RUSSIA Releases Views Of Its Massive “SATAN” Nuclear Missile

–War Zone      Prophecy: Russia, Iran, and allies WILL go to War      Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone

Satan II (“Sarmat”) Comments From Russia and Around the World:

“Russia named the RS-28 Sarmat (Satan II) Missile after the Sarmatians who were a large confederation of ancient Eastern IRANIAN nomadic peoples.

“Satan II is the most powerful and advanced nuclear missile in the World.

“Sarmat has the longest range of destruction of targets in the world

“A single missile could destroy an area the size of Texas or France … or 3 Eastern Seaboard states.

“The Sarmat ‘super-heavy’ intercontinental ballistic missile is designed to elude all anti-missile defense systems with a short initial boost phase

“Weighing more than 200 tons and able to transport multiple warheads, Putin says the missile can hit any target on Earth.

“The biggest bomb in the U.S. arsenal is the B83 with a maximum yield of 1.2 megatons (60 times the Nagasaki bomb) …

“But, Russia’s Satan 2 has a maximum yield of 50 megatons (over 40 times more powerful than America’s largest and 2,400 times the power of the Nagasaki bomb), and Russia says it will soon have 50 of these missiles which can penetrate any missile defense system in the world tested and ready to deploy.”

From Israel: “Does The Russia-Iran Axis Pose A Threat To Us All?”

–Jerusalem Post      Bible Prophecy: Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies WILL attack and invade ISRAEL … America will be ‘Neutralized” … the beginning of the End

One interesting thing to note about this Article found on the Jerusalem Post is that it completely ignores the ancient Biblical prophecies and implications found in Ezekiel 38-39 that warn Israel (and the World) to WATCH for a “Russian-Iranian Axis” rising for it is a sign that a War of the Ages is imminent which will then trigger irreversible global events which will quickly draw the World (which has turned its back on God) down into the most terrible prophetic “Day of God’s Fierce Anger and Wrath” (Zephaniah 1-2 and many other prophetic passages in the Bible), culminating in the coming “Apocalypse” and “Armageddon” (Revelation 6-18 which provides the details of all that will take place DURING the prophet Daniel’s yet future “70th Week” prophecy – Daniel 9:24-27).

The Bible warns when Israel and the World sees this Russia-Iran (+ Turkey) Axis rising God’s Word tells us to then quickly return to God and His Word and His Way (for He will provide an escape for all who love and trust in Him).   Prophecies: The coming Rapture (God’s loving ‘Life Boat’ for ALL who will believe)

Jesus Christ warned that “as in the days of Noah” people will ignore (and be ignorant of) all of God’s Warnings and will be taken completely by surprise when “the end” begins.  Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon      Prophecies: Apocalypse & Armageddon

This also points us to another prophetic sign that Churches “will no longer endure sound doctrine” which is why almost NO CHURCHES (OR SYNAGOGUES) TODAY are teaching any of the Prophecies found in the Bible which were given to warn (and prepare) the Generation which would rise soon after Israel would once again become a nation (which took place in 1948).  Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the Faith      Prophecies: Israel & Jerusalem

North Korea Threatens Nuclear Attack Against US And Allies

–Jerusalem Post      Prophecy: Russia, Iran, and allies WILL go to War      Prophecy: China and allies will destroy 1/3 of Mankind      America will be “Neutralized”

Remember:  North Korea’s first “Great Leader” was a RUSSIAN OFFICER in the Russian Army during WWII … he was later selected, moved, and placed into power over North Korea by RUSSIA (and China’s Mao Tse Dung was also raised up by Stalin to block and neutralize the great appreciation and friendship the people of China were feeling towards America and the West after being liberated during WWII, which Stalin could not tolerate at his back door).

For Russia WWII has never ended … and will not end until they attack and invade nation Israel (during which GOD will intervene to destroy Russia’s pride and arrogance).

How Will Winter Impact The Russia-Ukraine War?

–Jerusalem Post      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?

BEFORE the end of Winter it appears Russia may have only 3 options:

  1. Retreat and Surrender … “Retreat” (‘Maybe’) … “Surrender” (‘Never!!’)
  2. Dig in … while regrouping for a major conventional military offensive against Ukraine
  3. Use Tactical Nuclear Weapons (against Ukraine and selected “enemies of Russia”) … to stop their advance and regain Russia’s offensive momentum (and save face)

According to some Military Analysts, when the Russian Military trains for a tactical nuclear missile strike, the strike is typically accompanied and synchronized with an Army infantry attack which is quickly launched to take advantage of the shock and confusion.

Military analysts call this Russian war tactic: “Escalate to De-escalate”

I originally used the phrase “before Winter,” but military analysts have also pointed out that the January – February time frame may be a more optimal time for Russia to launch a new major attack because of the frozen ground to help move tanks and equipment (which would apply to both Option 2 and Option 3).

We must wait and see.  Prophecies: The coming Rapture (God’s loving ‘Life Boat’ for ALL who will believe)

NATO Allies Wake Up To Russian Supremacy In The Arctic

–Drudge/Reuters      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … the beginning of the End       Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

Bible Prophecy:  “Utter Parts of the North”…

Russia has been pouring military forces and weapons into the Arctic area over the past couple of years, and have now warned all of the nations who border the Arctic to stay away. They have also announced plans of denying Arctic access to our (America’s) naval and submarine forces.

The timing of Russia’s military claim over the North Pole gets even more interesting when you consider Russia’s close military alliance with Iran.

Now, consider these two seemingly separate events in light of some specific details which God has provided for us concerning the upcoming (and prophetic) Russia, Iran, Turkey, and allies attack and invasion against nation Israel.

From a Bible Prophecy perspective, this coming war will mark the “Point of No Return” along the World’s march towards the Apocalypse and Armageddon.

Now, take a moment to consider Russia’s military claim and active occupation of the Arctic and the North pole and compare it to God’s prophetic description of the nation which will act as the lead aggressor against Israel in this terrible and upcoming prophetic war described in Ezekiel 38 & 39.


“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog,
Thus says the Lord God:
On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?
You will come from your place
you and many peoples with you,
all of them riding on horses,
a great host, a mighty army.
You will come up against My people Israel, (not a good idea)
like a cloud covering the Land.
In the latter days (A prophecy far in the future from Ezekiel’s time …)
I will bring you against My Land, (God tells us Israel is His Land which He gave to Israel)
that the nations may know Me,
when through you, O Gog,
I vindicate My Holiness before their eyes.” (When God Himself will intervene)
(Ezekiel 38:14-16)

“Thus says the Lord GOD:
Behold, I am against you, O Gog,
chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
And I will turn you about and drive you forward,
and bring you up from
and lead you against the mountains of Israel.”
(Ezekiel 39:1)

Check a Map: Russia, Moscow, the Arctic, and the North Pole (which Russia now claims) ARE the “Utter parts of the North” from Jerusalem!

One other thing to consider is the fact that a number of Bible scholars believe (for technical and linguistic reasons) another major prophetic event, the coming Rapture, may have to take place sometime BEFORE God intervenes for Israel to destroy this invading army.  Prophecies: The coming Rapture

Turkey’s Leader Erdogan Praised The High Confidence He Has Been Enjoying With Russia’s Vladimir Putin

–TASS  (Russia)    Bible Prophecy:  TURKEY, Russia, Iran, and allies WILL attack and invade ISRAEL … America will be ‘Neutralized”

Turkey (a NATO member) is now an ally of Russia and is still blocking Sweden and Finland from joining NATO.

Over 30 years ago a good Bible teacher warned when the world sees Turkey embracing Russia and Iran (which we are now seeing) that the Gog and Magog War will follow close behind …

The Time Draws Near.

Battalion of Russian Mobilized Men Wiped Out In Days

–RaptureReady/Telegraph  (UK)      Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

Putin is being backed into a corner and is starting to coil.  For the Winter will he just have his tired, haggard, and battle weary forces just dig in and try to hold on while raining Russian (and Iranian) missiles on Ukraine’s civilian Power & Water supplies to force them to capitulate?   Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized”      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?


–War Zone      Bible Prophecy: China and allies WILL destroy 1/3 of all Mankind      Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

During the Biden, Obama, and Clinton Administrations (and Pelosi’s reign of terror) our Democrat Party Leaders have done everything they can to help China and Russia as they slowed down or canceled many of our new nuclear weapon and missile development programs which were designed to help us stay ahead of Russia and China’s massive new and advanced nuclear weapons buildup (so now, thanks to the Democrats, we have fallen behind China and Russia) …

PLUS, the Democrats (and some false-Republicans) have also done everything they can to greatly weaken our military as China and Russia jointly prepare for war by canceling important weapon programs, forcing political (Socialist) “indoctrination” upon our troops, purging competent God-fearing officers, mixing women and homosexuals in with our front line fighting troops, depleting our Military’s hard to replace armament inventories, draining our Military’s critical oil reserves, and making it punishable for a military chaplain to pray “In Jesus’ Name” …



–Jerusalem Post      Russia-Ukraine WarAmerica In Prophecy?

Socialist Axis of Evil:  RUSSIA (Putin) – CHINA (Xi) – AMERICA (Biden) – ROME (Pope)

Biden Sent U.S. Agencies To Brazil BEFORE Their Election To Target Those In Bolsonaro’s Government Who Were Worried About Socialists Stealing The Election (Like In America)

–World Tribune      Socialist ‘Tactics & Doctrines’ of Evil:  Socialism IS a Religion       Prophecy: Lying, (Cheating), Deceiving, and BEING DECEIVED “in the last days”

Hmmm … I wonder who directed him to … Biden is an empowered Roman (Catholic) Socialist whose obedience belongs to the Pope (and appears to be incapable of coming up with original ideas or plans on his own) … it is clear the Democrat Party had great help from within and from afar to successfully steal the 2020 elections and lift Biden into power … Brazil’s Lula is another empowered Roman Marxist-Socialist whom the Vatican lovingly embraces and would do ANYTHING to “help” get him elected (and has the immense hidden power to do so).  Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Bolsonaro seemed to be an honest man and a good leader who helped strengthen Brazil greatly.  He simply did not have the power to stop the global tidal wave of Socialist evil and darkness that is now sweeping across the World … Prophecies: The coming Antichrist     Prophecies: The coming Rapture


–Defense News      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?      America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone      Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind

IN 2 YEARS Biden (and the Democrat Party leaders) have stolen an election, destroyed our Economy, crippled our Military, and assisted 4 million new illegal Socialist – Marxist “immigrants” from Latin (Roman) America to invade our nation (with a total of now around 44 Million) … Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon includes … “TRAITORS      Marxist-Socialist (Roman) Tactics … The Doctrine of Evil       Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Putin Ally Warns Taiwan Is Now ‘On Schedule’ To Be “Returned” To China

–Fox News      Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind        Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

It appears China’s Dictator Xi has only been waiting for his “election” to an unprecedented 3rd Term to begin to proceed with his well-planned war against Taiwan (and America).

Both China and Russia are relying on Biden (Pelosi and the Democrat Party) to accomplish at least 4 things before they launch their attacks:

  1. Destroy the American Economy so it cannot fund a major War  (Completed)
  2. Deplete America’s Gas & Oil supplies so America can’t sustain our forces during a major War  (Completed)
  3. Weaken our Military and deplete our weapons Arsenals so America cannot win a major War  (Completed)
  4. Promote aggressive policies scripted to “force” Russia and China into launching a major War  (Completed)

Socialist Axis of Evil:  RUSSIA (Putin) – CHINA (Xi) – AMERICA (Biden) – ROME (Pope)

Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon includes“TRAITORS

Watch Chilling Moment When China’s Leader Xi Has His Predecessor Dragged Out Of Conference By Security

–Fox News      Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind        Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

Historic moment of an evil dictator publicly usurping his final iron-fisted control over a people and a nation … notice how nobody will even look at the former Chinese President as he is led out on the final day of the Chinese Communist Party conference which had just given Dictator Xi more power than any other leader since Mao Tse Dung.

China’s new leader views himself as a “War Lord” (as does Russia’s and Rome’s) … it’s a good time to come to know and draw near to our Lord and God.

A Socialist Axis of Evil:  Russia (Putin) – China (Xi) – America (Biden) – Rome (Pope)

“Socialism” IS a Religion … Marxist-Socialist (Roman) Tactics … The Doctrine of Evil

As noted in an article below, in another consolidation of power the Pope/Vatican just sealed a new alliance with China which allows China to choose Roman Bishops … Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance

China’s Communist Party “Congress” Agrees to Boost Armed Forces To Prevent “Taiwan Independence”

–Russia News Agency      Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind        Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

Note:  Another recent news article reports Biden has now sent over 1 Million of our artillery shells to Ukraine … what will we do when Russia and (Biden’s friend) China launch their well-planned war against US?   Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon includes … “TRAITORS”

From Russia: Why Putin Will NOT Use Nuclear Weapons In Ukraine

–Pravda  (Russia)      Prophecy: Russia, Iran, and allies WILL go to War

This Article lists 4 “Options” For a Russian Tactical Nuclear Strike …

  • A low-yield blow at sea level off the coast of Odessa that would end up doing little real harm.
  • A nuclear strike on a large concentration of Ukrainian troops.
  • A targeted blow to annihilate the leadership of Ukraine, including President Zelensky.
  • The worst option is the destruction of a Ukrainian city, civilian casualties and a nuclear storm in the name of a quick surrender of the enemy.

Earlier From Russia: Four Scenarios Of Nuclear War Between Russia And The United States

–Pravda  (Russia)      Prophecy: Russia WILL go to War … America Will be neutralized

“OPTION 4” in this article is the one Russia has planned, trained, and prepared for …
(Especially with their friend Biden now controlling America’s response)

“The fourth option involves a retaliatory nuclear strike. One has to admit that this is the most probable way for Russia to proceed. In this case, up to 30 percent of the initial number of Russian warheads will be able to reach targets on the territory of the United States. Most of the American economy will be destroyed with such an attack, but not completely, the specialist believes.

“Sivkov is confident that as a result of a nuclear war between Russia and the United States, human civilization will persist, but it will be completely different with such countries as China, India, and Brazil taking the lead. In his opinion, a nuclear conflict between Russia and the USA will mark the onset of a “nuclear autumn”, rather than a “nuclear winter”.

From Ezekiel’s Prophecy …

“And I (God) will send a fire on Magog (Russia and allies)
and among them that dwell confidently in the Coastlands (isles);
(Some think this might include a nuclear exchange with America)
And they shall know that I am the Lord.”
(Ezekiel 39:6)  Prophecy: The coming Rapture

US & UK To Deepen Cooperation Against Russia

–Jerusalem Post       Russia-Ukraine War:  America (and England) In Prophecy?

Russia’s Putin and other high-ranking officials have begun inserting the term “Anglo-Saxons” (England & America?) into their warnings of an escalation to this war.

Rome (Spain, Italy, Germany) and the Roman Church has been at war against the “Anglo-Saxons” for many years … and through Hollywood Rome (Socialist-Marxists) started to ridicule (which is the first step in attacking) “WASPS” (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) in movies during the 1970s, and now it’s been shortened to “White Privilege”.

Rome’s power base is in Latin America, Asia, Africa and Southern Europe and it has been at war against the “Protestant” Anglo Saxon Protestants in England, America, and Western Europe for over 500 years … Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance      Mass Immigration is an Act of WAR      Study: Number of Bible-Believing Protestants Killed By Roman Popes

From Russia: US “Running Out of Resources to Supply Weapons to Ukraine”

–Russia News Agency       Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized”      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The “Axis of Evil”  =  Russia (Putin), China (Xi), America (Biden), and Rome (Pope).

Biden (and the Democrats) have been feverishly draining our strategic resources needed to fight a major war against Russia and China by:

  • Shutting down our domestic oil production and draining our emergency oil reserves
  • Feverishly increasing our national debt (credit card) so we will no longer be able to borrow the money to fund a major war
  • Vastly reducing our inventory of armaments by pouring them into Ukraine (which could set up an Afghanistan-type situation where Biden left Russia-China with billions of dollars of our most advanced weapons)
  • Flooding our nation with Latin (Roman) masses which will drain our economy and will destroy our free election system (and the obedience and loyalties of these millions of military-aged men from Latin (Roman) America now lie with the Roman Pope and NOT with our Constitution and Bill of Rights)    Mass Immigration IS an Act of WAR


–Drudge/Daily Star  (UK)      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … the beginning of the End

The “Axis of Evil”  =  Russia (Putin), China (Xi), America (Biden), and Rome (Pope).

Russia will do nothing until it knows EXACTLY what America’s response will be to a nuclear attack (which will be dictated by the Roman Pope who rules over Biden).

America’s response under Biden will include Martial Law and the suspension of Constitutional Rights (and perhaps elections) under a dictatorial, totalitarian control supported by Roman empowered Pelosi’s Congress and Roman empowered Roberts’ Supreme Court  …  Russia-Ukraine War:  America (and England) In Prophecy?      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance      Marxist-Socialist (Roman) Tactics … The Doctrine of Evil


–InfoWars/JR Nyquist      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … the beginning of the End      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?

This is a video interview with JR Nyquist (see his article above) which details and expands the “Nuclear Preparation? Several Disturbing “Data Points” Emerging In Connection With The Ukraine War” article found above.

Note:  I’ve tried to follow JR Nyquist’s military analytics for many years now (and have posted a number of his articles and have exchanged a few emails with him over the years) and feel that he is the best military (and Russian Military) analyst that I know of.

This interview details some new Russian military movements/deployments in Belarus preparing for a new attack with a possible timeline for an “escalated” war in Ukraine (including nukes and/or thermobaric weapons) using a classic Russian battle strategy.

In light of the prophecy study/commentary Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?, this “breaking news” analysis seems to support the possibility of a short timeline … I strongly suggest everybody watch/listen to it.

Could be very timely … and definitely worth taking the time to watch/listen to.  Prophecies: The coming Rapture

Russian Governor Threatens “Satan II” (RS-28 Sarmat) Nuclear Missile Strikes Against Ukraine Cities After Bridge Explosion

–Drudge/Daily Mail  (UK)      The Beginning of the End: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America (as a free nation) will be “Neutralized” … A coming War of the Ages      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?

Note:  Putin has previously said that any attack on the bridge connecting Crimea to Russia would prompt “judgment day” …

The Time draws near.   Prophecies: The coming Rapture       Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon


–Russia News Agency      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America (as a free nation) will be ‘Neutralized”     Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

Several weeks ago this site commented (warned) that if Russia started to shift the blame of their setbacks in Ukraine upon America (and NATO) instead of Ukraine, then “the time would draw near” for the prophetic realignment of the balance of World Powers to begin.

You might note TWO important things from this article …

FIRST: Russia may now raise their “Special Operation” designation for this War up to an “Anti-Terror Operation” which would allow them to expand their military powers and would open up the “legal” option of escalating this war even to the point of “justifying” their use of Nuclear “Tactical” Weapons in order to quickly attempt to turn the tide and current momentum of this war away from Ukraine.

SECOND: You will note how Russia’s “adversary terminology” is now shifting away from Ukraine and is now being refocused upon the United States of America … Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?


–War Zone      Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

It’s amazing how we can have so many videos available showing the before, during, and after effects of this (or any) significant event … Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”

ISRAEL (AND THE WORLD) BEWARE!!  Your ancient Prophets have warned Gog and Magog (Russia) along with their vicious allies WILL one day focus and funnel their fury, power, (and greed) against the mountains, hills, valleys (and valuable oil and gas reserves) of Israel!!!   The Beginning of the End … Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL attack and WILL invade Israel … America (as a free nation) will be “Neutralized” … A coming War of the Ages      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?

Biden Issues Dire Warning of Rising Nuclear “Armageddon” Risk

–Drudge/AP News      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?      Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon      Prophecies: The coming Rapture       Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Please Remember …

God will provide hope and shelter to all who love Him and will heed His many warnings before it is too late …

“WATCH therefore,
and pray ALWAYS
that you may be counted worthy to ESCAPE
all these things that will come to pass.”  (through Jesus Christ’s worthiness … not ours)
(Luke 21:36)

Before the decree is issued,
Before the day passes like chaff,
Before the LORD’S fierce anger comes upon you,
Before the Day of the LORD’S Anger comes upon you!
Seek the LORD,
all you meek of the Earth, who have upheld His justice.
Seek righteousness,
Seek humility.
It may be that you will be hidden
in the day of the LORD’S anger.”
(Zephaniah 2:2-3)     Prophecies: The coming Rapture

“And I will show wonders
In the heavens and in the Earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
The Sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the Moon into blood,
Before the coming great
And awesome Day of the Lord,
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the Name of the LORD
Shall be saved.”
(Joel 2:30-32)

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