–Jerusalem Post

This coming war of Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies
will trigger IRREVERSIBLE events which will soon lead the World into the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon …  Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

An interesting resemblance between Russia’s Medvedev and the last reigning Russian Tsar (“Caesar”) Nicholas II … (could this have any relationship to the 2 Esdras (Ezra) “Three-Headed Eagle” prophecy?) 

Russia’s Medvedev & Tsar Nicholas II

US Warned Turkey On Exports Seen To Boost RUSSIA’s War Effort

–Jerusalem Post

As we study Bible Prophecy it easy (and predictable) to now see why Turkey has blocked Sweden and Finland from joining NATO (which is good for Russia and bad for Europe) … because Bible Prophecy warns Turkey would become and ALLY with Russia just before this terrible prophetic war takes place.

Putin Uses The 80th Anniversary of Battle of Stalingrad To Send A Major Warning to The West (America and NATO) Concerning Russia’s Coming Response To German Tanks Entering Ukraine On Russia’s Borders

–Moscow Times

Putin and many top Russian officials have recently warned Russia believes the Ukraine War now includes NATO and America … and that all weapons and “all means of victory” are now open to Russia to decisively defeat their powerful enemies.

Report: Putin Preparing Massive Assault With Revitalized Russian Army of “500,000 Men”

–Drudge/Sun  (UK)

Military analysts have stated that Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapon War Doctrine includes the launch of tactical nuclear weapons closely followed by a major ground assault (radiation following an “air burst” tactical nuclear weapon can dissipate within 48 – 96 hours leaving the battlefield at safe levels to then pour in massed infantry forces to quickly overwhelm a stunned enemy).


4-Star Air Force General Predicts War With China In 2025

–Fox News


Now consider the looming War with Russia (Magog) and the fact that our Roman (Catholic-Pope) empowered President Biden is feverishly destroying our Economy while emptying (and giving away) our strategic armament and petroleum reserves which all greatly aids and abets our enemies in their preparations for war against America …


Putin’s New Military Build-Up For Ukraine Will Bring About “Permanent War” In Europe (and America)

–Fox News      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … the beginning of the End


Russia’s Medvedev Warns Of NUCLEAR WAR If Russia Faces Defeat In Ukraine

–Jerusalem Post      Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

“And I will show wonders
In the heavens and in the Earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
The Sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the Moon into blood,
Before the coming great
And awesome Day of the Lord,
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the Name of the LORD
Shall be saved.”
(Joel 2:30-32)
















An interesting resemblance between Russia’s Medvedev and the last reigning Russian Tsar (Caesar) Nicholas II … (could this have any relationship to the 2 Esdras (Ezra) “Three-Headed Eagle” prophecy?) 


Russia’s Medvedev & Tsar Nicholas II

Russia Has Built Its First Production Batch Of “Poseidon” Nuclear Torpedoes

–War Zone

The new “Poseidon” advanced nuclear torpedo described in this article is the one which Russia calls its new “Doomsday” weapon that no defense or weapon can stop …

Russia Issues Stark Warning In Response To Pentagon’s Threats To Strike “Decapitating” Blow On Russia

–Pravda  (Russia)

This is a “Win-Win” situation for the Roman Pope and the rising Kingdom of Rome … the TWO things the Roman Pope (and his Roman princes / cardinals-bishops) hate most on planet Earth are a “Bible-Believing/Protestant Christian” America and an “Eastern/Russian Orthodox Christian” Russia (neither of which will ever bow down to a Roman “Pope” who commands his to subjects to believe he is the god on Earth) …

The Bible warns “in the last days” America (as a free Christian Republic) and Russia will fall and the Roman Kingdom will rise …

The Time (of the end) draws near …

From Israel: It Is In America’s Interest To End The War In Ukraine

–Israel Nat’l News

The Roman Pope (who controls Europe and now Biden/America) is using the Ukraine War to his advantage in order to expedite the prophetic rise of Rome (which will fill the vacuum after the Roman Pope-backed Democrat Party purposefully cripples/destroys our Economy and Military to usher in America’s demise as a free democracy and as Russia meets its prophetic doom when it foolishly (and arrogantly) tests the God of Israel with a futile invasion which already has a “pre-determined” outcome … it’s all in THE BOOK!!! 

The Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church

The Time draws near …  Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Putin Meets With Generals (Winter Clock Ticking?)

–HalLindsey/BBC News

BEFORE the End of Winter it appears Russia may only have 3 options:

  1. Retreat and Surrender … “Retreat” (‘Maybe’) … “Surrender” (‘Never!!’)
  2. Dig in  while regrouping for a major conventional military offensive against Ukraine
  3. Use Tactical Nuclear Weapons (against Ukraine and selected “enemies of Russia”) … to stop their advance and regain Russia’s offensive momentum (and save face)

According to some Military Analysts, when the Russian Military trains for a tactical nuclear missile strike, the strike is typically accompanied and synchronized with an Army infantry attack which is quickly launched to take advantage of the shock and confusion.

Military analysts call this Russian war tactic: “Escalate to De-escalate”

I originally used the phrase “before Winter,” but military analysts have also pointed out that the January – February time frame may be a more optimal time for Russia to launch a new major attack because of the frozen ground to help move tanks and equipment (which would apply to both Option 2 and Option 3).

We must wait and see.

If Russia starts focusing its blame against America/NATO for this unexpected turn of events in Ukraine, then we know the Time Draws Near …

U.S. National Security Council Warns Russia and Iran Moving Towards “Defense Partnership”

–Koenig/Jewish News Syndicate      Bible Prophecy: RUSSIA (Gog and Magog), IRAN and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … the beginning of the End

REVELATION 6  (study notes) …

Most believe the final 7 Years of this Age begins with the opening of the “7 Seals” in Revelation 6 as the “Tribulation” falls upon all those left on Earth who have ignored, rejected, or rebelled against God’s Word (before the “Rapture”) and many millions will now turn back to the Lord and will be saved through great persecution, imprisonment, and death (God will take the “sting” out of the many deaths that will be endured in faith at this time).

One other interpretation may be the 7 Seal Prophecies could begin just prior to the Trumpet and Bowl prophecies which are written on the Scroll itself and that some or all of the “Seals” may precede the “Peace Plan” (Covenant) which a coming World Leader (Antichrist) will enforce upon nation Israel which will mark “Day 1” of the final 7 Years (also called “70th Week of Daniel, “The Tribulation,” “The Time of Jacob’s/Israel’s Trouble,” and the “The Apocalypse”) …

If so, is it possible the Rider on the White Horse going out to conquer could be “Gog of Magog” (the dark spiritual force behind Russia) and the Rider on the Red Horse be “Iran/Persia” along with its Islamic allies found in Ezekiel 38-39 erupting in global violence, setting the stage for the rise of the Antichrist (who will deceitfully sell himself as a “man of peace”, the global One-World government (which will deceitfully promise “peace”), and the final 7-Year Tribulation?

However, once the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) begins to open these 7 Seals ALL the events, including all of the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl judgments found in the book of Revelation will then be IRREVERSIBLE, unstoppable, and certain!!!

The First Two Seals of Revelation 6 … 

“Now I watched when the Lamb  (Jesus Christ in English … Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew)
opened one of the Seven Seals,
and I heard one of the four living creatures
say with a voice like thunder, “Come!”

“And I looked, and behold, a white horse!
(May be the counterfeit “messiah”… a false man of peace … Prophecies: The Antichrist)
And its rider had a bow,
(Or may be “Gog” of Magog with HIS Bow – see Ezekiel 39:3)
and a crown was given to him,
(only “kings”/”chief princes” rode white horses – Ezekiel 39:1)
and he came out conquering, and to conquer.  (It appears this rider has a specific target or objective)
(“BOW”: RUSSIA/GOG – Aerial Attack? … The ancient Scythians (Magog in Hebrew) were known for attacking with “bows” on horseback)

“When He  (The Lamb … Messiah … the Son of God)
opened the second seal,
I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”

“And out came another horse, bright red.
Its rider was permitted to take peace from the Earth,
(this may be during or just after the Russia-Iran-Turkey “Magog” war against Israel)
so that people should slay one another,
and he was given a great sword.”  (This Rider will trigger a broader, more chaotic global conflict in the wake of the first Rider)
(“SWORD”: MAGOG/IRAN’S ISLAMIC ALLIES/Ground Attack? … Islam takes pride in its “sword”)
(Revelation 6:1-2)  Prophecies: The coming Rapture … (you don’t want to be left behind)

Putin Makes New Russian Nuclear “First Use” Threat

–War Zone

Also in this article is an unverified report by one of Putin’s former speech writers that if things go completely bad for Putin and his close aids in Russia there may be a plan to “evacuate” to Venezuela … Prophetic Russia & Latin America Alliance

It’s In America’s Best Interest To End The War In Ukraine

–Jerusalem Post      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?

“Yes,” this article is right on target.  We have met our objectives in helping to save the main body of Ukraine from falling to the Russians, and at this point there is no “Win-Win” situation, and we have no formal treaties with Ukraine.

However, God may have His own plans in this matter which will be irreversible.  Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be “Neutralized”

We will have to wait and see, but, it does appear … The Time Draws Near.

Russia Has Accused US & NATO Of Risking Direct “Catastrophic” War With Russia

–BBC News      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized”      Russia-Ukraine War:  America In Prophecy?

Today Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov, last week Russia’s Minister of Defense Shoigu, earlier Russia’s Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Medvedev … the Triad of Russian Power under Putin … ALL now warning of a “catastrophic” nuclear war with NATO/US.

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