Iran & North Korea … The Russia-China War Strategy

RUSSIA and CHINA control Iran and North Korea’s every move. North Korea’s first “Great Leader” was a RUSSIAN OFFICER in the Russian Army during WWII. He was later selected, moved, and placed into power over North Korea by RUSSIA.

For Russia, WWII never ended and will not end until they have defeated the US and the West, including Israel.

A high-ranking Russian KGB officer named Anatoliy Golitsyn defected to the West in the early 1960’s. He warned (and even published in a book “New Lies For Old” back in 1984) that the long-term Russian (and Chinese) war plan would include the “fall” of the Berlin Wall. He warned members of Congress and the CIA well before his book was published in 1984 that the Russia (and China) long-term war strategy which might include the fall of the Berlin Wall had already been planned by Russia as a false victory for America and the West. (As a note, Russia’s national game is Chess, and this strategy would be their opening “Gambit” to initiate World War 3).

Golitsyn warned Germany along with most of western Europe would be drawn into a European “Nationalism” which would embrace Socialism and would begin to reject America while shifting alliances more toward a “European” Russia, and thus falling into Russia’s deadly trap. Study the rise of the European Union after the Berlin Wall came down.

He warned (and later wrote in 1984) that Russia and China had created a false enmity between themselves (which lasted from the 1960’s – 1990’s) which was purposely designed to dupe America and the West into providing China with massive amounts of capital, advanced technology, and intellectual property in order to try and “Westernize” and “Democratize” China and draw it away from Russian Communism-Socialism. He said they called this the “Scissors” Phase of their long-term war plan.

He went on to warn that when Russia and China would one day publicly announce a “new” alliance (which happened in 1998 with their “Multi-polar World” pronouncement) then the Russia and China war plan would be entering into its final “Clenched Fist” phase. During this phase, the Russia-China war planners projected their patient and secret war against America and the West had progressed to the point where the US and the West had been penetrated and weakened enough for Russia and China to engage and defeat their enemy more openly and militarily.

Now, take a moment and consider all of the Russia Soviet propaganda (through Hollywood and the World) since the 1960’s that has powerfully and effectively painted such an “evil” picture of America, and then simply consider the facts and history. For many years now America has acted as a “restrainer” around the globe against Russia and Chinese expansion (though not THE Restrainer of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-9 which is referring to the Holy Spirit).

Russia and China are now carefully monitoring our weaknesses after the 8 years of Obama-Clinton-Kerry dismantling our Military and Economy, and now appear to be preparing a “kill.” China military doctrine describes it as the “Assassin’s Mace” (meaning the enemy never sees it coming). And as Russia and China come together in the “Clenched Fist” Phase of their war plan they see a world that has been lulled into a false security and will offer little resistance without America. Russia is now lustfully looking at Europe, Ukraine, Georgia, the Arctic, Scandinavia, Alaska, and Canada … while China is lustfully looking at Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand … while they both are dividing Latin America … and of course … the oil-rich and militarily strategic Middle-East.

They have taken 70 years to study and learn the lessons of WWII.

Out of over 100 Russian strategic war operations disclosed and forecasted by high-ranking KGB officer Anatoliy Golitsyn (before 1984) around 94% of them have now been successfully implemented by Russia and China.

However, as we can see from Bible Prophecy, God also has a Plan which appears to be nearing ITS “Final Phase” which will “pre-empt” Russia and China’s final victory and global “checkmate.” For we are told they will one-day be diverted toward (and drawn into) the Middle-East and against that Land which God calls His own … ISRAEL!

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