jaws” of Russia to bring them down into Israel …

“I (GOD) will turn you (Russia) around,
And lead you out”
(Ezekiel 38:4)

With Putin’s obsession with Oil and Gas and his now desperate need for money to fill his war-drained Treasury, what more enticing “fishing lures” than little Israel’s massive Gas fields off its coast and the huge Oil Deposits discovered in the Golan Heights back in 2016 (which get very little publicity these days) could there be?

Israel’s Massive Leviathan Gas Field Begins Production Offshore
Dec 30, 2019 — Noble Energy began production 31 December from its huge Leviathan natural gas project offshore Israel, the latest milestone in turning that ..

Huge Oil Discovery on the Golan Heights! – MJAA
Jul 28, 2016 — What could make the Golan Heights even more valuable to Israel? How about the discovery of a huge oil deposit?

Major oil reserve said found on Golan | The Times of Israel
Oct 7, 2015 — Three drilling sites on the Golan have uncovered what is potentially billions of barrels of oil, enough to fulfill the Israeli market’s 270,000- ..

Turning Eyes Toward Israel? Russian Ambassador To Syria Warns, “Israel Is Provoking Us To React”

–Koenig/Jerusalem Post      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized”      Prophecy: Damascus Syria

Bible Prophecy tells us God will “Place hooks in the jaws” of Russia to bring them down into Israel …

With Putin’s obsession with Oil and Gas and his now desperate need for money to fill his war-drained Treasury, what more enticing “fishing lures” than little Israel’s massive Gas fields off its coast and the huge Oil Deposits discovered in the Golan Heights back in 2016 (which get very little publicity these days) could there be?

Israel’s Massive Leviathan Gas Field Begins Production Offshore
Dec 30, 2019 — Noble Energy began production 31 December from its huge Leviathan natural gas project offshore Israel, the latest milestone in turning that ..

Huge Oil Discovery on the Golan Heights! – MJAA
Jul 28, 2016 — What could make the Golan Heights even more valuable to Israel? How about the discovery of a huge oil deposit?

Major oil reserve said found on Golan | The Times of Israel
Oct 7, 2015 — Three drilling sites on the Golan have uncovered what is potentially billions of barrels of oil, enough to fulfill the Israeli market’s 270,000- ..

“I (GOD) will turn you (Russia) around,
And lead you out”
(Ezekiel 38:4)


–Israel Today      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages      Prophecy: Damascus (Syria)

Russia also just started joint military AIR patrols along Israel’s border recently this year …

From the Article:
(Note the word “Occupied” used describing Israel just like Russia used with “Ukraine”)

Photo: Israel Today Clip From Russian Video

“Russia media published a video of Russian military units patrolling the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967.

“The video shows soldiers and vehicles patrolling the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Some Russian soldiers wore combat uniforms with the letter “Z” printed on them, and military vehicles were also painted with the letter “Z”, a symbol used by Russia to identify its forces in their “special military operation” against Ukraine.”



–Drudge/Daily Star  (UK)    Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”    Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages

All According To Plan …

This may be a final “field test” before using these new, advanced, NUCLEAR CAPABLE, “unstoppable” hyper-sonic missiles for their designed (and intended) purpose.

It appears Biden (at the urging of his Roman Pope) has purposely clustered our Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups in the small Mediterranean, and is currently purposely provoking Russia/Putin in order to give them “a plausible excuse” to unleash these new deadly hyper-sonic missiles against our American forces … time will tell.  Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

The Time Draws Near …

“When you SEE these things,
Know that it is near —
At the DOOR!!!”  Prophecy: The coming Rapture
(Mark 13:29)   Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Russia Warns US: “We Have The Might To Put You In Your Place”

–Koenig/Reuters      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America WILL be ‘Neutralized”      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church


  • The Bible says Russia, Iran, Turkey, Armenia, and allies will one day attack ISRAEL
  • The Bible says no nation will help defend Israel (so America must be “neutralized”)
  • The Bible says Russia will act as a “guard” for its allies
  • The Bible says GOD will utterly destroy this invading army (only 1/6th will survive)
  • The Bible is silent concerning what will happen with Russia in Ukraine
  • The Bible says BEING deceived will be a sign the time of the end draws near
  • The Bible says after Russia rises/falls 10 Provinces of the Roman Empire will reunite
  • The Bible says TWO leaders (“Beasts”) will rise out of Rome “in the last days”
  • The Bible says these two Leaders will ruthlessly rule over the whole World
  • The Bible says one “Beast” will be a POLITICAL Leader (like Charlemagne)
  • The Bible says the other “Beast” will be a RELIGIOUS Leader (like the Pope)
  • The Bible says Rome must rise (so America must fall as a free nation)
  • The US Presidency, Congress, Supreme Court are all now led by Roman Catholics
  • By Roman Church law they are compelled to be obedient to the Pope (a Dictator)
  • Worldwide there are 1.3 BILLION Roman Catholics professing obedience to the Pope
  • Each has been (unbiblically) taught to believe the Roman Pope is “Christ” on Earth
  • Please understand the title “Pontifex Maximus” is not Christian
  • It was the blasphemous title given to the high priest in the ancient Babylonian religion
  • It was later adopted for the high priest (and ‘Caesars’) in ancient Rome’s pagan religion
  • Now, please consider another one of the Roman Pope’s titles, “The Vicar of Christ” …

The exact same original Greek word used for “Antichrist” in the English Bible would be directly translated into Latin as “The VICAR of Christ”!!

From Wikipedia:

Antichrist is translated from the combination of two ancient Greek words ἀντί + Χριστός (anti + Christos). In Greek, Χριστός means “anointed one” (Messiah) and the word Christ derives from it. “Ἀντί” means not only anti in the sense of “against” and “opposite of”, but also “in place of”.” 

The Time draws near …  Prophecy: The coming Antichrist

BATTLEFRONT: NATO Masses 30,000 European Troops & 50 Warships For Huge War Games On Russia’s Border

–Drudge/Sun  (UK)     Prophecy: An Unholy Roman Empire will Rise at the time of the End      Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

The Bible clearly warns there will be TWO great (and evil) Powers rise at “The Time of the End” …

Russia and Rome!!!

We are then told Russia (and allies) will be destroyed (by God) in an ill-fated invasion of Israel … after which Rome (and the coming World Leader sometimes called the “Antichrist”) called “The Beast” will immediately rise to fill the Global vacuum of Power.

With 1.2 BILLION Roman Catholics around the world who are loyal to the Pope (and have been taught to believe he is God/Jesus on Earth), the Roman Church has already divided the World into 3,171 Roman Provinces (“ecclesiastical jurisdictions”), and has “Governors” (Cardinals and Bishops) already in place (and the highest echelons of the Roman Church view cathedrals as “military outposts”).

Current Map of Roman Provinces

This coming World Power rising out of Rome is described as the most horrific and cruel of all empires who have ever ruled on Earth.  Study: Number of Bible-Believing Protestants Killed By Roman Popes

The leader based in Rome will be the “Dictator of Dictators” … there will soon be no free true Democratic republics left on Earth after the freedoms and Constitutional protections of America fall (from enemies both within and without).  Prophecy: We are warned the Generation of the end will be characterized by … “TRAITORS”   (Among the list of traits marking the Generation of Armageddon).

China will also rise “at the time of the end.”  We are told China will one day invade the Middle-East while unleashing weapons which will destroy 1/3 of ALL Mankind, but it will be under the grid of the global Economic power of Rome.  Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind

When some charismatic world leader (like Ukraine’s Zelensky) quickly rises in meteoric power and then one day appears to be “resurrected” from a deadly head wound (probably from an assassination attempt) … TREMBLE!!!  Prophecy: The coming Antichrist

America will fall under the control of Rome (as will all of the European nations) with the help of Russia before Russia will one day face God in Israel.

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