German Leader Angela Merkel Stands By Her Decision To Support  Iran

–BBC News     Prophecy: GERMANY, Russia, & Iran will attack Israel      Prophecy: Syria      Prophecy: Israel

GERMAN CHANCELLOR Angela Merkel served as Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Young Communists at Marx-Lenin University in East Berlin after growing up and prospering in East Germany under Soviet education and indoctrination … and Russia’s Vladimir Putin was once the powerful KGB Commander of East German operations (while he lived there) and he still speaks fluent German.

The question is who actually won the Cold-War?

For at least four decades the global Marxist-Socialist slogan has been “USE Democracy to DESTROY Democracy.” Gorbachev tore down the Berlin Wall … then a generation of Russian-Marxist educated (indoctrinated) East Germans flooded the West German voter rolls. Pro-US German parties and politicians were quickly defeated, and Germany (our once strong ally) swiftly turned toward Russia and away from the U.S. on all major global issues.

Encyclopedias will tell you Germany’s ancient (and Biblical) name was “Gomer.”

IN BIBLE PROPHECY we find “Gomer” listed as one of the nations who will join the Russia-Iran led attack and invasion against Israel in Ezekiel 38.

Iran Fired Large Missile From Syria Targeting Civilians In Israel’s Golan Heights Area

–Debkafile       Prophecy: Russia & Iran      Prophecy: Syria      Prophecy: Israel

Ezekiel 38-39 prophetically warns of a coming invasion of Israel by Russia and Iran … Does this passage in Ezekiel 36 warn of an event concerning the “ancient heights” (Golan?) which will help trigger this coming war of the ages (which will affect all Mankind)?


“And you, son of man,
prophesy to the mountains of Israel,
and say, O mountains of Israel,
hear the Word of the Lord.
Thus says the Lord God:
Because the enemy said of you,
‘Aha!’ and,
‘The ancient heights have become our possession …’
(Ezekiel 36:1-2)


“How can Israel (Jacob) stand?
He is so small!!”
(Amos 7:4)     (The U.S. will be “neutralized”… Israel must stand alone … with God!!!)

Russian-Built Defense Shoots Down 7 Israeli Missiles In Syria

–Israel Nat’l News      Prophecy: Russia & Iran      Prophecy: Syria      Prophecy: Israel


The Bible warns Russia will act as a “GUARD” for Iran and its allies …

“Now the Word of the LORD came to me, saying,
‘Son of man, set your face against Gog  (a powerful leader),
of the land of Magog,  (RUSSIA!   The Hebrew word Magog is “Scythia” in Greek),
the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal,   (Meshech and Tubal … TURKEY)
and prophesy against him (Gog … the force leading Russia), and say,
Thus says the Lord GOD:
‘Behold, I (God) am against you, O Gog
(The powerful human or the dark angelic-demonic leader behind Russia),
the prince of Rosh,
Meshech, and Tubal.  (TURKEY!)
(We have waited many years to see Turkey turn from NATO toward Russia-Iran)
I (GOD) will turn you (RUSSIA) around,
Put hooks into your jaws,
(Israel’s huge new “Leviathan” gas fields or oil discoveries in Golan may be the “bait”)
and lead you out,
with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed,
a great company with bucklers and shields,
ALL of them handling swords (weapons).   (Russia will form a powerful coalition)
IRAN (Persia),   (Iran is listed first, meaning it will be the lead ally)
SUDAN (“Cush”… often translated ‘Ethiopia’),
and LIBYA (northern Africa) are with them,
all of them with shield and helmet.
GERMANY … (“Gomer”… this ancient name also included an area around France)
and all its troops;
The house of Togarmah  (ARMENIA)
from the far north and all its troops –
many people are with you.
(This is not the final Battle of Armageddon … it prepares the way for Armageddon)
and be ready,
you and all your companies that are gathered about you;
AND BE A GUARD FOR THEM.”    (Russia will act as a guard for Iran and its allies)
(Ezekiel 38:1-7)

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