EVERY Chinese National in America was “vetted” by China (and the Chinese Military which infuses everything in China) before coming to America …
EVERY Chinese National working in an industrial, military, political, or educational environment is a potential spy (and many have already been caught or fled back to China before being brought to justice).
EVERY new Chinese fighter-jet, spacecraft, and missile is based (and now built around) stolen US secrets.
The Bible warns that 10 Nations of the ancient Roman Empire will rise together and will one-day Rule the World (alongside the Roman Church) …
AI Study concerning NATO Nations:
C (That’s me)
How my of the 32 NATO member nations were definitely once part of the Latin (western) ancient Roman Empire?
“To answer this question precisely, let’s focus on the NATO members that were unquestionably part of the Latin Western Roman Empire for a significant period:
Italy Spain Portugal France Belgium Luxembourg United Kingdom (specifically the part that was the Roman province of Britannia) Croatia (as part of the Roman provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia) Albania (as part of the Roman province of Illyricum) North Macedonia (as part of the Roman provinces of Macedonia and Moesia)
“These 10 nations have territories that were firmly under Western Roman control for extended periods and were integral parts of the Latin Western Roman Empire.”
“It’s also worth noting that:
The Netherlands could potentially be included, but only its southern part was firmly under Roman control.
Greece and Turkey, while part of the Roman Empire, were primarily associated with the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire rather than the Western Latin Empire.
Modern national boundaries don’t perfectly align with ancient Roman provinces, so in some cases (like Albania and North Macedonia), only portions of the current country were part of the Western Empire.
The duration and extent of Roman control varied for some of these territories over the centuries of Roman rule.”
Note: It has now been several hours since I first posted this Headline which I can find on at least 3 news sites in Israel (and which I personally feel is an extremely significant news report to consider) … yet, I STILL can’t find it on any of the major US (and Christian) news sites that we have listed … EXCEPT (of course) … on the Hal Lindsey (“Late Great Planet Earth”) prophetic news site!
I’m guessing this will soon change, because the future of America and the whole World will be affected by the end result of these clear warnings of War.
11 Iranian “Mavic 2” Drones & 1 Ballistic Missile Were Shot Down During The Attack
AI Description …
“Iran’s Mavic 2″ drone is a high-performance drone with advanced features
like thermal imaging, zoom capabilities, and RTK positioning,
known for its versatility and advanced features.”
Note: It was exactly 340 days between the March 14 “Lunar” Eclipse and the April 8, 2024 “Solar” Eclipse over America. For some interesting facts, news, and commentaries concerning the possible prophetic implications of the April 8 Solar Eclipse click here … Solar Eclipse “Countdown” Page
This also coincides with the Jewish feast of Purim (since the Purim Feast was extended to a 3-day feast this year due to a day falling on the Sabbath) and the“Blood Moon” over America (which coincided with the first day of Purim) …
This could just be another negotiating ploy, or it might be highly significant that BOTH Iran and Hamas this week rejected offers to negotiate peaceful settlements (over Nuclear issues and GAZA), when the only other alternative given was/is … WAR!!
It is ALSO interesting that these decisions to reject peace came the same week during which Iran, Russia, and China were meeting to announce their strategic Alliance (and don’t forget Putin has NOT yet accepted a “cease-fire” in HIS war, either!!)
Now, consider the IMPLICATIONS of these Bible Prophecies found below,
(And study the Prophecies YOURSELF to see if the Scriptures agree or disagree with the implied interpretations) …
God warns the Gog-Magog Army will come out of the “Utter Parts of the North” …
“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog (leader of Magog),
Thus says the Lord God:
On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it? You will come from your place OUT OF THE UTTERMOST PARTS OF THE NORTH, (Russia now claims the Arctic and North Pole and is massing forces to defend them)
you and many peoples with you,
all of them riding on horses,
a great host, a mighty army.
You will come up against My people Israel, (not a good idea)
like a cloud covering the Land. In the latter days
(Far future from Ezekiel’s time …”the last days”… which we are in now)
I will bring you (Magog) against My Land,
(God says Israel is His Land … He gave it to Israel)
that the nations may know Me,
when through you, O Gog,
I vindicate My Holiness before their eyes.”
(For God will utterly destroy this invading army)
(Ezekiel 38:11-17)
Russia has swollen its Army to its largest size in history since World War II …
Nothing, including anything Trump (or Israel) may threaten Iran with, or will offer Russia in exchange for “peace” in Ukraine can now reverse the final phase of the War Plans they have been developing with China over many years now.
They will find a way to use Trump’s Ukraine plan to their advantagebefore they (and China) strike with their “Assassin’s Mace” blow …
Yet, the Biden Administration spent BILLIONS protecting Ukraine and NOTHING to protect such a strategic ally as Burma (Myanmar) from Biden’s close friend, China!!
As a note, I have not yet updated the prophecy study below to reflect the “3-Headed Eagle” prophecy may simply be referring to a great coming war between the “East” (Russia-China and allies) and the “West” (NATO-England-America and allies) which will leave a great global power vacuum into which “Rome” will once again prophetically rise as the final World Empire (the “4th Beast” of Daniel and the “Great Red Dragon” of Revelation) …
In almost all of Russia’s official threats and announcements, they almost always refer to their enemies as the “West” (West of what was once the division between East & West Germany, which was the power base of the “Holy Roman Empire”).
The ancients called the “Great Wall” of China the “Wall of Magog” …
China’s Military has rapidly been integrating an “Army” of deadly Robot Dogs into its massive war preparations (which we paid for and provided the technology) …
Our US Tech firms moved billions of dollars of high-tech manufacturing and Intellectual Property directly into China (and out of the U.S.) while also providing them with the most advanced manufacturing and design techniques and capabilities
Our Universities and Colleges employ Chinese nationals at the highest levels of Engineering and other Departments giving China free access to billions of dollars of American research … AND an open window to steal our future technologies
Our Democrat Party Administrations did nothing to stop Chinese espionage at the highest levels of our Defense Department and Military which has quickly allowed China to produce and deploy our latest designs before we can (because of our bureaucratic delays in introducing our next-generation weapons, missiles, and aircraft)
Basically, we gave them all the money, manufacturing capabilities, and designs they needed to overtake and defeat us
The US will develop (in the future) “Super Hypersonic Missiles)
The US will quickly rebuild its now weakened Military
The US will retake the strategic Panama Canal (away from China)
The US will be a global Economic Superpower again
NATO (Anti-Russia) countries must increase their military and defense spending
America will soon enforce Tariffs and new Sanctions against China and Russia (if they do not submit to America’s demands)
Russia and China do currently have a military advantage over America with their advanced (and deadly) new Space Weapons and Hypersonic Ballistic Missiles (for which America (and NATO) forces currently have no defense against)
Trump (and America) will now act rapidly to achieve all of these goals.
What would you do if you were Russia or China (and currently have the military means to hinder or destroy Trump’s stated goals for America)?
Biblical New Year 2025 will not begin until March 19, 2025 (on the ancient Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar) or on March 30, 2025 on the Modern Jewish Calendar …
You will find the message found in the Bible is not trivial … It is staggering!!!
Did You Know …
Bible prophecy allows (and invites) everyone in the world, both the skeptical, the sympathetic, the Christian, and the Non-Christian alike to test God’s Word.
Prophecy is God’s way of warning ALL Mankind of the grave danger that now lies ahead.
Almost 30% of the Bible is prophetic (telling of future events), and has so far been 100% accurate.
There is no other book in the world like it.
It contains the History of the World … Written in Advance!!!