God’s Word TELLS US

How To Prepare for the Future!!!

(Even for Death whether expected or unexpected)



FIRST:  We are told to “Watch!” and “Pray!”


“WATCH therefore,
(for the signs He warned we would see)
That you may be counted worthy to ESCAPE
ALL these things
that WILL come to pass.”
(By believing and trusting in Jesus Christ’s worthiness … not ours)
(Luke 21:36)



*Please note He warns us to pray “always” (not just “sometimes” or “never”)



SECOND:  We are warned to “Examine” ourselves


To be fully prepared in this life, we simply need to “examine” ourselves to insure our love and faith in our God, Lord, and Savior (Jesus Christ), is sincere …


“Examine yourselves,
To see whether you are in the faith.
Test yourselves.
Or do you not realize this about yourselves,
That Jesus Christ is in you? —
Unless indeed you fail to meet the test!”
(2 Corinthians 13:5)


WHAT must I do to PASS the “Exam”?


“For God so loved the World
That He gave His only begotten Son, (as a gift)
That whoever BELIEVES in Him
Should NOT perish (in Hell)
but have everlasting life (in Heaven).
For God did not send His Son
into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world through Him
might be saved (into Heaven).
He (or she) who believes in Him
is not condemned (to Hell);
but he (or she) who does NOT believe
IS condemned already.”
(John 3:16-18)


Believe What??!!

  • That Jesus IS the “Son of God”
  • That He suffered and died on the Cross to pay for all of OUR (and your) sins
  • That He powerfully (and prophetically) rose from the dead on the third day
  • That He is the only One who can save us into Heaven (and deliver us from the wrath to come)
  • That He is now on His Throne saving all who will believe


“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you WILL be saved!” 
  (Acts 16:31)


“IF you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus
and believe in your heart
that God has raised Him from the dead,
You WILL be saved!”
(Romans 10:9)


The Bible promises all who sincerely choose to believe the very good news (‘Gospel’ in Greek) that the assurance of life in Heaven can be received freely by placing our love, faith, trust, and obedience in our Savior, the King (Prince) who lovingly suffered greatly and died for all of our sins on the Cross will be saved. 



THIRD:  “Seek” the Lord


“Seek the LORD,
all you meek of the Earth,
Who have upheld His justice.
Seek righteousness,
Seek humility.
It may be that you will be hidden
in the Day of the LORD’S anger.” 
(Zephaniah 2:3)


“Because you have kept
My command to persevere (in love and faith),
I also will keep you from the hour of trial
which shall come upon the whole World,
To test those who dwell on the Earth.”
“Behold, I come quickly (suddenly)!”
(Revelation 3:10-11)



FOURTH:  Ask GOD to Prepare You For What Lies Ahead


“And those whose faith
Has made them good in God’s sight
MUST live by faith”
(Hebrews 10:38)


All through the Bible, God tells us to cast our worries and cares before Him and trust Him in everything!!!


We are to pray earnestly and sincerely (and in faith) seeking the Lord’s Will (not our will) in our lives.


Ask, and it will be given to you;
 Seek, and you will find;
 Knock, and it will be opened to you.”
 (Matthew 7:7)


“If any of you lacks wisdom (concerning your situation), let him ask of God,
who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
But let him ask in faith,
With NO doubting,
For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea
Driven and tossed by the wind.
For let not that man (the man or woman who doubts God or God’s Word)
Suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord”
(James 1:5-7)


So, in faith, ask God (in Jesus’ Name) to prepare you and your household for all that lies ahead (this may include some practical matters to consider, I don’t know, but HE does!) … 


Jesus warns this life won’t be easy, and we will all have to endure some level of suffering in this life


 “Because narrow is the gate
   And DIFFICULT is the way
   Which leads to life (in Heaven),
   And there are few who find it.”
   (Matthew 7:14)


“The Spirit Himself
bears witness with our spirit
that we are children of God,
and if children, then HEIRS —
heirs of God and joint heirs with Messiah (Christ),
IF indeed we SUFFER with Him”
(Romans 8:16)


Satan brings troubles and trials into our lives to destroy our faith, while God allows troubles and trials in our lives to test our faith!!


 “MANY are the afflictions of the righteous,
   But the Lord delivers him
   Out of them ALL.”
   (Psalm 34:19)  



FIFTH:  Do NOT Fear!!


“For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear,
But of power and of love
And of a sound mind.”
(2 Timothy 1:7)


Fear leads us away from the loving protection of God


The root of fear eats away like a worm and can produce pain, anger, jealousy, depression, neurosis, addiction, loneliness, bitterness, division, and guilt. 

One of the most pressing medical issues of our day concerns the significant rise of fear, worry, and anxiety related disorders being reported among all segments of our society, including young and old, rich and poor, male and female.

God spends a LOT of time and effort teaching us and reassuring us not to fear, and instructs us on how not to fear. 

It has been said God tells us 365 times in the Bible not to fear (one for every day of the year).  One hundred (100) or so of these verses directly say “Do not fear” or “Fear not,” while the rest instruct us not to fear in other ways, such as …


“When I am afraid,
I will trust in You (God).
In God, whose Word I praise,
In God I trust;
I will not be afraid.”
(Psalm 56:3-4)


Do not let the fears and worries of this World enslave you!


God’s Instructions Concerning Fear, Worry, and Anxiety…


“Do NOT worry (or be anxious) about anything,
But pray about everything
And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding
Will guard your hearts and minds
Through Christ Jesus.”  (A loving gift for all who obey)
(Philippians 4:6-7)


“Do NOT be anxious for tomorrow
(Matthew 6:34)   (Did you know this is a commandment?)


“Who of you by worrying
Can add a single hour
To his (or her) lifespan?”  
(Matthew 6:27)  (Worrying can’t change anything!)


“For the righteous will never be moved…
He (or she) is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm, 
trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steady,
he will not be afraid”
(Psalm 112:6, 7-8)   (It takes faith to trust in the Lord)


“We (believing Christians) are 
afflicted in every way, but not crushed;
perplexed, but not driven to despair;
persecuted, but not forsaken; 
struck down, but not destroyed;”
(2 Corinthians 4:7-9)


However, when fears come (and they will), do not feel alone 


For all of us will be attacked by the dark spirits of fear, worry, and anxiety. We may physically begin to feel the distress which will attempt to grip our stomachs, chests, throats, or minds.


Please Remember …


The only thing God asks of us to enter into His Kingdom of Heaven is that we simply believe in His Son and to love Him for all He has done for us. 


Heaven is for all who believe, love, and thankfully receive God’s free Gift of life in the Kingdom of Heaven …


“No eye has seen,
Nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into
The heart of Man
The things which God
Has prepared (in Heaven)
For those who love Him.”
(1 Corinthians 2:9)



Grace and Shalom



WHO Will Enter Into The Kingdom of Heaven 

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Isaac Newton TWICE wrote the Year 2060 could mark the end of all Human History. We will show how the year 2060 could mean the year 2030 on our current Gregorian calendar.

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This book is meant to be a soft pillow for a weary head. For the Bible warns we will all go through periods of troubles, difficulties, suffering, and pain during this mess called life …

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