Iran’s 400-Second Hypersonic Threat – And A 300-Year-Old Jewish Prophecy


From the Article …

The War of Gog and Magog is described in prophecy as being an unusually short war.

A tradition from the Vilna Gaon (a prominent 18th-century Torah authority) teaches that the war of Gog and Magog will last 12 minutes.

According to a 20th-century interpretation, “A third of the world will die, a third will suffer from plague and a third will survive.”

This 18th-century prophecy of a 12-minute war was surprising, as it came several hundred years before the advent of nuclear weapons. Conventional wars necessarily last much longer and such a quick war was inconceivable at the time. Such a short war, possibly a nuclear exchange, may have been hinted at in the Bible.

“At eventide behold terror;
and before the morning they are not.”
(Isaiah 17:14)

Russia Tests New Nuclear Missile During Massive War Exercise To Control The Arctic North Pole Region

–Pravda  (Russia)

The Russian Defense Minister’s presence during this war preparation in the Far North coupled with his recent visit to North Korea may foreshadow Russia and China’s coming War Plans.

Bible Prophecy:  Out of “The UTTER PARTS of the North” …

“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog,
Thus says the Lord God:
On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?
You will come from your place
(Russia now claims the Arctic and North Pole and is massing forces to defend them)
you and many peoples with you,
all of them riding on horses,
a great host, a mighty army.
You will come up against My people Israel,   (not a good idea)
like a cloud covering the Land.
In the latter days   (Far in the future from Ezekiel’s time …”the last days”… which we are in now)
I will bring you against MY Land,   (ISRAEL!!!)
that the nations may know Me.”
(Ezekiel 38:8 AND Ezekiel 39:2)

The Time draws near …

North Korean Leader Orders Preparations For Possible War

–Israel Nat’l News

Note:  We normally brush aside North Korean threats, however, with Russia’s top Military Commander’s recent visit to North Korea and Russia/China’s apparent preparations for war, we should take this seriously.

Biden has weakened our Military and Economy to the point we are now very vulnerable.

Belarus Wants Prigozhin’s Wagner Fighters To Train Its Army

–War Zone

From the Article …

“Who is Prigozhin?” Belarus President Lukashenko asked rhetorically. “He is a very authoritative person today in the armed forces … These guys who know how to stand up for each other, who fought there and in Africa, Asia, Latin America, they will do anything.” 

They’ve been fighting in Latin America??

Russia’s Medvedev Says England Is In A “De-Facto War” With Russia

–Jerusalem Post

God warns …

“And I will send a fire on Magog (Russia),
and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles:
and they shall know that I am the LORD.”
(Ezekiel 39:6  WBT)

Note:  “Isles” is often translated “coastlands” … for some years good Bible scholars have speculated this could foretell a nuclear attack against England or America (or both), as well as Russia.

Also, both Russian AND Ukraine are located in ancient Magog/Scythia …

Russia’s Medvedev Warns: In A Nuclear War, A “Pre-Emptive Strike” IS The Rule

RaptureReady/Debkafile  (Israel)


“And I will show wonders
In the heavens and in the Earth:
Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.
The Sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the Moon into blood,
Before the coming great
And awesome Day of the Lord,
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the Name of the LORD
Shall be saved.”
(Joel 2:30-32)

An interesting resemblance between Russia’s Medvedev and the last reigning Russian Tsar (Caesar) Nicholas II … (could this have any relationship to the 2 Esdras (Ezra) “Three-Headed Eagle” prophecy?) 

Russia’s Medvedev & Tsar Nicholas II


Russia Claims US Masterminded Drone Attack On Kremlin


It is highly doubtful the US or Ukraine would plan a drone attack against Putin and the Kremlin.

As an Opinion: This is more likely Russia preparing the World for a major “event” against Ukraine, US, or England which they can now claim was in response to this serious drone attack allegation.

US CENTCOM Chief Warns Iran Has Gained Air Superiority Over Israel Through Their Fleet Of New Kamikaze Drones

–Debkafile  (Israel)

This prophetic war must take place AFTER Israel was re-gathered in her Land (1948) …

“After many days you will be visited.    (Meaning, this would happen far from Ezekiel’s time)
In the latter years you (Russia-Iran-Turkey)
will come into the land of those brought back from the sword  (Israel!)
and gathered from many people
on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate
(This war will happen after Israel regathered in 1948)
they (the children of Israel)
were brought out of the nations,  (Plural … this is not the return from Babylon)
and now all of them dwell safely.
You will ascend, coming like a storm,
covering the land (of Israel) like a cloud,  (Drones, massive missile barrages?)
you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”
(Ezekiel 38:8-10)

Why Is Everyone Silent Concerning Russian Hypersonic Missile Strike On NATO Bunker In Ukraine Which “Annihilated” As Many As 160 NATO Officers?

–Pravda  (Russia)

America currently has no defense against the latest generation of Russian and Chinese Hypersonic Missiles.

Russia’s Advanced Yasen-M Submarine Will Fire Hypersonic Weapons in 2025

–Warrior Maven

The U.S. military currently has nothing that can defend against this weapon.

The first thing Obama did after taking office was to stop NASA’s missile and rocket development efforts which is EXACTLY what Russia and China needed to leap ahead of America in the hyper-sonic missile development race in order to leave us defenseless against this grave threat.

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