YEAR 2025
Will March 19, 2025 mark the FINAL “Jubilee Year” before the Apocalypse??
According to the ancient Hebrew Calendar found in the Dead Sea Scrolls (“Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar” book by Dr. Ken Johnson and at, the year 2025 AD will represent the Biblical year 5950 AM (AM = Year After Creation).
Biblical Jubilee Year
Q: “What is the Biblical Year of Jubilee”?
A. From “Got Questions” (
“The word “Jubilee”—literally, “the blast of a horn” in Hebrew—is defined in Leviticus 25:9 as the sabbatical year after seven cycles of seven years (49 years). The fiftieth year was to be a time of celebration and rejoicing for the Israelites. The ram’s horn was blown on the Tenth Day of the Seventh Month to start the Fiftieth year of universal redemption.
The Year of the Jubilee involved a year of release from indebtedness (Leviticus 25:23-38) and all types of bondage (vv. 39-55). All prisoners and captives were set free, all slaves were released, all debts were forgiven, and all property was returned to its original owners. In addition, all labor was to cease for one year, and those bound by labor contracts were released from them. One of the benefits of the Jubilee was that both the land and the people were able to rest.
The Jubilee presents a beautiful picture of the New Testament themes of redemption and forgiveness. Christ is the Redeemer who came to set free those who are slaves and prisoners to sin (Romans 8:2; Galatians 5:1; 3:22). The debt of sin we owe to God was paid on the cross as Jesus died on our behalf (Colossians 2:13-14), and we are forgiven the debt forever. We are no longer in bondage, no longer slaves to sin, having been freed by Christ, and we can truly enter the rest God provides as we cease laboring to make ourselves acceptable to God by our own works (Hebrews 4:9-10).”
The 6000 Year (“7th Day”) Prophecy
Amazingly, the “Year 6000″ (6 “Days”) prophecy, also called the “7th Day” prophecy is the one thing both early Jewish and early Christian writers and teachers seemed to agree upon.
They all wrote as though it was common knowledge and teaching at the time that at the very end of 6000 years of human history (the year 6000 AM) a terrible cataclysmic global judgment will end Mankind’s (and Satan’s) rule over the Earth in order to make way for the 7th Day (the 7th Millennium) when we are told Messiah (Christ) will fully restore the Earth in peace and beauty, and will reign over Israel (and all nations) for 1000 years (the “7th Day”).
The final (and last) 50-year JUBILEE Year (which is the Biblical year of “release” and “return”) of this 6000-year (6 Days) of Mankind’s History will begin on Year 5950 AM … which appears might possibly be year 2025 on our current Roman (Gregorian) Calendar!
Per the ancient Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar, the Jewish New Year Day for 2025 (5950 AM), which will mark the beginning of this prophetic Jubilee Year, will fall on:
– ANCIENT Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar: March 19, 2025 (sunset of March 18)
– MODERN Jewish Calendar: March 30, 2025 (sunset of March 29, 2025)
Nisan (March) 2025 Calendar Page
Could This Mark The LAST Jubilee In the History of All Mankind?
The Trumpet proclaiming a coming Jubilee is to sound on the 10th Day of the 7th Month of the 49th year (2024)!!!
“You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad on the Tenth day of the Seventh month;
On the Day of Atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land.
You shall thus consecrate (set aside) the Fiftieth Year
And proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants.
It shall be a Jubilee for you”
(Leviticus 25:1–4, 8–10, NASB).
Biblical Date for a “Blast of the Horn” to “Proclaim” the Coming Jubilee:
– MODERN Jewish Calendar: October 12, 2024
– ANCIENT Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar: September 27, 2024
Tishrei (September/October) 2024 AD = 5949 AM
Tishrei (March/October) 2024 Calendar Page
The FIRST day of the 7th Month (Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah) fell on:
– Modern Jewish Calendar: Begins Sunset of October 2
– Modern Jewish Calendar: Ends Sunset of October 4, 2024
– Ancient Hebrew DSS Calendar: Begins Sunset of September 17, 2024
– Ancient Hebrew DSS Calenday: Ends Sunset of September 19, 2024
As noted above from “Got Questions” (
“The word “Jubilee”—literally, “the blast of a horn” in Hebrew—is defined in Leviticus 25:9 as the sabbatical year after seven cycles of seven years (49 years). The fiftieth year was to be a time of celebration and rejoicing for the Israelites. The ram’s horn was blown on the Tenth Day of the Seventh Month to start the Fiftieth year of universal redemption.
So, the TENTH day “Blast of a Horn” proclaiming the coming Jubilee should have sounded on:
– Modern Jewish Calendar: October 12, 2024 (Sunset of October 11, 2024)
– Ancient Hebrew DSS Calendar: September 27, 2024 (Sunset of September 26, 2024)
DID the World “See, Feel, or Hear” anything on this day?
YOU Decide …
The “BLAST” on September 27, 2024 …
Israel’s Blast in Beirut shook the World
On September 27, 2024
Of the “HORN” on September 27, 2024 (in the Bible we find “Horn” often refers to the Leader of a Nation) …
Israel’s Leader Netanyahu Addressing the United Nations
On September 27, 2024
The “Blast of a Horn” proclaiming a coming Jubilee is to sound on the 10th Day of the 7th Month of the 49th year (2024)!!!
“You shall then sound a ram’s horn abroad
on the Tenth day of the Seventh month;
On the Day of Atonement you shall sound a horn all through your land.
You shall thus consecrate (set aside) the Fiftieth Year
And proclaim a release through the land to all its inhabitants.
It shall be a Jubilee for you”
(Leviticus 25:1–4, 8–10, NASB).
Something to Consider: Jubilee = “Blast of a Horn”
Could the “Blast” of Israel’s earth-shaking bombs in Beirut, coinciding with Netanyahu’s UN Speech on September 27, 2024 (a “Horn” can biblically represent a nation’s Leader), with both being heard around the world on the same day, represent the Dead Sea Scroll Calendar’s “Blast of a Horn?”
Yet, the Bible warns the unbelieving World will NOT take notice of Bible Prophecy events, and will be taken by surprise when “the End” DOES come …
“And he (the angel) said,
“Go your way, Daniel,
For the words
(The remarkable end-time prophecies given to Daniel)
Are closed up and sealed
UNTIL the Time of the End.
Many shall be purified, made white, and refined,
but the wicked shall do wickedly;
And NONE of the wicked will understand,
but the Wise WILL understand.”
(Daniel 12:9-10)
Q. What will begin to happen?
From the prophecies found in Daniel, Revelation, Zephaniah, Ezekiel, and other books, it appears we likely entered into a prophetic “Red Zone” starting in 2023-2024, with GAZA being a very significant prophetic milestone.
Israel will continue to be the Focal Point of all “End Times” prophecies (with Iran, Russia, Turkey, and allies preparing for their war).
Nations which were once part of the Roman Empire will start drawing together.
At some point, America (the U.S.) will be “neutralized” (Militarily, Economically, and/or Politically unable or unwilling to help defend Israel), for Israel must stand alone … with GOD!!!
Wars, turbulence, and global “chaos” will rise to prepare the way for a coming World Leader (the Antichrist)
Prophecies in the Dead Sea Scrolls warn of something major happening in or around 2026 (which would be the first active year following this significant Jubilee Year).
At some unknown time during all this, Jesus Christ will suddenly return to “evacuate” His Bride (the believing Church who eagerly awaits His return) to provide an escape from all that lies ahead for those nations and people who refuse to listen to God’s loving Words of warning …
There are News Headlines coming which will cause great distress, but, please remember that Jesus says all these thing MUST happen before He can return to fully restore the Earth (after the coming “Apocalypse”), which will then be filled with awesome peace and beauty.
Strap yourselves in, for much must happen over these next few days, weeks, months, or years.
So, please take heed of these warnings, for now is the time to return to God (through faith in His Son and our Savior Jesus Christ), in order to be protected and ESCAPE all these things which will come upon the Earth …
“WATCH therefore,
and pray ALWAYS
That you may be counted
Worthy to ESCAPE
ALL these things
That WILL come to pass.”
(Through HIS worthiness … not ours!!!)
(Luke 21:36)
Prophecies: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon
The coming “Rapture” (Our Escape)
The following is an article from an Israeli news site written back in January, 2020 by a well-known Jewish Scientist and Torah scholar who had just completed a detailed research study that also places the Jewish year 5949 AM in year 2024 AD, and the Jewish year 5950 AM in the year 2025 AD …
This article was published in January, 2020, and the Jewish Year 5780 (which he corrects to 5944) that year began on September 30, 2019 … (go to then search year 5780)
Exactly the same month/year Dr. Ken Johnson’s Dead Sea Scrolls Calendar research and study arrived at …
JAN 27, 2020 | ISRAEL365NEWS
“A scientist with dozens of patents to his credit, focused his intellect on the Bible and discovered a timeline laid out in detail which, according to his calculations, places the current date firmly in the “twilight of Messiah.” For the impatient faithful, this means that according to Jewish tradition which maintains that the Messiah must come, at the very latest, at the end of 6,000 years and Saul Kullok’s calculations place us in the
Saul Kullok has been granted many patents, many dealing with his innovations in the field of neuroperformance. Recently, one of his inventions for reducing high blood pressure and improve kidneys function without drugs was approved for a clinical trial at a major medical center in Jerusalem.
In addition to being a brilliant scientist, Kullok is also a Torah observant Jew who lives in Judea. As such, he applies his analytical abilities to his Bible study.
“I wanted to explain in a deductive manner the concept of time as described in the Bible,” Kullok told Breaking Israel News. He began his research with a verse in Psalms.
For in Your sight a thousand years are like yesterday that has passed, like a watch of the night. Psalms 90:4
“Nachmanides took this statement to say that like each day, every thousand years contains a twilight,” Kullok said. “Every significant thing that happens to Israel happens according to this set schedule.”
Twilight is referred to in Jewish literature as בן השמשות (ben ha’shmashot; literally ‘between the suns’). Each day has two ‘twilights’: one that contains the sunrise and another that contains the sunset. The twilight has a special status in Torah law. Since the new day begins at sunset, this twilight can be considered as belonging to both the day that is ending at sunset and the new day that is beginning.
“The duration of the twilight is dependent on latitude,” Kullok explained. “Near the poles, it is very long. As you approach the equator, this time of twilight becomes shorter.”
Kullok calculated that the twilight in Jerusalem is precisely 84 minutes.
“If one day is one thousand years, then a Jerusalem twilight equals 58 years,” Kullok said.
Kullok noted that Abraham was born the Hebrew year 1948, in the twilight years joining the second set of one thousand years of creation to the following thousand years.
Kullok cited the Talmud (Tractate Avodah Zarah 9a) which states that the world will last for 6,000 years. This is broken down into three periods: for 2,000 years, the world stood empty, for 2,000 years the world existed “in Torah”, and the final 2,000 years will be the age when the Messiah may come, depending on mankind’s actions. At the end of the 6,000 years, the Messiah must come, even if mankind has not prepared itself.
The Hebrew calendar currently stands at 5780, meaning the age of the Messiah is set to end in 220 years, or 2240 CE.
“No one alive today can reasonably expect to see the end of the age of Messiah,” Kullok said. “Not him or even his grandchildren.”
This is based on the Rabbinical work Seder Olam Rabbah, introduced in the Second Century CE. It provides the base for the current Hebrew calendar and calculates it according to the destruction of the First Temple in 422 BCE.
But, as a scientist who always double-checks his data, Kullok inspected the current timeline that establishes the year as 5780.
“According to our tradition, if you count the years passing from the creation of the world, the year of the Exodus is 2448,” Kullok said. “The Tanakh (Bible) states that it was 480 years after the Exodus until the beginning of the First Temple.
In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites left the land of Egypt, in the month of Ziv—that is, the second month—in the fourth year of his reign over Yisrael, Shlomo began to build the House of Hashem. I Kings 6:1
“The first temple lasted 410 years, so it was destroyed in the year 3338 of the world chronology,” Kullok said. “Now comes the problem.”
“The text is explicit that Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple. According to all historical records, there was only one king after Nebuchadnezzar before Cyrus enabled the Jews to return from exile and to begin building the Second Temple in 539 BCE.”
“King Cyrus defeated the Babylonian Army in the Battle of Opis, marking the end of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in the year 539 BCE. Therefore, assuming that destruction took place in 422 BCE will imply that the NeoBabylonian Empire fall to King Cyrus took place almost two centuries after the recognized and accepted date of 539 BCE.”
Kullok’s calculations place the destruction of the Temple 164 years earlier than the current timeline. This timeline is not his innovation but is accepted by most experts.
“In the assumption of a much later time for the First Temple destruction, placing it at 422 BCE, and because there is full agreement among the Jewish sources that the time of destruction was in the year 3338 of the Hebrew Bible chronology, the beginning of the Common Era will fall 422 years after this time of destruction, in the year 3760 of this chronology.
“The current-day implication is that the year 6000 of the Jewish calendar will take place 164 years earlier than we currently believe. According to the seemingly flawed calculations, the current Hebrew year is 5780 (written in January, 2020 and the Jewish Year that year began on September 30, 2019 … go to then search year 5780) and the year 6000 will be, according to the Gregorian calendar, in 2240 CE.
If we re-calibrate the Hebrew calendar, we are now in the year 5944 (2019) of the Biblical chronology only 56 years away from the year 6000th year, the latest possible moment for the arrival of the Messiah.”
“We are now inside the 58 years of the last Biblical time window of the 6000 years program, the period of the final twilight before Messiah. This should signal a human awakening since Mankind has arrived at the biblical end of times, which could start literally at any moment.”
“In the Hebrew tradition, at the end of each year cycle, there are ten days of repentance in between Rosh Hashannah (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the day of atonement). Remarkably, in a 6000 years program for history, the ten-day supplementary period of time corresponding to the 10 days for repentance, is of ten times 6000 days. The current Jewish calendar, which may be considered ‘incorrect’, added 60,000 days to the end of the Hebrew Bible chronology. Indeed, the so-called ‘missing years’ are almost exactly equivalent to ten ‘days’ of 6000 days each added by the Jewish Sages to the Jewish calendar.”
“The rabbis, in their wisdom, added this time of repentance for all of mankind,” Kullok explained.
“We are in the year 5944 (2019),” Kullok said. “It can’t be ignored that we are witnessing a phenomenon of cosmic dimension, involving all of Mankind, and which has in the past and is still, driving the time course of human history.”
We find the Biblical (and Prophetic) “New Years Day” given in Exodus where God tells Moses …
“This month (the month of Passover … Nisan)
Shall be for you the beginning of months.
It shall be the first month of the year for you.”
(Exodus 12:2)
Did OUR Calendar ever start in the Spring Month of March?
Consider …
- September is our NINTH month … yet, “Sept” means “7”
- October is our TENTH month … yet, “Oct” means “8”
- November is our ELEVENTH month … yet, “Nov” means “9”
- December is our TWELFTH month … yet, “Dec” means “10”
Also, “February” is our second month, yet, to add a “leap” day every 4 years, wouldn’t it be added to the LAST month of the Year (which February would be, if March was the beginning of months).
Another INTERESTING DATE to consider …
April 8, 2024 (see above) marked the Jewish New Year Day for 5949 AM.
April 8, 2024 also marked the prophetically interesting American “Solar Eclipse Day”!
A Final Note:
We are told the completion of Year 6000 (“6 Days”) will usher in the “1000 Year Millennium” (the “7th Day”), during which there will be NO JUBILEES because those years of “release” and “freedom” will NO LONGER BE NEEDED!!!
“The 7th Day (Year 6000) Prophecy”
How To Prepare For All That Lies Ahead
Maranatha and Hosanna, Lord Jesus!!!