US CENTCOM Chief Warns Iran Has Gained Air Superiority Over Israel Through Their Fleet Of New Kamikaze Drones

–Debkafile  (Israel)

This prophetic war must take place AFTER Israel was re-gathered in her Land (1948) …

“After many days you will be visited.    (Meaning, this would happen far from Ezekiel’s time)
In the latter years you (Russia-Iran-Turkey)
will come into the land of those brought back from the sword  (Israel!)
and gathered from many people
on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate
(This war will happen after Israel regathered in 1948)
they (the children of Israel)
were brought out of the nations,  (Plural … this is not the return from Babylon)
and now all of them dwell safely.
You will ascend, coming like a storm,
covering the land (of Israel) like a cloud,  (Drones, massive missile barrages?)
you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”
(Ezekiel 38:8-10)

Special Operations Forces Evacuate U.S. Embassy Personnel From Sudan

–War Zone

For those who take God’s Word seriously (and know the coming “Apocalypse” could never happen UNTIL Israel became a nation again in 1948 with Jerusalem re-united as its Capital in 1967 after 2,500 years), this Headline was predictable (which seems unlikely because just recently Sudan joined the Abraham Accords and became an ally of Israel) …


Because the BIBLE warns SUDAN (“Cush” … translated incorrectly as “Ethiopia” in many Bibles) will JOIN Iran, Russia, and Turkey in their attack against Israel, just as the political ramifications of this headline will soon support.

The Time draws near …

Why Is Everyone Silent Concerning Russian Hypersonic Missile Strike On NATO Bunker In Ukraine Which “Annihilated” As Many As 160 NATO Officers?

–Pravda  (Russia)

America currently has no defense against the latest generation of Russian and Chinese Hypersonic Missiles.

Russia’s Advanced Yasen-M Submarine Will Fire Hypersonic Weapons in 2025

–Warrior Maven

The U.S. military currently has nothing that can defend against this weapon.

The first thing Obama did after taking office was to stop NASA’s missile and rocket development efforts which is EXACTLY what Russia and China needed to leap ahead of America in the hyper-sonic missile development race in order to leave us defenseless against this grave threat.

Russia Says Russia and U.S. Are Now In “Hot Phase Of War”

–RaptureReady/National News

Yet, Roman Catholic President Joe Biden has depleted our strategic national/military petroleum reserves (and is not refilling with extremely low oil/gas prices today) and is depleting our military’s strategic Ammunition Reserves …

IRAN Initiates Multi-Front War Against ISRAEL

–Jerusalem Post

From today’s Daily Bible Reading:

You Must Be Ready
“Stay dressed for action and keep your lamps burning,
and be like men who are waiting
for their Master to come home from the wedding feast,
so that they may open the door to Him at once
when He comes and knocks.
Blessed are those servants
whom the Master finds awake when He comes.
Truly, I say to you,
He will dress Himself for service
and have them recline at table,
and He will come and serve them.”

(Luke 12:35-37)

Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi Complete Talks In The Kremlin

–TASS  (Russia)

These weren’t just casual meetings … this was a “War Council.”

The last two times these two leaders met (during the past two Olympics in China), war quickly followed.

Also, where is the global outrage after these two countries wrested control over Burma (Myanmar) and immediately turned it into a Marxist-Socialist police state?

Biden’s Secy of State Blinken: China Brokering Of The Anti-Israel Iran & Saudi Accord Is A “GOOD Thing”

–RaptureReady/World Israel News

This also shows Biden and the Democrats are standing with our enemies (Iran and China) rather than with our allies Israel and Saudi Arabia (who accepted this “accord” with Iran-China to protect themselves because Biden had turned his back against Saudi Arabia … AND ISRAEL!!).  Prophecies: The Generation of Armageddon will be marked by … “TRAITORS”

“I (God) will bless those who bless you (Israel)
and will curse those who curse you”
(Genesis 12:3)

Russian Ships Immediately At US Drone Crash Site In Black Sea (Includes Drone’s Video of “Attack”)

–Fox News


This year the BIBLICAL “New Year 2023” Begins on March 23, 2023 (on both the Modern Jewish Calendar AND on the Ancient Jewish “Dead Sea Scrolls” Calendar)

We find this “New Years Day” given in Exodus where God tells Moses,

“This month (the month of Passover … Nisan in Babylonian and Abib in Hebrew)
shall be for you the beginning of months.
It shall be the first month of the year for you.”
(Exodus 12:2)

From Russia: “Russia and China Conclude Three Agreements To TOPPLE The US Dollar”

–Pravda  (Russia)

For the first two years after the COVID attack was launched the Roman Pope controlled the White House (Biden), Congress (Pelosi), and the Supreme Court (Roberts and all the other Catholic Justices) who are ALL empowered Romans (Catholics) who owe their loyalty and the Roman Pope (their “king”) and NOT to America or our Constitution.

The COVID deception was just “Phase 1” with the destruction of our Economy, then Military, and then our Constitution soon to follow …

The Socialist Democrat Party IS their “Trojan Horse” to destroy America as a free nation …

The Pope, Biden, Putin, and Xi are currently right on schedule with their global plan and timeline (which coincidentally falls exactly within God’s timeline as written and found in Bible Prophecy) to “neutralize” America as a threat … 

Ukraine Unable To Intercept Any Of The Largest Volley Of Russian “Hypersonic” Missiles (And Aircraft-Carrier Destroyers) Ever Launched

–War Zone

Note:  There is a possibility this could be a final “field test” for these currently unstoppable hyper-sonic missiles before Russia (with China) takes the Ukraine War into an escalated “next phase” where America, England, NATO may be included.

Iran Has Sent Russia Over “100 Million Rounds” Of Ammo

–Jerusalem Post

The Socialist (“Leftist” Roman-Marxist) disruption now taking place in Israel is no accident as God prepares Israel (the nation that has once again turned its back on His Word) for its final Great test, judgment, and Tribulation by stirring up the enemies of God/Israel (Russia-Iran-Biden-Pope) who will begin to fulfill His Holy Word (just as He stirred up the Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans at the times of Israel’s earlier rebellions against Him and His Word) …

Russia Suspends Landmark Nuclear Arms Treaty With U.S. After Biden Visits Ukraine


Bible Prophecy warns “Lying, Deceiving, and BEING DECEIVED” will characterize the Generation which would rise “in the last days” around the time of the Apocalypse …

Starting with the unconstitutional Covid lock-down, to then what might possibly have been a well-planned and coordinated manipulation of the last Presidential election in order to boost Roman Catholic Joe Biden into power (which a growing amount of documented evidence appears to support), to Biden pro-actively escalating America’s role in Ukraine which has now dangerously depleted our military’s stores of weapons and ammunition, while intentionally provoking his long-standing socialist political allies Russia-China into an attack against America, ALL seems so perfectly scripted, orchestrated, and choreographed to simply be the result of an unexpected set of circumstances.

Russia’s Medvedev Warns: Biden “Swears Allegiance” To (Ukraine’s) Neo-Nazi Regime

–Pravda  (Russia)

Biden is an empowered Roman (Catholic) whose loyalty and obedience lies fully with the Roman Pope (who in the Roman Church “law” reigns over Biden as his “king” or “emperor”) and he must follow ALL of the Pope’s commands (and desires), or if not (according to the Roman Church unbiblical dogma and teachings) the Pope claims to have been given the authority to send him (Biden, Pelosi, Justice Roberts, Fauci, or anybody who refuses to obey) to Hell … for all eternity.

Other news articles have noted how Biden’s surprise visit “embraced” Ukraine while “shunning” Ohio as he offers another $500 Million in aid to Ukraine (with whom we have NO such treaty) and $0 to American citizens who pay taxes which are supposed to also help provide for the needs of our citizens when a disaster befalls a segment of our Society (these same taxes which Biden has been freely spending to help support citizens of other nations such as Ukraine and China) …


From Russia: How Russia’s FSB (Formerly the KGB) “Embraced Religion” In Face Of The Ukraine War

–Moscow Times

If you do your history homework you will find the war in Ukraine IS a “religious war” …

Russia may represent the early “EASTERN/Greek Roman Church” (which migrated to Russia/Moscow when the Islamics began to threaten Constantinople a few hundred years ago).  The Greek/Eastern “orthodox” church retained its belief that IT was the head of all “churches” (after Roman Emperor Constantine corrupted the early church) and that is why it has called its rulers “Tsars” (also spelled “Czars”) which means “Caesars”

Interesting comparison of Russian leader Medvedev and the last Russian “Tsar”:

Russia’s Medvedev & Tsar Nicholas II

Ukraine may represent the early “WESTERN/Latin Roman Church”
whose leader Zelensky was originally urged to run for President by Canada’s empowered Roman (Catholic) leader Trudeau.  This is why Roman (Catholic) empowered “notables” such as Biden, Pelosi, and even Sean Penn (Socialist Irish Catholic Hollywood activist) have provided such feverish and unwavering support for Ukraine in this war.

Note:  The Roman Church’s position as “Western” head was before the “Protestant” Church rose as a Western threat to the Roman Church and its Popes, which then took its current symbolic Middle position between Eastern/Russian “Orthodoxism” and Western “Protestantism,” both of which it (along with its shadowy and deadly Roman Jesuit forces) has sworn to devour (swallow up) and destroy.

The Roman Church’s “Holy Roman Empire” had its center of gravity in Germany, and that is why the German Ruler in WWI was called “Kaiser” which also stands for “Caesar.”

The Roman Pope has tried to present a “neutral” posture (since he is also allied with fellow Socialists Russia and China in Venezuela, Brazil and other Latin American countries) while secretly supporting Ukraine, while subtly using this as a stepping stone to weaken and then destroy America as a “protestant” nation and a free democracy.

IF the Ezra “3-Headed Eagle” prophecy is a foreshadowing of this conflict (and the East Head may represent Russia and the Greek “Orthodox” Church, the West Head may represent America/England and the “Protestant” church , and the Middle Head may represent the Latin/European Holy Roman Empire and the “Roman Catholic” church) then the end result of the Ukraine war will be that Russia will rebound and at some point redirect its ferocious war efforts into the Middle East and eventually into Israel (where its forces will be destroyed by God … Ezekiel 38-39), while America will be “neutralized” (as a free nation) and whose leadership will then be obedient to the Roman Pope and unwilling or unable to help defend Israel.

At that point, 10 nations/provinces of ancient “Rome” will quickly rise to fill the vacuum while a popular World Leader (“a man of peace” – the Antichrist) will also rise and be “revealed” when he enforces a peace treaty (covenant) with nation Israel who around this time will build a new Temple in Jerusalem.

Photo From Battlefield In Ukraine


If the current Ukraine War is a manifestation of the Rome-based Western LATIN-Roman church’s long-held enmity toward the now Russia-based Eastern GREEK-Roman church … It won’t be the only time they’ve launched an attack against the Eastern Greek-Roman church!!  (In addition to Rome-backed Nazi Germany’s attack against Russia in WWII). 


The “Fourth Crusade” was a Latin (Western) “church” expedition called by Pope Innocent III against the Greek (Eastern) “church” (that later moved to Russia) which culminated with the sack of Constantinople in April 1204 when the Roman Latin Crusader armies captured, looted, killed thousands, and destroyed parts of Constantinople, divided up the Byzantine Eastern “Orthodox” church territories among the Roman Pope’s Crusaders, and then crowned a new “Emperor” (who served the Latin Roman pope).

More about Pope Innocent III (1198-1216):

He was the “most powerful of all the Popes.” He claimed to be “Vicar of Christ,” “Vicar of God,” and “Supreme Sovereign over the Church and the World.”

He claimed the right to depose Kings and Princes; and that “All things on Earth and in Heaven and in Hell — are subject to Popes, “the Vicar(s) of Christ.”  (See the prophecies and description of the coming Antichrist).

He brought the Roman “Church” into supreme control of the State. The Kings of Germany, France, England, and practically all the Monarchs of Europe, obeyed his will, and he brought the Byzantine Empire under his control (Our Founders included the “Separation of Church and State” provision in order to protect America from Roman Popes!!!)

Never in history has any one man exerted more power!  Pope Innocent III …

  • Ordered two Crusades
  • Decreed “Transubstantiation” (the un-biblical Roman Church’s “magic wafers”)
  • Confirmed Confession to priests  (to gather secret information to blackmail, destroy, and maintain power)
  • Declared Papal “Infallibility”  (For the first time in 1200 years of Church history he decided Popes are “infallible”)
  • Forbade the reading of the Bible in the vernacular  (Because the Bible reveals all of the Roman Church lies)
  • Ordered the Extermination of heretics (Christian “Protestants” … “Kill your enemy” and not “love your enemy”)
  • Instituted the Inquisition
  • Ordered the Massacre of the Albigenses  (200,000 – 1,000,000 people ruthlessly slaughtered by Popes)

More blood was shed under his direction, and that of his immediate successors, than in any other period of Christian Church history, except in the Roman Popes effort to crush the “Protestant” Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries.

One would think Nero, the Beast, had come to life disguised as a Christian!

Papal power was maintained by the Roman Church’s “Inquisition.”  

The Inquisition, called the “Holy Office” by the Roman Church was first instituted by Pope Innocent III, and perfected under the following Pope (Gregory IX) … and it is still alive today in the Roman Vatican.

In the period immediately following Pope Innocent III, the Inquisition did its most deadly work against the Albigenses — but also claimed vast multitudes of victims in Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.


  • “Who Were The Worst Popes in History? – Vatican Tours”  (A Catholic Site)
  • “The Bad Popes”  (Wikipedia)
  • “7 Worst Popes In The History of the Catholic Church”
    (The Catholic Talk Show … a Catholic Web-Site)

Also, just as the Apostle Paul praised the Bereans for “searching the Scriptures” to see if what they were hearing and being taught was true, it’s always best to “search the Scriptures” to see if any “Religion” (or “Revival”) is truly teaching Biblical Christianity that agrees 100% with the Word of God as found in the Bible … Prophecies: Churches will DEPART from the faith

Russia’s NEW Offensive Has Now Begun In Ukraine Says NATO Chief

–War Zone

From the Article:

“Because we see in what Russia does now is to send in thousands and thousands of more troops, accepting a very high rate of casualty, taking big losses, but putting pressure on the Ukrainians.”

“The war in Ukraine is consuming an enormous amount of ammunition and depleting allied (NATO and American) stocks. The current rate of Ukraine’s ammunition expenditure is many times higher than our current rate of production. This puts our defense industries under strain.”

Note:  Russia and China may use this American/NATO ammunition shortage to their advantage.

Massive Russian Offensive Coming

–Warrior Maven

Since Russia will play such a major role in upcoming Bible Prophecies and since they are now preparing for a much larger/broader and even more violent conflict, I don’t think their next full blown attack will fail, and will probably begin with a nuclear blow (or a series of nuclear blows) against Ukraine and perhaps even targeting American and/or English forces (because the political chaos it would cause will be very advantageous to the Roman Pope and his almost completed conquest of the Americas) …


–Jerusalem Post

This coming war of Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies
will trigger IRREVERSIBLE events which will soon lead the World into the coming Apocalypse and Armageddon …  Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon

An interesting resemblance between Russia’s Medvedev and the last reigning Russian Tsar (“Caesar”) Nicholas II … (could this have any relationship to the 2 Esdras (Ezra) “Three-Headed Eagle” prophecy?) 

Russia’s Medvedev & Tsar Nicholas II

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