New Israeli Air Strikes Reported Around Damascus
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Israel Nat’l News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Russia News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Iraq
–Fox News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
Since Biden and the Democrats are both Pro-Russia and Pro-Iran there is a “smoke and mirrors” chess game of misdirection and deception beginning to be played out here that will not be to America’s advantage …
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–HalLIndsey/Times of Israel Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–World Tribune Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Iraq – Kurds
–Koenig/Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran Prophecy: Syria Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
“And you, son of man,
prophesy to the mountains of Israel,
and say, O mountains of Israel,
hear the Word of the Lord.
Thus says the Lord God:
Because the enemy said of you,
‘Aha!’ and,
‘The ancient heights (Golan?) have become OUR possession …’
(Ezekiel 36:1-2)
–HalLindsey/BBC News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Damascus Syria Will Be Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
From …
“Og king of Bashan (Golan Heights) was a mighty and infamous Amorite king in the days of MOSES who fought the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. God granted the Israelites victory over King Og’s forces, and Moses and the Israelites possessed Bashan, a fruitful land east of the Jordan River. The victory was significant because of the fearsome strength of Og … See Deuteronomy 3:1-11.”
The Bible tells us king “OG” was a giant estimated to be 9-13 feet tall.
Any spiritual/demonic connection between the giant “Og” with Gog and Magog?
Does this passage in Ezekiel 36 warn of an event concerning Golan (the “ancient heights”) which will help trigger this coming War of the Ages which God then warns of two chapters later (Ezekiel 38-39) which is a Biblical warning to ALL Mankind of a terrible coming prophetic war and invasion of God’s nation Israel by Russia and Iran?
“And you, son of man,
prophesy to the mountains of Israel,
and say, O mountains of Israel,
hear the Word of the Lord.
Thus says the Lord God:
Because the enemy said of you,
‘Aha!’ and,
‘The ancient heights (Golan?) have become OUR possession …’
(Ezekiel 36:1-2) Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL invade Israel
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel
–WFB Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: TURKEY, Russia, & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Israel Nat’l News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia, Turkey, & Iran WILL go to War against Israel Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem
–Israel Nat’l News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War
–Breaking Israel News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Times of Israel Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Israel Nat’l News Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Times of Israel Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
From …
“Og king of Bashan (Golan Heights) was a mighty and infamous Amorite king in the days of MOSES who fought the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. God granted the Israelites victory over King Og’s forces, and Moses and the Israelites possessed Bashan, a fruitful land east of the Jordan River. The victory was significant because of the fearsome strength of Og”… See Deuteronomy 3:1-11.
Any spiritual/demonic connection between the giant Og with Gog and Magog?
–Pravda (Russia) Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Koenig/Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–HalLindsey/Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–HalLindsey/Washington Examiner Prophecy: Russia, TURKEY, & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–War Zone Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia TURKEY, & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Times of Israel Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–War Zone Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia, Turkey, & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
Whatever may appear to happen here we know Turkey, Russia, and Iran will be allies at the time of this prophetic war … Prophecy: Lying & Deceiving will wax Worse and Worse
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Syria Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Drudge/WFB Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel & Jerusalem Prophecy: GAZA!! Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars and Rumors of War
–Debkafile Prophecy: GOG of Magog … Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
War Council. Russia/Putin (and the War-planners in the Kremlin) control every move that Syria, Iran (and North Korea) make. Every Islamic terror group throughout the World is directed and controlled by Russia (and many don’t even know it). The Serpent is coiling.
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Syria Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Koenig/Jerusalem Post Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Israel Nat’l News Prophecy: Russia & Iran Prophecy: Syria Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War
–Debkafile Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War Prophecy: Iraq Prophecy: Damascus Syria will be Utterly Destroyed Prophecy: Israel Prophecy: Wars & Rumors of War