Marching Through History



Jesuit Cruelty:  Ireland


Like America, Ireland once had a large, prosperous, and free “Protestant” population in the 1600s until the Jesuits launched their “Plan” to take over the nation with a surprise mob uprising where all Protestants were to be killed at once.


In the classic history book “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs” and in “Smoke Screen” by Jack Chick we find the documented reports of what happens to a nation and people when Rome (and the Pope) finally takes control (and their guns).


As we find in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, just killing all the Protestants was not enough as they inflicted unspeakable tortures, even to women, children, and babies … 


“No age, no sex, no condition, was spared. The old, the young, the vigorous, and the infirm, underwent the same fate, and were blended in one common ruin. In vain did flight save from the first assault, destruction was everywhere let loose, and met the hunted victims at every turn.


“Many women, of all ages, were put to deaths of the most cruel nature. Some, in particular, were fastened with their backs to strong posts, and being stripped to their waists, the inhuman monsters cut off their right breasts with shears, which, of course, put them to the most excruciating torments; and in this position they were left, until, from the loss of blood, they expired. Such was the savage ferocity of these barbarians, that even unborn infants were dragged from the womb to become victims to their rage. Many unhappy mothers were hung naked in the branches of trees, and their bodies being cut open, the innocent offsprings were taken from them, and thrown to dogs and swine. And to increase the horrid scene, they would oblige the husband to be a spectator before suffering himself …


“With the greatest cruelty many others were put to deaths of the most horrid nature, and such as could have been invented only by demons instead of men. Some of them were laid with the center of their backs on the axle-tree of a carriage, with their legs resting on the ground on one side, and their arms and head on the other. In this position, one of the savages scourged the wretched object on the thighs, legs, etc., while another set on furious dogs, who tore to pieces the arms and upper parts of the body.


“In one place a large group, after being driven for many miles stark naked, and in the most severe weather, were all murdered on the same spot, some being hanged, others burnt, some shot, and many of them buried alive.”  (Excerpted from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs Account of the Barbarous Massacre of 1641”)




So, Bible-believing “Protestantism” (as a political and religious enemy to the Roman Catholic church) was removed from Ireland … forever!!


This is why Ireland (along with Spain) recently recognized “Palestine” while slapping Israel in the face.


This is why Ireland remained neutral during World War II.


Still being a Roman-Catholic controlled nation at the time of WWII, they were under the same force that compelled Francisco Franco, the Roman Catholic Dictator of Spain, to utter his infamous, heart-felt tribute to his fellow Dictator (and Roman Pope “princeling”) Adolph Hitler …

“Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Church, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over his death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of Victory” (Published on the 3rd of May 1945, the day of Hitler’s death.”
(Francisco Franco …“Reforme”, 21st of July 1945)


The Jesuits weren’t finished with the UK (United Kingdom)


As with America, the Roman Pope and Jesuits could not rest until England was no longer led by leaders who would still cling to the legacy of its once Bible-believing (anti-Roman) “Protestantism” which had allowed it to rise as one of the greatest “empires” of all time.


Northern Ireland and England were both in its sights


Years ago there was a news article reporting that it had been discovered that the Russian (Socialist) KGB and Islamic Terror groups had been assisting the IRA to defeat the British in Northern Ireland.


Now it makes sense, given the Roman Vatican’s close (but shadowy) relationship with Russia and Islamic terror groups in Latin America, Africa, and elsewhere (both Stalin and Castro were Jesuits).


Jesuit (Socialist) Tactics:  Use Terror, Fear, and Intimidation to Turn the Tide


First: Lord Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (see note on Burma below), was assassinated on 27 August 1979 when a powerful bomb was placed on his boat by an Irish republican and volunteer for the Provisional Irish Republican Army – Wikipedia. 


Second: In 1982, the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) detonated two bombs during British military ceremonies in Hyde Park and Regent’s Park, both in central London.


The explosions killed eleven military personnel: four soldiers of the Blues and Royals at Hyde Park, and seven bandsmen of the Royal Green Jackets at Regent’s Park.


In 1987, Gilbert “Danny” McNamee was convicted of making the Hyde Park bomb and served only 12 years before being released under the terms of the “Good Friday Agreement,” his conviction was later quashed.” – Wikipedia


England’s days as a Bible-believing “Light unto the World” then ended


Rather that roaring back like the lion it once was, England (through the Queen and her Lords) cowardly surrendered to the IRA (Irish Roman Army) …


  • No Bible-believing Archbishop of Canterbury (Anglican Church) ever reigned again
  • Over 9000 churches were converted into mosques during Queen Elizabeth’s reign
  • Protestant church attendance plummeted and no longer affects politics
  • While still Prince, King Charles praised Islam and turned his back on Biblical Christianity
  • Former Prime Minister Tony Blair publicly converted to Roman Catholicism
  • A Hindu (non-Christian) quickly rose to become England’s Prime Minister

“PM Sunak is a Hindu and identifies as ‘British Indian.’  He took his oath as an MP at the House of Commons on the ‘Bhagavad Gita’ (Hindu holy book)” – Wikipedia


The Jesuit Pope’s Final Victory over Northern Ireland


February 5, 2024

“Newly appointed Northern Ireland First Minister Michelle O’Neill made history over the weekend by becoming the first Catholic and first Irish Nationalist to lead the country’s government in its 103 years of existence.” (Catholic News Agency)


It Gets Worse …


As noted above,  Lord Monbatten (whom Rome/Jesuits assassinated), was also 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma.   Burma (now called Myanmar), was once an independent colony and protectorate of England with close political and economic ties, even after World War II.

Yet, the current British government has now timidly submitted to a Socialist (Roman-Russia-China) “coup,” while quietly allowing them to take control over the once free (and extremely strategic) nation of Burma/Myanmar.

Burma’s new “Socialist” tyrants (as always) immediately started attacking “Protestant” churches and destroying the middle-class.

However, unlike Ukraine’s Zelensky, the freely elected leader of Burma was not a Roman Pope “princeling,” so England, America, and the UN have stood silent during this travesty (as it is also now doing in Nigeria as many thousands of “Protestant” Christians are being ruthlessly “exterminated”).

The once free (and Christian) England would have quickly walked away from Rome’s (now Euro-Vaticanized) Ukraine, to march bravely into Burma/Myanmar, to rescue and to save it as it did during World War II (and more recently as it did with the Falkland Islands).  

But, sadly, England, that once brave and free lion upon whom the sun never set and who once fearlessly faced the Popes of Rome … is dead.


Now, meet the current reigning shadow-king over the once free (and unashamedly Christian) “United Kingdom” …


With the 3-Tiered Crown he proclaims himself to be king over “Heaven, Earth, and Hell.”
He is the first Jesuit Pope in the history of the World


“May God Save The Queen” (Too late to try)

But, Now …

“May God Save Those Precious Believing-Christian Boys, Girls, Men, and Women still living and enduring faithfully in England!!!”



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