Turning Eyes Toward Israel? Russian Ambassador To Syria Warns, “Israel Is Provoking Us To React”

–Koenig/Jerusalem Post      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized”      Prophecy: Damascus Syria

Bible Prophecy tells us God will “Place hooks in the jaws” of Russia to bring them down into Israel …

With Putin’s obsession with Oil and Gas and his now desperate need for money to fill his war-drained Treasury, what more enticing “fishing lures” than little Israel’s massive Gas fields off its coast and the huge Oil Deposits discovered in the Golan Heights back in 2016 (which get very little publicity these days) could there be?

Israel’s Massive Leviathan Gas Field Begins Production Offshore
Dec 30, 2019 — Noble Energy began production 31 December from its huge Leviathan natural gas project offshore Israel, the latest milestone in turning that ..

Huge Oil Discovery on the Golan Heights! – MJAA
Jul 28, 2016 — What could make the Golan Heights even more valuable to Israel? How about the discovery of a huge oil deposit?

Major oil reserve said found on Golan | The Times of Israel
Oct 7, 2015 — Three drilling sites on the Golan have uncovered what is potentially billions of barrels of oil, enough to fulfill the Israeli market’s 270,000- ..

“I (GOD) will turn you (Russia) around,
And lead you out”
(Ezekiel 38:4)


–Israel Today      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages      Prophecy: Damascus (Syria)

Russia also just started joint military AIR patrols along Israel’s border recently this year …

From the Article:
(Note the word “Occupied” used describing Israel just like Russia used with “Ukraine”)

Photo: Israel Today Clip From Russian Video

“Russia media published a video of Russian military units patrolling the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967.

“The video shows soldiers and vehicles patrolling the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Some Russian soldiers wore combat uniforms with the letter “Z” printed on them, and military vehicles were also painted with the letter “Z”, a symbol used by Russia to identify its forces in their “special military operation” against Ukraine.”



–Drudge/Daily Star  (UK)    Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: Knowledge and Travel will increase around “The Time of the End”    Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages

All According To Plan …

This may be a final “field test” before using these new, advanced, NUCLEAR CAPABLE, “unstoppable” hyper-sonic missiles for their designed (and intended) purpose.

It appears Biden (at the urging of his Roman Pope) has purposely clustered our Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups in the small Mediterranean, and is currently purposely provoking Russia/Putin in order to give them “a plausible excuse” to unleash these new deadly hyper-sonic missiles against our American forces … time will tell.  Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast

The Time Draws Near …

“When you SEE these things,
Know that it is near —
At the DOOR!!!”  Prophecy: The coming Rapture
(Mark 13:29)   Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Biden Warns Xi Of “Consequences” If China Supports Russia

–Fox News       Prophecy: Lying, Deceiving, and BEING DECEIVED “in the last days”      Prophecy: We are warned the Generation of the end will be characterized by … “TRAITORS”   (Among the list of traits marking the Generation of Armageddon).

This is all pre-scripted and Biden is simply reading his lines while playing the role he has been assigned in this world-changing drama as it unfolds.

It appears Biden (and the Democrat Party) WANT a War as we watch Biden doing everything he is told in order to “provoke” a Russia-China strike against us without having to go through Congress to Declare War.

All FOUR … Russia-China-Pope-Biden (Democrat Party) … have a common goal … irreparably cripple the American Economy and Military so badly that America will no longer be able to hinder our enemies’ global expansion plans … and then declare Martial Law with dictator-like powers in order to destroy America’s Democracy, Freedom, and Rule of Law from within.

The coming Great RESET our Democrat Party and Global Leaders have been boasting about requires the United States of America be “neutralized” as a global power.

This matches those things Bible Prophecies warn we would see around the time of the coming Apocalypse.

The Time Draws Near …

WATCH therefore,
and pray ALWAYS
that you MAY be counted
worthy to ESCAPE  Prophecy: The coming Rapture
all these things
that WILL come to pass.”  Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
(Luke 21:36)   Who Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven

We are not worthy … it is all through our faith and trust in HIS (Jesus Christ’s) worthiness!!!

Russia Warns US: “We Have The Might To Put You In Your Place”

–Koenig/Reuters      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America WILL be ‘Neutralized”      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church


  • The Bible says Russia, Iran, Turkey, Armenia, and allies will one day attack ISRAEL
  • The Bible says no nation will help defend Israel (so America must be “neutralized”)
  • The Bible says Russia will act as a “guard” for its allies
  • The Bible says GOD will utterly destroy this invading army (only 1/6th will survive)
  • The Bible is silent concerning what will happen with Russia in Ukraine
  • The Bible says BEING deceived will be a sign the time of the end draws near
  • The Bible says after Russia rises/falls 10 Provinces of the Roman Empire will reunite
  • The Bible says TWO leaders (“Beasts”) will rise out of Rome “in the last days”
  • The Bible says these two Leaders will ruthlessly rule over the whole World
  • The Bible says one “Beast” will be a POLITICAL Leader (like Charlemagne)
  • The Bible says the other “Beast” will be a RELIGIOUS Leader (like the Pope)
  • The Bible says Rome must rise (so America must fall as a free nation)
  • The US Presidency, Congress, Supreme Court are all now led by Roman Catholics
  • By Roman Church law they are compelled to be obedient to the Pope (a Dictator)
  • Worldwide there are 1.3 BILLION Roman Catholics professing obedience to the Pope
  • Each has been (unbiblically) taught to believe the Roman Pope is “Christ” on Earth
  • Please understand the title “Pontifex Maximus” is not Christian
  • It was the blasphemous title given to the high priest in the ancient Babylonian religion
  • It was later adopted for the high priest (and ‘Caesars’) in ancient Rome’s pagan religion
  • Now, please consider another one of the Roman Pope’s titles, “The Vicar of Christ” …

The exact same original Greek word used for “Antichrist” in the English Bible would be directly translated into Latin as “The VICAR of Christ”!!

From Wikipedia:

Antichrist is translated from the combination of two ancient Greek words ἀντί + Χριστός (anti + Christos). In Greek, Χριστός means “anointed one” (Messiah) and the word Christ derives from it. “Ἀντί” means not only anti in the sense of “against” and “opposite of”, but also “in place of”.” 

The Time draws near …  Prophecy: The coming Antichrist

BATTLEFRONT: NATO Masses 30,000 European Troops & 50 Warships For Huge War Games On Russia’s Border

–Drudge/Sun  (UK)     Prophecy: An Unholy Roman Empire will Rise at the time of the End      Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War

The Bible clearly warns there will be TWO great (and evil) Powers rise at “The Time of the End” …

Russia and Rome!!!

We are then told Russia (and allies) will be destroyed (by God) in an ill-fated invasion of Israel … after which Rome (and the coming World Leader sometimes called the “Antichrist”) called “The Beast” will immediately rise to fill the Global vacuum of Power.

With 1.2 BILLION Roman Catholics around the world who are loyal to the Pope (and have been taught to believe he is God/Jesus on Earth), the Roman Church has already divided the World into 3,171 Roman Provinces (“ecclesiastical jurisdictions”), and has “Governors” (Cardinals and Bishops) already in place (and the highest echelons of the Roman Church view cathedrals as “military outposts”).

Current Map of Roman Provinces

This coming World Power rising out of Rome is described as the most horrific and cruel of all empires who have ever ruled on Earth.  Study: Number of Bible-Believing Protestants Killed By Roman Popes

The leader based in Rome will be the “Dictator of Dictators” … there will soon be no free true Democratic republics left on Earth after the freedoms and Constitutional protections of America fall (from enemies both within and without).  Prophecy: We are warned the Generation of the end will be characterized by … “TRAITORS”   (Among the list of traits marking the Generation of Armageddon).

China will also rise “at the time of the end.”  We are told China will one day invade the Middle-East while unleashing weapons which will destroy 1/3 of ALL Mankind, but it will be under the grid of the global Economic power of Rome.  Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind

When some charismatic world leader (like Ukraine’s Zelensky) quickly rises in meteoric power and then one day appears to be “resurrected” from a deadly head wound (probably from an assassination attempt) … TREMBLE!!!  Prophecy: The coming Antichrist

America will fall under the control of Rome (as will all of the European nations) with the help of Russia before Russia will one day face God in Israel.

Captured Russian Troops Insist The REAL Target Is The “USA”

–Drudge/NY Post      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages

From Chess.com – The 10 Best Chess Moves Of All Time:

#10 Kholmov’s Combination Against Bronstein
#9 Sanz’ Shocking Endgame Sacrifice
#8 Edward Lasker’s Stunning Queen Sacrifice For Mate
#7 An Amazing Bishop Endgame
#6 Bura’s Desperado Sacrifice
#5 Geller’s Rook And Pawn Endgame
#4 Vladimirov’s Thunderbolt
#3 Marshall’s Legendary Move
#2 Meier’s Spectacular Sacrifice
#1 Shirov’s Jaw-Dropping Bishop Sacrifice

Until Now …

The NEW #1:  “Pope Vladimir Biden’s Prophetic Ukrainian Endgame Sacrifice”

It fits the Rise of RUSSIA-ROME-TRAITORS prophecies found in the Bible …

The “Endgame”:  Eliminate America … invade Israel … control the World … “Check”

However, they will ALL one day find our Lord Jesus Christ (God) has lured them into HIS final “Checkmate”…  Prophecies of Jesus Christ (Messiah’s) Return

Chevron CEO Says ISRAEL Gas Pipeline Could Supply Europe

–Jerusalem Post      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized”

What will Russia’s MOTIVE be to invade Israel???

– Russia/Putin desperately needs cash money to fund his huge and deadly War Machine (to buy tanks, missiles, submarines, fighter-jets, warships, and nuclear warheads) in order to one day invade and conquer the oil rich Middle-East.

– Putin is (and always has been) OBSESSED with Oil & Gas (and gold)

– Putin now supplies Europe with Russian natural gas which helps fill its military coffers

– Putin will NOT allow Israel to compete against him in Europe

“Hooks in the Jaws” …

GREED will place the “hooks in the jaws” that will pull Russia and its allies down to attack and invade Israel …

“I (GOD) will turn you (RUSSIA) around,
(Israel’s massive “Leviathan” gas fields may be the “bait”)
and lead you out …

“Sheba (Saudi Arabia), Dedan (Kuwait),
(Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will not join this invasion)
The merchants of Tarshish  (may be England),
and all their young lions (may be former colonies like Canada, Australia, and the US)
Will say to you,
‘Have you come to take plunder?    (Greed, envy, and arrogance will fuel this invasion)
Have you gathered your army to take booty,
to carry away silver and gold,
to take away livestock and goods, to take great PLUNDER?’”’

“On that Day when My people Israel are dwelling securely, will you not know it?
You (Gog/Magog/Russia) will come from your place
(Putin now claims the Arctic and the North Pole are part of Russia) …



–World Tribune/GT      Prophecy: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”

Something to consider concerning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine …

Russia/Putin desperately needs cash money to fund his huge and deadly War Machine (to buy tanks, missiles, submarines, fighter-jets, warships, and nuclear warheads) in order to one day invade and conquer the oil rich Middle-East.

– He is (and always has been) OBSESSED with Oil & Gas (and gold).

– Russia now supplies most of Europe with natural gas which helps fill its military coffers

– Since the 2008 Recession Gas prices have been very low

– These lower Gas prices have hurt Russia enormously

– Higher gas prices mean a more powerful army for Putin

– One of the results of this War is HIGHER gas prices (which means billions in additional revenues for Putin)

– Gas Prices (like any product) are a function of Competition

– In the Oil & Gas world Competition come from TWO areas:

1. Nuclear Energy
2. Global Oil & Gas Competitors & Supply

– Nuclear Energy: There was a high level of speculation after the Chernobyl disaster years ago that it was a Russia-planned sabotage which shut down the growth of nuclear power stations in Europe (and around the World) and quickly placed Europe under the dependency of RUSSIAN supplied gas for Western Europe’s vast energy needs … (the main objective of this current invasion may simply be the recent capture and control over Ukraine’s Nuclear Power Station (the largest in Europe).

– Oil & Gas Competitors and Supply:

1. Biden’s Policy of shutting down America’s Oil & Gas Pipelines (and new exploration) while approving Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline transfers BILLIONS of dollars OUT of America and INTO Russia’s military coffers.

2. Biden ALSO just recently came out against ISRAEL’S new Gas pipeline which would pump and sell gas into Europe in DIRECT COMPETITION to Russia (which Putin will NOT allow)

As a note, these MASSIVE Gas fields which Israel recently discovered (and named “Leviathan” which is another study in itself) could very well be the “hooks in the jaw” (Ezekiel 38 prophecy) which the Bible warns will draw Russia down to invade Israel

– Everything Biden (earlier Obama/Biden) has done ALWAYS helps Russia (and Iran) and always hurts America and our allies (Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc.)

– Also remember Bible Prophecy warns the Generation which would rise at the time of Armageddon will be marked and characterized by “TRAITORS”

– Putin is also a military strategist and knows if he controls Israel’s strategic coast he can control the whole Mediterranean and it’s surrounding nations

– In the Ezekiel prophecy God has the surrounding nations (who are non-Russian allies) asking “are you (Russia) coming to take spoil?”

– Putin/Russia is driven by Power and Greed (and Fear)

– It does all appear to be falling into place quickly  Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon      Prophecy: The coming Rapture … the WAY of ESCAPE!!!


–Pravda  (Russia)      Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Although filled with Russian propaganda, this article does clearly present the REAL AND PRESENT DANGER of a pre-emptive and devastating Russian Nuclear Attack …

From the Article …

“Western politicians and the UN refused to heed reality …

  • You do not surround a nuclear armed country with foreign armies
  • You do not fund and arm aggressive nationalists in bordering countries
  • You do not threaten to destroy their economy with sanction blockades
  • You do not isolate a nuclear power whilst cheering for its collapse
  • You listen to its concerns and reach an agreement BEFORE it’s too late!!”

“The surprise factor in all this is why it took President Putin so long to respond …

” Is Mr. Putin putting his nuclear forces on high alert a distraction? Is he bluffing??”

From Bible Prophecy …

“And I (God) will send a fire on Magog (Russia and allies)
AND among them that dwell confidently in the Coastlands (far away places);
(Some think this might describe a nuclear exchange with America)
And they shall know that I am the Lord.”
(Ezekiel 39:6)  Prophecy: The coming Rapture

The Time Draws Near …

Russia’s NUCLEAR Forces Placed On High Alert (“Combat Readiness”)

–Jerusalem Post       Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War (America will be ‘Neutralized’ BEFORE Russia (Magog) Attacks ISRAEL)

–  Prophecy: The coming Rapture
–  WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven
–  What DOES The Bible Say About ‘Hell’

From the Article …

“It is unclear what Putin’s endgame is for the conflict.”

From Bible Prophecy …
Russia’s (Magog’s) “endgame” is to ultimately invade Israel (and control her massive Leviathan Gas Fields and her strategic Mediterranean coastline) … and to neutralize America so the U.S. will not (or cannot) help Israel … or any other nation.

However … Russia and her allies will run into the GOD of ISRAEL … and will leave 5/6 of their invading forces dead and rotting on the hills and mountains of Israel.

AND THEN AFTER RUSSIA:  Soon after all this takes place is when (it appears) “THE BEAST” will quickly rise out of ROME to fill the Russia-America power vacuum, by first forming a powerful coalition of 10 nations/regions of the ancient Roman Empire, and then arrogantly triggering the utter destruction of almost all living things (including Mankind) on planet Earth!!  Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Prophecy: The Woman Who Rides The Beast      Prophecy: The coming Antichrist (or “pseudo”-Messiah)      Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

Pope Makes Surprise Visit To Russia’s Embassy in Vatican City

–ABC News/MG      Prophetic Rise of Rome & The Roman Church      Roman Church and NAZI Germany: An Unholy Alliance

What “church” hosts Embassies on its property??!!

The Roman Church (Vatican City) is a NATION (or Empire) with a Secretary of State and ambassadors … and a Dictator (the Pope) … who has a powerful secret army and spy network (the Jesuits) with global military outposts and commanding generals (“Cathedrals” and “Bishops” … “Cardinals”) all around the World!!

Now consider this extremely important Bible Prophecy from the book of Daniel which is expanded upon in the Book of Revelation (the “Beast”) …

“After this I saw in the night visions,
and behold, a fourth beast, (The Roman Empire)
dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong.
It had huge iron teeth;
it was devouring, breaking in pieces,
and trampling the residue with its feet.
It was different from all the beasts
that were before it,
and it had ten horns.
(10 nations which were part of the Old Roman Empire)
I was considering the horns,
(10 nations of the Roman Empire)
and there was another horn,
a LITTLE one, (A SMALL nation)
coming up among them,
(which would become a nation much later)
before whom three of the first horns  Prophecy: An (Unholy) Roman Empire will Rise
were plucked out by the roots.
And there, in this horn, (Vatican City … ROME!)
were eyes like the eyes of a man,
and a mouth speaking pompous words.”  Prophecy: The Antichrist
(Daniel 7:7-8)

Something to consider …

It is interesting to note that the “11th horn” is sometimes called the “little horn” (nation).

Vatican City is the smallest nation on Earth (only 109 acres in total size) with a population of only around 800 people, and it sits in Rome.

Yet, it rules over 1.3 BILLION people and receives Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, and Ambassadors from every nation (many of whom bow or kiss the hand of the Roman Pope … the Dictator … THE “Godfather” of the Roman Mafia).

Also, the prophecy above warns, “And another (the 11th horn) shall rise AFTER them.

Even though most of the nations from the ancient Roman Empire have been around for many, many, many years … Vatican City did not become a nation until 1929 when the Roman Pope and the fascist Dictator of Italy (Mussolini) struck a deal.

The time draws near ….

Russia (Magog) Now Assails ISRAEL Over Golan Heights

–Times of Israel/MG      Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL INVADE ISRAEL … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages

Ezekiel 38-39 prophetically warns of a coming invasion of Israel by Russia and Iran …
Does this passage in Ezekiel 36 warn of an event concerning the “ancient heights” (Golan??!!) which will help trigger this coming war of the ages (which will affect all Mankind)?

“And you, son of man,
prophesy to the mountains of Israel,
and say, O mountains of Israel,
hear the Word of the Lord.
Thus says the Lord God:
Because the ENEMY said of you,
‘AHA!’ and,
‘The ancient heights have become OUR possession …’
(Ezekiel 36:1-2)

The “Ancient Heights” …

The Golan Heights are in the area of ancient “Bashan” which was among the first lands which God gave to Israel.

From GotQuestions.org …

Og king of Bashan (Golan Heights) was a mighty and infamous Amorite king in the days of MOSES who fought the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. God granted the Israelites victory over King Og’s forces, and Moses and the Israelites possessed Bashan, a fruitful land east of the Jordan River. The victory was significant because of the fearsome strength of Og”… See Deuteronomy 3:1-11.


Any spiritual/demonic connection between the giant Og with Gog and Magog?


–Koenig/Reuters/MG       Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages


Report from Debkafile (Israeli Intelligence Site) …

“Vladimir Putin early Thursday, Feb. 24, announced a special military operation in the Donbas “to demilitarize” the region, amid unconfirmed reports of a huge seaborne landing in the Black Sea port of Odessa. Explosions were heard in Kyiv, Mariupol, Odessa, Lvov and Kharkiv

Unconfirmed reports said that Russian forces had destroyed or rendered unusable the Ukrainian navy and taken control of Boryspil Airport in Kiev. Other reports spoke of a huge seaborne landing in Odessa involving large landing craft and helicopters shortly after dawn. Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea and Azov Sea was cut off.

Ukraine was on Wednesday placed on a war footing and a state of emergency declared; 200,000 military reservists called up; border areas restricted and citizens given right to arm themselves.

Announcing this in an address to the nation, Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky spoke from his personal mobile phone. This is taken to indicate either that he has left Kyiv and may be on his way to a safe place offered him by the |Americans, or that he is cut off from access to national TV and radio studios.

According to the latest updates on Thursday, Russian forces are also pushing into Ukraine from Belarus and advancing westward. Local reporters add that the town of Lvov is under missile attack. The Russian military announced, “The military infrastructure of Ukrainian military air bases has been put out of action. The air defenses of the armed forces of Ukraine have been neutralized.””

Russian Missile Cruisers Move Into Battle Position Against U.S. and NATO Aircraft Carrier Groups in the Mediterranean

–Drudge/USNI.org       Bible Prophecy: Russia and allies WILL go to War … America will be ‘Neutralized” … A prophetic War of the Ages

From the Report:

Three Russian guided-missile cruisers have been arrayed across the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to counter three NATO carrier strike groups, causing concern in the Pentagon, a U.S. defense official told USNI News on Tuesday.

The Pentagon is also sending more forces to NATO’s eastern front.

These forces include an infantry battalion of 800 troops heading to the Baltics, the repositioning of eight F-35 Lighting II Joint Strike Fighters further east, 20 AH-64 attack helicopters moving to the Baltics region and 12 AH-64 helicopters heading to Poland, according to a senior defense official.

200 Years Ago Jewish Rabbi Wrote: “When You Hear The Russians Have Captured The City of CRIMEA, The ‘Times of the Messiah’ Have Started”

–Destination Israel      Prophecies of Messiah’s Return      Prophecy: The coming Rapture       Prophecy: The Apocalypse & Armageddon

Russia DID recently capture Crimea and is now using it as a strategic military base of operations against Ukraine (and then the whole Middle-East and Europe) … However, the God of Israel will personally destroy them (and their allies) when they foolishly enter Israel …  Bible Prophecy: Russia & Iran WILL attack (and invade) Israel … America will be ‘neutralized’ (Israel will stand alone – with GOD!!!)A coming War of the Ages


China Would Back Russia ‘Diplomatically’ Against Ukraine

–Jerusalem Post    Prophecy: China will destroy 1/3 of Mankind       Bible Prophecy: Russia WILL go to War … America will be “neutralized” … A coming War of the Ages      Prophecy: An Unholy Roman Empire will Rise at the time of the End

Ukraine is to Russia (in their warplans against eastern Europe and the Middle-East) as Taiwan is to China (in their warplans against Asia and the Pacific), as America is to Rome (and their warplans against North/South America, western Europe, and eventually the whole World) … they will all carefully coordinate and cover each other’s backs … each will play its own prophetic role … the Time draws near.


–Pravda  (Russia)      Prophecy:  Wars & Rumors of War      America will be “Neutralized”… Israel must Stand Alone … a coming War of the Ages

We may soon find out whether this is a negotiating ploy or a real threat.

Russia (and China) may be feeling “Check-Mate” is near in their global (and decades long) board game … and Russia will NOT launch unless it is absolutely confident in knowing what Biden’s (America’s) next move (response) will be, and that their (Russia and China’s) safety and security will be assured.

As a note, our top General Mark Milley is also an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose absolute allegiance and obedience lie with following orders from the Roman Pope (and not our Constitution) … he was also caught calling China concerning military matters which many felt was a breach of national security while aiding the enemy.

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