Three Russian Nuclear-Attack Submarines Break Through Arctic Ice At The Same Time

–Pravda  (Russia)      Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War … From the “utter parts of the North”

Now, take a moment to consider Russia’s military claim and active occupation of the Arctic and the North pole and compare it to God’s prophetic description of the nation which will act as the lead aggressor against Israel in this terrible and upcoming prophetic war described in Ezekiel 38 & 39.


“Therefore, son of man, prophesy, and say to Gog,
Thus says the Lord God:
On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?
You will come from your place
you and many peoples with you,
all of them riding on horses,
a great host, a mighty army.
You will come up against My people Israel, (not a good idea)
like a cloud covering the Land.
In the latter days (A prophecy far in the future from Ezekiel’s time …)
I will bring you against My Land, (God tells us Israel is His Land which He gave to Israel)
that the nations may know Me,
when through you, O Gog,
I vindicate My Holiness before their eyes.” (When God Himself will intervene)
(Ezekiel 38:14-16)

“Thus says the Lord GOD:
Behold, I am against you, O Gog,
chief prince of Meshech and Tubal.
And I will turn you about and drive you forward,
and bring you up from
and lead you against the mountains of Israel.”
(Ezekiel 39:1)

Check a Map: Russia, Moscow, the Arctic, and the North Pole (which Russia now claims) ARE the “Utter parts of the North” from Jerusalem!

China Ignores US Embargo, Buys 40 Percent Of Iran’s Oil … Alaska Encounter Ends On Jarring Note

–Debkafile      Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind      Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL go to War

The next two things Biden and the Democrat Party aim to “topple” are America’s Economy and Military … Biden-Putin-Xi-Pope will use deception to position the US into position to accomplish these two next objectives against the United States of America.  My guess is since they now have control over our Executive-Judicial-Legislative Branches of Government for at least the next two years they will now move very quickly.  Biden’s role is to appear “anti-Russia” and “anti-China” while actually coordinating with them.

America’s power, freedoms, and Democracy must be “neutralized” by an evil alliance such as this to prepare the World for the upcoming global “calamities” which God has warned of through His many Bible Prophecies.  Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: The Generation of Armageddon … “TRAITORS”

Biden Administration “Pleased” That the European Union DROPPED Its Censure Of Iran

–Debkafile      Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack Israel … US will NOT help defend Israel      Prophecy: 10 Nations of the Roman Empire will reunite

In his first 60 days Biden has proven himself a trusted ally of Iran, Russia, (and China) … while he has snubbed Israel, Saudi Arabia, and our other Middle-East allies.

Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic … and any “friend” of the Roman Pope is an enemy of Israel.

The most powerful (and evil) alliance of dark power in the History of Mankind is now rising (with the tiny nation of Israel in its cross-hairs) …

Rome/Pope + Russia/Putin + Iran/Ayatollah + China/Xi + USA/Biden (and his Democrat Party)

Biden will try to trick the world into believing he is helping Israel against Russia/Iran as he subtly places our military in grave danger.

Russia, Iran, and allies will then attack and invade Israel … and they will fail.

Then Rome/Antichrist will unite ALL of the armies of the World (including China) against Israel (after a false “peace plan” is enforced) … and they will fail.

The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon.

Almost all life (including human beings) upon the whole Earth will be utterly destroyed within a short 7-year period of time.

The time draws near … Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: The coming Rapture … the timely Escape

Biden Suspends Sale Of Advanced F-35 Fighter-Jets To UAE

–Jerusalem Post      Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack and invade Israel       Israel & Jerusalem:  A Prophetic Pattern To Consider

Why?  Because Joe Biden (exactly like Obama), will do everything to help protect and strengthen Iran and Russia while turning away from and weakening our Middle-East allies who are trying to protect themselves from Iran and Russia.

Don’t listen to what the Democrats say … but watch what they do.

The time draws near …  America will be “Neutralized” 

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